rental housing committee [formerly known as management and operations committee] [hong kong housing authority] 租住房屋小组委员会〔前称管理及行动小组委员会〕〔香港房屋委员会〕rental housing estate 租住屋
rental housing unit 租住单位
rental income 租金收入
rental level 租金水平
rental market 楼宇租赁市场
rental property 出租物业
rental return 租金收益
rental tendering 竞出租金投标方式
rental value 租值
rental-led 租金带动
rent-book 租金册
rent-controlled premises 租金受管制楼宇
rent-free period 免租期
rent-to-income ratio 租金与入息比例
repaint 重新髹漆
repair 修葺;维修;修理
repair and restoration of historic buildings [public works category] 维修及修复有历史性楼宇〔公共工程类别〕
repair guarantee period 修葺保证期
repair mortar system 修葺用砂浆配套
repair of cracked concrete by resin injection 注射树脂修补已爆裂的混凝土
repair of motors, transformers and switchgear [public works category] 修理马达、变压器及接电装置〔公共工程类别〕
repair order 修葺通知
repair paint 修补用漆
repair scheme 修葺计划
repair strengthening contract 修葺巩固合约
repair works 修葺工程
repair works order 修葺施工通知
repeated load 重复荷载
repeated stress 重复应力
repetitive works 工程重复;设计重复
replacement cost 重置成本
replacement cost addition 重置成本加额
replacement housing 重置房屋
replacement of lift foundation 升降机底座更换工程
replacement plan 重订图则
replanning 重新规划
replastering 重新批荡
report of the committee on housing subsidy to tenants of public housing 《检讨公屋住户资助小组委员会报告书》
report of the task force on land supply and property prices 《土地供应及物业价格专责小组报告书》
report of the working group on housing for the elderly 《高龄人士住所工作小组报告书》
report of the working group on regulation of estate agents 《监察地产代理工作小组报告书》
report on contractors" performance 有关承建商表现的报告
report on the slope safety review 《斜坡安全检讨报告》
report on the supply and demand in accommodations for small households 《小家庭居所供求报告书》
reports-on-title and owners incorporation section [land registry] 业权报告及业主法团组〔土地注册处〕
repossession 收楼
repossession order 收楼令
reprographic section [lands department] 摄影制图部〔地政总署〕
reprography 摄影制图
reprovision 另配;重配〔地方或设施〕;迁建计划
reprovision site 重配地盘
reprovisioning assessment 重配地盘评估
reprovisioning project 重建计划
reprovisioning site 重配地盘
request for allocation 要求分配
requisition 业权谘询
requisition for particulars of tenement 物业详情申报表
re-roofing and insulation works 重铺天台及隔热工程
resale 转售;重售
resale price 转售价;重售价
resale restriction 转售限制
resale restriction period 转售限制期
rescheduling of a loan 重整贷款安排
reservation of site 预留地盘
reserve 专用范围;预留地;保护区
reserve area 专用范围;预留土地
reserve block [sale of public housing unit] 候补大厦〔出售公屋〕
reserve price 内定最低价;保留价;标金底价
reserve project 后备工程
reserve waiting list 候补轮候册
reserve zone 专用范围;专用区;预留地
reservoir 水库;储水池
resettlement area 徙置区
resettlement block 徙置大厦
resettlement card 徙置证
resettlement estate 徙置屋
residence rule 居港年期规定〔居期规定〕
resident engineer 驻地盘工程师;驻工地工程师;常驻工程师
resident population 居住人口
resident site staff 驻地盘人员;驻工地人员
resident site staff on-cost multiplier 驻工地人员间接费用因子
resident staff cost [home ownership scheme estate] 驻苑职员费用〔居者有其屋计划屋苑〕
residential accommodation 居所
residential area 住宅区
residential building 住宅建筑物
residential care home for elderly persons 安老院
residential club 供应住宿的会所
residential density 居住密度
residential development 住宅用地发展
residential institution 供应住宿的机构;寄宿机构
residential land 住宅用地
residential premises 住宅楼宇
residential property 住宅物业
residential purpose 住宅用途
residential upgrading area 住宅屋宇改善区
residential zone 住宅分区;住宅地带;住宅用地区域
residential/commercial land 住宅及商业用地;商住两用地
residents" association 居民协会
residents" fraternal association 居民联谊会
residual current device 电流式漏电断路器
residual land value 土地余值
residual method 余值法
residual risk [ecology] 无法完全消除的影响〔自然生态〕
residual settlement 剩余沉降
residual soil 残积土
residual strength 剩余强度
residual stress 残余应力
resin emulsion paint 树脂涂料;树脂漆
resin mortar 树脂胶浆
resistance to fracture 抗破裂
resisting moment 抵抗弯矩;抵抗力矩
resite 迁置;安置
resite area 迁置区
resite house [village removal] 迁置屋宇〔搬村〕
resite house grant 迁置屋宇批租约
resited village 重建村落
rest garden 休憩花园
restoration plan 美化计划
restoration scheme 美化计划
restoration works 修复工程
restrained from lateral deflection [braced] 侧向变位受箝制〔受横向支撑〕
restricted access 限制使用的通道
restricted area 专用区;限制区
restricted auction 限制条件拍卖;有限制拍卖
restricted instant tender 局限性现场投标
restricted market 有条件限制的市场
restricted rent 受管制租金
restricted road 限制车辆使用的道路;限制使用的道路
restricted tender 局限性投标
restricted village auction 限制条件乡村拍卖
restricted zone 限制区
restriction on alienation 让与权的限制
restriction on alienation clause 转让限制条款
restriction on partitioning clause 分割限制条款
restriction on use of water supply clause 使用自来水限制条款
restructuring of obsolete industrial area [robina] 重整残旧工业区
resumed properties 收回物业
resumption 收回土地;收地
resumption clearance limit 收地清拆范围
resumption notice 收地通告;收楼通告;收楼告示
resumption of government land 收回政府土地
resumption of land 收回土地
resumption of leased land 收回已批租土地
resumption payment 收回土地付款
resumption plan 收地图则
resumption procedure 收地程序
resumption working group 收地工作小组
resurfacing 重铺路面;重铺面层;表面重修
retail centre [non-government organizations operating trades specified in tenancy agreement] 零售店〔由非政府机构经营订明于租约的行业〕
retail facility 商用设施
retail premises 零售用单位
retail provision 商用设施
retail space 商用地方
retail viability study 零售业务前景研究
retail working group 商用设施工作小组
retaining structure 挡土构筑物
retaining wall 挡土墙;护土墙
retake possession 重取管有权
retention money 工程累积保证金
reticulation sewer 污水网络管
retrogressive landslide 牵引式滑坡
return air inlet 回风进口;回气进口
returned flat 交回单位
re-use of a temporary housing area 重新拨用临屋区
revaluation [rateable value] 重估应课差饷租值
revenue collection system 租金交收系统
reverse fault 逆断层
reversion of land 归还土地
reversion of tenant status 恢复租户身分
reversionary estate 复归产业权
revert to its original position 回复原来图则位置
revert to the government 复归政府所有
re-vested in the government 重新转归政府
revetment 护岸;护坡
review committee on building safety legislation 建筑物安全法例检讨委员会
review of a rent increase certificate 覆核加租证明书
review of residential densities in public housing estates 公营房屋居住密度检讨
review of the standard and goods vehicle parking provision in public housing estates 公共屋 标准设施及货车停车设施的检讨
review on density guidelines for private residential areas 私人住宅区密度指引检讨
revised rent 经调整的租金
revised space allocation standard 修订面积编配标准
revocation of an approved plan 核准图撤销
revolution switch 旋转开关
revolving door 旋转门
rewinding 重新绕线
rezone 改划用途地带;重订分区用途
rhyolite 流纹岩
rhyolitic lava flow 流纹岩的熔岩流
rice paper contract “沙纸契”
riding quality [road] 路面行车质素
rigger 索具装配工
right in land 土地权益
right of entry 进入土地的权利
right of re-entry 重收土地的权利
right of temporary occupation of land 暂时占用土地权
right of way 通道权;通行权
right to enjoyment [building] 享用权〔建筑物〕
right to occupation 占用权〔建筑物〕;占用土地权
right to possession [building] 管有权〔建筑物〕
right to use [building] 使用权〔建筑物〕
rights of property 产权;财产权益
rigid foundation 刚性基础;刚性地基
rigid frame 刚性构架
rigid joint 刚性缝;刚性接缝
rigid load 刚性荷载
rigid metallic pipework 硬金属制的喉管
rigid pavement 刚性路面;混凝土路面
rigid protection measure 刚性保护措施
rim 周围;缘
ripping 翻土;疏土
riprap 乱石堤;堆石护坡;抛石
rise 梯级高度
riser 梯级竖板;立管;竖管
rising head test 上水头试验
rising main 上行水管;上行电缆;泵送干管
risk assessment of failure 崩塌后果评估
risk category 风险类别
risk of landslip 山泥倾泻风险;滑坡风险
risk-to-life category 人命风险类别
river action plan 改善河道计划
river pier 河墩
river regulation 整治河道
river training 改善河道;治理河道;疏浚河道
river training section [lands department] 治理河道组〔地政总署〕
river training team [lands department] 治理河道小组〔地政总署〕
river wall 河道导流墙;河堤
riverside 河畔;河岸
road drainage system 道路排水系统
road hump 路拱;路丘
road level 路面水平
road roller 压路机
road-culvert 道路暗渠
roadside slope 路旁斜坡
rock anchor 石锚;入石锚定杆
rock blasting 爆石
rock bolt 石栓;岩石锚杆
rock crushing 压碎岩石
rock cut slope 削石坡;岩削坡
rock dowel 石钉;岩石销钉
rock fall fence 防石栏;防石围墙
rock feature 石景
rock joint 岩石节理
rock joint shear strength test 岩石节理剪力试验
rock mass 岩体
rock mechanics 岩土力学;岩石力学
rock mound 岩石墩;堆石
rock outcrop 岩石露头
rock plug 岩塞
rock quality designation 岩石质量指标
rock quality index 岩石质量系数
rock slope 岩石坡;石坡
rock structure 岩石构造
rock texture 岩石结构
rockfall hazard 坠石的危险
rock-fill 石填料;填石
rock-fill slope 填石坡;堆石坡
rock-fill sloping seawall 石砌斜面海堤
rock-mound breakwater 堆石防波堤
rockscape 石景
rodding eye 通管孔;通渠孔;清理孔
rolled hardcore 经碾压碎石底层
rolled steel 轧制钢
rolled steel joist 辗钢工字梁
roller 滚压机;滚筒
roller conveyor 滚柱式输送机
roller gate 卷闸
roller shutter 卷闸
rolling 横摇
roof 屋顶;天台
roof cover 上盖
roof insulation improvement works 天台隔热改善工程
roof load 屋顶荷载
roof re-surfacing 天台重铺工程
roof slab 天台楼板
roof tank 天台贮水箱
roof tile 天台地砖
roofed-over area 有盖面积
roofing 铺盖屋顶;屋顶
rooftop illegal structure 天台违例构筑物;天台违例搭建物
rooftop projection 屋顶突出物
rooftop squatter 天台寮屋居民
rooftop squatter freezing survey 天台寮屋冻结人口登记
rooftop structure 天台构筑物;天台搭建物
rooftop thermal insulation 天台隔热工程
roofway 屋顶通道
room-sealed gas water heater 密封式气体热水炉
rose wood 花梨木
rotary drilling 旋转式钻探;回转钻探
rotary drum screen 滚筒筛滤器
rotary percussion boring 旋转冲击钻探
rotary pump 旋转泵
rotary switch 旋转式开关
rotary vane water meter 翼轮式水表
rotary water meter 旋转式水表
rotor 转子
rough angular quarrystone 粗糙棱角矿石
rough-cast finish 粗注面
routine maintenance 例行维修
routine roll-forward of the comprehensive redevelopment programme 定期公布的向前推展整体重建计划
royal institute of british architects 英国皇家建筑师学会
royal institution of chartered surveyors [rics] 皇家特许测量师学会
royalty lease 缴付专利税的土地契约
royalty rate 专利费税率
rubbed granolithic 磨水石米
rubbed granolithic finish 水磨石米面
rubble 毛石;粗石
rubble deposition works 沉积毛石工程
rubble mound 毛石基 ;毛石堆
rubble mound seawall 毛石海堤
rubble stone retaining wall 毛石挡土墙
rubble structure 毛石结构;堆石结构
rubble wall 毛石墙;堆石墙
rules of assessment 评估规则
rules of the fire offices" committee for automatic fire alarm installation 英国火险协会自动火警警报装置规则
rules of the fire offices" committee for automatic sprinkler installation 英国火险协会自动消防花洒装置规则
run-off 径流;斜面排水
rupture strength 破裂强度
rupture stress 破裂应力
rural and new town planning committee 乡郊及新市镇规划小组委员会
rural area 乡郊地区
rural building lot 乡郊建屋地段;乡郊屋地
rural development area 乡郊发展区
rural development steering committee 乡郊发展督导委员会
rural estate 乡郊屋 ;郊区屋
rural extension area 乡郊扩展区
rural feeder road 郊区支路
rural holding 农村土地;乡郊土地
rural housing 乡村式公屋;郊区公屋
rural housing estate 乡郊屋 ;郊区屋
rural housing standard block 乡村式标准型大厦
rural improvement area 乡郊改善区
rural land 农村地;乡郊土地
rural land use strategy 乡郊土地使用策略
rural lot 农村地段
rural planning and improvement strategy [rpis] 乡郊规划及改善策略
rural planning and improvement strategy minor works steering committee 乡郊规划及改善策略小型工程督导委员会
rural planning and improvement strategy section [lands department] 乡郊规划及改善策略组〔地政总署〕
rural protection area 乡郊保护区
rural public housing scheme 乡村式公共房屋计划
rural redevelopment area 乡郊重建区
rural town 乡镇
rural township 乡镇
rust scale 锈皮
r&v news 《差饷物业估价署通讯》
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