
高考 2021-01-13 网络整理 可可




  21. —Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please ?

         —  _______    

      A. Who are you ?             B. I’m Wang .

      C. Speaking.              D. Are you John ?

  [解析] 本题考查打电话时的交际用语。注意英语与汉语在打电话时表达习惯的不同:汉语打电话时说“我是……”,英语中不用 “I am…”,而用“This is …speaking.”或其他省略形式,如“Speaking.” “This is ….” “John speaking.” “John’s here.”等。如果要问对方是谁,英语中不用“Who are you?”,而用“Who is calling/speaking, please?” “Who’s that speaking/calling?” “Who is it?” “Is that…?”等表达形式。根据本题打电话的情景可知,答案为C。

  22. No one helped me. I did it all _________myself.

  A. for                    B. by 

  C. from                   D. to

  [解析] 本题考查介词的搭配。根据前后两句的语境,“没有人帮助我,我是完全靠自己做的。”by oneself意思是“单独地,独自地,独立地”,如:carry out the task by oneself独立地完成一项任务;become a millionaire by oneself通过自己的努力成为一名百万富翁。其他介词搭配与语境不符。答案为B。

  23. Mary wrote an article on_______ the team had failed to win the game .

  A. why                    B. what 

  C. who                    D. that

  [解析] 本题考查宾语从句引导词的选用。选择名词性从句的引导词可采用从句中“缺什么成分补什么成分”的原则,效果非常好。就本题来看,宾语从句中不缺少主语和宾语,可排除what和who,根据语境“Mary写了一篇关于那支队伍为什么没能赢得这场比赛的文章”可知,宾语从句中缺少原因状语,如果选择that引导宾语从句,句子也能成立,但是意思只是“Mary就那支队伍没能赢得比赛写了一篇文章”,显然不如选A更符合逻辑。答案为A。

  24. I have many friends, _______ some are businessmen.

  A. of them              B. from which 

  C. who of               D. of whom

  [解析] 本题考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。观察此题,可以看出句中有一个逗号,前后是两个句子,说明这是一个含有非限制性定语从句的主从复合句,排除选项A。选择“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句的介词时,应将先行词放到定语从句中,看其在定语从句中是与哪个介词搭配的。本题的定语从句部分还原为简单句应为“some of them(my friends) are businessmen.”或“of them(my friends) some are businessmen.”因此答案为D。

  25. We haven’t enough books for______; some of you will have to share.

  A. somebody              B. anybody 

  C. everybody              D. nobody

  [解析] 本题考查代词的用法。本题的第二句话给出了语境,“你们中有些人得合用”。这说明前一句话是说“我们没有足够多的书给每一个人”。答案为C。

  26. Tom, you ______ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

  A. wouldn’t              B. mustn’t 

  C. needn’t                D. may not

  [解析] 本题考查情态动词的用法。从感叹号的语气来看,说话人是命令的口吻,“Tom,你不准像这样把所有的衣服都撂在地上!”mustn’t有“禁止,不准”的意思,语气非常强烈,而needn’t“没必要”,may not“或许不”,wouldn’t“不愿意”不管在语气还是在意思上都与语境不符。答案为B。

  27. They wanted to charge $ 5, 000 for the car, _________we managed to bring the price down .

  A. but                    B. so 

  C. when                  D. since

  [解析] 本题考查连词的用法。根据前后两句的意思,“他们想对那辆车要价5,000美元,我们设法把价格降了下来”,说明前后两句意思发生了转折,应选连词but。答案为A。

  28. —What would you do if it _______tomorrow ?

  —We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready .

      A. rain                    B. rains 

      C. will rain               D. is raining

  [解析] 本题考查时态的选用。在时间、条件等状语从句中通常使用一般现在时表示将来。答案为B。

  29. My parents will move back into town in a year or ______.

  A. later              B. after 

  C. so                 D. about

  [解析] 本题考查副词词组的使用。or so是“上下,左右,大概”的意思,答案为C。

    例  Fifty or so people came to the discussion. 大约有50人出席了会议。

  He drank three glasses or so of beer. 他喝了大概三杯的啤酒。

  30. It wasn’t until nearly a month later_______ I received the manager’s reply.

        A. since              B. when 

        C. as                  D. that

  [解析] 本题考查强调句型。强调句型的基本形式是“It is/was…that…”,对not… until…句式的强调有固定的结构,即“It was not(wasn’t) until…that…”。本题还原为普通的not until句型为I didn’t receive the manager’s reply until nearly a month later. 答案为D。


  ①It was          back home after the experiment.(2004湖北卷)

      A. not until midnight did he go     

      B. until midnight that he didn’t go

      C. not until midnight that he went            

      D. until midnight when he didn’t go

      ②It was not until 1920 ______ regular radio broadcasts began.(NMET1995)

      A. while              B. which  

      C. that                D. since

      key   CC

  31. —Oh dear ! I’ve just broken a window.

           —  ______. It can’t be helped.

      A. Never mind        B. All right 

      C. That’s fine       D. Not at all

  [解析]  本题考查交际用语。表示安慰别人时可用“That’s all right.” “Never mind.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Don’t worry about it.” “Don’t bother.” “Don’t think any more about it.”等。All right(行,好吧),That’s fine(很好)是对“建议”的答语,Not at all“别客气”“一点也不”是对“感谢”或“求助”的答语。答案为A。

32. The storm left,  _______ a lot of damage to this area.

A. caused              B. to have caused 

C. to cause             D. having caused

  [解析] 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。这是一个简单句,逗号后不能使用谓语动词,有些考生会误把caused当成动词的过去式而选择A项。一般说来,逗号分开后应使用分词作状语,而不使用不定式。答案为D。

  例 He sent me an E-mail, _______ to get further information.(2000上海卷)

  A. hoped                B. hoping  

  C. to hope               D. hope

  key  B

  33. The hero’s story ________ differently in the newspapers .

  A. was reported        B. was reporting 

  C. reports               D. reported

  [解析] 本题考查动词的语态。“故事”显然应该是在报纸上“被报道”,答案为A。

    34. The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I _______before .

  A. was having        B. have 

  C. have ever had    D. had ever had

  [解析] 本题考查动词时态。受before的影响,此题考生易误选D项。过去完成时的特点是“过去的过去”,此题没有一般过去时,构不成“过去的过去”,不能使用过去完成时。本句的意思是“这份咖啡不像我以前喝的一样”,强调到说话时为止,应使用现在完成时。答案为C。

  35. The chairman thought__________ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting .

  A. that              B. it 

  C. this               D. him

  [解析] 本题考查it作形式宾语的用法。当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词或宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用it作形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前。find, make, think, consider, feel等动词不能直接接不定式作宾语,需用it代替不定式作形式宾语。答案为B。

   例  This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.这就使得工农业必须快速发展。

I thought it impossible to arrive there in half an hour. 我认为半小时到达那儿是不可能的。



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