【唐诗五言绝句 五言古诗】唐诗英汉对照之五言古诗(一)

笔译英语考试辅导 2021-12-03 网络整理 可可


兰叶春葳蕤, 桂华秋皎洁。
欣欣此生意, 自尔为佳节。
谁知林栖者, 闻风坐相悦。
草木有本心, 何求美人折。
orchid and orange i
zhang jiuling
tender orchid-leaves in spring
and cinnamon- blossoms bright in autumn
are as self- contained as life is,
which conforms them to the seasons.
yet why will you think that a forest-hermit,
allured by sweet winds and contented with beauty,
would no more ask to-be transplanted
than would any other natural flower?
江南有丹橘, 经冬犹绿林。
岂伊地气暖, 自有岁寒心。
可以荐嘉客, 奈何阻重深。
运命惟所遇, 循环不可寻。
徒言树桃李, 此木岂无阴。
orchid and orange ii
zhang jiuling
here, south of the yangzi, grows a red orangetree.
all winter long its leaves are green,
not because of a warmer soil,
but because its" nature is used to the cold.
though it might serve your honourable guests,
you leave it here, far below mountain and river.
circumstance governs destiny.
cause and effect are an infinite cycle.
you plant your peach-trees and your plums,
you forget the shade from this other tree.


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