
专业英语词汇 2024-09-05 网络整理 可可


锁相环四相相移键控 pll-qpsk, phased-locked loop quadrature phase shift keying

塔台 tower aeronautical station
特权(同步)网 oligarchic (synchronized) network
特征频率 characteristic frequency
特种移动通信系统 particular mobile communication system
梯形调制(梯调) trapezoidal modulation
天波(电离层波) sky wave
天波路径损耗 sky-wave path loss
天波时延 sky-wave delay
天电 atmospherics
天然气候试验 natural climate test
天线 antenna (aerial)
天线波束 beam of an antenna
天线带宽 bandwidth of an antenna
天线额定电压 antenna voltage rating
天线额定功率 antenna power rating
天线方向性图 antenna directivity diagram
天线极化 polarization of an antenna
天线间的隔离度 isolation between antennae
天线匹配装置 antenna matching device
天线收发开关 t-r switch
天线增益 antenna gain
天线自动调谐 antenna automatic tuning
调度电话 dispatcher telephone system
调度台 dispatcher station
调幅电报 amplitude modulation (am) telegraph
调幅电台 amplitude modulation (am) station
调幅度不对称性 asymmetry of am envelope
调幅发射机 amplitude modulation (am) transmitter
调幅躁声 amplitude modulation (am) noise
调谐放大器 tuned amplifier
调频 frequency modulation (fm)
调频发射机 frequency modulation (fm) transmitter
调频无线电话机 fm radio telephone
调频躁声 frequency-modulation noise
调相 phase modulation (pm)
调谐 tuning
调谐线性 linearity of tuning
调谐指示器 tuning indicator
调整码位(塞入码位) justifying digit (stuffing digit)
调整指示码位(塞入指示码位) justification service digits
调制 modulation
调制交流声 modulation hum
调制解调器 modem
调制灵敏度 modulation sensitivity
调制器 modulator
调制深度 modulation depth
调制特性 modulation characteristic
调制限制 modulation limiting
调制指数 modulation index
跳(电离层传播) hop (ionospheric propagation)
跳距 skip distance
跳频 frequency hopping (fh)
跳时 time hopping (th)
跳周 cycle-skipping
跳周平均时间 cycle-skipping average time
贴片机 chip mounter
铁路编组站自动化 automation of railway yard
铁路列车调度系统 railtrain dispatch system
铁路行车指挥自动化系统 automation for railway traffic control
铁氧体天线 ferrite antenna
停播建立呼叫 off-air call set up
停闪频率,临界闪变频率 flashing frequency, critical flicker frequency
通用移动通信系统 universal mobile communication system (umts)
通播 announcement call
通断键控 on-off keying (ook)
通信 communication
通信安全 communication security
通信卫星 communication satellite
通信卫星覆盖范围 communication satellite
通信卫星转发器 communication satellite coverage
通信系统模型 communication system model
通信线路品质评分 circuit merit rating
通用个人通信 universal personal telecommunication
通用个人电信号码 universal personal telecommunication number (uptn, otn)
通用平滑调频 generalized tamed frequency modulation (gtfm)
同步 synchronization
同步保持时间 synchronization hold-in time
同步带 hold-in range
同步的 synchronous
同步数字系列 synchronous digital hierarchy (sdh)
同步通信卫星 synchronous communication satellite
同步突发 synchronous burst (sb)
同步网 synchronization network
同步卫星 synchronous satellite
同步压扩 synchronized compression and expansion
同频(信)道电台 co-channel station
同时单音顺序制 simultaneous tone sequential system
同时单音制 simultaneous tone system
同轴电缆 coaxial cable
同轴电缆载波电话 coaxial cable carrier telephone
同轴线表面转移阻抗 surface transfer impedance of a coaxial line
统计通信理论 statistical communication
透明带内导频单边带 transparent tone-in-band (ttib) single sideband
突发 burst
突发长度 burst length
突发性 burstiness
突发业务 burst traffic
图文广播 broadcast videography
图文视传 videography


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