
专业英语词汇 2023-01-24 网络整理 可可


“regulations concerning academic degrees in the people"s republic of china” 
结业证书    certificate of completion
毕业证书    certificate of graduation
肄业证书    certificate of completion/incompletion/attendance/study
教育学院    college/institute of education
中学      middle[secondary] school
师范学校    normal school[upper secondary level
师范专科学校  normal specialised postsecondary college
师范大学    normal[teachers] university
公正书     notarial certificate
专科学校    postsecondary specialised college
广播电视大学  radio and television university
中等专科学校  secondary specialised school
自学考试    self-study examination
技工学校    skilled workers[training] school
业余大学    spare-time university
职工大学    staff and workers university
大学      university(regular,degree-granting)
职业大学    vocational university


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