紧急呼叫 emergency call紧急指位无线信标台 emergency position-indicating rediobeacon station
近场区 near field region
禁止对国际的呼叫 barring of outing international calls (boic)
禁止所有对外呼叫 barring of all outgoing calls (baoc)
禁止所有呼入呼叫 barring of all incoming calls (baic)
紧密度 precision
静电放电 electrostatic discharge (esd)
静噪 squelch
静噪开启电平和闭锁电平 squelch opening level and closing level
静噪开启时延和闭锁时延 squelch opening delay and closing delay
静噪失谐门限 squelch detuning threshold
静噪调谐 mute tuning
静噪阻塞门限 squelch blocking threshold
静止图象电视电话 still picture video-television
静止卫星 stationary satellite
镜频抑制比 image frequency rejection ratio
镜频抑制混频器 image frequency rejection mixer
纠错码 error correcting code
纠错能力 error correcting capability
纠突发错码 burst error correction codes
纠突发错和随机错码 burst and random error correction codes
救生台 safeguard station
局域网 local area network (lan)
句子可懂度 sentence intelligibility
apc with adaptive bit allocation (apc-ab)
卷积码 convolutional code
绝对射频信道号 absolute rf channel number (arfcn)
绝对相移键控 absolute phase shift keying (apsk)
绝对增益 absolute gain
均步的 mesochronous
均方根值(有效值) rms value (effective value)
均方根-波纹系数 r.m.s.-ripple factor
均方根检波器 root-mean square detector
均衡网络 equalization network
均匀编码 uniform encoding
均匀量化 uniform quantizing
喀声 click
喀声率 click code
开发系统 development system
开放系统 open system
开放系统互连 open system interconnection (osi)
开放系统互连参考模型 open system interconnection (osi) reference model
开关电容网络 switched capacitor network
开关电源 switch power supply
开户入网 subscription
开环电压增益 open-loop voltage gain
开环控制 open-loop control
开环增益 open-loop gain
开路电压 open-circuit voltage
开门码 opening code
抗骚扰性 immunity (to a disturbance)
抗扰度 immunity
抗扰试验电平 immunity test level
抗扰性电平 immunity level
抗扰性限值 immunity limit
抗扰性余量 immunity margin
抗躁声送话器 antinoise microphone
可编程终端 programmable terminal
可变电容器微音效应 microphone effect of variable capacitor
可变分频器 variable division frequency divider
可擦可编程只读存储器 erasable programmable read only memory (eprom)
可达性 accessibility
可服务性 serviceability
可焊性 solderability
可焊性试验 solderability test
可见弧 visible arc
可接收质量水平 acceptable quality level
可靠性 reliability
可靠性测试 reliability testing
可靠性分配 reliability allocation
可靠性和维修性保证 reliability and maintainability assurance
可靠性设计 reliability design
可靠性预计 reliability prediction
可靠性增长 reliability growth
可拓展性 expansibility
可视电话 television telephone
可视电话机 television telephone set
可适应性 adaptability
可调数位时隙(可塞入数位时隙) adjustable digit time slot (stuffable digit time slot)
可听声 audible sound
可维修性 maintainability
可信度 certainty factor
可移植性 portability
可用场强 usable field strength
可用功率通量密度 usable power flux density (pu)
可用时间 available time
可用性 availability
可预置分频器分频比 prescalar divider division ratio
可重用性 reusability
客观评价 objective evaluation
空分 space division
空分多址 space division multiple address (sdma)
空间分集 space diversity
空间激光通信 laser space communication
空间探测器 space probe
空间无线电通信 space radiocommunication
空间系统 space system
空间站(电台) space station
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