steam-cured concrete 蒸汽养护混凝土steel bar 钢筋条
steel cable 钢缆
steel channel 槽钢
steel composite pile 复合钢桩
steel fabric 钢筋网
steel fabricating yard 钢制件工场
steel frontal frame 防撞钢构架
steel h-pile 工字钢桩;h形钢桩
steel pile 钢桩
steel pipe 钢管
steel pipe pile 钢管桩
steel property 钢条特质
steel rail 钢轨
steel reinforcement 钢筋;钢条
steel reinforcement and concrete material 钢筋及混凝土材料
steel sheet pile 钢板桩
steel strand 钢绞线
steel structure 钢结构
steel truss girder 钢桁梁
steel window 钢窗
steep dip 陡倾
steep gradient 陡坡度
steep ramp 陡斜路;陡坡道
steep slope 陡峭斜坡;陡峭山坡
steering committee on land supply for housing 房屋用地供应督导委员会
steering group on collection of rents 征收地租策划小组
steering group on rehousing bedspace apartment lodgers 安置床位寓所住客督导小组
step 梯级
step channel 级渠
step iron [manhole] 扶梯脚踏〔沙井〕
step load 递增加载
stepped footing 阶梯形基脚
stepped foundation 阶梯形地基
stepped height 高度分级
stepped-up lighting programme 加强照明设备计划
stepped-up mortgage repayment 递增的按揭还款额
sterilization of land 冻结土地发展权
stiff clay 硬黏土
stiffener 加劲杆;硬化剂
stiffening 固化;硬化
stiffness 刚度;劲度
stiffness factor 刚度系数
stile 门梃;梯梃
stilted structure 特高构筑物
stirrup 镫筋;“络仔”
stock 楼宇总存量
stockpile 堆料;货堆
stockpile reclamation 恢复堆料区原貌
stockpiling 堆存;堆存物料
stockpiling area 堆料区;贮存区
stone pitching 砌石护坡;砌石护面
stone pitching surface 砌石保护面
stone tie 加固条石
stoneware pipe 粗陶管
stop notice 停止发展通知书
stopcock 水掣;活塞
stopping 填补
storage area 存放区;贮物用地
storage premises 货仓
storeroom 贮物室
storey 楼层
storm-water box culvert 箱形雨水暗渠
storm-water drain 雨水渠
storm-water drainage 雨水排放
storm-water drainage system 雨水排放系统;雨水疏导系统
storm-water main 雨水总管
storm-water main drain 雨水排放主渠
storm-water outfall 雨水渠排水口
storm-water overflow chamber 雨水溢流闸箱
storm-water runoff reduction system 减少雨水溢流系统
storm-water sewer 雨水渠
storm-water system 雨水排放系统
straight ramp 直斜路;直坡道
straightline method 直线递减法
strain capacity 应变量
strain gauge 应变仪
strainer 隔滤器
strand 预应力钢缆;钢绞线
strand cutting 切割预应力钢缆
stranded galvanized steel 镀锌钢绞线
strategic change plan [land registry] 策略计划〔土地注册处〕
strategic growth area 策略性增长地区;策略性发展区
strategic landfill 重点堆填区
strategic sewage disposal scheme 策略性污水排放计划
stratification 分层现象;成层作用
stratigraphic 地层的
stratum 地层
stream channel 河道;河槽
stream course 河道
stream course clearance 河道清理工作
stream function theory 流函数理
street 街道
street frontage [building] 临街面〔建筑物〕
street furniture 街道装置;街道设施
street lighting 街道照明
street name-plate 街道名牌
street shop 地铺
street sleeper 露宿者
street widening 街道扩阔
streetscape 街景
strength deficiency [concrete] 强度不足〔混凝土〕
strength of concrete 混凝土强度
strength reserve [concrete] 备用强度〔混凝土〕
strength test [concrete] 强度测试〔混凝土〕
strengthening works 巩固工程;加固工程
stress 应力;压力
stress analysis 应力分析
stress and strain response 应力及应变反应
stress crack 应力裂缝
stress path 应力轨 ;应力路径
stress state 应力状态
stretcher bond 错缝接合;顺砖式砌合
strike direction 走向
strike-slip fault 走滑断层;平移断层
stringer 纵梁
strip 带状地带;狭条
strip footing 条形基脚
strip foundation 条形基础;条形地基
strip load 条形荷载
stripping [formwork] 脱模;拆模
struck joint 外斜缝
structural adequacy assessment 结构足够性评估
structural alteration 结构上的改动
structural analysis 结构分析
structural appraisal 结构评估;结构检定
structural appraisal methodology 结构评估法
structural behaviour 结构性能
structural column 结构柱
structural condition survey 结构状况勘测
structural conditions monitoring system 楼宇结构监察系统
structural configuration 结构性配置
structural design 结构设计
structural disturbance 结构扰动
structural element 结构构件;结构元件
structural engineer 结构工程师
structural engineering branch [architectural services department] 结构工程处〔建筑署〕
structural engineering division [buildings department] 结构工程部〔屋宇署〕
structural engineers" register [kept by the building authority] 结构工程师名册〔由建筑事务监督保管〕
structural engineers registration committee 结构工程师注册事务委员会
structural engineers registration committee panel 结构工程师注册事务委员团
structural fall 结构斜度
structural floor level 结构楼面标高
structural form 结构形态
structural fortification 结构加固工程
structural frame 结构构架
structural geology 构造地质学
structural improvement works 结构改善工程
structural integrity 结构完整性
structural investigation 结构勘察
structural layout plan 结构布置图
structural member 结构构件
structural monitoring 结构监察
structural renovation 楼宇结构修葺工程
structural skeleton 结构骨架
structural span 结构跨度
structural stability 结构稳定性
structural stability analysis 结构稳定性分析
structural steel 结构钢
structural steel erector 结构钢架工
structural steel member 结构钢构件
structural steelwork [public works category] 结构钢筋工程〔公共工程类别〕
structural strength 结构强度
structural survey 结构勘测
structural use 结构用途
structural wall 结构墙
structural works 结构工程
structure 构筑物
structure number 构筑物登记编号
structure plan 发展结构纲领;基本结构纲领
structure plan area 发展结构纲领区;基本结构纲领区
structure planning 发展结构规划;基本结构规划
structure wall 结构墙
structured design 有组织的设计
strut 支撑;支柱;压杆
stud 板墙筋;立筋
stud partition 框架板间墙
study of existing slopes--stage i general review 现存斜坡研究第一阶段概略检讨
study of the potential use of underground space 地下空间的可能用途研究
study on harbour reclamation and urban growth 海港填海及市区发展研究
stuffing and destuffing of containers 货柜组装及拆装
stump 树桩
sub-artesian ground water 半承压地下水
sub-base [road] 路底基层
sub-bottom profiler 浅底地层剖面仪
sub-committee on the rent assistance scheme [hong kong housing authority] 租金援助计划附属小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕
subcontract 分包合约
subcontract for specialist works 专门工程分包合约
subcontractor 分包商;次承建商;分包合约承办商;“二判”
sub-deed 分契
subdistrict 次地区
subgrade [road] 路基
subject diagram 分类图表
subject plan 分类计划
subject to existing tenancy 不交吉
sublease 转租;分租;分契;分租契
subleasehold interest 转租权益;分租权益
sublessee 分租契承租人
sublessor 分租契租出人
sublet 分租;转租
sub-main 次干管
submarine contour 海底等深线
submarine gas pipeline 海底煤气管
submarine main 海底管道
submarine outfall 海底排水口;海底渠口
submarine pipeline 海底管道
submerged zone 长期浸水部分
submortgage 转按;再按揭
subregional development strategy 次区域发展策略
subregional plan 次区域图则
subregional planning 次区域规划
sub-sale agreement 转售合约
subsection 小分段;分区
subsequent cut 继后的剪草
subsidence 沉陷;下陷
subsidized flat 资助单位
subsidized home ownership 资助自置居所
subsidized home ownership flat 资助自置居所单位
subsidized housing 资助房屋
subsidy agreement [home purchase loan scheme] 按揭还款补助金协议〔自置居所贷款计划〕
subsidy income limit 资助入息限额
subsoil 底土;地基下层泥土;下层土
subsoil drain 地下排水管道
subsoil water 地下水
substandard accommodation 简陋居所;不合标准居所
substandard building 未符标准的建筑物
substandard concrete 未符标准的混凝土
substandard slope 不合标准斜坡
substantial completion 大致竣工;大致完工
substantially reconstructed building 大规模重修的楼宇
substrate 基底
substratum 地层内段
substructural works 底层结构工程
substructure 底层结构;下层结构;地下建筑
sub-subcontractor 再分包商;“三判”
subsurface 地下;下层面
subsurface building works 地下建筑工程
subsurface run-off 地下径流
subsurface seepage flow 地下渗流
subsurface water 地下水
subtenancy 分租租赁;分租租用权
sub-tenant 分租客;三房客
subtransferee 次承让人
subtransferor 次出让人
suburban 近郊;市郊
subvented building project 资助工程计划
subway 隧道;地道
successful tenderer 中标者
successor 继承人
successor in title 业权继承人
suction fan 吸风机;抽风机
suction main 吸水干管
suction pipe 吸水管;吸入管
suction strainer 吸水口滤网
sulphate-resisting portland cement 耐硫酸盐水泥
summary of precedent registration cases 《注册先例摘要》
summary of tender 投标书总计
sump 集水坑
sump and pump system 抽水及供水系统
sump pit 集水坑
sump pump 集水坑泵
sump tank 沉淀池
suncover 防晒篷
sunken boat dweller 沉船艇户
sunken garden 低洼花园
superelevation 超高;弯面倾斜度;道路弯面加倾度
superficial area 表面面积
superficial deposit 表土沉积物;表土沉积
superimposed load 附加荷载
superintendent of mines 务总监
superstructure 上层结构;上盖结构;地上建筑
supervision cost [home ownership scheme estate] 监督费〔居者有其屋计划屋苑〕
supervision plan 监工计划书
supervision plan system 监工计划制度
supervisory and overhead charges clause 监工及基本费用条款
supervisory charge 监工费用
supplementary agreement 增补协议;附补租约
supplementary housing site 补充地盘
supplementary land disposal programme 补充批地计划
supplementary scheme 补充计划
supplementary site 补充地盘
supplementary tenancy agreement 增补租约;附补租约
supplier of materials 材料供应商
supply and installation of glass (or fibre) reinforced plastic units [public works category] 玻璃(或玻璃纤维)强化塑胶构件的供应及装置〔公共工程类别〕
supply and installation of pumpsets and associated pipework [public works category] 供应及装置抽水系统及相连的水管工程〔公共工程类别〕
supply and installation of water treatment plant [public works category] 供应及装置滤水器〔公共工程类别〕
supply fan 进气扇
supply of bituminous pavement materials and construction of special bituminous surfacing [public works category] 沥青铺面物料的供应及特别沥青路面的建造〔公共工程类别〕
supply pipe 供水管
support community 后勤地区
support moment 支座弯矩;支座力矩
supported end 支承端
supporting concrete element 支承混凝土元件
supporting element 支承元件
supporting facility 辅助设备;辅助设施
supporting frame 支承构架;承重构架
supporting ground 承重土地
supporting infrastructure 基本附属设施
supporting member 支承构件
surcharge 加载;挡土墙顶以上的填土
surface channel 地面排水渠;明渠
surface colour treatment [slope] 在斜坡的护面髹上颜色
surface conduit 明敷导管;明敷线管
surface course [road] 道路面层
surface cover 护面
surface drainage 地面排水;路面排水
surface drainage system 地面排水系统
surface erosion 地表浸蚀;表面侵蚀
surface finish 表面修饰
surface flow 表流;地表径流
surface friction 表面摩擦;表面摩擦力
surface gradient 表面坡度
surface infiltration 地面入渗
surface of shear 剪切面
surface preparation 表面预处理;表面整理
surface protection 护面工程;表面防护
surface run-off 地面径流;地表径流
surface settlement 地面沉降
surface stratum 地面层
surface stripping 条状表土剥露
surface tension 表面张力
surface texture 表面纹理;表面构造
surface treatment 表面处理
surface u-channel u形明渠
surface water 地面水;地表水
surface water channel 地面水渠;排水明渠
surface water drain 地面水渠
surface water drainage 地面水排水
surface wiring 明线
surfacing 铺筑路面;表面修整;面层
surplus arising on revaluation of properties 物业重估增值
surrender and regrant of land 交还及重批土地
surrender of tenancy 退租;放弃租用
surrender value 交还土地的价值
surrendered property 交还物业
surround 外加垫层〔混凝土〕;“卷筒”
surrounding ground 周围土地
survey alignment 测量定线
survey and mapping division [lands department] 测绘部〔地政总署〕
survey and mapping office [lands department] 测绘处〔地政总署〕
survey and mapping office training school [lands department] 测绘处训练学校〔地政总署〕
survey and repair cycle 勘测与修葺周期
survey authority 测量监督
survey control 测量控制
survey control network 测量控制网络
survey data 测量数据
survey district [s.d.] 测量约份;调查地区
survey district lot 测量约份地段;调查地区地段
survey district lot land register 测量约份地段土地登记册
survey intelligence system 测量资讯系统
survey mark 测量标志;测量点
survey nail 测量钉
survey number [squatter] 寮屋登记编号
survey of government land pressure receivers subject to steam and/or air
pressure (but excluding steam boilers) [public works category]
survey of government land steam boilers [public works category] 勘测政府土地蒸汽锅炉〔公共工程类别〕
survey of lifting appliances and lifting gear [public works category] 起重机械及起重装置测量〔公共工程类别〕
survey officer 测量主任
survey officer trainee 见习测量主任
survey on household characteristics of public housing tenants 公屋租户家庭特点调查
survey on household expenditure 住户开支统计调查
survey on housing aspirations of households 住户的住屋意愿统计调查
survey plan 测量图
survey record plan 测量记录图
survey records sales counter 测量资料销售处
survey report on unauthorized structures in multi-storeyed buildings 《多层大厦非法搭建物调查报告》
survey section [lands department] 测量组〔地政总署〕
survey sheet 测量图
survey tolerance 测量限差
survey traverse 测量导线
survey unit [lands department] 测量小组〔地政总署〕
surveyed boundary 测量地界
surveyed occupancy status [squatter control] 已登记寮屋居民的资格
surveyed structure 已登记的构筑物;已登记的搭建物
surveyor 测量师
surveyors registration board 测量师注册管理局
suspended ceiling 悬空式天花板;垂吊式天花板;假天花
suspended deck structure 承台结构;支撑面板结构
suspended floor 悬垂楼板
suspended scaffold 悬吊式棚架
suspended solid 悬浮固体
suspended truss 悬挂式桁架
suspended working platform 吊船
suspension bridge 吊桥;悬索桥
suspension of powdered concrete 悬浮混凝土粉末;悬浮于液体的混凝土粉末
suspension of works 暂停施工
suspension period [notice to quit] 暂缓执行期〔迁出通知书〕
swan neck fire hydrant 鹅颈消防栓
sway index 侧移指数
sweep junction 弯曲位
swelling soil 膨胀土
swing gate 掩闸
swing-out gate 外掩闸
switch 开关
switch panel 电掣箱
switch room 电掣房
switchboard 配电板;开关板
switchgear 开关设备
swivel joint 旋转接合
swopping between immediate mortgage and conventional mortgage 即时按揭与传统按揭办法互换
syenite 正长岩
symmetrical loading 对称荷载
synthetic enamel 合成树脂瓷漆;“胶玉瓷漆”
synthetic paint 合成油漆
synthetic soil conditioner 合成土壤改良剂
systematic identification and registration of slopes in the territory [sirst] 有系统鉴定及登记全港斜坡计划
systematic identification of maintenance responsibility of slopes in the territory [simar] 有系统鉴辨全港斜坡维修责任计划
systematic inspections of features in the territory [sift] 有系统勘察全港斜坡计划
景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。 借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景...
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railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
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(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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