
考研 2021-02-03 网络整理 可可


Section II Part C(每题2分,共10分) Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points) 

(46) A favourite prediction of environmentalism has bitten thedust too many natural resources, rather than too few, are the cause of an increasing number of wars in the 21st century. 
(47) Many greens had predicted that the new century would see a rash of wars in countries where natural resources such as timber, water, minerals and fertile soils are running out. But far from it, says the 2002 State of the World report from the prestigious Washington-based think-tank, the Worldwatch Institute. ’ 
In fact, says the report’s co-author Michael Renner, there are "numerous places in the developing world where abundant natural resources help fuel conflicts." More than a quarter of current conflicts are either being fought over, or are funded by, some lucrative natural resource. Examples cited by the Worldwatch Institute include: 
? Diamond mines in Sierra Leone and Angola making the two African nations ripe for plunder by warlords 
? Profits from sapphires, rubies and timber arming the Khmer Rouge in their interminable junglewar in Cambodia 
? Guerillas using the threat of sabotage to extort hundreds of millions of dollars from oilcompanies prospecting in Colombia 
? Opium funding 20 years of war in Afghanistan 
? The Congo’s continuing civil war subsisting on the proceeds of elephant tusks and coltan, a vital mineral in the manufacture of mobile phones 
With the end of the cold war, superpowers no onger fund civil wars for their own geopolitical ends, says Renner. Their place has been taken by the market in the form of the plunder and sale of natural resources. 
(48) "Nature’s bounty attracts groups that may claim they are driven by grievance, but which ini tiate violence not to overthrow a government but to gain and maintain control of lucrative resources," says Renner. Such resource wars are being fought because of "greed rather than need. " 
(49) According to David Keen at the London School of Economics: "We tend to regard conflict as simply a breakdown in a particular; system, rather than as the emergence of,another, alternative system of profit and power, i. e.,a’conflict economy’ with the looting of natural resources at its,heart." Renner warns that warlords in such conflicts have no interest in winning the war, because its continuance is more profitable. 50) And he saysitocvm many Western governments are,happy to turn, a blind eye as their own corporations reap the benefits, in cheap, no-questios-asked raw materials, Renner argues the issue of resource conflicts should be added to the agenda of the forthcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Johannesburg in August 2002 













Section III Writing(共30分)Writing

51.Writing Part A
Part A 51. Directions: Your roommate Mary transferred to another school a few days ago. Writer a letter to: 1) express your feeling of missing; 2) ask her to keep in touch. * You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name, at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. (10 points) 


52.Part B
Part B 52.Directions-. , A.. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in 160 200 words B. Your essay should cover these two points: , , 1) problems arise out of the increase of the private cars 2) give your counter-measure. . You should write about 160 -200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) Problems with the Rapid Increase in Private Car Ownership 



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