试验方法 test method老化试验 aging test
火烧试验 bonfire test
爆破试验 burst test
坠落试验 drop test
电磁干扰试验 electromagnetic interference
环境模拟试验 environmental simulation test
气体成分试验 gas composition test
湿度试验 humidity test
微粒成分检验 particulate compostion test
箱内试验 tank test
温度负荷试验 temperature load test
视野 vision field (visibility)
眼椭圆 eyellipse
驾驶员视野范围 vision field of driver
视线 sight line
眼椭圆样板 eyellipse template
眼椭圆中心 eyellipse center
眼椭圆定位线 eyellipse locating line
坐标系 coordination system(axissystem)
视觉 vision
视平面 sight plane
视野 vision field
直接视野 direct vesion field
间接视野 indirect vision field
单眼视野 monocular vision field
双眼视野 binocular vision field
两单眼视野 ambinocular vision field
周边视野 peripheral vision field
双眼障碍 binocular obstruction
a 立柱 a-pillar
座椅基准点 seating reference point (sgrp)
有效瞳孔距 effective interpupillary width
视野原点 original points of vision field
颈部转动中心点(p点) neck pivot point (p point)
仪表参考平面 reference plane of instrument panel
显示表面 display surface
转向盘轮缘盲区 steering wheel rim obstruction
转向盘毂及辐条盲区 steering hub and spoke obstruction
派生v点和p点 developing v points and p points
汽车视野障碍 vehicle visural obstruction
视点(v点) vision point (v points)
眼点(e点) eye point (e point0
眼睛投影点 projected eye point
上视角 upward angle of visibility
下视角 downwards angle of visibility
电磁环境 electromagnetic environment
电磁环境兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility(emc)
电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility(ems)
电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference
电磁骚扰(现象) electromagnetic distrubance
(电磁)发射 (eelctromagnetic )emission
窄带(电磁)发射 narrowband emission
宽带(电磁)发射 broadband emission
带外发射 out of band emission
电磁辐射 electromagnetic radiation
横向电磁波模式 transverse electromagnetic (tem)mode
干扰源 distrubance source
信号源 signal source
无用信号 undesired signal
干扰信号 interfering signal
无线电环境 radio environment
射频骚扰 radio environment
射频干扰 radio frequency interference(rfi)
系统间干扰 inter-system interference
系统内干扰 intra-system interference
电磁噪声 electromagnetic environment
射频噪声 radio frequency noise
自然噪声 natural noise
人为噪声 man-made noise
随机噪声 random noise
静电放电 electrostatic discharge(esd)
脉冲 pulse
冲激脉冲 impulse
尖峰脉冲 spike
群脉冲 burst of pulses
脉冲噪声 impulsive noise
脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance
脉动 pulsating
基波(分量) fundamental (component)
谐波(分量) harmonic (component)
电源骚扰 mains-borne distrubance
磁场 field
均质磁场 homogenous field
磁场强度 field strength
敏感度阈值 susceptibility thresholds
电流注入 bulk current injection (bci)
无线电干扰抑制 radio interference suppression
骚扰抑制 distrubance suppression
骚扰场强 disturbance field strength
骚扰功率 distrubance power
抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance
抗扰度 immunity level
电源抗扰性 mains immunity
外部抗扰性 external immunity
抗扰性电平 immunity level
抗绕性裕量 immunity margin
藕合路径 coupling path
地藕合干扰 earth-coupled interference
频率响应 frequency response
频率级规格 frequency step sizes
调幅 amplitude modulation (am)
正弦波调幅 sine-wave amplitude modulation
甚高频 very high frequency (vhf)
超高频 ultra-high frequency (uhf)
无调谐 no-modulation (cw)
交调 crossmodulation
互调 intermodulation
中频抑制比 intermediate frequency rejection ratio
镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio
电压驻波 voltage standing wave(vsw)
电压驻波比 voltage standing wave ratio(vswr)
脉冲极性 pulse polarity
性能降低 degradation of performance
灵敏度降低 desensitization
抗扰性试验 immunity test
试验强度级 test severity level
功效性能状况分类 function performance status classificaton (fpsc)
开阔试验场地 open area test site(oats)
吸波室 absorber lined chamber
屏蔽室 shielded chamber
隔音室 anechoicchamber
横向电磁波室 transverse electromagnetic cell
小型诊断室 compact diagnostic chamber
屏蔽门 shielded gate
反射屏蔽 reflective enclosure
吸波材料 absorbing material
尖劈 absorber lined chamber
放大器 amplifier
宽带放大器 broadband amplifier
窄带放大器 narrowband amplifier
天线 antenna
环行天线 loop antenna
双锥天线 bi-conical antenna
对数周期天线 log.per.antenna
天线塔 tripod(mast)
偶极子天线 dipole antenna
平行天线 parallel plate antenna
四分之一波天线 quarter-wave antenna
衰减器 attenuator
信号发生器 signal generator
场强发生器 field generator
电场/脉冲发生器 e-/h-generator
试验脉冲发生器 test pulse generator
磁场控制器 field monitoring equipment
双向藕合器 bidirectional coupler
定向藕合器 directional coupler
注入探头 injection probe
电流探头 current probe
电压探头 voltage probe
迷向磁场探头 isotropic field probe
射频滤波器 radio frequency (rf)filter
低通滤波器 low-pass filter
抑制滤波器 suppression filter
线束 wire harness
同轴电缆 coaxial cable
光导纤维电缆 fiber optic links
人工(电源)网络 artificial network(an)
宽频人工(电源)网络 broadband artificial network (ban)
电位计 voltmeter
功率计 power meter
频率分析仪 frequency analyzer
频谱分析仪 spectrum analyzer
测试接收机 testing receiver system
波形采集装置 waveform acquisition equipment
检波器 detector
准峰值检波器 quasi-peak detector
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