rack-rent 高额租金radburn layout “列本”式设计
radial direction 径向
radian 弧度
radiation wall 防辐射墙
raft foundation 筏式基础;筏式地基
rafter 椽
rail 栏杆;横档
rail reserve 铁路专用范围
railing 栏杆
railway bridge 铁路桥;火车桥
railway goods yard 铁路货场
railway protection area 铁路保护区
railway reserve 铁路专用范围
railway station 火车站
rain shelter 避雨亭
rainwater down pipe 雨落管
rainwater pipe 雨水管
raised planter 架高花盆;高身花槽
raking pile 斜桩
raking shore 斜撑
ram 柱塞;桩锤;压实
ramp 斜路;坡道
random coring 混凝土钻探抽样测试
random rubble armoured structure 不规则堆石护面结构
random rubble wall 不规则砌石墙;乱石砌石墙
ranking list 先后次序列表;评级次序表
ranking system 先后次序排列系统;先后次序排列方法
rapid deterioration 迅速变质
rapid hardening cement 快硬水泥
rapid transit system 快速运输系统
rasp 粗锉;木锉
raster data 栅格数据
rate adjustment clause 调整费用条款
rate of contribution 供款率
rate of ex-gratia compensation 特惠补偿率
rate of return on fixed assets 固定资产回报率
rate of surface spread of flame 表面火焰蔓延率
rateable tenement 应缴差饷物业
rateable value 应课差饷租值
rateable value above the cut-off point 应课差饷租值在限额以上
rateable value platform 各级应课差饷租值表
rateable value rent 差饷估值租金;估定租值
rated property 已评估差饷的物业;已征收差饷的物业
ratepayer 差饷缴纳人
rates 差饷
rates billing system [formerly known as treasury rates system] 征收差饷系统〔前称库务署发单系统〕
rates charge 差饷征收率
rates payable 应缴差饷额
rates percentage charge 差饷征收百分率
rates receipt 差饷收据
rates relief 差饷宽减
rates relief scheme 差饷宽减计划
rates--your questions answered 《差饷说明书》
rating 定额;评级
rating adviser 差饷估值顾问
rating and capital valuation division [rating and valuation department] 差饷及物业估价事务科〔差饷物业估价署〕
rating and valuation department 差饷物业估价署
rating and valuation department--a chronology 《差饷物业估价署历年发展》
rating appeal 差饷估价上诉案
rating assessment 差饷估价
rating description 物业地址;物业名称
rating valuation list 差饷估价册
ratio of housing cost 住屋费用比率
rational allocation of public housing resources 公屋资源合理分配
rationalized traditional method of building 改良传统建筑法
raw sewage 未经处理的污水;未经净化的污水
raw water 原水;未经净化水
raw water transfer 原水输送系统
re-accommodation grant 重建金;搭屋津贴〔紧急救济基金〕
ready-mix concrete 预拌混凝土
ready-mix plant 预拌混凝土机;预拌混凝土厂
real estate 地产;不动产
real estate agent 地产代理人
real estate developer 地产发展商
real estate developers" association of hong kong 香港地产建设商会
real property 土地财产
realignment 重新定线;重划界线
rear cubicle 尾房
reasonably beneficial use 有合理实益用途
reassembling 重新装配
re-assessment 重新估价
rebuild 重建
recalibrate 重新校准
recast 重浇〔混凝土〕;修葺
receipt for rent 租金收据
receipted demand note 注明款额已付的缴款通知书
receiver 接管人;接收器
receiving order 接管令
receptacle 插座
reception accommodation 迁置居所
reception estate 迁置屋
reception housing 迁置地方
reception range of communal aerial system 公共天线系统接收范围
reception resources 迁置资源
reception structure 迁置搭建物
reception tank 接收池
recharge well 回灌井
reclaimed land 填海土地
reclamation 填海;填海区;填海工程
reclamation area 填海区
reclamation level 填筑高程
reclamation works 填海工程
recognized village 认可乡村
recommended decoration contractor system 推荐装修承办商制度
recommission 再度投入运作;重新校验
recompacted fill 再压实填土;再夯实填土
recompaction 再压实;重新压实
recondition 修复;重修
reconnaissance survey 勘测;草测
reconstruction 重建;改建
reconstruction works 重建工程
record drawing 记录绘图;竣工图;施工记录图
record of owner 业主记录
record of title deed 业权契据档案
recover possession 收回管有
recoverable rent 可收回的租金
recovery cost 收回成本
recovery of land 收回土地
recovery of possession of premises 收回处所的管有;收回楼宇
recovery of premises 收回楼宇
recovery tank 回水箱
recreation area 康乐用地;康乐场地
recreation deck 屋顶康乐场地;休憩平台
recreation ground-cum-rest garden 康乐休憩场地
recreation priority area 康乐优先区
recreational facility 康乐设施
rectangular foundation 矩形基础;矩形地基
rectangular handrail 矩形扶手
"red" area [squatter area] “红色”区域〔寮屋区〕
red brick 红砖
red earth 赤红壤;红土
red lead 红丹
red oxide primer 红氧化铁底漆
red survey number [squatter] 寮屋登记红字编号
red title deed 红契
red wood 红木;红杉
redecoration 粉饰工程;重新粉饰
redefinition of old scheduled lots 重新界定旧批约地段
redemption of property 赎回楼宇
redevelopment 重建;重行发展
redevelopment estate 列入重建计划的屋
redevelopment order 重建令
redevelopment potential 重建潜力
redevelopment programme 重行发展计划
redevelopment scheme [public housing estate] 重建计划〔公共屋 〕
redevelopment vote 重建拨款
reduced harmony 1 block 层数减少的和谐一型大厦
reeded glass 条纹玻璃
re-enter upon the land 重收土地
re-entered property 重收物业
re-entrant 内角
re-entry [land] 重收〔土地〕
re-entry on leased land 重收已批租土地
re-erection works 重建工程
reference date 估价日期
referencing of properties 物业调查
refill 重新注满;回填
refinancing 重新按揭;重新安排按揭
refitting 重新装修
reflected ceiling plan 天花反向图;顶棚反向图
reflective paint 反光漆油
refreshment kiosk 小食档;小食亭
refuge area 庇护间
refuge floor 庇护层;隔火层
refund of rates 退还差饷
refundable proceeds 应退还收益
refurbished flat 翻新单位
refurbishment 翻新
refusal statement 拒绝接受编配说明书
refuse chamber 大垃圾房
refuse chute 垃圾槽
refuse collection chamber 垃圾房
refuse collection point 垃圾收集站
refuse compactor system 垃圾压实系统
refuse container 垃圾桶
refuse loading ramp 垃圾装卸坡
refuse room 垃圾房
refuse storage area 垃圾站
refuse storage chamber 垃圾房
refuse transfer station 垃圾转运站;废物转运站
refuse trough 垃圾槽
refuse-cum-junk room 垃圾废物房
regional distributor [road] 区域干路
regional maintenance consultant 区域维修顾问公司
regional planning 区域规划
regional shopping centre 区域商场
register of corporations 法团登记册
register of maintenance responsibility 维修责任登记册
registered address 注册地址
registered architect 注册建筑师
registered area 注册面积
registered contractor 注册承建商
registered contractors" disciplinary board panel 注册承建商纪律委员团
registered electrical contractor 注册电业承办商
registered fire services installations contractor 注册消防装置承办商
registered gas installation contractor 注册气体装置承造商
registered general building contractor 注册一般建筑承建商
registered lot owner 地段注册持有人
registered manager ["tong"; "tso"] 注册司理〔“堂”; “祖”〕
registered mortgage 已登记按揭契据
registered mortgagee 已登记承按人
registered owner 注册业主;登记拥有人
registered owner of a lot 地段注册持有人
registered professional engineer 注册专业工程师
registered professional housing manager 注册专业房屋经理
registered professional surveyor 注册专业测量师
registered property owner 登记业主
registered specialist contractor 注册专门承建商
registered structural engineer 注册结构工程师
registrar general"s department 注册总署
registrar, lands tribunal 土地审裁处司法常务官
registrar of authorized land surveyors 认可土地测量师注册主任
registration district 注册区域
registration of deed 注册契据
registration of title 注册业权
registry manager, land registry 土地注册处经理
regrade 重整坡度;重整地形
regrading of slope 重整斜坡
regrant 重批土地;重批契约
regrant agreement 重批协议
regrant of expired lease 重批已届满契约
regrant premium 补地价
regrouping of trades 重新编组行业
regular hut-to-hut check 定期逐户调查
regular monitoring of special measure 特殊设施的定期监测
regularization of area 修正界限;修正面积
regularization of lot boundary 修正地段界线
regularization programme on land 纠正土地用途计划
regulated rent 管制租金
rehabilitation 修复;美化
rehabilitation allowance 更生津贴;重建津贴
rehabilitation works 美化工程
rehousing 安置
rehousing assistance scheme 安置援助计划
rehousing eligibility 获安置资格
rehousing operation vote 安置行动拨款
rehousing programme 安置计划
reimbursed at cost 按价补偿
reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土
reinforced concrete base 钢筋混凝土地基
reinforced concrete caisson 钢筋混凝土沉箱
reinforced concrete cover 钢筋混凝土封盖
reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩
reinforced concrete plinth 钢筋混凝土基座
reinforced concrete roof 钢筋混凝土屋顶
reinforced concrete structure 钢筋混凝土结构;钢筋混凝土构筑物
reinforced earth 加筋土;加筋填土
reinforced fill 加筋土;加筋填土
reinforced fill proprietary product 加筋土用的专利材料
reinforced profile concrete parapet 钢筋混凝土纵向护栏
reinforcement 钢筋;加固;加强
reinforcement bar 钢筋条
reinforcement cage 钢筋笼;钢筋骨架
reinforcement fabric 钢筋网
reinforcing agent 增强剂
reinstate 修复;恢复原状
reinstate and make good 修葺使之恢复原状
reinstated block 翻修重用大厦
reinstated flat 翻修单位
reinstatement notice 恢复原状通知书
reinstatement of an application 恢复登记申请
reinstatement of premises [valuation] 加入重新评定的估价
reinstatement of supply 恢复供应
reinstatement of tenancy 恢复租赁
reinstatement works 修复工程
relative compaction 相对压实度
relative load factor 相对承重因素
relative proportions of land 土地相对比例
relative stiffness 相对硬度
relay 继电器
relaying 重铺
release of land 批放土地
re-let 重新出租
re-letting right [commercial tenant] 转租权利〔商业租户〕
relict joint 残留节理
relief 地貌;地形
relief against re-entry 撤销重收
relief against vesting 撤销转归
relief of overcrowding 纾缓环境挤迫情况
relief sewer 溢流污水渠
relieving arch 减压拱
relieving beam 减压梁
relocation 迁徙;迁移
remaining portion [rp] 余段
remaining slag 剩余熔渣
remaining works 余下工程
remeasurement 量数
remeasurement contract 按量数付款工程合约
remedial action 补救行动
remedial measure 补救措施
remedial works 补救工程;善后工程;修葺工程
remodelled market 改建街市
remortgage 重新按揭
remote area 偏远地区
remoulded clay 重塑黏土
remoulded properties 重塑土特性
remoulded sample 重塑样本
remoulding 重塑;改造
removal allowance 搬迁津贴
removal and decoration allowance 搬迁及装修津贴
removal charge 搬迁费用
removal of ground 移土工程
removal order 清拆令
rendering 抹面;批荡;抹灰
rendering coat 底层批荡;底层灰浆
renewable government lease 可续期政府租契
renewable lease 可续期租契
renewal 更新;续期
renewed lease 续期租契
renovate 翻新;整修
renovated flat 翻新单位
rent 租金
rent act [united kingdom] 租务法令〔英国〕
rent affordability 负担租金能力
rent allowance 租金津贴
rent card 租卡;缴租卡
rent certificate 租金证明书
rent collection escort service 收租护送服务
rent concession 租金优惠;减租
rent concession (east) [lands department] 租金优惠小组(东区)〔地政总署〕
rent concession (west) [lands department] 租金优惠小组(西区)〔地政总署〕
rent control 租金管制
rent control division [rating and valuation department] 租务管制科〔差饷物业估价署〕
rent control factor 租金管制因子
rent control mechanism 租金管制办法
rent default 欠租
rent deposit 租金按金
rent dispute 租务纠纷
rent exemption 豁免租金
rent free period 免租期
rent freeze 冻结租金
rent holiday 免租期
rent in arrears 欠缴租金;欠租
rent increase certificate 加租证明书
rent increase control 加租管制
rent increase mechanism 加租计算办法
rent officer 租务主任
rent paid in advance 上期缴交的租金
rent passing 现时租金;当时租金
rent payable in advance 上期缴交的租金
rent rebate scheme 租金宽减计划
rent receipt 租金收据
rent reminder 催缴欠租通知书
rent review 租金调整
rent schedule 租金附表
rent setting 厘订租金
rent strip 收租记录表
rent subject to tender 租金照投标出价订定
rent survey 租金统计
rent tendered 投标租金
rental 租金
rental agreement 租用协议;租约
rental deposit 租金按金
rental evidence 租金资料
rental flat 租住单位
rental housing 租住房屋
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