
专业英语词汇 2023-01-20 网络整理 可可



algol语言 algol language

basic & fortran 语言 basic language & fortran language

basic 语言 basic language

basic 语言及应用 basic language & application

c 语言 c language

c++程序设计 c++ program designing

cad 概论 introduction to cad

cad/cam cad/cam

cet-4 college english test (band 4)

cet-6 college english test (band 6)

cobol语言 cobol language

cobol语言程序设计 cobol language program designing

c与unix环境 c language & unix environment

c语言科学计算方法 scientific computation method in c

c语言与生物医学信息处理 c language & biomedical information processing

dbase ⅲ 课程设计 course exercise in dbase ⅲ

fortran 77 语言 fortran 77 language

fortran语言 fortran language

foxbase程序设计 foxbase programming

hopf代数 hopf algebra

hopf代数与代数群量子群 hopf algebra , algebraic group and qua ntum group

ibm-pc/xt fundamentals of microcomputer ibm-pc/xt

ibm-pc微机原理 fundamentals of microcomputer ibm-pc

ibm汇编及高级语言的接口 ibm assembly & its interfaces with advanced programming languages

internet与intranet技术 internet and intranet technology

lsi设计基础 basic of lsi designing

os/2操作系统 os/2 operation system

pascal大型作业 pascal wide range working

pascal课程设计 course exercise in pascal

pascal语言 pascal language

pc机原理 principle of pc

unix编程环境 unix programming environment

unix操作系统分析 analysis of unix system

vlsi的eda技术 eda techniques for vlsi

vlsi技术与检测方法 vlsi techniques & its examination

vlsi设计基础 basis of vlsi design

windows系统 windows operation system

x光分析 x-ray analysis

x射线金属学 x-ray & metallography

x射线与电镜 x-ray & electric microscope

z-80汇编语言程序设计 z-80 pragramming in assembly languages


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