carbon arc cutting 碳弧切割carbon arc welding 碳弧焊
carbon arc 碳弧
carbon arcgouging 碳弧气刨
carbon arrester 碳精避雷器
carbon battery 碳极电池
carbon black 炭黑
carbon block 碳精块
carbon brush 碳刷
carbon content 含碳量
carbon copy 抄送
carbon copy 复写
carbon diaphragm 碳膜
carbon dioxide extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火机
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
carbon dioxide bottle 二氧化碳筒
carbon dioxide extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher appliance 二氧化碳灭火装置
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器
carbon dioxide interferometer 二氧化碳分析器
carbon dioxide system 二氧化碳系统
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
carbon dioxideextinguisher 二氧化碳灭火机
carbon disulphide 二硫化碳
carbon electrode 碳精电极
carbon equivalent 碳当量
carbon film resistor 炭膜电阻
carbon gland 碳精密封装置
carbon manganese steel 碳锰钢
carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
carbon monoxide-oxygen fuel cell 一氧化碳氧燃料电池
carbon non-activated 非活性碳
carbon paper 复写纸
carbon penetration 碳渗层
carbon plate 碳片
carbon resistance noise 碳电阻噪声
carbon resistor 碳质电阻
carbon ring gland 碳精密封环压盖
carbon ring packing 碳环式汽封
carbon ring 碳精环
carbon rod 碳棒
carbon steel gas welding rod 碳钢气焊条
carbon steel 碳钢
carbon steel 碳钢碳钢
carbon stuffing 碳密封填料
carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher 四氯化碳灭火机
carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher 四氯化碳灭火器
carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher 四氧化碳灭火器
carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳
carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢
carbon zinc cell 碳锌电池
carbon 碳
carbon 碳碳极碳精棒
carbon 碳碳元素
carbon 碳元素
carbon-dioxide absorbent 二氧化碳吸收剂
carbon-dioxide inflatable rubber boat 充气橡皮艇
carbon-dioxide multijet 二氧化碳防火复式喷斗
carbon-dioxide system 二氧化碳系统
carbon-fiber vinylester laminate 碳纤维乙烯树脂薄板
carbon-tetrachloride extinguisher 四氯化碳灭火机
carbon-zinc battery 碳锌电池
carbonaceous 碳的
carbonate hardness 碳酸氢盐硬度
carbonate of lime 碳酸钙
carbonate 碳酸盐
carbonic acid acid 碳酸
carbonic acid cylinder 二氧化碳瓶
carbonic acid gas compressor 二氧化碳压缩机
carbonic acid gas 碳酸气体
carbonic acid machine 二氧化碳制冷机
carbonic acid machine 碳酸制冷机
carbonic acid of oil 润滑油焦化
carbonic acid test 碳化试验
carbonic acid 碳酸
carbonic 含碳的
carbonization test 碳化试验
carbonization 碳化
carbonize 使碳化
carbonized steel 渗碳钢
carbonizing flame 碳化焰
carbonizing 碳化的
carborundum detector 碳化硅检波器
carborundum grinding wheel 砂轮
carborundum paper 砂纸
carborundum paste 金刚砂研磨膏
carborundum powder 金刚砂粉末
carborundum 金刚砂
carborundum 金钢砂
carborundum 碳化硅
carboy 酸坛
carboy 用木箱工柳条保的玻璃瓶
carboy 用木箱或柳条保的玻璃瓶
carbulk vessel 汽车散货运输船
carbuncle 痈
carbuncle 痈;红宝石
carburation carburetion
carburation 渗碳
carbureter engine 汽化器式发动机
carbureter carburetor engine
carbureter carburetor
carbureter 汽化器
carburettor 汽化器
carburization 渗碳
carburize 渗碳
carburized layer 渗碳层
carburizer 渗碳剂
carburizing treatment 渗碳处理
carburizing 渗碳
carcase 动物尸体
carcase 动物尸体;骨架
carcase 遗骸骨架
carcass 同carcase
carcinotron 反波管
carcinotron 返波管
card axis 万向轴
card ball joint 球形万向接头
card board 卡纸板
card box 纸板箱
card bushing 硬纸套筒
card carboard 纸板
card cardan 平浮环
card drive 万向节传动万向节传动装置
card ejector 插件拔出器
card factor 示功图因数
card feed 卡片输入
card gear 万向节传动装置
card index 卡片索引
card insertion and extraction tool 插件插拔工具
card joint 万向接头
card link 万向节
card programming control 卡片程序控制
card puch reproduce check unit 卡片穿孔复制校对机
card puncher 卡片穿孔机
card punching machine 卡片穿孔机
card punching verifier 卡片穿孔校对器
card read-punch unit 卡片读出-穿孔机
card reader 卡片输入机
card reader 卡片阅读机
card recorder 卡片记录器
card ring 平浮环
card shaft 万向轴
card spider 万向十字型接头
card to-disk conversion 卡片-磁盘转换
card to-tape conversion 卡片-磁带转换
card tube 硬纸管
card type indicator 卡片式指示器
card 标度盘记录卡片
card 标度盘记录卡片图表梳刷梳刷
card 罗经卡;表格;卡片
card 梳刷
cardamom seed 小豆蔻子
cardan axis 万向节轴
cardan axis 万向轴
cardan drive 万向节传动
cardan gear 万向节传动装置
cardan joint 万向接头
cardan link 万向节
cardan shaft 万向节轴
cardan shaft 万向轴
cardan spider 万向十字型接头
cardan 平浮环
cardan 万向节
cardanic suspension 万向悬架
cardboard 纸板
cardeck 汽车甲板
cardinal line 主线
cardinal mark 方位标志
cardinal marks of buoyage system a 浮筒系统a方位标志
cardinal marks 方位标方位标志
cardinal marks 方位标志
cardinal number 纯数
cardinal number 基数
cardinal point 基点
cardinal point 基点方位
cardinal point 基点方位正方位
cardinal point 正方位
cardinal points of ecliptic 黄道四基点
cardinal points of ecliptic 黄道四基点(黄经为0°
cardinal points 基点方位
cardinal points 基点方位(东
cardinal system of buoyage 方位制航标系统
cardinal system 界标系统
cardinal winds 基点风
cardinal winds 基点风(东
cardinal 基本的
cardinal 基本的;主要的;方位基点
cardioid pattern 心形图
cardioid reception 心脏形接收
cardioid 心形曲线
cardiotonic 强心剂
cardo ring 万向环
cards per minute 每分钟卡片数
care and maintenance regulations 保管条例
care and preservation 保养
care for cargo 管理货物
care mark 货物)注意标志
care mark 注意标志
care of 转交
care of 由……转交
care of… 请……转交
care 谨慎
careen grid 格子板
careen grid 格子板;船架
careen site 倾船场
careen tackle 防倾绞辘
careen 把船倾侧
careen 使船倾斜
careen 使船倾斜使船倾斜
careen 使倾斜
careenage 倾船倾斜试验倾船修理费
careenage 倾船倾斜试验倾修费修船处
careening basin 船舶倾斜试验船坞
careening grid 格子板
careening grid 倾船架
careening place 倾侧船场
careening site 倾船场
careening tackle 防倾绞辘
careening wharf 倾斜修船码头
careening 倾斜试验
careening 使船舶倾斜
careening 使船舶倾斜倾斜试验
careening-wharf 倾船修理滩头倾侧试验海湾
career criminals 职业罪犯
career training 职业训练;专业训练
career 职业
careless 粗心的
caretaker 看管人
caretaker 看守员
caretaker 看守员;看管人;看守者
carfloat 车辆渡船
cargo pump burbine 货油泵汽轮机
cargo pump room ventilation 货油泵舱通风
cargo pump room 货油泵舱
cargo pump 货油泵
cargo submarine 潜水货船
cargo -and -passenger vessel 客货船
cargo 5 ℃)
cargo accounts settlement system 货款结算制度
cargo agent 货运代理人
cargo air system 空气干燥通风系统
cargo allocation plan 货物配载计划图
cargo and ballast pump speed control system 货油及压载泵转速控制系统
cargo and ballast tank 货油-压载舱
cargo and personnel launch 客货艇
cargo and-passenger ship 货客船
cargo area 装货区域
cargo ballast handling simulator 货物压载操作模拟器
cargo barge 货驳
cargo barge 装货驳船
cargo batten cleat 货舱护条夹扣
cargo batten 舱壁护条
cargo batten 货舱壁护条
cargo batten 货舱壁护条货舱壁护条板
cargo batten 货舱护板
cargo block 吊货滑车
cargo block 装卸货滑车(包括吊货滑车
cargo board 装货垫板
cargo boat note 卸货记录
cargo boat 货船
cargo book 货物登记册
cargo book 装货记录簿
cargo booking 订载
cargo boom 吊杆
cargo boom 吊货杆
cargo box 货柜
cargo box 货箱
cargo bridle 吊货索
cargo bridle 四钩吊货索具
cargo cage 货笼
cargo capacity 载货量
cargo capacity 载货容积
cargo care 舱内湿度调节装置
cargo carrier 货船
cargo carrier 货物运输船
cargo carrying capacity 净载货吨位载货吨位载货吨位
cargo carrying capacity 载货吨位
cargo carrying vessel 货船货船
cargo carrying vessel 货船
cargo certificate 货单
cargo chain 吊货短链
cargo chain 吊货链
cargo characteristics 货物特性
cargo chute 货物装卸滑槽
cargo chute 卸货滑槽
cargo claim 货物理赔
cargo claims 货物理赔
cargo clauses 货物保险条款
cargo cluster 装卸货用丛灯
cargo cluster light 货舱移动灯
cargo cluster 货舱可移灯组
cargo cluster 装卸安全灯
cargo common committee 货物共同委员会
cargo compartment 货舱
cargo compatibility 货物兼容性
cargo compressor 货用压缩机
cargo concerned 有关货方
cargo connection box 起货机接线箱
cargo container ship 杂货-集装箱货船
cargo container 货物集装箱
cargo container 集装箱
cargo containment area 货物围护区域
cargo containment system 货物围护系统
cargo containment 货物围护
cargo contamination 货物污染
cargo contract 货运合同
cargo control room 货物控制室
cargo cooling 货物冷却
cargo crane 起货机
cargo crate 装物板条箱
cargo cubic capacity 载货容积
cargo cubic capacity 载货容量
cargo cubic 载货容积
cargo damage report 货损报告
cargo damage reprot 货损报告
cargo damage survey 货损检查
cargo damage survey 货物损坏检验
cargo data standard board 货物数据标准委员会
cargo dead weight 载货吨位
cargo deadweight 载货吨位
cargo deadweight ton 载货吨
cargo deadweight ton 载重吨位
cargo deadweight 载货吨位
cargo deadweight 载货量
cargo deadweight(tonnage 载货吨位
cargo deadweightdisplacement ratio 载货量系数
cargo deck 载货甲板
cargo deckhouse 载货甲板室
cargo declaration 货物申报单
cargo dehumidification system 货物除湿系统
cargo dehumidification system 货物减湿装置
cargo dehumidification 货物空气干燥系统
cargo dehumidifier 货物减湿装置
cargo dehumidifier 货物去湿装置
cargo delayed 到货延误
cargo delivery notice 提货通知
cargo delivery receipt 加油收据
cargo delivery receipt 交货收据
cargo delivery system 交货系统
cargo derrick guy pendant 吊货杆牵索
cargo derrick guy pendant 吊货杆稳索
cargo derrick topping tackle 吊货杆顶牵索滑车
cargo derrick 吊货杆
cargo derrick 吊货杆装置
cargo destined 指定货物
cargo discharge operation 卸货作业
cargo discharge pump 卸货泵
cargo distribution 货物配载
cargo documents per ship"s bag 随船单证
cargo documents 货运单据
cargo door 货门
cargo door 装货门
cargo draft 载货吃水
cargo drop reel 输货卷车
cargo dynamic hatch 自动舱口盖
cargo elevator 货物升降机
cargo entry processing and collection system 货物报关手续处理与采集系统
cargo entry processing and collection system 货物报关手续处理与收集系统
cargo expenses 装卸费用
cargo factor 货物积载因数
cargo factor 货物积载因数积载因数
cargo fall 吊货索
cargo fall 吊货索起重滑车索
cargo ferry 载货渡船
cargo filling height 液货灌装高度
cargo flexibility 装货多样性
cargo flood light 装卸用大功率照明灯
cargo flood light 装卸用探照灯
cargo gear arrangement 货物装卸设备布置
cargo gear arrangement 装卸设备布置
cargo gear arrangement 装卸设备布置图
cargo gear cerlificate 装卸工具证书
cargo gear certificate in compliance with british factory acts 符合英国工厂法规定的货物装卸设备证书
cargo gear certificate 货物装卸设备证书
cargo gear coefficient 货物装卸设备利用系数
cargo gear hire 装卸工具租金
cargo gear register 装卸设备合格证
cargo gear utilization coefficient 货物装卸设备利用系数
cargo gear 货物装卸设备
cargo gear 货物装卸装置
cargo gear 起货装置
cargo gin block 单饼铁滑车
cargo gin 装卸设备合格证
cargo gin 单饼滑车
cargo gin 单饼铁滑车
cargo grab 抓货器
cargo grating 货物格栅
cargo hand hook 搭货手钩
cargo handling appliance 装卸货设备
cargo handling arrangement 装卸设备布置
cargo handling by conveyor system 传送装卸
cargo handling by conveyor 输送机装卸
cargo handling by deck crane 船载起重机装卸
cargo handling by deck crane 起货机装卸
cargo handling by derrick 吊杆装卸
cargo handling capacity 货物装卸能力
cargo handling charges 货物处理费用
cargo handling computer 货物装卸计算机
cargo handling contract 货物装卸合同
cargo handling control board 货物装卸操纵台
cargo handling control board 货油装卸操纵台
cargo handling control board 货油装卸控制台
cargo handling equipment 货物装卸设备
cargo handling equipment 货物装卸设备起货设备
cargo handling fee at destination port 货物到港处置费
cargo handling gear 货物装卸设备
cargo handling gear 起卸货设备
cargo handling machinery 货物装卸机械
cargo handling manual 货物装卸手册
cargo handling operation 货物装卸作业
cargo handling operation 液货装卸作业
cargo handling performance 货物装卸性能
cargo handling productivity 货物装卸能力
cargo handling productivity 装卸能力
cargo handling rig 货物装卸装置
cargo handling space 货物装卸处所
cargo handling system in container terminal 集装箱码头的装卸工艺方式
cargo handling system 货物装卸系统
cargo handling system 货物装卸系统货油装卸系统
cargo handling system 货油装卸系统
cargo handling test 起重设备负荷试验
cargo handling with grabs 抓斗装卸
cargo handling 货物装卸
cargo hatch cover 货舱盖
cargo hatch list 货物分舱单
cargo hatch pontoon cover 箱形货舱口盖
cargo hatch side coaming 纵向货舱口围板
cargo hatch trunk 货舱围井
cargo hatch trunk 货舱围阱
cargo hatch 货舱口
cargo hatchcover 货舱盖
cargo hatchway 货舱口
cargo hauling 货运
cargo head 货油压头
cargo heater 货油加热器
cargo heating coils 货油加热盘管
cargo heating installation 货油加热装置
cargo heating system 货油加热系统
cargo heating 货物加热
cargo hoissting block 吊货滑车
cargo hoist leadline 起货滑车动索
cargo hoist 吊货绞辘
cargo hoist 吊货绞辘吊货索具
cargo hoist 吊货辘绳
cargo hoist 起货机
cargo hoisting block 吊货滑车
cargo hold bulkhead 货舱舱壁
cargo hold bulkhead 货舱隔堵
cargo hold ceiling 货舱护板
cargo hold dehumidification system 货舱空气干燥系统
cargo hold fan 货舱通风机
cargo hold freeing port 货舱排水舷口
cargo hold ladder 货舱梯
cargo hold 货舱
cargo hook assembly 吊钩装置
cargo hook gear 吊钩装置
cargo hook swivel 吊钩转环
cargo hook 吊钩
cargo hook 吊货钩
cargo hose compartment 液货软管舱
cargo hose connection 液货软管接头
cargo hose 货油软管
cargo hose 输油胶管
cargo hose 输油软管
cargo hydrofoil 水翼货艇
cargo icebreaker 破冰型货船
cargo in bags 袋装货
cargo in bales 袋装货
cargo in barrel 桶装货
cargo in bulk 散货散装货
cargo in bulk 散装货
cargo in bundles 捆装货
cargo in cans 罐或坛装货
cargo in case 箱装货
cargo in cask 桶装货
cargo in dram 桶装货
cargo in drum 桶装货
cargo in jars 罐或坛装货
cargo in sacks 袋装货
cargo in tin 桶装货
cargo information 货物资料
cargo inhibited against self-reaction 需抑制自行反应的货物
cargo insurance 货物保险
cargo insurer 货物承保人
cargo interests 货主
cargo jack 起货杠
cargo jack 撬货千斤顶
cargo ladder 货舱梯
cargo lamp 货物装卸照明灯
cargo lamp 装卸货用灯
cargo lamp 装卸货照明灯
cargo lamp 装卸照明灯
cargo landing-over memo 货物交接单
cargo lashing chain 货物捆绑链
cargo lien 货物留置权
cargo lift equipment 起货设备
cargo lift 货物升降机
cargo lift 升降机
cargo lifting electromagnet 起重机磁铁
cargo light 货舱灯
cargo light 装卸货用照明灯
cargo light 装卸作业灯
cargo lighter 货驳
cargo line system 货油装卸系统
cargo line 货油装卸管路
cargo liner 定期货船
cargo liquefying 货物液化
cargo liquid line 货物液体管路
cargo list 货单
cargo list 货物清单
cargo loading adaptability 货物装载适宜性
cargo loading control console 货油装卸操纵台
cargo loading control console 装卸货油操纵台
cargo loading distribution indicator 货物配载仪
cargo loading door 装货门
cargo loading manifold 货油装卸系统分路阀箱
cargo loading terminal arrangement 装货站设施
cargo loading terminal 装货站
cargo loading 货物装载
cargo loadingdischarge crossover head 货物装卸转换联箱
cargo locker 货物储藏室
cargo loss prevention committee 货物损失保委员会
cargo main 货油总管
cargo manifest 舱单
cargo marine insurance 海洋货运保险
cargo marine insurance 货物海上保险
cargo mark 货物标志
cargo marking 货物标志
cargo marks 货物标志
cargo mast 吊货高杆
cargo mast 吊货桅
cargo mast 起货柱
cargo mat 隔货席子
cargo mat 隔票席子
cargo mat 隔票席子;衬垫席
cargo mat 货垫
cargo movement information 货物移动资料
cargo navicert 货物航运执照
cargo net 吊货网
cargo net 吊货网兜
cargo not other iwse specifed 杂货
cargo notation 货种标志
cargo of contradictory nature 性质相抵触的货
cargo oil control console 货油操纵台
cargo oil control console 货油控制台
cargo oil control room 货油控制室
cargo oil control system 货油控制系统
cargo oil deck pipeline 甲板货油管系
cargo oil handling automatic control system 货油装卸自动控制系统
cargo oil heating system 货油加热系统
cargo oil hose 货油软管
cargo oil hydraulic valve 液压操纵货油阀
cargo oil line 货油管
cargo oil loading control system 货油装卸控制系统
cargo oil main transfer pipe 货油总管
cargo oil main transfer pipeline 货油输送总管
cargo oil pipe 货油管
cargo oil piping arrangement 货油管系布置图
cargo oil pump room pipe line 货油泵舱管系
cargo oil pump room pipeline 货油泵舱管系
cargo oil pump room 货油泵间
cargo oil pump turbine 货油泵汽轮机
cargo oil pump 货油泵
cargo oil pumping system 货油装卸系统
cargo oil pumps control board 货油泵控制板
cargo oil remote control 货油遥控
cargo oil remote control 装油遥控
cargo oil stripping pump 货油清舱泵
cargo oil suction heating coils 吸油口加热盘管
cargo oil system 货油系统
cargo oil tank breathing system 货油舱透气系统
cargo oil tank cleaning installations 货油舱洗舱设备
cargo oil tank cleaning system 货油舱洗舱系统
cargo oil tank gas pressure indicator 货油舱气压指示器
cargo oil tank gas-free installations 货油舱油气驱除装置
cargo oil tank pipe line 货油舱管系
cargo oil tank pipeline 货油舱管系
cargo oil tank stripping system 货油舱清舱系统
cargo oil tank ventilating system 货油舱通风系统
cargo oil tank 货油舱
cargo oil transfer system 货油输送系统
cargo oil valve control room 货油阀操纵室
cargo oil valve control system 货油阀操纵系统
cargo oil valve 货油阀
cargo oil valves control room 货油阀操纵室
cargo oil 货油
cargo oil-pumping system 货油泵运系统
cargo on board 在船上货物
cargo on deck 甲板货
cargo operation 货物装卸作业
cargo operation 装卸作业
cargo packing 货物包装
cargo papers 货单
cargo permeability 货物渗透性
cargo pier 货码头
cargo pilfering 货物失窃
cargo pipe flange 液货管法兰
cargo pipe line 货油管系
cargo pipe line 输油管系
cargo pipe work 货物管路
cargo piping arrangement 货物管路布置
cargo piping arrangement 货油管系布置
cargo piping system 货物管路系统
cargo piping 液货管系
cargo plan 配载图
cargo platform 装货平台
cargo policy 货物保单
cargo policy 货物保险单
cargo port brow 舷侧货门跳板
cargo port 舷侧装货门
cargo port 装货舷门
cargo port 装货舷门货港
cargo preferential treatment 货物优惠待遇
cargo pressure control 液货压力控制
cargo pressure vessel 货舱压力容器
cargo projector 装卸货用探照灯
cargo proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额
cargo pump room 货油泵舱
cargo pump room 货油泵间
cargo pump 装油泵
cargo pump-room bilge 货物泵舱舱底水
cargo pump-room 货油泵舱
cargo pumping arrangement 货物泵系布置
cargo pumping machinery 货油泵
cargo pumping set 货油泵装置
cargo pumping switchboard 货油泵配电盘
cargo pumping system 货油装卸系统
cargo purchase eye 吊货眼板
cargo purchase 吊货索具
cargo purchase 起货滑轮
cargo quantity limitation 货物数量限制
cargo quantity 货量
cargo quantity 货物量
cargo receipt 货物收据收货单
cargo receipt 交货收据
cargo receiver 受货人
cargo reconditioning expenses 货物倒舱费
cargo reconditioning expenses 货物整理费
cargo record book 货物记录簿
cargo reflector 货舱移动灯
cargo refrigerated space 冷藏货舱
cargo refrigerating plant 货舱制冷装置
cargo refrigeration 货物冷藏
cargo refrigeration 货物冷冻
cargo remaining on board clause 货油残留条款
cargo requirement 货物要求
cargo requiring inertion 需惰化货物
cargo reservation policy 货载保留政策
cargo reservation 货载保留
cargo residue 残余货物
cargo rig 吊货索具
cargo rigging 吊货索具
cargo room 货舱
cargo rope 吊货索
cargo runner guide roller 吊货索滚轮
cargo runner guide 护索环
cargo runner 吊货钢丝
cargo runner 吊货索
cargo runner 起货索
cargo saving net 舷边安全网
cargo saving net 装卸货用)舷边安全网
cargo securing arrangement 货物系固装置
cargo securing code 货物系固规则
cargo securing declaration 货物系固申报
cargo securing manual 货物系固手册
cargo segregation 货物分隔
cargo segregation 货物隔离
cargo separate net 隔票网
cargo service space 货物服务处所
cargo shack 吊货卸扣
cargo sharing 货载分摊
cargo shed 有顶盖的货物堆场
cargo sheet clerk 船舶货运员
cargo sheet 收货单
cargo shift 货物移动
cargo shifting damage 货物移动
cargo shifting expenses 倒舱费
cargo ship and aircraft ferry 飞机运载船
cargo ship construction certificate 货船结构证书
cargo ship dock 货船船坞
cargo ship dock 货船船坞货船船坞
cargo ship radio telegraph band 货船无线电报波段
cargo ship safety certificate 货船安全证书
cargo ship safety construction certificate 《货船构造安全证书》
cargo ship safety construction certificate 《货船构造安全证书》货船构造安全证书
cargo ship safety construction certificate 货船构造安全证书
cargo ship safety construction certificate 货船结构安全证书
cargo ship safety equipment approval record 货船设备安全认可记录
cargo ship safety equipment certificate survey 货船设备证书检验
cargo ship safety equipment certificate 《货船设备安全证书》
cargo ship safety equipment certificate 《货船设备安全证书》货船安全设备证书货船设备安全证书
cargo ship safety equipment certificate 货船安全设备证书货船设备安全证书
cargo ship safety equipment certificate 货船设备安全证书
cargo ship safety radio certificate 《货船无线电安全证书》
cargo ship safety radio certificate 《货船无线电安全证书》货船无线电安全证书
cargo ship safety radio certificate 货船无线电安全证书
cargo ship safety radio telegraphy certificate 《货船无线电报安全证书》
cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy approval record 货船无线电报安全认可记录
cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy certificate 货船无线电报安全证书
cargo ship safety radiotelegraphytelephony certificate survey 货船电报电话安全检验证书
cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate 货船无线电话安全证书
cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate 货物无线电话安全证书
cargo ship 干货船
cargo ship 干货船货船货船
cargo ship 货船
cargo shipped to and fro 往返货运
cargo shipping order 货物装船指示
cargo shipping order 货物装船指示货运单
cargo shipping order 货运单
cargo shortage or overloaded 货差
cargo skid 滑货木板条
cargo slewing guy 货钩牵索
cargo sliding 货物滑动
cargo sling 吊货索环
cargo sling 吊货索套
cargo space ventilation 货舱通风
cargo space 货舱
cargo space 载货舱位
cargo space 载货舱位;载货容积
cargo sparring 货舱壁护条
cargo spotter 货物定位装置
cargo spotting attachment 舱内送货具
cargo spotting device 货物定位装置
cargo steamer 货船
cargo steamer 蒸汽货船
cargo stowage code 货物积载规则
cargo stowage declaration 货物积载申报
cargo stowage factor 积载因数
cargo stowage plan 货物)配载图
cargo stowage plan 货物积载图
cargo stowage plan 配载图
cargo stripping pump 货油扫舱泵
cargo stripping pump 清舱泵
cargo suction pipe 货油吸管
cargo superintendent 货物管理员
cargo superintendent 理货员
cargo survey and claim 货物检验与索赔
cargo surveyor 货物检验师
cargo surveyor 商检人员
cargo sweat 货物汗湿
cargo sweat 货物结露
cargo sweeping 扫舱货
cargo swivel 吊货旋转接头
cargo system valving requirement 液货系统的装阀要求
cargo system 货物系统
cargo tackle 吊货滑车组
cargo tackle 吊货绞辘
cargo tally corporation 理货公司
cargo tank ballasting 液货舱压载
cargo tank boundary 液货舱界限面
cargo tank cleaning procedure 液货舱清洗程序
cargo tank cleaning system 液货舱清洗系统
cargo tank construction 液货舱构造
cargo tank deballasting 液货舱卸载
cargo tank deck area 液货舱甲板区
cargo tank gauge 货油舱液面指示器
cargo tank gauge 货油舱液位表
cargo tank gauge 货油舱液位计
cargo tank information 液货舱资料
cargo tank location 液货舱位置
cargo tank outlet 液货舱出口
cargo tank over-flow protection 液货舱溢流保
cargo tank pumping system 液货舱泵系
cargo tank purging 货油舱除气
cargo tank stripping 扫舱
cargo tank suction 液货舱吸口
cargo tank valve 货油舱阀
cargo tank vapour piping system 货油舱透气系统
cargo tank ventilating system 货油舱通风系统
cargo tank ventilation system 液货舱通风系统
cargo tank washing 液货舱洗舱
cargo tank 货船
cargo tank 货油舱
cargo tank 液货舱
cargo tankage 液货舱容
cargo temperature control system 货物温度控制系统
cargo temperature control 货物温度控制
cargo temperature 货物温度
cargo ton 货运吨
cargo ton 载货吨
cargo tonnage 载货吨位
cargo tonnage 载货吨位载货重量
cargo tonnage 载货吨位载重吨位
cargo trace 货物查询
cargo tracer 货物查询单
cargo transfer control system 货物驳运控制系统
cargo transfer method 货物驳运方法
cargo transfer operation 货物驳运作业
cargo transfer 货物驳运
cargo transferred 已转驳货物
cargo transhipment area 货物转船区
cargo transport unit 货物运输单位
cargo transport 货物运输船
cargo transport 运货船
cargo transportation insurance 货物运输保险
cargo tray 吊货托盘
cargo tray 托货盘
cargo trimmer 平舱工人
cargo trimmer 平舱工人;平舱机
cargo trimmer 平舱机匀货工人
cargo trimmer 匀货工人
cargo trunk 货物升降口
cargo type 货物类型
cargo underwriter 货物保险承保人
cargo underwriter 货险承保人
cargo unit 货物单元
cargo unit 货物组件
cargo unloading terminal arrangement 卸货站设施
cargo unmanifested 未列入舱单的货物
cargo unprepared 货未备妥
cargo valuation form 货价表
cargo valuation form 货物估定价格表
cargo valve control system 货油阀控制系统
cargo valve 货阀
cargo valve 货油阀
cargo vent system 货物通风系统
cargo ventilation 货舱通风
cargo ventilation 货物通风
cargo vessel 货船
cargo warehouse 货物仓库
cargo weight 货物重量
cargo whip 吊货绞辘
cargo whip 吊货索
cargo whip 吊货辘绳
cargo winch control panel 起货机操纵台
cargo winch control panel 起货机控制台
cargo winch motor 起货机电动机
cargo winch 起货机
cargo winch 起货机起货绞车
cargo winch 起货绞车
cargo wire rope 吊货钢丝
cargo wire 吊货钢丝
cargo wire 吊货索
cargo without bill of lading 没有提单的货物
cargo work control room 货油系统控制室
cargo worthy 适货的
cargo 船货
cargo 货物
cargo"s main mark 货物主标志
cargo"s proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额
cargo"s propportion of ga 共同海损货物分摊额
cargo-and-passenger ship 货客船
cargo-and-passenger vessel 货客船
cargo-carrying ability 载货性能
cargo-container ship 集装箱货船
cargo-fuel ratio 载货量与燃料装载量比
cargo-handling equipment 货物装卸设备
cargo-handling facilities 装卸货设备
cargo-handling system 货物装卸系统
cargo-heating installation 货油加热装置
cargo-lifting electromagnet 磁力起货吸盘
cargo-liner traffic 定期货船运输
cargo-loading manifold 货油系统分路阀箱
cargo-oil tank 货油舱
cargo-pumping machinery 货油泵送设备
cargo-pumping switchboard 货油泵配电盘
cargo-transport 货物运输船
cargo-trimmer 平舱工
cargo-underwriter 货物保险承保商
cargo-worthy 适于运货的
cargoarea 装货区
cargocaire system 货舱除湿装置
cargocapacity 载货量
cargocubic capacity 载货容量
cargofactor 积载因数
cargolight 货物装卸照明灯
cargomain 货油总管
cargoowner 货物所有人
cargopump 货油泵
cargos valuation form valuation form 货物价值单
cargoship 货船
cargosubmarine 潜水货船
cargotank 货油舱
cargotraining ship 货训练船
cargotraining ship 货运训练船
cargovalve 货油阀
cargoworthiness 适货
caribbean community 加勒比海共同体
caribbean sea 加勒比海
carina 船底星座
carinate 龙骨的
carley float 救生浮具
carline box 梁间贮藏室
carline knee 短纵梁肘
carline 短纵梁
carline 短纵梁;舱口纵梁
carling knee 舱口纵梁肘板
carling main beam longitudinal 短纵梁
carnauba wax 巴西棕榈蜡
carnot cycle 卡诺循环
carob 稻子豆
carousel buoy-floating barge 转盘式浮标驳船
carpenter work 木工制品
carpenter 木工
carpenter 木匠
carpenter 木匠木工
carpenter"carpenter"carpenter"carriage by rail 铁路运输
carpenter"s axe 木工斧
carpenter"s bench 木工台
carpenter"s certificate 木匠执照
carpenter"s drawing compasses 木工圆规
carpenter"s gimlet 木工手钻
carpenter"s glue 牛皮胶
carpenter"s hammer 木工锤
carpenter"s level 木工水平尺
carpenter"s level 木匠水平尺
carpenter"s mate 木工班长
carpenter"s mate 木匠助手
carpenter"s pencil 木工铅笔
carpenter"s pincers 胡桃钳
carpenter"s saw blade 木工锯条
carpenter"s saw 木工锯
carpenter"s scraper 木工刮刀
carpenter"s shop 木工车间
carpenter"s stopper 掣缆索
carpenter"s store room 木工贮藏室
carpenter"s store 木匠贮藏室
carpenter"s wood saw 木工锯
carpenter"s 木工的
carpet runner 通道地毯
carpet sweeper 扫毯器
carpet 地毯
carrack 武装商船
carrening tackle 倾船滑车组
carriage and insurance paid to 运费、保险费付至
carriage and insurance paid 运费、保险费付至
carriage bolt 埋头螺栓
carriage by air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 非空运合同承运人开展的运输
carriage by road 公路运输
carriage by sea industry 海上运送事业
carriage by sea law 海上运送法日
carriage by sea 海上运输
carriage forward 运到支付
carriage forward 运到支付运费未付运费交货时照付运费未收
carriage forward 运费未付
carriage forward 运费未收
carriage free 免费运输
carriage free 免费运送
carriage free 运费免付
carriage hoist 起重机
carriage in bulk of liquid cargo 散装运输液体货物
carriage of ballast 压载运输
carriage of contraband 载运违禁品
carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk 散装危险化学品运输
carriage of dangerous goods by road 公路危险货物运输
carriage of dangerous goods by sea 危险货物的海上运输
carriage of dangerous goods in limited quantities 限量内的危险货物运输
carriage of dangerous goods 危险品货物运输危险品运输
carriage of dangerous goods 危险品运输
carriage of dangerous goods
carriage of goods by sea act 《海上货物运输法》海上货物运输法
carriage of goods by sea act 海上货物运输法
carriage of goods under charter 租船运输
carriage of goods 货物运输
carriage of irradiated nuclear fuel 乏放射性核燃料的运输
carriage of liquified gas in bulk 散装液化气体运输
carriage of noxious liquid substance 有毒液体物质运输
carriage of passengers by sea 海上旅客运输
carriage of timber deck cargo 木材甲板货物运输
carriage of vehicle 载运车辆
carriage paid to named place of destination 运费付至目的地指定地点
carriage paid 运费付讫
carriage paid 运费已付
carriage requirement 装载要求
carriage return 回车
carriage return 回车
carriage track 拖车轨道
carriage 车;运输
carriage 拖车
carriage 拖车行车
carriage 运费
carriage 运输运费
carriage 运送
carriage-return 计算机键盘回车键
carrick bend 大绳接结
carrick bitt 起锚机系柱
carrick bitts 起锚机系柱
carrick bitts 起锚机系柱起锚机柱
carrick head 起锚机系柱
carrick heads windless bitts 起锚机系柱
carried down 过次页
carried down 转入次页
carried down 转入下页
carried forward 过次页
carried forward 转次页
carried forward 转次页转下页
carried forward 转入次页
carried forward 转入下页
carried forward 转下页
carried interest 附带权益
carried over 转入
carried over 转入下页
carried over 转入转入下页
carrier air 载波空气
carrier ampliffier 载波放大器
carrier amplifier 载波放大器
carrier bearing 托架轴承
carrier current communication 载流通信
carrier current telephony 载波电话
carrier current 载波电流
carrier current 载流
carrier detector 载波检波器
carrier extract 载波提取
carrier filter 载波滤波器
carrier frequency cable 载频电缆
carrier frequency distributor 载频分配器
carrier frequency synchronization 载频同步
carrier frequency 载频
carrier gas 载气
carrier generator 载频振荡器
carrier haulage 承运人接运
carrier landing 母舰上着陆
carrier level 载波电平
carrier line 载波线路
carrier material 载体材料
carrier metal 载体金属
carrier model 载体型
carrier noise 载波噪声
carrier of passengers 客运承运人
carrier offset 载波偏置
carrier other than the contracting carrier 非空运合同承运人
carrier phase 载波相位
carrier plate 承板
carrier power output 载波输出功率
carrier recovery 载波恢复
carrier reduced ssb 减载波单边带
carrier reinsertion 载频恢复
carrier ring 支承环
carrier signal-to-noise ratio 载波信噪比
carrier supply system 载供系统
carrier suppressed double band 抑制载波双边带
carrier suppressed dsb communication 抑制载波双边带通信
carrier suppressed ssb 抑制载波单边带
carrier suppression 载波抑制
carrier synchronization 载波同步
carrier telegraphy 载波电报
carrier telephone repeater 载波电话增音机
carrier telephone system 载波电话系统
carrier telephone terminal 载波电话终端机
carrier transmission 载波传输
carrier voltage 载波电压
carrier wave jamming 载波拥挤
carrier wave 载波
carrier 搬运人运输车
carrier 承运人航空母舰
carrier 承运人运输船
carrier 承运人运输船航空母舰支座
carrier 运输车
carrier 运输船
carrier 载流
carrier"carrier"carrier"carrier"carrier"carrier"carrier"carry away boat 运鱼船
carrier"s agent 承运人代理
carrier"s agent 承运人代理人
carrier"s agent 承运人的代理
carrier"s agent 承运人的代理人
carrier"s agent 承租人的代理人
carrier"s allowance 承运人保留舱位
carrier"s allowance 承运人保留舱位承运人津贴
carrier"s allowance 承运人津贴
carrier"s exemption for loss of or damage to cargo 承运人对货物灭失或损坏的免责
carrier"s exemption 承运人的免责
carrier"s immunities and responsibilities in pallet transportation 托盘承运人的免责和责任
carrier"s insurance 承运人保险
carrier"s liability insurance 承运人责任保险
carrier"s liability 承运人责任
carrier"s lien 承运人留置权
carrier"s note 提货单
carrier"s obligation of care for cargo 承运人的管货义务
carrier"s pack 承运人装箱
carrier"s package or unit limitation of liability 承运人单位责任限制
carrier"s responsibilities 承运人的责任
carrier"s risk 损失由承运人负责
carrier"s risks 承运险
carriers liability insurance 承运人责任保险
carriers limitation of liability 承运人责任限制
carriertelegraphy 载波电报
carring on 执行命令;继续操练;尽量展帆
carry a contract 履行合同
carry away 卷走;折断
carry bit 进位
carry chain 进位链
carry circuit 进位电路
carry delay 进位延迟
carry failure 进位失败
carry flip-flop 进位触发电路
carry flip-flop 移位触发器
carry gate 移位门
carry in alternate holds 隔舱装载
carry in bit 输入位
carry in 输入
carry input 进位输入
carry number 移位数
carry on 继续
carry out an anchor 艇载抛锚(船身不动
carry out bit 输出位
carry out 输出
carry out 执行
carry output 进位输出
carry over loss 转换损失排出损失
carry over n. 转入
carry pulse 进位脉冲
carry storage device 进位存储装置
carry storage register 进位寄存器
carry vessel 搬运船
carry vessel 搬运船(如矿石
carry 进位
carry 携带
carry-circuit 进位电路
carryall 大轿车
carrying ability 载重量
carrying capacity in number and length on deck 船舶甲板载运量
carrying capacity of life boat 救生艇乘员定额
carrying capacity of lifeboat 救生艇乘员定额
carrying capacity of liferaft 救生筏乘员定额
carrying capacity 承载能力
carrying capacity 载运量
carrying capacity 载运量;电荷量
carrying capacity 载重量
carrying capacity 载重量载流容量
carrying current 极限电流
carrying forward dispatch time 可调剂使用的装卸时间
carrying load 载重量
carrying pole hitch 杠棒结
carrying power 载重量
carrying rudder! 把稳舵!压舵压舵!把稳舵
carrying surface 承力面
carrying surface 承载面
carrying the rudder! 压舵!把稳舵!
carrying tonnage 载重量
carrying trade 运输业
carrying vessel 承运船舶
carrying vessel 运输船
carrying vessel 运输船承运船
carrying way with engine stopped 淌航
carrying 载运的
carrying 装载的
cars knocked down 汽车拆卸
carse 低湿地
cart 放线车
cartage 搬运费
cartage 搬运费;车费
cartage 货车运货
carte blanche 空白合同
carte blanche 全权委任
carte blanche 全权委托空白合同
carte 证书
cartel ship 交换俘虏船交换战俘船
cartel ship 交换战俘船
cartel 国际班轮公会组织
cartel 企业联合
cartesian coordinates 平面直角坐标
carthamus seed 红花子
carting to shipside 将货物运到船边
cartographer 绘图学者
cartographer 制图员
cartographic data 制图数据
cartographic record 图表资料图表记录
cartographicrecord 图表资料
cartography 绘图学
cartography 制图学
cartology 地图学
carton board bulged 箱板凸起
carton board patched 箱板经修补
carton chafed 箱擦花
carton contents rattling 箱内容物有破碎声
carton deformed 箱变形
carton flap open 条盖松开
carton plank dented 箱板塌
carton torn & dented 箱撕破压扁
carton upside down 箱倒置
carton wrapper torn 箱皮撕破
carton 纸板箱
carton 纸盒
cartouche panel 饰板
cartouche panel 装饰用嵌板
cartouche release mechanism 喷射筒排放装置
cartouche 喷射筒
cartouche 装饰镜板
cartridge brush holder 管形刷握
cartridge fuse 保险丝管
cartridge fuse 熔丝管
cartridge 插口
cartridge 灯座;夹头;卡盘;弹药
cartridge 夹头
cartridge 卡盘
cartruck carrier 汽车卡车运输船
carvel built boat 平铺式舢板
carvel built 平铺
carvel joint 平镶接合
carvel planing 平铺船壳板
carvel planking 平接外板
carvel planking 平铺船壳板
carvel shackle 埋头螺丝卸扣
carvel 平铺式
carvel 舢板船壳)平铺式
carvelsystem) 平铺式
carving note 船舶登记证书
carving note 船舶登记证书刻板登记项目
carving note 刻板
carving note 刻在立梁上的船舶登记项目
carving 雕刻
cascade amplifier 级联放大器
cascade bend 分节弯管
cascade connection 级联
cascade control system 级联控制系统
cascade control 级联控制串联调速
cascade converter 级联变换机
cascade converter 级联变换机级联变换器复串联变流器
cascade converter 级联变换器
cascade current transformer 级联电流互感器
cascade effect 叶栅效应级联效应
cascade evaporation 串联蒸发
cascade generator 级联振荡器
cascade lubrication 帘状润滑
cascade motor set 串级电动机组
cascade motor 串级电动机
cascade solidity 叶栅实度
cascade spacing 栅距
cascade starter 级联起动器
cascade system 复叠系统级联系统
cascade tank 串联水箱
cascade tank 阶式水箱
cascade tank 热井
cascade test 叶栅试验
cascade theory 叶栅理论
cascade transformer 级间变压器
cascade transistor amplifiers 级联晶体管放大器
cascade voltage doubler 级联倍压器
cascade wind tunnel 叶山试验风洞
cascade 级喷流
cascade 溅水雾花小瀑布
cascade 小瀑布;急滩;级联的
cascade 叶栅级联
cascade-spacing 栅距
casco insurance 船壳保险
casco insurance 船壳险船壳保险
cascode amplifier 阴地-栅地级联放大器
cascode circuit 栅地—阴地放大电路
case board badly broken 箱板轻微破损
case board broken 箱体损坏
case board slightly broken 箱板严重破损
case board stained by moisture 箱板水湿
case boards patched 箱子经修补
case broken 箱破损
case cabonizing 表面渗碳
case carburization 表面渗碳
case cargo 箱装货
case cited 引证的案例
case closed 结案
case crushed 箱摔碎
case cube reckoning 货箱立方计算
case depth 渗碳层厚度
case dogs 货物起吊钩
case empty 中空
case for fresh water cooler 淡水冷却器外壳
case for gyro 陀螺房
case fragile 箱子脆弱
case frail 箱脆弱
case goods 箱装货
case goods 箱装货物
case goods 箱装货箱装货物
case half empty 半空
case hardended steel 表面硬化钢
case hardened 表面硬化
case hardening 表面渗碳硬化
case hardening 表面硬化
case hardness 表面硬度
case history 事例史
case hook 箱钩
case hook 箱装货吊钩
case hooks 货物起吊钩
case insufficient packed 包装不固
case law 判例法
case nearly empty 几乎空箱
case number 货箱编号
case number 箱号
case number 箱号码(货运用语
case number 箱号箱号码(货运用语
case of first impression 未有先例之案件
case of force majeure 不可抗力情况
case of illness 病例
case of marine accident 航行事故案件
case of roller guide 滚子导套壳
case of stranding 搁浅案件
case oil 桶装油
case oil 箱装油(常指煤油
case oil 箱装油(通常指煤油
case on maritime entorcement 海事执行案件
case packing 箱包装
case renailed 箱子重钉
case repaired 箱子经修补
case seal missing 箱封条脱落
case seal off 箱封条脱落
case sealed 箱被封妥
case smashed 箱撞碎
case stained by contents 箱子受内货污染
case stained by dry water 箱子有干水痕
case stained by oil 箱子受油污
case study 案例研究
case study 专题分析研究原因分析
case type 封闭型的
case upside down 箱子倒置
case 壳
case 事例
case 箱;外壳
case 箱的总称(货运用语
case 箱子
case-carbonizing 渗碳
case-cargo 箱装货
case-goods 箱装货
case-hardening 表面硬化
case-law 判例法
case-lid box 套盖箱
case-number 箱号
case-stating system 判例制
case-study 具体实例分析
casebook 案例集
cased fan 封闭式通风机
casein 酪朊
caseln plastics 酪肮塑料
caseln 酪肮
cases board bulged 箱板凸起
cases board dented 箱板凹进
cases bottoms off 箱底脱落
cases broken at bottom 箱底破裂
cases broken at corner 箱角破裂
cases broken at side 箱旁破裂
cases cracked and renailed 箱子摔破重钉
cases jammed at the side 箱边压坏
cases with bands broken 箱箍断脱
cases with bands off 箍条脱落
cases with boards & battens broken 箱板条破裂
cases with boards staved in 箱板撞破
cases with end battens split 箱末端板条裂开
cases with ends split 箱端裂开
cases with nail holes 箱板有钉眼
cases with panels split 箱镶板裂开
cases with side batten broken 箱旁板条破裂
cases with side boards broken 箱旁板破裂
cases 箱的总称
cash document 凭单据付款
cash account 现金帐
cash advance 借款
cash advance 现金预付
cash advance 预付款
cash advance 预付款预付现金现金预付
cash advance 预付现金
cash against documents 凭运货单付现
cash against delivery 货到付款
cash against documents 凭单据付款
cash against documents 凭单据付款交单付款
cash against policy 持保险单付款
cash and carry 付现提货和运输自理
cash balance 现金余额
cash basis of accounting 现金往来帐户
cash before delivery 交贷前付款
cash before delivery 交货前付款
cash before shipment 装船前付款装船前付现
cash book 现金簿册现金记录本
cash book 现金帐
cash by return mail 回程邮递付现
cash by return steamer 回航付现
cash credit 活期贷款
cash flow 现金周转
cash in advance 交货前付现金现金预付
cash in transit policy 现金保险单
cash on arrival 货到付款
cash on delivery 货到付款
cash on delivery 货到付款现金交货
cash on delivery 交货付款
cash on delivery 现金交货
cash on deliverycollect on delivery 货到付款现金交货
cash on documents 见证付款
cash on presentation of documents 见票即付款
cash on receipt of merchandise 收货即付款
cash on shipment 装船付现
cash on shipment 装货付款
cash on shippment 装货付款
cash order 现金单
cash order 现金定单
cash payment 付现金
cash payment 支付现金
cash price 付现价格
cash shortfall 现金短缺
cash surplus 现金结余
cash versus documents 凭单据付款
cash with order 定货时付款
cash with order 定货时付款预付款
cash with order 预付款
cash 现款
cash-account 现金帐
cash-credit 活期贷款
cash-purchase 现购
cashew kernels 腰果仁
cashew nut oil 腰果油
cashew nuts 腰果
cashier 出纳员
cashier 出纳员;撤职
cashier"s order 本票
casing clamp 套管卡子
casing complement for reversing coupling 换向联轴器壳体
casing liner 装箱衬垫
casing mandrel 套管整形器
casing ring 套环
casing 壳
casing 壳套罩箱
casing 外壳
cask buoy 桶形浮标
cask buoy 桶形浮筒
cask hoop off 桶箍脱落
cask leaking through seam 桶板缝渗漏
cask re-cooped 桶重修理
cask sling 吊桶索套
cask stave broken 桶板破裂
cask stave off 桶板脱落
cask 吊斗
cask 桶
cask 桶(货运用语
cask-buoy 筒形浮标
casket 容器小箱
cassab 副水手长
cassation 取消;废除;翻案
cassegrainian telescope 一种反射型望远镜
cassette disc 盒式磁盘
cassette recorder 盒式磁带录音机
cassette recorder 卡型盒式磁带机
cassette tape unit 匣式磁带机
cassette 暗盒
cassia 肉桂
casso insurance 船壳与索具保险
cast a point of traverse 预先画出航行中需要的目标方位
cast about 掉抢
cast about 掉抢在附近搜寻设法
cast alloy iron 合金铸铁
cast alloy 铸合金
cast aluminium 铸铝
cast anchor 抛锚
cast ashore 被浪冲上岸
cast ashore 搁岸
cast away 故意毁船
cast bitt 铸铁带缆桩
cast brass bar 铸铜棒
cast brass 铸铜
cast carbon steel 铸造碳素钢
cast down 减速
cast down-castdown 向下的使下降
cast hollow blade 铸造空心桨叶
cast in a lawsuit 败诉
cast in a narrow channel 狭水道掉头
cast in damages 被判决赔偿损失
cast iron bar 铸铁棒
cast iron cable box 铸铁电缆套
cast iron fittings 铸铁配件
cast iron pipe 铸铁管
cast iron propeller 铸铁螺旋桨
cast iron resistor 铸铁电阻器
cast iron welding powder 铸铁焊粉
cast iron welding wire 铸铁焊条
cast iron 生铁
cast iron 用铸铁制的
cast iron 铸铁
cast loose 放松
cast material 铸造材料
cast metal 铸造金属
cast nail 铸钉
cast number 浇铸号
cast off wharf 离开码头
cast off 解
cast off 解缆
cast pipe 铸管
cast plastics 铸塑塑料
cast resin 充填树脂
cast soldering 浇铸连接
cast steel chain cable 铸钢链
cast steel chain 铸钢锚链
cast steel propeller 铸钢螺旋桨
cast steel throw 铸钢曲柄
cast steel valve 钢阀
cast steel valve 钢钢阀
cast steel valve 铸钢阀
cast steel wire brush 钢丝刷
cast steel 铸钢
cast the anchor 抛锚
cast the lead 抛水砣
cast 使败诉;解雇;手锤测深;强行掉头;原地回转;投掷;铸件
cast 铸型
cast-in place pile 钻孔灌注桩
cast-iron propeller 铸铁螺旋桨
cast-iron 铸铁的生铁
cast-steel stem post 铸钢首柱
castaway 遇难船乘船遇难的人
castaway 遇难船乘船遇难的人漂流物
castaway 遇难船上的人或物;漂流物
castdown 下降
caste 社会等级
castel 城堡
castellanus 堡状
castellated nut 槽顶螺母
castellated shaft 花键轴
castello 城堡
caster 铸工
castic iron pipe 铸铁管
casting cleaning machine 铸件清理机
casting crack 铸造裂纹
casting defect 铸件缺陷
casting finish 铸件清理
casting machine 浇铸机
casting mold 铸型
casting of propeller in metal pattern 螺旋桨金属模铸造
casting out 舍去
casting resin 充填树脂
casting sand 型砂
casting temperature 浇铸温度
casting 铸件
castle nut 槽顶螺母
castle nut 堞形螺帽
castle 城堡
castle 城堡城堡城堡城堡
castle 船楼
castor beans 蓖麻子
castor oil 蓖麻油
castor seeds 蓖麻籽
caststem 铸钢首柱
casual inspection 临时检查
casual repair 临时修理
casual user 临时用户
casual worker 临时工
casual 临时的
casual 偶然的;临时的
casualties 伤亡人数
casualty board 应急堵漏板
casualty control 损害管制
casualty data availability 事故数据有效性
casualty data 事故数据
casualty date available 事故日期可确定
casualty date 事故日期
casualty effect 事故结果
casualty insurance 灾害保险
casualty investigation findings 事故调查结果
casualty invstigation 事故调查
casualty loss 意外损失
casualty power distribution system 应急配电系统
casualty power terminal 应急电源端子
casualty power 应急电源
casualty ratio of accidents 事故率
casualty record 事故记录
casualty report 损坏报告
casualty statistics 事故统计
casualty to ship 船舶事故
casualty 故障
casualty 严得伤亡事故;伤亡
casuarina 枯树
casuarinas 一种不长树叶的树林
cat block 吊锚滑车
cat anchor 拉锚
cat block 吊锚滑车
cat crane 吊锚杆
cat davit 吊锚柱
cat davit 起锚柱
cat fall 吊锚索
cat head 吊锚杆
cat head 系锚杆
cat hole 尾缆孔
cat hook 吊锚钩
cat hook 起锚钩
cat ice 贝壳状悬吊冰
cat paw 猫爪结;猫掌风
cat paw 猫爪结猫掌风
cat purchase 吊锚滑车组
cat rope 锚缆系索
cat shaft 吊锚绞辘轴
cat tackle 吊锚复滑车
cat tackle 起锚绞辘
cat walk bridge 船舶)纵向天桥
cat walk bridge 纵向天桥
cat walk 天桥
cat whisker 接触弹簧
cat 滑车
cat 猫;吊锚绞辘;微风
cat 锚架的滑车
cat 起锚滑车
cat"s paw 猫掌风
cat"s paw 猫掌风;微风吹起的皱波;猫爪结
cat-back 锚钩索
cat-chain 吊锚索具
cat-davit 起锚柱
cat-hook 吊锚钩
cat-tackle 吊锚滑车组
catabaltic wind 冷烈风
catacoustic 回声的
catadioptric 光线反射曲折的
catafront 气象)下滑锋下滑锋
catafront 下滑锋
catalin 铸塑酚醛塑料
catalog 目录
catalog 目录一览表商品目录产品目录
catalogof charts and other navigational publications 航海图书目录
catalogue 产品目录
catalogue 目录
catalogue 目录一览表商品目录产品目录产品样本目录
catalysis 催化
catalyst 催化剂
catalytic agent 催化剂
catalytic agent 接触剂
catalytic cracking unit 催化热裂装置
catalytic cracking 催化热裂
catalytic muffler 催化式消声器
catalytic muffler 催化式消音器
catalytic 催化的
catalyzer 催化剂
catamaran barge carrier 双体载驳船
catamaran barge 双体驳
catamaran buoy tender 航标敷设双体船
catamaran driller 双体钻探船
catamaran ferry 双体渡船
catamaran hull 双船体
catamaran resistance 双体船阻力
catamaran sailing association 长筏船航行协会
catamaran trawler 双体拖网渔船
catamaran tug 双体拖船
catamaran 双体船
catamaran 双体船;捕渔竹排筏
catamaran 双体船救生筏作业筏
catamaran 双体船排筏
catamaran 双体船双连舟排筏
catamaran-stern hull 双尾船体
catanadromous 上下浮游的鱼群
catandromous 上下浮游的鱼群
cataphalanx 冷锋面
cataphoresis 阳离子电泳
catapulted aircraft merchant ship 发射飞行器商船
catastrophe reinsurance 非常损失再保险
catastrophic explosion 毁灭性爆炸
catastrophic explosion 毁灭性破坏
catastrophic explosion 破坏性爆炸
catastrophic 毁灭性大灾祸的
catastrophic 毁灭性的
catblock 吊锚滑车
catboat 独桅艇
catch a turn 绕住
catch all 装杂物的容器;总受器
catch cold 伤风
catch drain 截水沟
catch fake 不整齐的盘绕绳索
catch fire 着火
catch holder 熔丝架
catch ratline 加强桅梯绳
catch water 汽水分离器
catch 捕捉
catch 掣
catch 掣锁扣
catcher boat 捕鲸船
catcher groove 集油槽
catcher 捕鲸船
catcher 捕捉者
catcher 捕捉者;捕捉器
catcher 收集器
catches 捕获物
catching diode 箝位二极管
catchment area 汇水面积;受雨区
catchment cup 集油杯
catchment 集水
catechu 儿茶
category 种类
category-1 port 一类口岸
category-2 port 二类口岸
catelectrode 阴极
catenary anchor leg mooring 单悬锚系泊链状锚系泊系统锚链系泊
catenary anchor leg mooring 链状锚系泊系统锚链系泊
catenary anchor leg mooring 悬链式锚腿系泊
catenary chain 悬链
catenary length 悬链线长
catenary moored buoy 悬链式系泊浮筒
catenary mooring chain 悬链系泊链
catenary mooring 悬链式系泊
catenary motion 悬链线运动
catenary sag 悬链线垂度
catenary suspension 链式悬吊
catenary wire 吊索
catenary 悬链线;链状的
catenary 悬链线吊线
catenation 耦合联接
catenation 耦合联接联接器
cater for 为…服务
cater 供应伙食
caterer 包办伙食的人
catering department 服务部门
catering on board 船上伙食供应
catering ratings 客船上管理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事
catering staffs 客船上管理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事
catering 给养
catering 伙食
catering-ratings 船上的伙食服务人员
catering-staff 船上管理伙食的服务人员
caterpillar tractor 履带式拖拉机
cathead 吊锚杆
cathead 吊锚架
cathedral 大教堂
cathedral 大教堂教堂
catheter 导液管
cathetometer 高差计
cathod 阴极
cathode -ray oscillograph 阴极射线示波器
cathode bias 阴极偏压
cathode bias 阴偏压
cathode breakdown 阴极击穿
cathode cation caver 英国外赫布里底岛的一种和风
cathode coupled amplifier 阴极耦合放大器
cathode coupled multivibrator 阴极耦合多谐振荡器
cathode current 阴极电流
cathode dark space 阴极暗区
cathode efficiency 阴极效率
cathode feedback amplifier 阴极反馈放大器
cathode follower mixer 阴极输出混频器
cathode follower 阴极跟随器
cathode follower 阴极跟随器阴极输出器
cathode follower 阴极输出器
cathode glow 阴极光辉
cathode glow 阴极辉光
cathode grid 阴极栅
cathode heater tube 旁热式电子管
cathode injection 阴极输入
cathode input amplifier 阴极输入放大器
cathode lead 阴极引出线
cathode loaded amplifier 阴极输出放大器
cathode modulation 阴极调制
cathode phase inverter 阴极倒相器
cathode potential stabilized tube 阴极电位稳定管
cathode ray curve tracer 阴极射线描绘器
cathode ray direction finder 阴极射线显示测向仪
cathode ray direction finder 阴极射线显示器测向仪
cathode ray memory tube 阴极射线存储管
cathode ray oscillograph 阴极射线示波器
cathode ray oscilloscope 示波器
cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器
cathode ray tube display 阴极射线管显示器
cathode ray tube screen 阴极射线管荧光屏
cathode ray tube 阴极射线管
cathode ray 阴极射线
cathode regulation 阴极稳压
cathode resistance 阴极电阻
cathode sleeve 阴极套管
cathode sputtering 阴极溅射
cathode stream 阴极电子溅射
cathode stream 阴极电子流
cathode 电子管的阴极
cathode 电子管的阴极阴极负极
cathode 阴极
cathode-coupled multivibrator 阴极耦合式多谐振荡器
cathode-ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器
cathode-raytube 阴极射线管
cathode-rotating propellers 对转螺旋桨
cathodic corrosion 阴极腐蚀
cathodic derusting 阴极除锈
cathodic eye 电眼
cathodic polarization 阴极极化
cathodic protection automatic control 阴极保自动控制系统
cathodic protection automatically controlled 自动控制阴极保
cathodic protection system 阴极保系统
cathodic protection zinc 阴极保锌
cathodic protection 阴极保
cathodic protection 阴极防蚀
cathodic 阴极的
cathodogram 阴极射线示波图
cathodoluminescence 电子激发光
cathole 尾导缆孔
catilerver bridge 悬臂桥
cating coin quoin 桶堆楔块
cation resin 阳离子交换树脂
cation exchange filter 阳离子交换滤器
cation exchanger 阳离子交换器
cation resin 阳离子交换
cation 阳离子
cationite 阳离子交换剂
cationresin 阳离子树脂
catoptric light 用反射器形成平行光束的灯光
catoptric lighthouse 反射光灯塔
catoptric 灯光反射的
catoptric 灯光反射的;反射的
catpendant 吊锚滑车索
catting chain 吊锚链
catting chain 悬锚短链
catting link 吊锚环
catting shackle 吊锚卸扣
cattle attendant 牲口船的)饲养员牲畜船的)饲养员
cattle attendant 饲养员
cattle carrier 牲畜运输船
cattle deck 牲畜甲板
cattle fittings 牲口栏
cattle fittings 牲畜栏;牲口运输装置
cattle man 牲口船的)饲养员牲畜船的)饲养员
cattle man 饲养员
cattle manifest 牲畜舱单
cattle meal cake 牛食饼
cattle sling 牲畜吊具
cattle stall 牲畜栏
cattle vessel 牲畜运输船
cattle 牛;牲畜
cattle 牛家畜
cattle-carrier 牲畜运输船
cattle-container ship 牲畜集装箱船
cattle-guard 铁丝网
cattle-ship 牲畜船
catwalk 纵天桥
catwalk 纵向天桥
cauliflower cloud 积云的一种
caulk 捻缝
caulk 捻缝凿密
caulked edge 捻缝边
caulked rivet 捻缝铆钉
caulked seam 经过捻缝的缝隙
caulked 捻缝的凿密的
caulker 捻缝工捻缝锤
caulking chisel 捻缝凿
caulking compound 捻缝胶泥
caulking edge 捻缝边
caulking fiber 麻絮
caulking fibre 麻絮
caulking groove 填隙槽
caulking hammer 捻缝锤
caulking iron 捻缝凿
caulking piece 捻缝填隙片
caulking strip 捻缝填隙条
caulking tool 捻缝工具
caulking weld 填密焊缝
caulking 捻缝凿密堵头
causa causans 近因
causal analysis 因果分析
causal relationship 因果关系
causal sequence 因果顺序
causality 原因;因果律;因果关系
causation 因果关系;因果律
cause of action 诉因
cause of anchorage 锚泊原因
cause of death 死因
cause of loss 灭失原因
cause remote 远因
cause 造成
caused by band rusted 由于箍生锈的原因而造成的
caused by bundle off 由于散捆的原因而造成的
caused by bundle slack 由于捆松的原因而造成的
caused by bundle transfigured 由于捆变形的原因而造成的
caused by hoop off 由于散箍的原因而造成的
causeway tender 浮码头供应驳
causeway 长堤;路堤
causeway 堤道
causeway 围堤
caustic alkali 苛性碱
caustic brittleness 碱脆性
caustic calcined magnesite 轻烧镁
caustic cracking 苛性脆化
caustic embrittlement 苛性脆化
caustic embrittlement 苛性脆裂
caustic lime 生石灰
caustic potash 苛性钾
caustic soda cell 苛性钠电池
caustic soda 苛性钠
caustic soda 苛性苏打
caustic soda 烧碱
caustic steaming cargo tanks 苛性蒸汽洗油舱法
caustic steaming of cargo tanks 苛性蒸汽洗油舱法
caustic 苛性的
causticity 苛性
caution board 警告牌
caution mark 注意标志
caution mark 注意标志货物)注意标志
caution notice 危险标志
caution signal 注意信号
caution 小心
caution 注意
cautionary characteristic 警告性灯质
cautionary characteristic 警告性灯质(特殊灯质
cautionary mark 注意标记
cautionary signal 船到港之前和港口联络的信号
cautionary 警戒的
cave 洞
caveat emptor 货物出门概不退换
caveat 终止诉讼手续的申请
cavel 带缆柱
caver 卡浮风
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railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?...
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(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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