jurisprudence, history of legal systems and constitution
普通法法系 common-law system
普通法上的补偿 common-law remedy
普通法上的过失 common-law negligence
普通法上的留置权 common-law lien
普通法学 general jurisprudence
强制办法 coercive method
强制规定 mandatory provisions
强制性法规 mandatory rule of law
强制性条款 mandatory term
侵犯财产权 property torts
侵权行为法 tort law
侵权责任 tortious liability
清理法规 check up laws and regulations
区域性法律体系 regional system of laws
取证 obtain evidence
确权之诉 affirmative petitory action; cause for ownership affirmation
确认之诉 action for confirmation; actio confessoria
权威解释 authentic interpretation
人法 human law, statute personalia
人格减等 capitis deminutio
人身不可侵犯 inviolability of the person
人身非财产关系 personal non-property relations
人身关系 personal relation
任意解释 arbitrary interpretation
《日耳曼法》germanic law
柔性宪法 flexible constitution
三权分立 separation of powers
善意推定 presumption of good faith
商法 commercial law
商法典 code of commerce
社会法学 sociological jurisprudence
社会关系 social relations
社会规范 social regulation
社会连带主义法学 social solidarism jurisprudence
社会契约论 theory of social contract
社会团体:social organization
社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence
社会主义法制 socialist legal system; socialist rule of law
神法 divine law
神权说 theory of divine right
审查制度 censorship; inspection system
审计监督 supervise through auditing
审计监督权 power to supervise through auditing
生效条款 operative clause
失效法律 expired laws
失效日 expiry date
施行细则 implementary provisions
实证主义法学派 the positivist school
《十二表法》 twelve tables
实体法 material law; substantial law
实体法上的抗辩 substantial defense
实体权利 substantive right
实用主义法学 judicial pragmaticism
实在法 positive law
实在法学 positive jurisprudence
实在法学派 positivist
实在主义法学 positivist jurisprudence
实证法学 positive jurisprudence
实质条款 material stipulation
实质性的瑕疵 defect of substance
实质性解释 material interpretation
事实的推定 presumption of fact
适用法律 reference to the law; applicable law
适用范围 area of application; sphere of application
适用中国法律:be governed by the law of prc (the law of prc shall apply to)
溯及既往原则 doctrine of retroactivity
溯及力 retrospect; retrospective effect
损害赔偿 damages
梭伦 solon
弹性宪法 elastic constitution
特别程序 special procedure
特别但书 special proviso
特别法 special law
特殊主体 special subject
提案motion; overture; proposal
提出抗辩 raise a plea; raise a plead
条约法 law of treaties
同态复仇 retaliation
推定合法presumption of legality
停止生效cease to have effect
外国法 foreign law
外国法制史 foreign legal history
外国人待遇 foreigner treatment
完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct
完全丧失行为能力的人 person entirely incapable of legal transaction
完全无行为能力 absolute disability
万民法 jus gentium
违法构成要件 essential condition of delict
违宪 violation of constitution
乌尔比安 ulpianus
无国籍人:stateless persons
无条件解释 unconditional interpretation
无效的法律 void law
无效法律行为 void act; act without legal effect
物权 property
西塞罗 marcus tullius cicero
习惯法custom law
细则 detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws
狭义解释 narrow definition
下文另有规定者除外 except as hereinafter provided
先决条件 precedent condition; prerequisite
现实主义法学 realism jurisprudence
现行法律 current law; existing law
限制解释 restrictive interpretation
判例法系 case law system
普通法法系 common-law system
判例法系 case law system
判例汇编 reports; reports of judgments
普通法 common law
普通法法系 common-law system
普通法上的补偿 common-law remedy
普通法上的过失 common-law negligence
普通法上的留置权 common-law lien
普通法学 general jurisprudence
强制办法 coercive method
强制规定 mandatory provisions
强制性法规 mandatory rule of law
强制性条款 mandatory term
侵犯财产权 property torts
侵权行为法 tort law
侵权责任 tortious liability
清理法规 check up laws and regulations
区域性法律体系 regional system of laws
取证 obtain evidence
确权之诉 affirmative petitory action; cause for ownership affirmation
确认之诉 action for confirmation; actio confessoria
权威解释 authentic interpretation
人法 human law, statute personalia
人格减等 capitis deminutio
人身不可侵犯 inviolability of the person
人身非财产关系 personal non-property relations
人身关系 personal relation
任意解释 arbitrary interpretation
《日耳曼法》germanic law
柔性宪法 flexible constitution
三权分立 separation of powers
善意推定 presumption of good faith
商法 commercial law
商法典 code of commerce
社会法学 sociological jurisprudence
社会关系 social relations
社会规范 social regulation
社会连带主义法学 social solidarism jurisprudence
社会契约论 theory of social contract
社会团体:social organization
社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence
社会主义法制 socialist legal system; socialist rule of law
神法 divine law
神权说 theory of divine right
审查制度 censorship; inspection system
审计监督 supervise through auditing
审计监督权 power to supervise through auditing
生效条款 operative clause
失效法律 expired laws
失效日 expiry date
施行细则 implementary provisions
实证主义法学派 the positivist school
《十二表法》 twelve tables
实体法 material law; substantial law
实体法上的抗辩 substantial defense
实体权利 substantive right
实用主义法学 judicial pragmaticism
实在法 positive law
实在法学 positive jurisprudence
实在法学派 positivist
实在主义法学 positivist jurisprudence
实证法学 positive jurisprudence
实质条款 material stipulation
实质性的瑕疵 defect of substance
实质性解释 material interpretation
事实的推定 presumption of fact
适用法律 reference to the law; applicable law
适用范围 area of application; sphere of application
适用中国法律:be governed by the law of prc (the law of prc shall apply to)
溯及既往原则 doctrine of retroactivity
溯及力 retrospect; retrospective effect
损害赔偿 damages
梭伦 solon
弹性宪法 elastic constitution
特别程序 special procedure
特别但书 special proviso
特别法 special law
特殊主体 special subject
提案motion; overture; proposal
提出抗辩 raise a plea; raise a plead
条约法 law of treaties
同态复仇 retaliation
推定合法presumption of legality
停止生效cease to have effect
外国法 foreign law
外国法制史 foreign legal history
外国人待遇 foreigner treatment
完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct
完全丧失行为能力的人 person entirely incapable of legal transaction
完全无行为能力 absolute disability
万民法 jus gentium
违法构成要件 essential condition of delict
违宪 violation of constitution
乌尔比安 ulpianus
无国籍人:stateless persons
无条件解释 unconditional interpretation
无效的法律 void law
无效法律行为 void act; act without legal effect
物权 property
西塞罗 marcus tullius cicero
习惯法custom law
细则 detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws
狭义解释 narrow definition
下文另有规定者除外 except as hereinafter provided
先决条件 precedent condition; prerequisite
现实主义法学 realism jurisprudence
现行法律 current law; existing law
限制解释 restrictive interpretation
宪法的解释 interpretation of constitution
宪法修正案 constitution amendment
宪法学 constitutional jurisprudence
相对主义法学 relativist jurisprudence
新分析法学 new analytical jurisprudence
新律 new law , novellae
行为规范 code of conduct
学说编纂 the pandekta
形式主义法学 formalist jurisprudence
亚里士多德 aristotle
严格解释 strict interpretation
严重不法行为 aggravated misconduct; gross misbehavior
严重违法 break the law on a serious scale
要件 important condition; essential condition
一般客体 general object
一般权利能力 general legal capacity
一般主体 general subject
一事不再理的保证 guarantee against double jeorpardy
依法办案 handle cases according to law
依法独立行使职权 independent exercise of powers within the framework of the law
依照法律的规定 as prescribed by law
以法律为准绳 take law as the criterion
依法治国 genuine rule of law; running the country according to law
义务性规范 obligatory rule
义务主体 subject of duty
英美法系 anglo-american legal system
永恒法 eternal law
优士丁尼法典 the codex justinianus
优士丁尼皇帝 justinian
《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全》)corpus juris civilis
有法必依 ensure that laws are observed
有法律约束力 legally binding
有条件解释 conditional interpretation
有效期间 time of effect; term of validity
与法律规定不符 against the forms of the statute
与法律相抵触的行为act going against the law
域外效力 extraterritorial effect
援引法律条文 invoke a legal provision
(古罗马的)元老院 the senate
约束力 binding; binding effect
在法律的范围内 within the law
暂行条例interim regulations; provisional regulation
整体法学 integrative jurisprudence
正当权益 justified rights; legitimate interests
正式解释 official interpretation
正式渊源 formal source
政法学院 institute of political science and law
知法犯法 deliberately break the law
执法必严 ensure that law’s enforcement be strict
执法人员 law enforcement officials
执行权 enforcement power
直接故意 actual intent; direct intent
直接后果 immediate consequence
直接客体 direct object
直接主体 direct subject
制定法 statute
制宪权constituent power
治外法权 extraterritoriality; extraterritorial jurisdiction
中端时效 interrupt the running of the statute of limitation
中国大陆的法律 law of china’s mainland
中国法制 chinese legal system
中国法制史 chinese legal history
中国特色的社会主义法制 socialist legal system with chinese character
中华法系 chinese legal system
《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》the basic law of hong kong special administrative region of the people’s republic of china
主要法律体系principal legal system
自然法 natural law
自然法学派 natural law school
组成合议庭开庭审理:form a collegial panel to conduct the trial
最高国家权力机关 highest organ of state power
最高人民法院的解释 interpretation of supreme people’s court
遵循先例原则 the doctrine of stare
作为或不作为 act or omission
景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。 借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景...
中国古典园林 classical chinese garden 中国传统园林 traditional chinese garden 中国古代园林 ancient chinese garden 中国山水园 chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宫苑 imperial...
旅游景点 tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist attraction 自然景观 natural splendor attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 natio...
旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览pleasure trip商务旅行business trip出境游 outbo...
railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?...
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1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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