ac 冷气机(air conditioner)
ach 气冷式冰水主机(air cooled chiller unit)
acid 排酸管(acid waste pipe)
acp 空气压缩机(air compressor)
ad 维修门(access door)
af 翼截式(air foil)
afo 自动泡沫管(auto foam)
afs 气流开关(air flow switch)
ahu 空调箱(air handling unit)
alk 排管(alkaline waste)
ask 自动撒水管(auto sprinkler pipe)
asy 自动水雾管(auto spray pipe)
ast 储气槽(air storage tank)
av 释(排)气阀(air vent)
b & s 承插式(bell & spigot)
ba 紧急呼吸管(breathing air pipe)
bdd 逆止风门(back draft damper)
bi 后倾式(backward inclined)
bod 风管底部(bottom of duct)
bop 管路底部(bottom of pipe)
bp 加压泵(booster pump)
btm 底部(bottom)
btu 热量计(btu meter)
bv 蝶阀(butterfly valve)
bv 球塞阀(ball valve)
bwr 滷水回水管(brine return pipe)
bws 滷水送水管(brine supply pipe)
ca 压缩空气管(compressed air pipe)
cau 电脑室空调箱(computer room air handling unit)
cd 天花板扩散型出风口(ceiling diffuser)
sd/t 水槽落水头附存水弯(sink drain/trap)
cda 乾燥压缩空气管(clean dry air pipe)
cdwr 冷却纯水回水管(cooling di water return pipe)
cdws 冷却纯水送水管(cooling di water supply pipe)
cf 吸顶型风机(ceiling mounted type fan)
che 化学管(chemical pipe)
chp 冰水泵(chilled water pump)
chr 冰水回水管(chilled water return pipe)
chs 冰水送水管(chilled water supply pipe)
cht 化学加药设备(chemical treatment)
chu 冰水机(chiller unit)
cip 铸铁管(cast iron pipe)
cmh or m3/h 立方公尺/每小时(cubic meter per hour)
co 清洁口(cleanout)
cop 铜管(copper pipe)
cpk 电脑室箱型冷气机(computer room package air conditioner)
ctr 冷却水塔(cooling tower)
cv 逆止阀(check valve)
cw 冷水管(cold water pipe)
cwp 冷却水泵(condenser water pipe)
cwr 冷却水回水管(condenser water return pipe)
cws 冷却水送水管(condenser water supply pipe)
db 乾球(dry bulb)
df 漏斗式排放口(drain funnel)
df 饮水机(drinking fountain)
di 纯水管(de-ionized water pipe)
dir 纯水回水管(di reclaim water pipe)
dl 门百叶(door louver)
dn 降(下)(down)
dp 排水泵(drainage pump)
ds 乾式立管(dry type standpipe)
dw 自来水(domestic water)
dwg 图(drawing)
ea 排风(exhaust air)
ea 个,只(计量单位)(each)
eaf 排风机(exhaust air fan)
eag 格栅式排气口(exhaust air grille)
ear 格栅式排气口附风门(exhaust air register)
eat 进风温度(entering air temperature)
eb 电能开水机(electric boiler)
eff. 效率(efficiency)
ehe 电能加热器(electric heater)
ehu 电能加湿器(electric humidifier)
esew 紧急冲身洗眼器(emergency shower & eyewash)
et 膨胀水箱(expansion tank)
ewh 电能热水器(electric water heater)
ewt 进水温度(entering water temperature)
etd 电热链式防火风门(electro - thermal line fire damper)
f 消防管(firer hydrant pipe)
fa 火警(fire alarm)
fac 水龙头(faucet)
facp 火警控制盘(fire alarm control panel)
faf 送风机(fresh air fan)
fao 新鲜空气开口(fresh air opening)
fc 前倾式(forward curved)
fcc 隐蔽式冷风机(fan coil unit - concealed))
fce 露明式冷风机(fan coil unit - exposed)
fco 地板上清洁口(floor cleanout)
fd 防火风门(fire damper)
fd/t 地板落水头附存水弯(floor drain / trap)
ffl 楼板高度(finish floor level)
fh 消防栓(fire hydrant)
fhc 消防栓箱(fire hydrant cabinet)
fhsc 消防水带箱(fire hose storage cabinet)
fj 减震接头(flexible joint)
fm 消防干管(fire main)
fp 消防泵(fire pump)
fps 消防系统(fire protection system)
fpw 消防用水(fire protection water)
fs 水流开关(flow switch)
fu 设备单位(fixture unit)
gav 闸阀(gate valve)
glv 球型阀(globe valve)
h/s 蜂鸣器/频闪灯光(horn / strobe)
ha 防护区(hazard)
hd 烘手机(hand dryer)
hf (s) 排强氢氟酸管(hf (strong) waste pipe)
hf (w) 排弱氢氟酸管(hf (weak) waste pipe)
hmu 加湿器补给水(humidifier make up pipe)
hv 高真空管(high vacuum pipe)
hw 热水(hot water)
hwp 热水泵(hot water pipe)
hwr 热水回水管(hot water return pipe)
hws 热水送水管(hot water supply pipe)
iw 工业用供水管(industrial water supply pipe)
jnd 喷流型出风口(jet nozzle diffuser)
jif 诱导式风机(jet induced fan)
jp 增压泵(jacket pump)
ks 厨房洗槽(kitchen sink)
kpa 压力单位(kilopascal(s))
kw 仟瓦(kilowatt(s))
l 公升(liter)
lat 离风温度(leaving air temperature)
lav 洗脸盆(lavatory)
lbg 线型格栅式出风口(linear bar grille - supply air)
ldr 线型回风口(linear diffuser, return)
lds 线型出风口(linear diffuser, supply)
lfap 火警受信总机(local fire alarm panel)
lpm or l/m 公升/分(liter per minute)
ls 液位感测器(控制器)(level switch controller)
lv 低真空管(low vacuum pipe)
lv 百叶(louver)
lwt 出水温度(leaving water temperature)
mcd 电动控制风门(motorized control damper)
mfsd 电动防火排(防)烟风门(motorized fire & smoke damper)
mod 电动风门(motorized operated damper)
mps or m/s 公尺/秒(meter per second)
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