
考研 2021-02-02 网络整理 可可


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Section II Reading Comprehension Part A(满分40分) Directions: Read the following four Passages. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points) 

The phrase "progressive education" is one, if not of protest, at least of contrast, of contrast with an education which was predominantly static in subject-matter, authoritarian in methods, and mainly passive and receptive from the side of the young. But the philosophy of education must go beyond any idea of education that is formed by way of contrast, reaction and protest. For it is an attempt to discover what education is and how it takes place. Only when we identify education with schooling does it seem to be a simple thing to tell what education actually is, and yet a clear idea of what it is gives us our only criterion for judging and directing what goes on in schools. 
It is sometimes supposed that it is the business of the philosophy of education to tell what educa-tion should be. But the onlyway of deciding what education should be, at least, the only way which does not lead us into the clouds, is discovery of what actually takes place when education really occurs. And before we can formulate a philosophy of education we must know how human nature is constituted in the concrete; we must know about the working of actual social forces; we must know about the operations through which basic raw materials are modified into something of greater value. 
The need for a philosophy of education is thus fundamentally the need for finding out what education really is. We have to take those cases in which we find there is a real development of desirable powers, and then find out how this development took place. Then we can project what has taken place in these instances as a guide for directing our other efforts. The need for this discovery and this projection is the need for a philosophy of education. , 
What then is education when we find actual satisfactory specimens of it in existence? In the first place, it is a process of development, ofgrowth. And it is the process and not merely the result that is important. A truly healthy person is not something fixed and completed. He is a person whose processes and activities go on in such a way that he will continue to be healthy. Similarly, an educated person is the person who has the power to go on and get more education. 
In any case, development, growth involve change, modification, and modification in definite directions. It is quite possible for a teacher, under the supposed sanction of the idea of cultivating individuality, to fixate a pupil more or less at his existing level. Respect for individuality is primarily intellectual. It signifies studying the individual to see what is there to work with. Having this sympathetic understanding, the practical work then begins, for the practical work is one of modification, of changing, of reconstruction continued without end. The change must at least be towards more effective teachniques, towards greater self-reliance, towards a more thoughtful and inquiring disposition, one more capable of persistent effort in meeting obstacles. 
26. In the author’s view, the philosophy of education



[A] is considered as identical to the conception of progressive education. 
[B] studies the essence of education and the way it occurs. 
[C] conforms to any idea of education that is conservative and authoritarian. 
[D] deak with the judgement and direction of school management. 

27. The philosophy of education is supposed



[A] to result from real understanding of occurrences in actual schooling. 
[B] to be the only way leading to obscure understanding of education. 
[C] to have taken place when education first came into existence. 
[D] to be the basis on which decisions on practical education are formulated. 

28. The chief task of the philosophy of education is



[A] to analyse the constitution of human nature in great detail. 
[B] to clarify the practical effects, of social forces on education. 
[C] to present how raw materials are made into valuable goods 
[D] to find out the ways of how to bringout the best human faculties. 

29. The significance of-desirable educationlies



[A] more inits operation than in its modification. 
[B] less in its modifitcation than in its operation. 
[C] not only in its result but also ift its process. 
[D] rather in its process than in its result. 

30. The Author argues that



[A] the supposed approval of the idea of cultivating individuality is reasonable. 
[B] modification refers to making a pupil develop in a fixed direction. 
[C] to respect individuality means to discover whether an individual is worth modifying. 
[D] true education should be based on cultivating a person according to his/her natural talent.
Section II Reading Comprehension Part A(满分40分) Directions: Read the following four Passages. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points) 

Text 3
While trying to outwit a car a Toyota Crown Athlete luxury sedan loaded with a system called Monet, which makes use of the latest navigation gear and Internet apparatus, I tell the navigation system to chart the way to my office address. Then I drive in the opposite direction ---on purpose. The car quickly necharts the course, tracking my location using satellite beams. While driving, I instruct the robot on the dashboard to read my e-mail messages to me aloud. Then I order it to brief me on various topics: the weather of the day, the latest news of major events both home and foreign " information that is broadcast to the car over radio links. 
Despite some kinds, the car performs my various requests, which include calling up real-time video pictures of traffic at major intersections. In effect, this vehicle is a cross between a car, a living room, and a driver’ s compartment for navigating all the byways of the Information Highways. It is the kind of vehicle that automotive visionaries have been dreaming of for well over a decade. With backseat video displays, controlled acoustics, an enhanced digital videodisk system, and Net-based games, digital wheels will soon have as many audio-video amenities as a home theater. In terms of raw computing power, cars will match most home offices . and will eventually go head-tohead with corporate headquarters. 
And as demand for these delicate devices takes off, car companies and others hope to provide a splendid set of digital services from entertainment to traffic news creating new streams of subscription and e-commerce revenues. 
The Toyota-designed Monet system in the car speaks volumes for how cars are evolving and how the competitive landscape is changing. By 2003, it is estimated that 40% of all cars sold in Japan will have on-board computers with Internet access, up from less than 1% today. The new automotive gold rush is already drawing in big players from across several industries. In Japan, Microsoft has teamed up with top parts supplier Denso Corp to co-develop next-generation navigation systems. Not surprisingly, Microsoft wants its software to be the organizing principle for information on the dashboard. 
Not to be outdone, European automakers are cramming new features into their own wired cars. Daimler Chrysler has designed a system that can not only call for help or notify the nearest police statical in an emergency but also provide hospitals with the driver’s medical details. North American carmakers are also struggling to harness the Net. They equip their cars with a Net link or QnStar system, which keeps track of vehicles locations, automatically notifies authorities when airbags go off, and links to household electronic appliances which the driver may order to get everything ready before he/she gets home. 
The next generation of drivers raised on thet Internet may have little interest in the styling or power of the vehicle that moves them from one place to another. To provide the extra value consumers are looking for,cars will have to facilitate the kinds of work you do at the office, or the fun you have at home. That leaves automakers a simple choice. They can either drive the transformation of the automobile into a communications portal on wheels, or be driven by it. 
31. From the opening sentence of the text we learn that the author is



[A] losing his wits while driving a car equipped with the latest navigation gear and Internet devices. 
[B] made out of his wits by the sedan loaded with a system called Monet using satellite beams to determine a given position. 
[C] making an attempt to win victory over the car with navigation system by acting more cleverly than it. 
[D] trying to defeat the intelligent sedan by ordering its navigation system to make a map of the way to his office address. 

32. The car with Monet system can perform all of the following tasks EXCEPT



[A] to plot the course and direction the driver wants to take without any instruction. 
[B] to find the driver’s position at any time by means of satellite beams. 
[C] to send and receive e-mails through electronic devices on the dashboard. 
[D] to provide real-time pictures of traffic by television on the instruction of the driver. 

33. The writer predicts that digital wheels will



[A] enable their drivers to explore the unknown paths ofthe Information Highways. 
[B] come into direct conflict with home offices independently of the drivers’ will. 
[C] create new opportunities for the drivers to obtain more subscription and e-commerce incomes. 
[D] be able to take over the whole work corresponding to that of a business head office. 

34. In the fourth paragraph, "speaks volumes for" probably means



[A] expresses new views on. 
[B] supplies strong evidence of. 
[C] produces great success in. 
[D] presents detailed description of. 

35. The intense competition in building digital wheels indicates that.



[A] Japanese designers will be obliged to give up their leading position to European carmakers. 
[B] microsoft has acquired Denso Corp to develop new navigation system. 
[C] North American automakers will soon overtake their Japanese counterparts in harnessing the 
[D] the worldwide struggle is compelling auto companies to fight for their survival.
Section II Reading Comprehension Part A(满分40分) Directions: Read the following four Passages. Answer thequestions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)


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