耐压试验 pressure test耐压铸件 hydraulic castings
耐压铸件 pressure tight castings
喃(甲)糠醛 furfural
喃树脂 furan resin
喃树脂黏结剂 furan fesin binder
喃系 furan
挠度,挠曲 deflection
挠度试验 deflection test
内榇 inner lining
内角抹镘 angle sleeker
内卡钳 inside calipers
内冷铁 inner chill
内裂(铸疵) internal tearing
内模胀大(铸疵) inner swell
内摩擦 internal friction
内生凝固 endogenous solid-ification
内缩孔(铸疵) internal porosity
内缩孔(铸疵) internal shrinkage
内应力 internal stress
内圆角 fillet
泥封 lute
泥封 luting
泥封(合模线) lute a mold
泥灰,沈泥 silt
泥浆 mud
泥浆刷 clay brush
泥浆修补 mud daub
泥砂,浆 loam
泥砂模 loam mold
泥砂心 loam core
泥砂造模法 loam molding
泥团 bod
铌(nb) niobium
逆火 back fire
逆冷硬(铸疵) inverse chill
逆冷硬(铸疵) inverted chill
逆冷硬(铸疵) reverse chill
逆冷硬(铸疵),内冷铁 internal chill
逆麻口 inverse mottle
逆偏析 inverse segregation
年轮 annular ring
黏度计 viscosimeter
黏结材料 binding materials
黏结剂 binder
黏结剂 bond
黏结强度,干态强度(砂模) bond strength
黏结强度试验机 bond tester
黏结性 bondability
黏模型性,黏模性(压铸) stickness
黏砂 clogging
黏土 bond clay
黏土 clay
黏土分试验 clay content test
黏土坩蜗 clay crucible
黏土含量 clay content
黏土黏结剂 clay bond
黏土揉合机 clay mill
黏土砂 clay sand
黏土石墨混合剂 clay-graphite mixture
黏土水 clay wash
黏土水 clay water
黏土砖 clay brick
黏性,黏度 viscosity
黏性砂(修炉用) sticky sand
黏性硅砂,山砂 bonded silica sand
黏着 adhere
黏着剂 adhesive
黏着模砂 adhering molding saand
黏着性 adhesion
尿素甲醛树脂 urea-formal dehyde resin
捏泥砂机 loam pug mill
镍(ni) nickel
镍钢 nickel steel
镍铬钢 nickel-chromium steel
镍铬钛铸铁 nicrosilal
镍铬硅球黑铸铁 nicrosilal spheronic
镍黄铜 nickel brass
镍青铜 nickel bronze
镍铜合金 cupro-nickel
镍铜热电偶合金 constantan
镍硬(铸铁) ni-hand
镍铸铁 nickel cast iron
凝固 freezing
凝固 solidification
凝固点,冰点 freezing point
凝固范围 freezing range
凝固收缩 solidification contraction
凝固收缩 solidifying contraction
凝固收缩率 solidification shrinkage rate
凝聚 cohesion
凝聚强度 cohesive strength
凝析石墨 kish graphite
凝析石墨斑孔 kish graphite spots
凝析石墨夹渣(铸疵) kish graphite inclusions
牛眼 bull"s eye
牛眼组织 bull"s eye structure
扭力试验 torsion test
扭转,扭力 torsion
欧氏气体分析器 orsat-[gas] apparatus
排除,移动 removal
排量式鼓风机 positive displacement blower
排气 exhaust
排气系统 exhaust system
排气烟道 upstake flue
排显孔(砂模) weep hole
排泄 pop-up
排泄孔 drain hole
盘 pan
盘形输送机 pan-conveyor
判别试棒(展性铸铁及铜合金等炉前试验) test sprue
刨屑 shavings
泡面钢 blister steel
泡沫塑料模型 foam scrubber
泡沫洗净器 fly ash
炮铜 gun metal
配料,搀合 admixture
配料秤 scale for charge make-up
配料机 dosing machine
配料计算 calculation of charge,calculating the charge
配料器 dogage control unit
配料设施 dosing device
配砂工场 sand mixing plant
配置模型 rigging
喷补 gunning
喷补(熔炉) gun patching
喷补耐火料 gunite
喷灯 air bumer
喷灯,气炬 blast lamp,blow lamp
喷灯,气炬 blow lamp,blast lamp
喷灯,气炬 blow torch,blow lamp
喷敷料 spraying mixture
喷光处理 blast cleaning
喷壶 shower
喷粒处理 grit blast
喷粒机 shot-blasting machine
喷泥枪 clay gun
喷枪 spray gun
喷砂 sand blast
喷砂胴 sand-blasting barrel
喷砂法 sand-blasting
喷砂柜 sand-blasting cabinet
喷砂机 sand-blaster
喷砂机 sand-blasting machine
喷砂枪 sand-blasting gun
喷砂设备 sand-blast equipment
喷砂室 sand-blasting chamber
喷砂装置 sand-blasting appaatus
喷砂嘴 sand-blast nozzle
喷射 injection
喷射 jet
喷射成型机(塑料) injection molding machine
喷射压力 injection pressure
喷射柱塞 injection plunger
喷雾 spray
喷雾,喷敷 spraying
喷雾淬火 foamed plastic pattern
喷雾淬火 spray quenching
喷雾器 sprayer
喷雾洗涤器 spray jet scrubber
喷雾嘴 atomization nozzle
喷修炉榇法 bondactor process
喷珠 peening shot
喷嘴 jet nozzle
喷嘴,注口 nozzle
硼(b) boron
硼钢 boron steel
硼砂 borax
硼酸 boric acid
硼铁 ferro-boron
膨土 bentonite
膨胀 expansion
膨胀度 degree of swelling
膨胀性 expansibility
批,分次 batch
铍(be) berllium
铍青铜 beryllium bronze
铍铜 beryllium copper
皮氏管(测风用) pitch tube
皮下缺陷 surface defect
皮下氧化 surface oxidation
皮制内圆角 leather fillet
皮重 tare
疲劳 fatigue
疲劳裂痕 fatigue crack
疲劳破损 fatigue failure
疲劳强度 fatigue strength
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