【民事法庭英语词汇】民事法律英语词汇( d )

专业英语词汇 2022-03-07 网络整理 可可


大陆法 continental law
大陆法系 civil law system
代理 agency
代理权 right of agency
代理人 agent

代理行为 act of agency
代位继承 representation; succession by subrogation
代位权 subrogated right
单独继承 single succession
单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act

单一之债 single obligation
担保物权 real right for security
盗版 pirate
盗版vcd pirated vcd
等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange

抵销 setoff
抵押标的物 collateral; estate under mortgage
抵押权 hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage
抵押权的次序 sequence of right to mortgage
抵押权的抛弃 abandonment of right to mortgage

抵押权的让与 alienation of right to mortgage
抵押权的设定 creation of right to mortgage
抵押权的实现 materialization of right to mortgage
抵押权的消灭 extinction of right to 
抵押权的效力 deffect of right to mortgage

抵押权人 mortgagee
抵押人 mortgagor
抵押物登记 registration of estate under mortgage
抵押优先权 priority of mortgage
地上权 superficies

地役权 servitude; easement
第二顺序继承人 successor second in order
第一顺序继承人 successor first in order
佃权 tenant right 
定金 earnest money; deposit
独生子女 only child
多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act


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