
专业英语词汇 2024-09-06 网络整理 可可


越电离层传播 trans-inospheric propagation
越区切换 handover 或 hand-off
越区切换策略 handover strategy
越区切换接入突发 handover access burst
越区切换界限 handover margin
越区切换执行 handover execution
越站干扰 overreach interference
运输试验 transport test
运算放大器 operational amplifier

散射发射 spurious emission
散射输出功率 spurious output power
散射响应抗扰性 spurious response immunity
散射响应频率 spurious response frequency
散射窄带(射频)分量 spurious narrow-bandwidth (rf) components
再定时 retiming
再起动规程 restart procedure
再生 regeneration
再生器 regeneration
再生中继器 regenerative repeater
再生中继站 regenerative relay station
再现性 reproducibility
在线测试 on-line testing
载波 carrier
载波电话 carrier telephone
载波电话增音机 carrier telephone repeater
载波电话终端机 carrier telephone terminal
载波跌落 carrier drop
载波功率 carrier power
载波恢复 carrier recovery, carrier reinsertion
载波检测多址 carrier sense multiple access (csma)
载波降低度 carrier reduction
载波频率偏置 carrier frequency offset
载波抑制度 carrier suppression
载干比 carrier-to-interference ratio
载体设备 vehicle equipment
载躁比 carrier to noise ratio
早期故障期 early fault period
躁声带宽 noise bandwidth
躁声功率 noise power
躁声温度 noise temperature
躁声系数 noise factor, noise figure
躁声抑制 noise suppression
增量调制 delta modulation (dm)
增量调制编码 delta modulation code
增强型定位报告系统 eplrs
增益控制 gain control
增值业务 value added service
窄带发射 narrowband emission
窄带干扰 narrowband disturbance
窄带器件 narrowband device
占机信号 seizing signal
占机证实信号 seizing-acknowledgement signal
占空建立呼叫 on-air-call-set-up
占线前标 seizure precursor
占线测试 engaged test
占用带宽 occupied bandwidth
战略密码体制 strategic cipher system
战术电台 tactical radio
战术密码体制 tactical cipher system
战术通信电子对抗系统 tactical communication electronic warfare system
折叠单极天线 folded monopole antenna
折叠偶极天线 folded dipole antenna
折射指数 refractive index
折线编码律 segmented encoding law
帧 frame
帧定位 frame alignment
帧定位时隙 frame alignment time slot
帧定位信号 frame alignment signal
帧定位恢复时间 frame alignment recovery time
帧号码 frame number (fn)
帧失位时间 out-of-frame alignment time
帧同步码 frame synchronization code
真迹电报 telewriting
真空电子器件 vacuum electron device
真空电容器 vacuum capacitor
阵列天线 array antenna
振荡 oscillation
振荡器 oscillator
振动试验 vibration test
振幅键控 amplitude shift keying (ask)
振幅压扩单边带 amplitude companded ssb (acsb)
振铃音 ringing tone
振鸣 howling
整流 rectification
正/零/负码速调整 positive/ zero/ negative justification
正常检查 normal inspection
正常充电 normal charging
正常突发 normal burst
正反码 positive and inverse code
正交部分响应键控 quadrature partial response keying (qprk)
正交调幅 quadrature amplitude modulation (qam)
正交调幅器 quadrature modulator
正交调频 quadrature frequency hopping
正交相干解调器 quadrature coherent demodulator
正码速调整(正脉冲塞入) positive justification (positive pulse stuffing)
正态分布 normal distribution
正向话终信号 clear-forward signal
支线 branch feeder
直达线路 direct route
直接波 direct wave


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