喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked
坡形板边 tapered edge
焊缝 weld
接逢 seam
焊缝符号 welding symbol
焊缝金属 weld metal
填充金属 filler metal
熔敷金属 deposited metal
焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld
焊缝背面 back of weld
焊缝轴线axis of weld
焊缝尺寸 size of weld
焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld
焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld
焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld
焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness
焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat
焊缝实际厚度actual throat
熔深penetration/ depth of penetration
焊缝成形appearance of weld
焊缝成形系数form factor of weld
余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal
背面余高root reinforcement
削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush
对接焊缝butt weld
焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg
角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld
平形角焊缝flat fillet
凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld
凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld
侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear
正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear
立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position
横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position
平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position
斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld
连续焊缝continuous weld
断续焊缝intermittent weld
连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld
断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld
交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld
并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld
端接焊缝edge weld
卷边焊缝flanged edge weld
塞焊焊缝plug weld
纵向焊缝longitudinal weld
横向焊缝transverse weld
环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld
螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld
密封焊缝seal weld
承载焊缝strength weld
联系焊缝connective weld
定位焊缝tack weld
焊道bead/ run/ pass
焊根weld root/ root of weld
焊趾weld toe/ toe
封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld
打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld
根部焊道root pass/ root run
填充焊道filling bead
盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass
回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead
熔透焊道penetration bead
焊层 layer
焊接接头welded joint
接头形状joint geometry
等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint
低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint
超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint
接头根部root of joint
对接接头butt joint
i形对接接头square butt joint
v形对接接头single v butt joint
u形对接接头single u butt joint
j形坡口接头single j butt joint
双v形对接接头double v butt joint
双单边v形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ k groove butt joint
带钝边u形对接接头double u butt joint
带钝边j形坡口接头double j joint
角接接头corner joint
t形接头t joint
斜t形接头inclined t joint
十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint
三联接头joint among three members
搭接接头lap joint
套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint
双盖板接头double strapped joint
盖板接头strapped joint
端接接头edge joint
卷边接头flanged edge joint
锁底对接接头lock butt joint
斜对接接头oblique butt joint
混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint
有间隙接头open joint
无间隙接头closed joint
焊接电弧welding arc
电弧形态arc shape
电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour
引弧striking arc
引弧电压striking voltage
电弧气氛arc atmosphere
热阴极hot cathode
冷阴极cold cathode
阴极斑点cathode spot
阴极区cathode region
阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region
阴极压降cathode drop
阳极斑点anode spot
斑点压力spot pressure
阳极区anode region
阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region
阳极压降anode drop
弧柱arc column/ arc stream
弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column
弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column
弧焰arc flame
弧心arc core
硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc
软电弧soft arc
旋转电弧rotating arc
脉冲电弧pulsed arc
脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc
起皱现象puckering phenomena
起皱电弧puckering arc
起皱临界电流 puckering critical current
间接电弧 indirect arc
压缩电弧 compressive arc
磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc
电弧力 arc force
电磁力 electromagnectic force
电磁收缩效应 pinch effect
电弧飘移 wandering of arc
电弧稳定性 arc stability
电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc
电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc
最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage
电弧挺度arc stiffness
电弧偏吹 arc blow
磁偏吹 magnetic blow
阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode
电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation
挖掘作用 digging action
极性效应 polarity effect
熔滴 droplet
熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet
熔滴过渡metal transfer
过度频率 transition frequency
粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer
短路过渡short circuiting transfer
喷射过渡spray transfer
旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer
脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer
爆炸过渡 explosive transfer
渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer
熔池 molten pool
沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool
渣系 slag system
渣系相图 slag system diagram
碱性渣 basic slag
酸性渣 acid slag
碱度 basicity
酸度 acidity
长渣 long slag
短渣 short slag
粘性熔渣 viscous slag
氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag
盐型熔渣 salt melting slag
盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag
熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity
熔渣solidified slag
多孔焊渣 porous slag
玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag
自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag
脱渣性 slag detachability
焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set
焊机 welding machine; welder
电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder
焊接电源 welding power source
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