图像制版 image reproduction照相制版 photomechnical reproduction
连续调 continuous tone
网调 halftone
阳图 positive
阴图 negative
密度(光学密度) density(optical demsity)
其他密度 color density
密度范围 density range
阶调 tone
阶调值 tone value
极高光 catch light
亮调 high light
中间调 middle tone
暗调 shadow
反差 contrast
层次 gradation
原稿 original
图像原稿 picture original
反射原稿 reflextion copy
透射原稿 transparent copy
连续调原稿 continuous tone
线条原稿 line copy
彩色正片原稿 color transparancy
彩色负片原稿 color negative
实物原稿 object original
复制技术 reproduction technology
基本色 basic color
原色 primary colors
青色 cyan
品红色 magenta
补色 complementary color
加色法 additive process
减色法 subtractive process
色平衡 color balance
灰平衡 grey balance
色彩还原 color rendition
细微还原 reproduction of details
曝光 exposure
显影 development
定影 fixing
校色 color correction
修版 retouching
蒙版 masking
蒙片 mask
反转拷边法 reversal copying process
拷贝原版 original film for copying
底色去除 under color removal
滤色片 filter
底色增益 under color addition
分色滤色片 color separation filler
中性滤色片 neutral filter
色谱 colorattas
色标 color patch
透射度 transmission
不透明度 opacity
图像分解 picture breakdown
分色 color separation
电子分色 electronic scanning
分色片 color separation film
电子图象处理系统 electronic image processing system
电子加网 electronic screening
象素 picture element
网点 screen dot
晒版 printing down
静电照相 eletrophotography
凸版印刷 relief printing
不干胶标签印刷 pressure -sensitive table printing
印张 printed sheet
凸版 relief printing plate
活字版 type form
纸型 paper matrix
铅版 stereotype
浇版 stereotyping
铜版 copper etching
锌版 zinc etching
塑料版 plastic duplicate plate
胶印 offset lithography
紫外线干燥 uv curing
胶印机 offset printing press
条痕 streaks
凹版印刷 intaghlio printing
孔版印刷 porous printing
丝网印刷机 screen printing machine
特种印刷 specialty printing
立体印刷 three dimentional printing
盲文印刷 braille printing
全息照相印刷 hdographic printing
拓印 inscription rubbing
装订 book binding
平装 paper cover binding
精装 hard cover binding
线装 chinese traditional thread sewing
活页装 loose-leaf binding
书芯 bookblock
书名页 title page
订口 gutter
切口 cutting edges
书背 book back
环衬 end paper
毛本 untrimmed book
光本 trimmed book
堵头布 head band
封边 cover
书壳 book case
书槽 book-groove
包角 corner-wcrapping
护封 jacket
切纸机 gullotine
折页机 folding machine
钉书机 book stitcher
凹凸印 embossing
上光 varnishing
国际标准刊号 international standard serial numbering issn
词目 entry word
同形同音异义词 homonyms
义项 separation of meanings
词目替代 substitution of entry
同义词 synomym
语域注 register note
字(词)省略 omission of chinese word
注解 note
专业 speciality
参见 reference
反义词 antonym
例示 illustrative example
比喻 metaphor
引文省略 ellipsis
注音 phonetic notation
移行 hyphen
倾向于 tend to do
音响技师 soundman
发热 vow
拍摄 filming
被宣布有罪 be convicted
赦免 amnesty
权威 be an authority
选料上乘、做工精细 be superior in material and excelllent in workmanship
做成交易 conclude this transaction
趾高气扬 cockiness
战列舰 battle ship
登上 set sail aboard
士气低落 low morale of troops
恋爱 comitship
私生子 illegitimate child
寄养 board
寄养 board
虚荣做作 pretensions
伺服式喷油泵 servo fuel injection pump
喷油持续角 fuel injection duration
无气喷射 solid injection
泄油阀 spill valve
省油器 economizer
真空加浓器 vacuum booster
书房 study
曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilation(pcv)
贵金属 noble metal
排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculatioon
卡拉ok kala ok
100门共电交换机 100 line telephone exchanger
10t锅炉房屋(土建) 10 t boiler room (civil project)
10t锅炉房屋(土建) 10t boiler room(civil construction)
1t电动葫芦 one ton electric chain block
2535立式占床 vertical drilling machine
2t锅炉水处理设备 boiler water treatment equipment (2t)
35kv变电所 35kv transformer
9900手持机 9900 handle machine
b5032插床 b5032 slotting machine
bd3平板搬运车 bd3 plate carrier
bp机 beep pager
by60100a牛刨 by6010a shaping machine
c02半自动保护焊机 co2 shield semi-auto welder
c02保护焊机 co2 shield welder
c02气体保护焊机 co2 shield welder
cad中心 cad center
cmis管理中心 cmis
co2半自动焊机 co2 shield semi auto welder
co2保护焊机 co2 shield welder
co2气体保护焊机 co2 shield welder
co2自动焊机 co2 shield auto welder
dec微型计算机 dec pc
dec微型计算机 dec small computer
hp微机 pc hp
i#厂房 i# shop
ii号厂房 ii # shop
q21-5b冲型剪机 q21-5b stamping and shearing machine
w形压弯模 w shape bending die
zdb电瓶车 zdb batter car
z形压弯模 z shape bending die
爱华收录机 radio-receiver recorder aiwa
奥迪轿车 audi car
奥迪轿车 car audi
摆锤式冲击试验机 pendulum impact tester
板料折弯机 plate bender
板料折弯机 plate bending machine
板料折弯压力机 plate bender press
半轴套管压机 rear axle sleeve press machine
半自动c02弧焊机 semi-auto co2 arcway welder
半自动切割机 semi-auto cutting machine
半自动外园磨床 semi auto circular grinding machine
半自动卧式带锯床 semi auto horizontal band saw machine
半自动园柱蜗杆铣 semi auto cylinder worm milling machine
拌灰机 putty mixer
北京农用车 agriculture use truck pejing
笔记本电脑 notebook pc
闭式单点压力机 mono shot press in closed type
闭式可倾压力机 roll press in closed type
闭式双点压力机 twin shot press in closed type
变电设备 transformer
变电所 transformer station
变压器 power transformer
标记机 marker
表面粗糙度仪 surface roughometer
冰库 ice house
冰箱 refregirator
不间断电源 ups
布络维硬度计 brinell instrument
簿扳开卷轧平剪板机 plate decoiling flattening shearing machine
材料仓库(钢材库) warehouse of material(steel warehouse)
材料仓库(汽配库) warehouse of material(auto parts warehouse)
材料仓库(五金库) warehouse of material(hardware warehouse)
侧面叉车 side fork lift truck
侧面铲车 sideway fork lift truck
侧面铲车 sideway lift truck
测厚仪 thickness meter
测试楼(车队北侧) test building(north of the truck fleet)
测试室 testing room
测试线 testing line
叉车 fork lift truck
叉车 forklift
叉式装卸车 fork lorry loader
插齿机 slotting machine
插床 slotting machine
铲车 fork carrier
铲齿车床 backing off lathe
铲齿车床 relieving lathe
长江中客 middle bus changjiang
常安保险柜 fuse cabinet
车床 lathe
车队办公楼 office of the fleet
车队仓库 warehouse of the fleet
车队厕所 toilet of the fleet
车队门卫 door guard of the fleet
车队修理房 repairing room of the fleet
车式万向摇臂钻床 universal raidial drilling machine
成品库仓库 warehouse of complete bus
成形冲孔 shaping and piercing die
成形冲孔模 shaping and piercing die
成形翻边模 shaping and curring die
成形摸 shaping die
充电机 battery charger
充电机 charger
充电间 charging room
冲裁模 cutting die
冲槽冲孔模 groove and hole piercing die
冲槽冲孔模 groove and piercing die
冲长圆孔模 slotted hole piercing die
冲厂孔模 piercing die
冲床 punch
冲床 stamping machine
冲剪机 stamping and shearing machine
冲剪机 stamping shearing machine
冲孔成形 piercing and shaping die
冲孔翻边模 piercing and curring die
冲孔落料模 piercing and blanking die
冲孔模 piercing die
冲缺冲孔模 piercing die
冲缺口模 piercing die
冲缺模 piercing die
冲型剪切机 stamping shearer
冲型剪切机 stamping shearing machine
冲压车间厕 stamping shop toilet
冲压件库 stamping shop
抽液泵 infusion pump
传真机 fax machine
窗式空调机 window air conditioner
春兰分离式空调器 saparated air conditioner chunlan
春兰分离式空调器 wall air conditioner huabao
春兰空调 air conditioner chunlan
磁粉探伤机 magnaflux
淬火机床 quench machining tool
打磨擦净室 sanding and wiping chamber
打印机 printer
大风机隔音 big fan blower sound insulation
大哥大 mobile telephone
大客车 bus
大型工具显微镜 large tool microscope
单臂龙刨 unilateral double housing planer
单钩双梁行车 twin beam overhead crane with single hock
单管高温定碳炉 mono pipe high temperature carbon furnace
单轨电动葫芦吊车 mono rail motor chain block crane
单检校正液压机 single conpensate hydraulic press
单联平台 single platform
单梁桥式起重机 mono beam crane in bridge type
单梁行车 mono beam overhead crane in bridge type
单梁行车 mono overhead crane
单梁悬挂式起重机 mono rail suspension crane
单粱行车 mono beam overhead crane
单面木工压刨机 one side wood press planer
单面双点点焊机 monoside twin shots welder
单面双点点焊机 one side two spot welder
单面双点点焊机(kd-16) monoside twin shots welder(kd-16)
单面双点点焊机(kd-17) monoside twin shots welder(kd-17)
单面双点手提焊机 mono side twin shot portable welder
单面双点手提式焊机 mono side twin shot portable welder
单面压饱机 mono side press wood planer
单面压刨床 one side press planer
单式共电交换机 unitary common battery telephone exchanger
单相晶体稳压电源 one phase transistor power stabilizer
单相晶体稳压电源 single phase transistor power stabilizer
单柱校正液压机 mono column compensate hydraulic press
单柱刨床 mono column planer
单柱校正压装液压机 mono column compensate hydraulic press
单柱校正液压机 mono column compensate hydraulic machine
单柱校正液压机 mono column compensate hydraulic press
单柱校正液压机 mono column conpensate press
单柱压力机 mono column press
单柱座标镗床 mono column jigborer
等离子切割机 plasma cutter
低压电容自动补偿 low voltage capacitor auto compensate board
低压电容自动补偿柜 low voltage capacitor auto compensate box
低压开关扳 low voltage switch board
低压配电柜 low voltage switch box
底传动剪板机 shearer powered on bottom
底盘转移大道 chassis transfer road
地中衡 ground weigher
第五轮仪 fifth wheel gauge
点焊机 shot welder
点熔接机 spot melting welder
电动单梁行车 mono beam overhead crane
电动单梁起重机 mono beam overhead crane
电动单梁桥式行车 mono beam overhead bridge crane
电动单梁桥式行车 one beam crane in bridge type
电动单梁行车 mono beam overhead crane
电动固定平板搬运车 electric platform carrier
电动门 auto door
电动桥式单梁起重 mono beam crane in bridge type
电动桥式单梁起重 mono beam overhead bridge crane
电动桥式双梁起重 two beam crane in bridge type
电动双梁桥起重机 two beam crane in bridge type
电动双梁桥式起重机 twin beam overhead bridge crane
电动双梁桥式起重机 twin beams overhead crane in bridge type
电动双梁桥式行车 twin beam overhead bridge crane
电话传真机 fax machine
电火花线切割数控 electric spark nc linear cutting machine
电力变压器 power transformer
电力变压器 transformer
电脑膜层测厚仪 computer film thickness meter
电瓶叉车 batter fork lift truck
电瓶车 batter car
电器控制柜 electric control cabinet
电热鼓风干燥箱 electric air blowing dryer
电热鼓风干燥箱 electric air blowing drying box
电热鼓风干燥箱 electric air oven
电容柜 capacitor box
电视摄录设备 tv recording device
电源稳压器 power stabilizer
电子汽车衡 electronic car weigher
电子台称 electronic platform balance
调温调湿箱 temperature and humidity regulator
丁字楼 t building
顶直机 straitening machine
东车间 east shop
东芝复印机 duplicating machine toshiba
东芝空调 air conditioner toshiba
动力配电箱 power distributing cabinet
锻造加热炉 forging furnace
对讲机 interphone
多辊轧平机 multi roller flattening machine
多用示波器 multi-purpose oscillograph
二氧化碳保护焊机 co2 shield welder
二氧化碳电弧焊机 co2 arc welder
二氧化碳气体保护焊 co2 shield welder
二踪示波器 two trace oscilloscope
发电机房-附件车间 power generator room-accessory shop
翻边模 curling die
翻边整形模 curring and sizing die
方向机半成品库 semi product warehouse of steering gear
方向机车间 steering gear shop
防爆双梁桥式行车 two beam crane in bridge type anti explosive
防爆双梁行车 twin beam overhead crane with explosion proof device
房间空调器 air conditioner
房间空气调节器 air conditioner
仿形车床 copy lathe
仿形气割机 copy cutting machine
仿型气割机 copy gas cutting machine
仿型气割机 copy gas cutting machine
分变电所 transformer substation
分变所设备 sub transformer
分光光度计 spectral photometer
分离式空调器 saparated air conditioner
分体挂壁式空调机 separated air conditioner
辅助车间-钣金 accessory shop-plate work
附件车间简易仓库 simple warehouse of accessory shop
复合模 compound die
复印机 copycat
富丽影音光碟机 disc projector
富士通 printer fujisu
改制卡车 modified truck
干涉显微镜 interfere microscope
感应碎火机床 induction quench lathe
感应自动调压器 induction auto voltage regulator
钢栏杆围墙 steel bar fence
钢球分选机 ball selector
高精度平面磨床 high precision surface grinder
高精度万能外圆磨 high precision universal circular grinding machine
高精度卧轴平面磨 high precision surface grinding machine
高精万能外园磨床 high precision universal circular grinding machine
高脉冲电加工机床 high pulse electromachining lathe
高脉冲电蚀加工机 high pulse electrolytic corrosion machine
高频感应加热设备 high frequency induction heater
高速冲型剪切机 high speed stamping shearer
高速冲型剪切机 high speed stamping shearing machine
高速剪刀机 high speed plate shearer
高速剪切机 high speed shearing machine
高压清洗机 high pressure washer
高粘度喷涂机 dense fluid spraying machine
高粘度喷涂机 high viscosity sprayer
工具钣金车间之间棚 shed between tool and plate work shops
工具车间附 tool shop
工具磨床 tool grinding machine
弓锯床 hack saw machine
功率放大器 power amplifier
供电线路改造 power line reconstruct
供电线路及路灯 power supply line and road lamps
供应科简易棚 simple shed of supply department
鼓风干燥箱 air dry oven
光束水准车轮定位 light beam level wheel gauge
光束水准车轮仪 light beam level wheel gauge
光学倾斜仪 optical clinometer
光学曲线磨床 optics curve grinding machine
硅焊机 silicon welder
硅镇流电焊机 silicon rectifier welder
硅整流弧焊机 silicon rectifier arc welder
硅整流弧焊机 silicon rectifier archway welder
滚齿机 hobbing machine
滚刀刃磨床 hob edge grinding machine
滚刀刃磨床 hob grinding machine
滚丝机 thread roller
锅炉 boiler
锅炉房 boiler room
锅炉房及铸工生活室 boiler room and workers" rest room of casting shop
锅炉房烟囱 chimney of boiler room
过滤器 filter
过滤器 strainer
海尔卧式冷冻柜 horizontal chest freezer hier
海鸥幻灯机 projector heiou
焊机 welder
焊装生产线(北) welding line(north)
焊装生产线(北) welding production line (north)
焊装生产线(南) welding line(south)
焊装生产线(南) welding production line (south)
豪华轻客 luxury light bus
豪华轻客 luxury middle bus
恒温恒湿机 constant temperature humidistat
烘干室 oven
红外线气体分析仪 infrared gas analyzer
后桥壳车端面打中心 end turning and centering machine for rear axle house
后桥壳粗镗 rough boring machine for rear axle house
后桥壳粗镗镗孔 rough boring machine for rear axle house
后桥壳法兰攻丝 threading machine for rear axle house flange
后桥壳法兰钻孔 drilling machine for rear axle house flange
后桥主减速器总成试验机 final drive tester
弧焊整流器 arc rectifier
弧焊整流器 arcway rectifier
户外配电箱 distributed board outdoor
花房 greenhouse
花键铣 spline milling machine
花键铀磨床 spline shaft grinding machine
花键轴铣床 spline shaft milling machine
华宝挂壁式空调 air conditioner huabao
华宝挂壁式空调 wall air conditioner huabao
华美冷冻箱 freezer huamei
华美冷冻箱 refregirator huamei
环形单轨双葫芦吊车 loop mono rail twin block hoist
环形吊单轨吊车 loop mono rail chain block crane
回火炉房 tempering furnace shop
回轮式六角车床 loop turret lathe
回头压弯模 bending die
绘图机 graph plotter
绘图机 plotter
惠普服务器 hp server
惠普微机 hp pc
货梯 good ladder
机修车间仓库 warehouse of tool repairing shop
基建办公室 civil contruction office
基建库办公 office of civil construction warehouse
激光打印机 laser printer
级进模 progressive die
计量柜 gauge cabinet
计量柜 measurement box
计量柜 metering box
计量室 masuring room
计量室前厕所 original toilet of masuring room
计算机工程 computer project
技改利息 intrest of technical innovation fund
加层油面道 road
佳能bj喷墨打印机 ink jet printer canon
佳能还原打印机 reductive printer canon
佳能喷墨打印机 ink printer canon
佳能照相机 camera canon
兼容机 compatible pc
剪扳机 plate shearer
剪扳机 plate shearing machine
剪板刀纵放冲剪机 stamping shearing maching
剪板机 plate shearer
剪切机 shearer
渐开线检查仪 involute tester
交流低压电容柜 ac low voltage capacitor switch box
交流低压配电 ac low voltage power switch board
交流低压配电柜 ac low voltage power switch box
交流低压配电屏 ac low voltage power switch panel
交流低压配电屏 ac low voltage switch board
交流电焊机 ac arcway welder
交流电焊机 ac welder
交流弧焊机 ac arcway welder
交流稳压电源 ac power stabilizer
角尺模 angle die
角柜 angle switch cabinet
搅拌机 blender
搅拌机 mixer
轿车 car
教育综合大楼 educational comprehensive building
教育综合大楼 poly educational building
接触式干涉仪 touch interferometer
接风机与风管 compressed air joint and hose
解放汽铲 ca truck forklift
金刚石水磨石机 diamand wetgrinding mill
金钢石水磨机 diamand wetgrinding mill
金工车间半成品库 semi product warehouse of metalworking shop
金工车间厕所 toilet of metalworking shop
金相显徽镜 metallurgical phase microscope
金星彩电 color tv jinxin
金属板材联合角咬缝机 metal plate edging binder
金属板材咬缝机 metal plate edging binder
金属材料库 metal material warehouse
金属回锯机 metal circular saw machine
晶体管功率放大器 transistor power amplifier
精密车床 precision lathe
精密座标健床 precision coordinate spline machine
井式回火电炉 vertical pit-type tempering electric furnace
井式回火电阻炉 vertical pit-type tempering resistance furnace
井式气体渗炭炉 vertical pit-type gas carburizing furnace
静电三色复印机 static three color duplicating machine
镜向光泽度仪 mirror display glossness gauge
镜向光泽度仪 mirror glossness meter
旧车 old bus
锯片磨床 saw web grinding machine
卷板机 plate bending machine
卷板机 plate coiling machine
卷回模 rollback die
卷扬机 hoist
卡车 truck
卡盘多刀半自动车床 semi auto lathe with chuck and multitools
卡盘多刀自动车床 multi tools auto lathe
开卷轧平剪板机 plate decoiling flattening shearing machine
开式可倾压机 roll press in open type
开式可倾压力机 roll press in open type
开式可倾压力机 two column tilting roll press in open type
开式双柱可倾压机 two column tilting roll press in open type
开式双柱压力机 open type twin column press machine
开式双柱压力机 two column press in open type
考勤机 roll machine
可擦写光驱 writerable cd driver
可控硅充电设备 silicon control charger
客车 bus
客车车间地沟车棚 pit shed in body assembly shop
空调测试室与风管 ac testing room and hose
空调机 air conditioner
空气锤 air hammer
空气等离子切割机 plasma cutter
空气管道 compressed air pipe
空气去湿机 air dehumidifier
空气压缩机 air compression pump
空气压缩机 air compressor
空压机 air compressor
空压机站 air compressor room
控制屏 control panel
库房 warehouse
快装锅炉 package boiler
快装锅炉(4t锅炉) package boiler (4t)
拉刀磨床 broach grinding machine
拉刀磨床 broaching grinding machine
拉延成形模 drawing and shaping die
拉延模 drawing die
拉延修边模 drawing and trimming die
老木模间 original wood pattern room
老润滑站 original lubcricant oil room
冷却室 cooling room
冷却塔 cooling tower
理化计量室 physical and chemical measuring room
理想速印机 stenograph lixiang
立床 vertical lathe
立式车床 vertical lathe
立式攻丝机 vertical threading machine
立式光学投影仪 vertical optical projector
立式滑枕升降台铣 vertical lifting milling machine
立式金相显微镜 vertical full phase microscope
立式升降台铣床 vertical lift platform milling machine
立式升降台铣床 vertical lifting milling machine
立式升降台铣床 verticle lifting platform milling machine
立式投影仪 vertical projector
立式钻床 vertical drilling mill
立式钻床 vertical lathe
立式钻床 verticle drilling machine
立铣 vertical milling machine
立钻 vertical drilling machine
立钻 vertical drilling mill
粒状碎纸机 paper shredder
连接模 connecting die
六角车床 turret lathe
龙门剪板机 gantry plate shearer
龙门刨床 gantry planer
龙刨 double housing planer
露天钢材库 open air steel warehouse
录像机 video tape recorder
铝材切割机 aluminum extrusion cutter
轮式装载机 wheel loader
轮胎螺母拆装机 wheel nut loader
螺杆式空气压缩机 worm air compressor
螺纹磨床 screw grinder
螺纹磨床 screw grinding machine
螺旋扳冷却器 spiral cooler
洛氏硬度计 rockwell hardness meter
落料成形模 blanking and shaping die
落料冲孔模 blanking and piercing die
落料拉延模 blanking and drawing die
落料模 blanking die
马鞍车床 saddle bed lathe
埋入式电极盐浴炉 immersed electrode salt bath furnace
脉冲布筒除尘器 pulse cloth dust filter
毛坯库 roughcast warehouse
美能达相机 camera
美能达照相机 camera
门式吊车 gantry crane
门式起重机 gantry crane
门卫 door guard room
门卫楼(二道门) door guard room(second door)
面漆线 final paint line
膜层测厚仪 film thickness meter
摩擦压力机 friction press
摩托车 motorcycle
木工饱床 wood planer
木工带锯 wood band saw machine
木工万能立铣床 vertical universal wood milling machine
木工斜口平刨床 wood planer taper and surface planer
木刨车 wood planer
木刨床 wood planer
内燃平衡叉车 engine powered fork lift truck
内燃平衡叉车 fork lift truck powered by engine
内燃平衡重式叉车 engine balance forklift
内外装车间仓库 warehouse of body assembly shop
内园磨床 internal grinder
内圆磨床 internal grinding machine
南线电器汇总 electric control panel in south assembly line
牛刨 shaping machine
牛头刨床 shaper
牛头刨床 shaping machine
农用运输车 agriculture truck
农用运输车 agriculture use truck
炮库 cannon warehouse
配电间低压分配柜 low voltage switch box in switch room
配电间电容柜 capacitor box in switch room
配电间电容柜 capacitor box in switch room
配电间计量柜 metering box in switch room
配套库简易棚 simple shed of supply department
喷墨打印机 ink jet printer
喷墨打印机 ink printer
偏三轮摩托车 tri-motorcycle
频普分析仪 frequency spectrum analyzer
平扳搬运车 platform carrier
平板搬运车 flat carrier
平板电瓶车 platform batter car
平衡吊 balance crane
平衡重式蓄电池叉车 balance battery forklift
平面磨床 surface grinder
平面磨床 surface grinding machine
扑灰机 dust remover
普通车床 centre lathe
普通数控车床 centre numerically controlled lathe
七座面包车 7 seats mini bus
漆膜测厚仪 paint film thickness gauge
启动式点焊机 startup shot welder
起重机 crane
气动c型悬挂式点焊机 pneumatic c type suspension shot welder
气动x形悬挂焊机 pheumatic x shape suspension welder
气动x型悬挂式点焊机 pneumatic x model suspending shot welder
气动悬挂式点焊机 pneumatic suspension shot welder
气体保护焊机 co2 shield semi auto welder
汽车举升机 truck lifter
汽车库 bus shed
汽配库 auto parts warehouse
汽油加油站 gas station
汽油库润滑 lubricant oil room of gasoline warehouse
牵引车 tow car
牵引车 tractor
强度机 durability tester
墙式葫芦吊车 wall chain block crane
墙式葫芦吊车 wall fixed chain hoist
墙式悬臂吊 wall fixed suspension crane
桥壳法兰钻孔机 axle house flange drilling machine
桥壳套管孔粗镗 rough boring machine for rear axle sleeve
桥壳套管孔精镗 finish boring machine for rear axle sleeve
桥式起重机 crane in bridge type
桥式起重机 overhead crane in bridge type
桥式双梁行车 twin beam overhead in bridge type
切边冲孔模 trimming and piercing die
切边模 trimming die
切边切分模 trimming and dividing die
切断模 cutting die
切断压弯模 cutting and bending die
切分模 dividing die
切角模 angle cutting die
切角模 angle die
切头模 head cutting die
切头模 trimming die
怯弯模 bending die
轻型客车 middle bus
轻型客车(依维柯) middle bus iveco
清沙间 sand cleaning shop
曲线磨床 curve grinding machine
全自动烟度计 auto smokemeter
热处理车间 heat treatment workshop
热处理巡环泵房 heat treatment circulating pump room
日本空气加压d点焊机 pneumatic pressing spot welder made in japan
三类底盘装配线 assembly line of engine powered chassis
三联平台 triple platform
三菱柜式空调器 cabinet air conditioner mitsubishi
三菱空调器 air conditioner mitsubishi
三轮摩托车 tri-motorcycle
三星面包车 micro bus sumsung
三星轻型客车 micro bus samson
三洋窗式空调 window air conditioner sanyo
三用硬度计 three way thickness meter
散件库 spare parts warehouse
散件库办公 office of spare parts warehouse
桑塔纳2000轿车 santana 2000 car
桑塔纳轿车 car santana
砂处理房 sand treatment room
晒图复印机 blueprinting machine
晒图机 blueprinting machine
商用空调机 commercial air conditioner
上海别克轿车 shanghai buick car
设备-cad equipment -cad
深井 deep well
深井泵 deep well pump
生产车间库 warehouse
施乐复印机 duplicating machine shire
示波器 oscillograph
试验变压器 test transformer
收发室 office for receiving and outgoing mail
手持式对讲机 portable interphone
手机 mobile telephone
手拉力计 manual tension meter
手推式动力吸扫车 push motor sweeper
手推式吸扫车 push floor sweaper
输水管道 water pipe
输油泵 oil pump
数控线切割 numerical controlled linear cutting machine
数显光泽度仪 digital display glossiness gauge
数显光泽度仪 digital glossness meter
双臂龙门刨床 double housing planer
双动油压机 double acting dydraulic press
双端面铣 double end milling machine
双钩双粱桥式行车 twin hock twin beam overhead crane in bridge type
双架桥式起重肌 twin truss bridge crane
双卡收录机 twin cassette radio and recorder
双梁桥式起重机 twin beam overhead bridge crane
双梁桥式起重机 twin beam overhead crane in bridge type
双梁桥式起重机 two beam crane in bridge type
双梁桥式起重机 two beam overhead crane
双梁桥式行车 twin beam overhead bridge crane
双梁桥式行车 twin beam overhead crane in bridge type
双梁行车 twin beam overhead crane
双鹿电冰箱 refrigerator shuanglu
双排座货车 truck with four seats
双输出直流电源柜 twin outputs dc cabinet
双头联合剪冲机 twin head shearing and stamping machine
双用计量加油机 double use metering fuel filler
双柱可倾压力机 two column roll press
双柱可倾压力机 two column tilting roll press
双柱压力机 twin column press
双柱座标镗床 two column jigborer
水处理设备 water treatment equipment
水平仪零位测定仪 spirit level zero position checking gauge
斯美克调音台 sound mixing console
四联平台 quad platform
四通宽行打印机 stone printer
四柱万能液压机 four column universal hydraulic press
四柱液压机 four column hydraulic press
松下彩电 color tv panasonic
松下传真机 fax panasonic
松下挂壁式空调 wall air conditioner panasonic
松下空调 air conditioner panasonic
塑料焊枪 plastic welder
酸洗工段房-冲压库 acid rinsing shop-stamping warehouse
碎火压床 quench pressing machine
索华柜式空调 cabinet a/c shuhua
索华柜式空调 cabinet air conditioner souhua
索华空调 air conditioner shuhau
台车式箱式炉 trolley chamber furnace
台试房 bench test room
停车场 parking ground
同创电脑 tong chuang computer
同创微机 pc tongchuang
同创微型计算机 micro computer tongchuang
投影仪 projector
图示仪 graphic instrument
图文传真机 fax machine
图文碎纸机 paper shredder
涂膜铅笔硬度仪 film coating pencil thikeness meter
涂装车间房屋 house of painting shop
涂装生产线1 paint line 1
涂装生产线2 paint line 2
外圆磨床 circular grinder
外圆磨床 circular grinding machine
弯边成形 curring and shaping die
弯曲成形模 bending and shaping die
弯曲模 bending die
万能材料试验机 universal material tester
万能测长仪 universal length meter
万能测齿仪 universal gear-testing apparatus
万能工具磨床 universal tool grinding machine
万能工具铣床 universal tool milling machine
万能工具显微镜 universal tool microscope
万能升降台铣床 universal lifting platform milling machine
万能升降台铣床 universal milling machine
万能外园磨床 universal circular grinding machine
万能铣床 universal milling machine
万能摇臂铣床 universal raidial milling machine
万能摇臂铣床(卧) universal raidial milling machine(horizontal)
万向摇臂钻床 universal raidial drilling machine
危险品仓库 dangerous goods warehouse
微机系统 network
微机系统 network
微型计算机 pc
微型计算机 pc legend
围墙 fence
卫生所 clinic
卫星天线 satellite antenna
卫星天线接收器 satellite antenna receiver
卧式带锯机 horizontal band saw machine
卧式光学计 horizontal optical meter
卧式光学仪 horizontal optical meter
卧式锅炉 horizontal boiler
卧式矩台平面磨 horizontal surface grinding machine
卧式快装锅炉 horizontal package boiler
卧式拉床 horizontal broaching machine
卧式镗床 horizontal chamber machine
卧式膛床 horizontal chamber machine
卧式万能升降台铣 horizontal universal lifting milling machine
卧式万能升降台铣床 horizontal universal lifting platform milling machine
卧式万能升降铣床 horizontal universal lifting platform milling machine
卧式铣床 horizontal milling machine
卧轴矩台平面磨床 surface grinding machine in horizontal
无氨晒图机 ammonia free blue printing machine
无气喷涂机 airless sprayer
无线电对讲机 wireless interphone
无线电力负荷双向控制终端 wireless power load bidirectional control terminal
五轮仪 fifth wheel gauge
五气分析仪 five gas analyzer
物供简易库 simple of supply department
西门调试报交地沟场地 lineup pit and ground at the west door
西门卫 west door guard room
西门卫道路 road of west door guard room
吸风排酸气装置 acid gas suction device
洗衣机 wash maching
铣边机 edge milling machine
铣端面打中心孔机 end milling and center hole machine
细木工带锯机 wood serrulate band saw
厦华彩电 color tv xiahua
显微硬度计 micro thickness meter
箱式电炉 chamber electric furnace
箱式电炉 chamber electric oven
箱式电阻炉 chamber electric furnace
箱式电阻炉 chamber electric oven
箱式炉 chamber electric furnace
销售大楼 sales department building
小车停车棚 car shed
小车修理库 repairing room of car
小风机隔音 small fan blower sound insulation
小件酸洗房 small parts acid rinsing
小客车 middle bus
校角模 angle gaging die
校平模 flat check die
校正液压机 compensate hydraulic machine
校正液压机 compensate hydraulic press
泄漏检测仪 leakage detector
新办公楼 new office building
新工具车间 new tool machine shop
新木工间 new woodworking shop
新水泵房 new water pump room
型砂试验机 casting sand tester
型砂试验仪 casting sand tester
型悬挂行车 bar steel suspension crane
型悬挂行车 bar steel suspension crane
修边冲孔 trimming and piercing die
修边冲孔模 trimming and piercing die
修边模 trimming die
修锻车间-冲压库 forging shop-stamping warehouse
修过模 trimming die
蓄电池搬运车 battery car
蓄电池平板车 batter car
悬挂行车 suspension crane
压变成形模 press shaping die
压承轴机 bearing pressing machine
压斗机 bucket pressing machine
压肩模 shoulder pressing die
压筋模 embossing die
压平模 flattening die
压缩机 air compressor
压弯成形 press shaping die
压弯成形模 bending and shaping die
压弯模 bending die
压弯模 pressing and bending die
压弯切分模 bending and dividing die
氩弧焊机 argon arc welder
氩弧焊机 argon arcway welder
氧气站 oxygin station
摇臂钻床 raidial drilling machine
液压板料折弯机 hydrolic plate bender
液压升降台 hydaulic lift platform
液压式材料试验机 universal material tester
液压折弯机 hydraulic bending machine
仪表车床 gauge lathe
音响设备 hi-fi equipment
音响设备 sonic equipment
引风机房 air induction room
应标线床 marker linear cutting machine
油库大棚 gas station shed
油库加油装置 oil filler in oil depot
油漆值班室 paint warehouse
油污水处理装置 oil and water treatment equipment
预料折弯机 anticipation bender
预弯模 die for fisrt forming
元板牙铲磨床 bolt die shovel and grinding machine
园盘剪板机 disc plate shearer
园盘锯 circular saw machine
园盘锯 disc saw
原试制车间 original trial production shop
原总装车间-焊装车间 original body assembly shop-welding shop
圆板牙铲磨床 circular dies cutting and grinding machine
圆锯床 circular saw bench
圆盘剪板机 disc plate shearer
圆蜗杆铣 circle worm milling machine
阅读器 reading machine
跃进卡车 truck yaojing
在建工程-设备 construction in progress-equipment
轧平机 flattening mill
折边机 edging machine
折弯机 bender
折弯模 bending die
真空泵 vacumm pump
蒸汽管道 steam pipe
蒸汽锅炉 boiler
整形模 sizing die
直流电焊机 dc welder
直流焊机 dc welder
直流弧焊机 dc arc welder
直流弧焊机 dc arcway welder
直流弧焊机 dc welder
直流稳压电源 dc regulated power supply
制牙成形模 teeth shaping die
制牙圈耳模 teeth circular shaping die
制牙圈圆 teeth circular cutting die
中频碎火控制设备 middle frequency quench control
中型洛氏硬度计 middle rockwell hardness meter
中央配电室 power switch room
重氨晒图机 heavy ammonia blue print apparatus
主减速器壳攻丝机 threading machine for final drive house
主减速器壳铰孔机 reaming machine for final drive house
主减速器壳五孔粗镗 rough boring machine for five hole on final drive house
主减速器壳五孔精镗 finish boring machine for five holes on final drive house
柱式回转悬臂吊 colume suspension crane
柱式悬臂吊 colume suspension crane
铸工变电所冲压 transformer of casting shop-stamping shop
铸工车间 casting shop
铸工金相室 metallography room of casting shop
铸工扩建1 casting shop expanding 1
铸工扩建2 casting shop expanding 2
铸工浴室 bath room of casting shop
专家楼 expert rooms
转塔式六角车床 turn turret lathe
转台式斜断锯 turn-table cutting saw
转台式斜断锯 turn-table oblique saw
转向力角测量仪 steering force gauge
锥齿轮研齿机 bevel gear lapping machine
锥齿轮研齿机 taper gear grinder
紫光扫描仪 scanner
紫外光分光度计 ultraviolet spectral photometer
自动恒流充电机 auto stabilizing charger
自行车棚 bicycle shed
总机程控交换机 process control telephone switchboard
总装板式输送机北 assembling conveyer (north)
总装板式输送机南 assembling conveyer (south)
钻铣床 drilling and milling machine
裂解部分 cracking section
初分馏 primary fractionation
急冷水系统 quench water system
稀释蒸汽 dilution steam generation
裂解气压缩 cracked gas compression
碱洗 caustic wash
干燥和凝液汽提 drying and condensate stripping
脱甲烷 demethanizing
乙烯精炼 ethylene purification
脱丙烷塔 depropanizer
脱丁烷塔 debutanizer
丙烯精制 propylene purification
制冷循环 refigeration cycles
裂解汽油加氢 cracked gasoline hydrogenation
丁二烯抽提 butadiene extraction
作废 void
进料预热和裂解 feed preheating and cracking
初分馏塔和急冷塔 primary fractionater and quench tower
稀释蒸汽的发生 dilution steam generation
裂解气压缩机 cracked gas compressor
碱洗系统 caustic washing system
丙烯制冷剂循环 propylene refrigerant cycle
乙烯制冷剂循环 ethylene refrigerant cycle
一段加氢精馏工段 first stage hycrogenation distillation section
废碱处理 spent caustic treatment
排放的烃类回收系统 released hc collecting system
生化处理 biological treatment
开工锅炉 start up boilers
石脑油 naphtha
轻质裂解原料油 light cracking feed oil
丙烯 propylene
共裂解 cocracking with
在工况三中 in case 3
裂解管的优化选择 selection of optimum cracking coil
苛刻的工作条件 extreme operating conditions
约为0.5巴 ca.0.5 bar
在运转初期 at s.o.r
这是u型设计所特有的 inherent to the u-design
炉管运行周期 coil runlength
对流段 convection section
辐射段炉管 radiant coils
稀释蒸汽与烃类比 dilution steam hydrocarbon ratio
进料量变化 feed rate changes
超前-滞后蒸汽/进料比控制 lead-lag steam/feed ratio control
分配不均匀 mal-distribution
临界流量文丘里管 critical flow venturi
呈行列布置 be located in-line
引风机 i.d.fan (inducted draft)
约365 365 approx
不会结垢 non flouling behaviour
吹灰器 soot blower
露点 dewpoint
循环泵 pumparound
回收回路 recovery loop
稀释蒸汽负荷 dilution steam duty
筛板塔盘 sieve trays
酸性水汽提塔 soul water stripper
低热通量 low heat fluxes
(苯)酚 phenol
排放物 blowdown
抑制剂 inhibitor
去氧剂 oxygen scavenger
磷酸盐 phosphate
分散剂 dispersant
消泡剂 anti-foam
聚合现象 polymerization phenomena
物相 phase
低温分馏 low temperature fractionation
绝对压力 abs
与...相配 be compatible with
加氢催化剂 hydrogenation catalysts
补充氢气压力 h2 make-up gas pressure
放热 exothermicity
聚合物 polymer
进料/出料换热器 feed/effluent exchanger
失控反应 runaway reaction
浸渍 impregnation
胶状物 gum forming compounds
活化,再生 reactivations, regenerations
过剩氢气 the exess of h2 gas
汽化 vaporization
残余的双烯烃 residual amount of diolefins
加氢胶硫 hydrodesulfurization
硫 sulfur
矾土载体 alumina carrier
成对法兰 conpanion flange
对接法兰 counterflange
乙醛 acetaldehyde
醋酸 acetic acid
丙酮 acetone
乙炔 acetylene
丙烯酸 acylic acid
丙烯酸树脂 acylic resin
标高 el
快递 ems
快递 dhl
原料油 feed oil
就地仪表盘 local panel
板式塔 plate column
填料塔 packed column
压缩天然气 cng
液化天然气 lng
环氧树脂 epoxy resin
乙稀贴 vinyl appliques
氟里昂 freon
阻燃尿烷泡沫 self-extinguishing urethane foam
聚氨酯 polyurethane
abs共聚体 acrylonitrile-butadlene-styrene
聚丙烯 polypropylene
泡沫塑料 foam plastic
粘合剂 binder
壳牌公司 shell
化建公司 cnccc
中技公司 cntic
福莱西宝公司 the flxible corporation
中国福莱西宝车辆有限公司 china flxible automotive company ltd.
中国城市车辆总公司 china urban automotive general corporation
常州客车制造厂 changzhou bus factory
常州市机械冶金工业局 the bureau of mechanical and metallurgical industries of changzhou municipal government
中国建设部 the ministry of construction of china
《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及其《实施条例》 "enterprise laws of chinese-foreign joint ventures", and its "implementation regulations"
国家工商行政管理局 china"s national bureau of administration for commerce and industries
中国客车出口联合体 china bus export association
中国国际信托投资公司 china international trust and investment corporation
中国北方工业公司 china north industries corporation
中国长城公司 china great wall corporation
中国机械设备进出口公司 china machinery and equipment import and export company
中国汽车进出口公司 china national automotive import and export company
丰田 toyota
日产 nissan
日野 hino
铃木 suzuki
五十铃 isuzu
大发 daihatsu
松田 matsuda
别克 buick
凯迪拉克 cadillac
雪佛莱 chevrolet
奥斯莫比尔 oldsmobile
旁迪克 pontiac
福特 ford
克莱斯勒 chrysler
道奇 dodge
顺风 plymouth
司蒂蓓克 studebaker
奇姆亚 gmc
威力斯 willys
三菱日本重工业公司 fuso
民生 minsei
富士 fuji
太脱拉 tatra
司柯达 skoda
依卡露斯 ikarus
却贝尔 csepal
星牌 star
英国奥斯汀 bmc astin
标准 standard
凯旋 triumph
奥贝尔 opel
科恩 koln
格利阿特 goliath
马自达-奔驰 mercedes-benz
雪铁龙 citroen
西姆卡 simca
菲亚特 fiat
阿什尔时 abarth
沃尔沃 volvo
萨伯 saab
爱森纳赫 eisenach
萨克森令 sachsenring
斯太尔 steyr
达夫 daf
克拉布拉 carabela
布鲁塞尔-安特列希特 brussel-anderlecht
福特-莫那库 ford-monarch
福特-莫冠利 ford-mercury
景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。 借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景...
中国古典园林 classical chinese garden 中国传统园林 traditional chinese garden 中国古代园林 ancient chinese garden 中国山水园 chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宫苑 imperial...
旅游景点 tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist attraction 自然景观 natural splendor attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 natio...
旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览pleasure trip商务旅行business trip出境游 outbo...
railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?...
旅游英语视听说第二版课后答案|旅游英语:Eating In American (2)详细阅读
【常见的公共标志符号】机场常见的公共标志与说明(d e f)详细阅读
(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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