冲动 impulse冲动性 impulsiveness
复合反应 complex reaction; complex response
复选式 multiple response type
适应 adaptation
学前儿童 preschool child
学科心理学 psychology of school subjects
学科测验 subject test
学习心理学 psychology of learning
学习曲线 curve of learning; learning curve
学习律 law of learning
学习高原 plateau of learning
学习迁移 transfer of learning
学业成绩比率 accomplishment ratio
学业成绩商数 accomplishment quotient {= a.q.}
学业成绩测验 accomplishment test
学业考试 academic examination
操作 manipulation
机制论;机械论 mechanism
机能心理学 functional psychology
机误 chance error; probable error
机体觉 organic sensation
积差相关 product moment correlation
兴趣中心 center of interest
辨色测验 color discrimination test
选择组 selected group
迟钝学生 backward student; laggard student
迟缓 retardation
迟缓儿童 retarded child; slow child
遗忘曲线 curve of forgetting; forgetting curve
遗传 heredity; inheritance
错误曲线 curve of error; error curve
错觉 illusion
随机取样 random sampling
随机组 random group
随机运动 random movement
频因律 law of frequency
优生学 eugenics
婴孩期 infancy; infantia
应用心理学 applied psychology
营养不良 malnutrition
总能力 total ability
联结反应 associative reaction
联结心理学 association psychology
联结律 association law [= law of association]
联想字 association word
胆汁质 choleric temperament
举重测验 weight test
谜 puzzle
黏液质 phlegmatic temperament
躯力 drive
离校年龄 leaving age
离势 variation
双重人格 dual personality
艺术能力 artistic ability
镜描 mirror drawing
类化 generalization
类似律 law of resemblance; law of similarity
聋哑教育 education of deaf and dumb
听觉 auditory sensation
读唇识意 lip reading
变异系数 coefficient of variation
变异量表 variability scale
变态心理学 abnormal psychology
体能测验 physical test
体罚 corporal punishment
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