crystalline structure 晶体组织crystalline 晶体的
crystallization 结晶
crystallize 结晶
crystalloid 晶体晶体的晶状的
crystalon 刚晶
crytograph 密码
cs case goods
cs cycles per second
csc cosecant
csname chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering中国造船工程学会
cst 木箱子(货运用语
cuba 国际快艇比赛用字母
cubage 容积求积法
cubature 容积
cubature 容积求积法
cube gambier 方形黑儿茶
cube ice 方块冰
cube root 立方根
cube 立方;立方体
cube 立方立方体三次幂
cube 立方体立方
cubeb 澄茄
cubi- 立方立方体的意思
cubic capacity below deck 甲板以下舱容
cubic capacity of bales 包装货容积
cubic capacity of bunkers in metres 舱容立方米
cubic capacity of bunkers 舱容
cubic capacity of grain ex peaks 尖舱散装舱容
cubic capacity of grain 散装舱容
cubic capacity of holds and bunkers 货舱与燃料舱总容积
cubic capacity of holds in metres 米制货舱容积
cubic capacity of holds including hatches 包括舱口在内的舱容
cubic capacity of holds 货舱容积
cubic capacity of lifeboat 救生艇容积
cubic capacity of permanent bunkers 固定燃料舱容积
cubic capacity of tanks 液舱容积
cubic capacity tonnage 容积吨位
cubic capacity 立方容积
cubic capacity 容积
cubic capacity 总容积
cubic centimeter per hour 每小时立方厘米
cubic centimeter 立方厘米
cubic centimetre 立方厘米
cubic centimetres per hour 立方厘米小时
cubic displacement 容积排水量
cubic equation 三次方程
cubic expansion 体积膨胀
cubic expansion 体膨胀
cubic feet per day 每日立方英尺
cubic feet per hour 立方英尺小时每小时立方英尺
cubic feet per hour 每小时立方英尺
cubic feet per second 立方英尺秒
cubic feet 立方英尺
cubic foot per minute 每分钟立方英尺
cubic foot per second 每秒立方英尺
cubic foot 立方英尺
cubic inch 立方英寸
cubic measure 容积
cubic measurement 容积
cubic meter 立方米
cubic meter 米3
cubic metre 立方米
cubic number coefficient 立方系数
cubic number 立方数
cubic root 立方根
cubic tonnage 容积吨位
cubic yard 立方码
cubic 立方
cubic 立方的
cubic 立方的、容积的;三次方程
cubic 立方的、容积的三次方程
cubic 立方立方的立方体的
cubic 立方体的
cubic-feet per minute 立方英尺分钟
cubical elasticity 容积弹性
cubical expansion 体膨胀
cubical parabola 三次抛物线
cubical 立方体立方的
cubicexpansion 立体膨胀
cubicle switchgear 组合开关装置
cubicle 配电装置间隔
cubicle 小室
cudbear 紫地衣糊
cuddy board 端部平台
cuddy 首尾独立小舱室
cuivert system 排水系统
cul-de-sac 袋状海湾
culinary water tank 食用水舱
culinary water tank 饮用水舱
culinary 厨房用的
cull 拣摘
cull 摘去
cull 摘去拣摘
culm 煤屑
culmination 中天
culmination 中天天体)中天
culpable negligence 重大过失
cultivated coast 耕地海岸
cultivated fields 耕地
culture 文化;耕作;人工建筑
culture 文化耕作人工建筑
culvert system 进排水系统
culvert 水管暗沟电缆管道
culvert 阴沟
cum call 附催缴款项通知单
cum 和
cumbre 山峰
cummin seed 小茴香子
cumulative compound excitation 积复励
cumulative compound generator 积复激发电机
cumulative compound generator 积复励发电机
cumulative compound motor 积复激电动机
cumulative compound motor 积复励电动机
cumulative compound winding 积复激绕组
cumulative effect 累积效应
cumulative error 积累误差
cumulative error 累积误差
cumulative frequency 积累频率
cumulative hours 积累时数
cumulative mean 累积平均数
cumulative number 累计次数
cumulative process 积累过程
cumulative pump stroke 渐增泵冲程
cumulative stress 累积应力
cumulative winding 积复励绕组
cumulative 积累的
cumulative 累积的
cumulative 累计的
cumuliform 积云状
cumulo-nimbus arcus 弧状积雨云
cumulo-nimbus mammatus 乳房状积雨云
cumulo-nimbus 积雨云
cumulocirrus 卷积云
cumulogenitus 积云性
cumulonimbus calvus 秃积雨云
cumulonimbus capillatus 鬃积雨云
cumulonimbus incus 砧状积雨云
cumulonimbus 积雨云
cumulostratus 层积云
cumulus congestus 浓积云
cumulus fractus 碎积云
cumulus humilis 淡积云
cumulus pileus 袱状积云
cumulus 积云
cunico 铜镍钻合金
cunico 铜镍钴合金
cunife 铜镍铁合金
cup anemometer 转杯风速表
cup grease 稠粘润滑油
cup grease 稠粘润滑油润滑油
cup grease 润滑脂
cup head bolt 圆头螺栓
cup head copper 铜
cup head pin 圆头销
cup head pin 圆锥销
cup head rivet 圆头铆钉
cup head 圆头
cup nut 杯形螺母
cup packing 杯形填密法
cup socket 轴帽
cup type current meter 旋杯式流速仪
cup valve 钟形阀
cup weld 套装焊接
cup 杯
cup 杯;罩;绞车轴座
cup 杯罩绞车轴座
cupanemometer 转杯风速表
cupboard 柜
cuphead rivet 圆头铆钉
cuphead 圆头
cuphead 圆头@n.圆头
cupola furnace 化铁炉
cupola 化铁炉
cupola 圆房顶
cupola 圆屋顶
cuprite 赤铜矿
cupro-lead 铜铅合金
cupro-nickel 铜镍合金
cupron cell 氧化铜电池
cupron 科普隆铜镍合金
cuprous oxide cell 氧化亚铜光电池
cuprous oxide rectifier 氧化亚铜整流器
cuprous 亚铜的
cuprum 铜
curb chain 制动链
curb girder 侧梁
curb pollution 控制污染
curb ring crane 转盘起重机
curb 抑制电流
curb 抑制电流抑制
curb 抑制抑制电流抑制
curbing 抑制
cure of stoppages 故障排除
cure 熟化
cure 熟化硫化硬化排除使熟化使硫化使硬化排除被熟化被硫化被硬化被排除
cure 熟化硫化硬化使熟化使硫化 使硬化排除被熟化被硫化被硬化被排除
curie point 居里点
curie 居里
curie 居里居里(放射性强度单位
curing agent 固化剂
curing period 养护期
curing temperature 硬化温度
curing 熟化硫化硬化
curio 古玩
curl cord 卷线
curl ring 转盘
curl 涡流卷边
curl 涡流卷边旋度似螺纹的物体使卷曲
curl 旋度;似螺纹的物体;涡流;使卷曲
currency adjustment factor 货币调整因素
currency adjustment factor 货币值调整率
currency adjustment factor 货币值调整率货币调整因素
currency clause 汇款条款
currency clause 货币条款
currency control 货币管理
currency legal devaluation 货币法定贬值
currency legal revaluation 货币法定升值
currency note 现钞
currency of adjustment 理算货币
currency of contract 契约货币
currency of dumping 外汇倾销
currency of payment 交付帐
currency of payment 支付帐
currency surcharge 货币附加费
currency system 计费币种
currency value 币值
currency 货币
currency 货币市价流通通货
currency 货币通货
currency 流通;流传;通用;货币
currency 通货
current capacity 载流容量
current account credit 往来帐贷方
current account 活期存款
current account 活期存款来往帐目
current account 来往帐目
current actuated rudder 襟翼舵
current adapter 电流适配器
current amplification 电流放大
current amplifier 电流放大器
current ampliication factor 电流放大倍数
current angle 流压角差
current annual expenditure 本年度支出
current annual revenue 本年度收入
current antinode 电流波腹
current assets 流动资产
current assets 流动资金
current bias 偏流
current bias 栅流
current bottle 漂瓶
current breaker 电流断路器
current capacity 载流量
current carrier 载流子
current carring capacity of circuit 电路载流量
current carrying capacity of group laid cables 成束敷设载流量
current carrying capacity of single laid cable 单根敷设载流量
current carrying capacity 载流容量
current carrying conductor 载流导线
current carrying part 载流部分
current carrying 载流的
current channel 电波电咱
current chart 海流图
current circuit 电流电路
current coil 电流线圈
current coincidence system 电流重合法
current collecting 集电的
current collector 集流环
current collector 集流器
current communication 载波通入
current component 电流分量
current condenser 电容器
current conducing 导电的
current constants 涨落潮流常数
current consuming apparatus 耗电设备
current consuming 耗电的
current consumption 电源消耗
current consumption 耗电量
current control 电流控制
current control 限流控制
current controlled current source 电流控制电流源
current controlled voltage source 电流控制电压源
current converter 变流器
current converter 换流器
current cost 市价
current cost 现行成本时价
current costs 现价
current course 航向流压差
current course 航向流压差
current course 流向
current crowding effect 电流集聚效应
current curve 电流曲线
current curve 流速曲线
current damper 电流阻尼器
current damping 电流衰减
current density 电流密度
current density 电流密度电视密度
current density 电视密度
current deposit 活期存款
current detector 验电器
current diagram 海流图解
current diagram 海流图解;洋流图
current diagram 流图
current difference 副港与主港的平流时间差或流速差
current direction relay 电流方向继电器
current direction 流线
current direction 流向
current distribution 电流分布
current distribution 电流分配
current distribution 配电
current divider coefficient 分流系数
current divider 分流器
current domestic value 考虑进口税时货物的实际价格
current drag 海流阻力
current drift 流程
current efficiency 电流效率
current ellipse 旋转潮流椭圆
current equalizer 均流器
current expenditure 经费
current feedback 电流反馈
current gain cut-off 电汉增益截止
current generating 发电的
current gradient 流速梯度
current harmonics 电流谐波
current hogging logic circuit 电流参差逻辑电路
current hogging 电流措乱
current impulse 电流脉冲
current in branch circuit 分支电流
current in middle wire 中线电流
current in restricted waters 受水域中潮流
current indicator lamp 电流指示灯
current information 海流资料
current input 电流输入
current instruction word 现行指令字
current intelligence 动态情报
current intensity 电流强度
current interrupter 断流器
current lead 电线
current leakage 电流漏泄
current leakage 漏电
current limiter 电流限制器
current limiter 限流器
current limiting fuse 限流熔丝
current line 流线
current load 电流负荷
current load 电流负荷流载荷
current load 流载荷
current loading 流载荷
current log 测流仪
current log 流速仪
current loop 电流波腹
current loss 电流损耗
current maintenance 日常保养
current maintenance 日常维护
current maintenance 小修
current measurement 海流测量
current measurement 海流测量电流测量
current measuring instrument 测流计
current meter 安培表
current meter 电流表
current meter 电流表;流速表
current meter 电流表流速计
current meter 流速计
current mode logic circuit 电流型逻辑电路
current mode 流行方式
current moment 电流矩
current month 本月
current node 电流波节
current of air 气流
current of comuntation 换向电流
current of water 水流
current on contact 接触电流
current order 现时指令
current overload protection 电流过载保
current overload 电流过载
current path 电流通路
current phhase 电流相位
current plate (气
current pole 测流速标杆
current pressure 流压
current price 市价
current priority indicator 正在执行的优先程序指示器
current production 流水生产
current protection 电流保装置
current protection 载波电流保装置
current pulse 电流脉冲
current rate discharge 承运人按习惯支付卸货费用
current rate 现价
current rate 现行费率
current rate 现行费率时价
current rating 额定电流
current ratio 电流比
current regulator 电流调节器
current regulator 电流调整器
current relay coil 电流继电器线圈
current relay 电流继电器
current repair expense 经常性维修费
current repair 经常性修理
current repair 日常修理
current repair 小修
current requirement 现行要求
current resonance 电流谐振
current reversal 电流换向
current reverser 电流倒顺开关
current reverser 电流换向开关
current riples 波纹
current ripples 波纹
current rips 洋流小浪
current rose 海流花
current rose 海流玫瑰图
current sailing 潮流航法
current sailing 潮流航行计算法
current selected switch 电流选择开关
current sensitivity 电流灵敏度
current set 流向
current setting 电流调节
current ships maintenance project 例行船舶维修计划
current source 电流源
current source 电源
current specifications 现行规范
current stabilizer 稳流器
current standards 现行标准
current strength 电流强度
current supply device 供电设备
current supply 供电
current survey vessel 水流测量船
current table 潮流表
current tables 潮流表
current tap socket 抽头
current tap 分插座
current telephone 载波电话
current terminal 电流端
current transformation 电流变换
current transformer 变换器
current transformer 换流器
current triangle 电流三角形
current value 现行值
current viewing resistor 电流敏感电阻
current voltage characteristic 伏安特性曲线
current voyage 本次航程
current voyage 本航次
current wave 电流波
current winding 电流绕组
current year 本年
current 潮流现在的
current 电流
current 电流潮流
current 电流潮流水流流行的
current 流
current-carrying capacity 载流容量
current-carrying 载流的
current-controlled oscillator 电流控制振荡器
current-limit relay 限流断电器
current-limiting circuit breaker 限流电路断路器
current-limiting reactor 限流电抗器
current-limiting resistor 限流电阻限流电阻器
current-limiting starter 限流起动器
current-meter 流速计电流表
current-off upset 无电顶锻
current-on upset 有电顶锻
current-ratio regulator 电流比自动调节器
current-sensing resistor 电流敏感电阻
current-switching mode logic 电流开关逻辑
current-switching mode logic 电流开关逻辑
current-type flow-meter 速度式流量表
current-type flowmeter 速度式流量表
current-type flowmeter 速度型流量表
current-type telemeter 电流型遥测装置
currentcapacity 载流容量
currentless part 不带电部分
currentless part 无电流部分
currentless 无电流的
currently 普遍地
curriculum vitae 履历表
curriculum vitae 履历表履历书
curriculum vitae 履历书
cursor control key 光标控制键
cursor control 光标控制
cursor target bearing 物标方位线板
cursor (计算尺
cursor 光标
cursor 光标透明指针片游动指针游标
cursor 透明指针片;游动指针;游标
cursor 指针
curtail 缩减
curtain air 气垫空气
curtain air 围裙内空气
curtain boom 幕帘桁
curtain dam 卷帘坝
curtain duct 空气幕管道
curtain jet 喷射气幕
curtain of terylene fiber 聚酯纤维帘
curtain plate 帘板
curtain sided truck 帘布边货车
curtain tassel 帘穗
curtain 窗帘
curtain 帘
curtain 屏蔽
curtis rateau combined turbine 复速级-压力级复式汽轮机
curtis stage 复速级
curtis turbine 复速级汽轮机
curtis wheel 复速级叶轮
curtis 柯蒂斯
curvature of a conic 二次曲线曲率
curvature of earth 地球曲率
curvature of frame 肋骨弯度
curvature of parellel 纬圈曲率
curvature radius 曲率半径
curvature 曲度曲率
curvature 曲率
curvature 曲率;曲度;弯曲
curve analyser 曲线分析器
curve fitting 曲线拟合法
curve fitting 选配曲线按曲线选择经验公式
curve following stylus 描绘曲线笔尖
curve gauge 曲线板
curve gauge 曲线规
curve of accidental error 偶然误差曲线
curve of accidental error 随机误差曲线
curve of block coefficient 方形系数曲线
curve of buoyancy 浮力曲线
curve of center of buoyancy 浮心曲线
curve of center of gravity of water plane 漂心曲线
curve of centers of buoyancy 浮心曲线
curve of constant bearing 恒位线
curve of constant bearing 同位线
curve of displacement 排量曲线
curve of displacement 排量曲线排水量曲线
curve of displacement 排水量曲线
curve of dynamical stability 动稳性曲线
curve of equal bearing 恒位线
curve of error 误差曲线
curve of extinction 横摇消灭曲线
curve of extinction 消摆曲线
curve of floatation 船横倾时浮心移动轨迹
curve of flotation-centers 漂心曲线
curve of loads 负载曲线
curve of loads 载重曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of buoyancy 浮心纵向坐标曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of floatation 漂心纵向坐标曲线
curve of longitudinal metacenter 纵稳心曲线
curve of magnetization 磁化曲线
curve of metacenter 稳心曲线
curve of metacenter 稳性曲线
curve of moment to alter trim one centimetre 每厘米纵倾力矩曲线(根据船舶吃水
curve of moment to change trim one inch 每英寸纵倾力矩曲线
curve of regression 回归线
curve of resistance 阻力曲线
curve of righting arm 复原力臂曲线
curve of stability 稳性曲线
curve of stability 稳性曲线` of transverse metacenter横稳心曲线
curve of statical stability 静稳性曲线
curve of time equation 时差曲线
curve of tons per inch immersion 每英寸吃水吨数曲线
curve of tons per inch immersion 英寸吨曲线
curve of transverse metacenter 横稳心曲线
curve of transverse metacenters 横稳心曲线
curve of volumes of total displacements 总排水体积曲线
curve of water level 水位变化过程曲线
curve of water level 水位曲线
curve of water plane areas 水线面面积曲线
curve of weight 重量曲线
curve of weights 船重曲线
curve plotter 绘图器
curve plotter 曲线描绘仪
curve tracing 曲线跟踪
curve 曲线;弯曲部;曲线
curve 曲线曲线图曲线板
curve 曲线曲线图曲线板弄弯
curve 水曲
curved beam 弯曲梁
curved channel 弯曲航道
curved characteristic 弯曲特性
curved grillage 扭曲格栅
curved line 曲线
curved mole 弧形防波堤
curved pipe 弯管
curved reflector 弧型反光器
curved stem 曲线型首柱
curved surface 曲面
curved 弄弯的
curves of equal horizontal magnetic force 等水平磁力曲线图
curves of equal magnetic dip 等磁倾角曲线图
curves of equal magnetic variation 等磁差曲线图
curves of equal vertical magnetic force 等垂直磁力曲线图
curves of magnetic dip 等磁倾角曲线图
curves of total magnetic force 等磁力曲线图
curves of total magnetic intensity 等磁力曲线图
curvilinear equation 曲线方程
curvilinear regression 曲线回归
curvilinear 曲线的
curvity 曲率
curvometer 曲线仪
curwater stem 首破浪材
cushion area 气垫面积
cushion blocking 减震垫
cushion craft 气垫船
cushion cylinder 缓冲筒
cushion cylinder 气垫缸
cushion effect 缓冲作用
cushion lift 气垫升力
cushion mechanics 气垫力学
cushion packing 防震衬垫
cushion packing 减震衬垫
cushion pad 缓冲垫
cushion plate 缓冲垫
cushion pressure 气垫压力
cushion seal 气垫密封
cushion ship 气垫船
cushion socker 防震管座
cushion socket 防震插座
cushion socket 防震管座
cushion spring 座垫弹簧
cushion stiffness 气垫刚性
cushion system 气垫系统
cushion valve 缓冲阀
cushion 弹性垫
cushion 垫子;缓冲器;减震器
cushionborne mode 垫升航态
cushioned socket 防震插座
cushioning effect 缓冲作用
cushioning material 衬垫材料
cushioning material 弹性垫料
cushioning material 减震垫料
cushioning pocket 缓冲空间
cushioning 加软垫
cushioning 加软垫缓冲
cusoms launch 海关艇
cusp 凹劈
cusp 尖角
cusp 尖角;沙滩的突角;尖头
cusparia bark 克斯伯里亚树皮
cuspate bar 三角沙洲
cuspate foreland 三角岬
custodian fee 保管费
custodian 保管人
custodian 管理人
custody and care for cargo 保管和照料货物
custody fee 保管费
custody transfer 运输监护
custody 保管
custody 保管监视
custom clearance permit 结关通行证
custom house broker 报关行
custom house certificate 海关完税证
custom house officer 海关人员
custom house 海关
custom launch 海关小艇
custom of port 港口惯例
custom of port 港口习惯
custom of the port 港口惯例
custom office 海关
custom 习惯
customary despatch 习惯装卸速度
customary average 一般海损赔偿
customary average 一般海损赔偿照常规办理
customary average 照常规办理单独海损免赔额
customary average 照常规办理单独海损名赔额
customary deductions 习惯磨耗
customary international law 习惯国际法
customary law 惯例法
customary law 习惯法
customary practice 惯例
customary quick despatch 按港口习惯尽快装卸按港口习惯尽速装卸
customary quick dispatch 习惯速遣
customary quick dispatch 习惯装卸速度
customary risk 惯常险
customary risks 惯用险别
customary route 传统航线
customary tare 惯用包装
customary 通常的
customary 习惯的
customarydespatch 习惯装卸速度
customer engineer 用户工程师
customer engineering 用户工程师
customer service 用户服务、用户业务
customer 客户
customer 用户
customhouse 海关
customs agency 报关行
customs and excise tariff 国内货物和关税税率
customs and excise 关税与国内货物税
customs and excise 关税与国内货物税海关税与货物税
customs and excise 海关税与货物税
customs and practice for international trade 国际贸易惯例
customs appraiser 海关检查员
customs appraiser 海关检验员
customs area 海关境界
customs assigned number 海关所编号码
customs assigned number 海关所编号码海关指定号码
customs assigned number 海关指定号码
customs authorities 海关当局
customs bill of entry 海关进口船舶名单
customs bills of entry 海关进口船舶名单
customs boarding officer 登轮关员
customs boat 海关船
customs bond 海关保税
customs bond 海关罚款
customs bond 海关罚款海关保税
customs bonded warehouse 海关保税仓库
customs broker 报关行
customs certificate 海关凭证
customs charges 海关税
customs clearance 海关出口许可证
customs clearance 海关出口许可证海关结关
customs clearance 结关
customs clearance 清关
customs co-operation council nomenclature 海关联合委员会术语(关税货物标准术语
customs co-operation council 海关合作理事会
customs convention on containers 集装箱关务公约
customs convention on containers 集装箱海关公约
customs convention on containers 集装箱海关公约集装箱关务公约
customs convention on the international transit of goods 国际货物运输报关公约
customs conventions on containers 《集装箱海关公约》
customs cooperation council nomenclature 海关合作理事会税则目录
customs cooperation council 关税合作理事会
customs cooperation council 海关合作理事会
customs cover 关封
customs cruiser 海关缉私艇
customs decision 海关处罚通知书
customs declaration entry 进口报关单
customs declaration for duty 报税单
customs declaration for entry of goods 货物报关
customs declaration 报关单
customs declaration 海关申报单
customs depot 海关货栈
customs detention 海关扣留
customs dues 海关规费
customs duty 关税
customs entry 进口报告单
customs entry 进口报关手续
customs entry 进口报关手续进口报告单
customs examination list 海关验货单
customs examination 海关检查
customs examination 海关检查海关检验
customs examination 海关检验
customs excise management at 1979 《1979年海关程和消费程管理法》
customs formalities 海关手续
customs free 免税
customs guard vessel 海关缉私船
customs guard 海关稽查员
customs guard 海关稽查员水上警察
customs harbour 海关港口
customs house 海关
customs information 海关资料
customs inspection 海关检查
customs inspection 海关检验
customs invoice 报关单
customs invoice 海关发票
customs law of the peoples republic of china 中华人民共和国海关法
customs law 海关法
customs laws 海关法
customs limit 海关界
customs notice to ship"s master 海关给船长的通告
customs number 海关编号
customs of port 港口习惯
customs of the people"s republic of china 中华人民共和国海关
customs officer 海关官员
customs officer 海关稽查员水上警察
customs officer 海关人员
customs on the international transport of good under cover of tir carnets 国际公路运输条款规定的国际货运通过海关公约
customs paper 海关证件
customs patrol inspector 海关巡查员
customs patrol vessels 海关巡逻船
customs permit 海关许可证
customs preventive officer 海关缉私官员
customs regime 关税制度
customs registered number 海关登记数码
customs regulations 海关规则
customs report 海关报告
customs report 海关报告海关进口船舶名单
customs report 海关进口船舶名单
customs revenue 海关检查
customs route 海关通路
customs seal 海关加封
customs seals 海关封志
customs search 抄关
customs search 海关检查
customs searching party 海关检查组
customs service 海关业务
customs service 海关业务海关总署
customs service 海关总署
customs shed 海关验货棚
customs supervision zone 海关监督区
customs surveillance zone 海关监管区
customs survey clause 海关检验条款
customs surveyor 海关检查员
customs tariff of import & export commodities of prc 中华人民共和国海关进出口税则
customs tariff 关税税率
customs transaction code 海关办理卡
customs union 关税同盟
customs valuation 海关估价
customs warehouse 海关仓库
customs warrant 保税提货许可证
customs warrant 海关免税提货单
customs waters 海关水域
customs wharf 海关码头
customs 海关
customs 海关关税
customs-free 免税
customs-house officer 海关人员
cut =off condition 截止状态
cut a feather 船首白浪
cut a sail 张帆
cut across 两船交叉航驶
cut and run 弃锚开航
cut and try process 逐次接近法
cut away the rigging 砍掉舱面帆具
cut away 砍掉;匆忙跑掉
cut away 砍掉匆忙跑掉切去
cut away 切去
cut cable 电缆端
cut cable 电缆端;电缆段
cut clearance (压力环
cut down a ship 改低船体
cut down the size of the vessel 削减吨位
cut file 截锉
cut frame 间断肋骨
cut image range finder 切像测距仪
cut image range finder 切象测距仪
cut in 接通;排入
cut in 接通开动插话
cut in 接通排入
cut into operation 接入工作
cut nail 方钉
cut off bias 截止偏压
cut off dam 截流坝
cut off dyke 截流堤
cut off frequency 截止频率
cut off high 切断高压
cut off limiting 截止限制
cut off low 切断低压
cut off out switch 切断开关
cut off out valve 停止阀
cut off out 关断;停汽;断流器
cut off out 关断停汽断流器
cut off relay 断路继电器
cut off valve 停止阀
cut off voltage 截止电压
cut off 截止
cut off 截止;断开电路;停汽;捷径
cut off 截止断开电路停汽捷径
cut out valve 停止阀
cut out 终止
cut over 转换
cut plane 剖面、截面
cut point 截点
cut rate 减费
cut rate 减费、减价
cut splice 两绳插接后留有眼环的插接法
cut surface 切割面
cut thread tap 不磨牙丝锥
cut tide 涨潮不足
cut up 船首尾部与龙骨交接处向上斜切部分;船头破浪处
cut up 船首尾部与龙骨交接处向上斜切部分船头破浪处
cut 沟壑
cut 切
cut 切割
cut 切口切削量删掉的部分切量切削
cut-and-try formula 试算公式
cut-and-try method 试算法
cut-and-try method 逐次渐近法
cut-away conter stern 截缺悬伸船尾
cut-away drawing 剖开立体图
cut-away n. 剖开立体图
cut-away view 剖开立体图
cut-away 剖开立体图
cut-in method 插接法
cut-in n. 插入
cut-in pressure 接入压力
cut-in relay 接入继电器
cut-in temperature 接入温度
cut-in 插入
cut-in 加载接通
cut-into operation 插入工作
cut-off bias 截止偏压
cut-off box 断流箱
cut-off button 断电按钮
cut-off characteristic 截止特性
cut-off condition 截止状态
cut-off current 截止电流
cut-off device 断油器
cut-off device 断油器断汽器断路设备
cut-off filter 截止滤波器
cut-off frequency 截止频率
cut-off fuse 断流熔丝
cut-off gear 切断装置截汽装置
cut-off governing 截汽调节
cut-off grid bias 截止栅极偏压
cut-off grid voltage 截止栅压
cut-off handle 截止手柄
cut-off key 切断电键
cut-off limiting 截止限制
cut-off n. 截止
cut-off of supply 停止供电(气
cut-off point 断开点
cut-off potential 截止电压
cut-off r egion 截止区
cut-off region 截止区
cut-off relay 截止继电器
cut-off shaft 配汽轴
cut-off state 截止状态
cut-off time 截止时间
cut-off tool 切断刀
cut-off valve 截止阀
cut-off voltage 截止电压
cut-off 继电器关闭
cut-off 截止
cut-out board 断流板
cut-out box 断流器箱
cut-out case 熔丝盒
cut-out cock 截止旋塞
cut-out cylinder test 停缸试验
cut-out device 停油装置
cut-out distribution manifold 分配阀箱
cut-out fuse 断流熔断器
cut-out fuse 断流熔丝
cut-out n. 断流器
cut-out of fuel pump 燃油泵停止工作
cut-out plug 断流塞
cut-out point 截止点
cut-out position 停油位置
cut-out pressure 断开压力
cut-out relay 截止继电器
cut-out servomotor 断油伺服马达
cut-out switch 切断开关
cut-out temperature 断开温度
cut-out test for fuel pump 燃油泵停油试验
cut-out turbo-supercharge test 停止涡轮增压器试验
cut-out valve 截流阀
cut-out valve 截止阀
cut-out valve 截止阀截流阀
cut-out voltage 截止电压
cut-out 断流器
cut-over 切换
cut-over=cutover n. 切换
cut-up bow 切底型船首
cutaway forefoot 切角首柱脚
cutaway 剖开立体图
cutch 黑儿茶
cutlery 刀具
cutless rubber bearing 整体橡胶轴承
cutoff 截止
cutout distribution manifold 分配阀箱
cutout 断流器
cutover 切换
cutter dredger 旋桨式挖泥船
cutter dredger 旋桨式挖泥船旋装式挖泥船
cutter gig 一种中型舢板
cutter gig 一种中型舢板(单座
cutter head dredger 绞式挖泥船
cutter head dredger 绞式挖泥船
cutter head 刀盘
cutter head 绞刀头镗刀盘
cutter head 绞刀头镗刀盘刀盘
cutter mark 切削刀痕
cutter mark 切削切痕
cutter oil ring 刮油环
cutter pressure angle 刀具压力角
cutter suctic dredge 绞吸式挖泥船
cutter suction dredge 绞吸式挖泥船
cutter 独桅快船方尾双桨救生艇小艇
cutter 割嘴
cutter 小艇
cutter-suction dredger 绞吸挖泥船
cutting angle 切削角
cutting away wreck 切除残留部分
cutting block 凿眼垫墩
cutting blowpipe 截割吹管
cutting blowpipe 喷割器
cutting compound 切削液
cutting coolant 切削冷却液
cutting die 板牙
cutting die 螺丝板
cutting die 螺丝钢板
cutting electrode 切割电极
cutting flame 切割火焰
cutting hardness 切割硬度
cutting hardness 切削硬度
cutting head 割嘴
cutting iron 刮缝刀
cutting iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿
cutting lip 钻刃切削刃
cutting lubricant 切削润滑液
cutting machine 切削机床
cutting machine 切割机
cutting machine 切削机
cutting machine 切削机床
cutting mechanism 切削机构
cutting metal 切削金属
cutting nipper 剪钳
cutting nippers 剪钳
cutting nozzle 喷割口
cutting nozzle 喷割嘴
cutting oil 切削润滑油
cutting oxygen 切割氧
cutting oxygen 切割氧气
cutting oxygen 切割用氧
cutting part 切割部分
cutting plane line 破裂线
cutting plank 甲板铺板装饰木条
cutting pliers 钢丝钳
cutting pliers 剪钳
cutting process 切割程序
cutting property 切割性能
cutting quality 切割质量
cutting reamer 整孔铰刀
cutting speed in feet per minute 切割速度
cutting stress 切削应力
cutting teeth of dredge bucket 泥斗斗齿
cutting temperature 切削温度
cutting tip 割尖
cutting tool 刀具
cutting tool 刃具
cutting torch 割炬
cutting torch 割切焰
cutting torch 割切焰;切割焰吹管
cutting torch 切割焰
cutting 开凿
cutting 切断
cutting 切削
cutting 切削切屑
cutting-off of short-circuit 切断短路
cutting-off 截止
cutting-out for individual cylinder 停上个别气缸工作
cutting-out for individual cylinder 停上个别汽缸工作
cutting-out 切断
cuttings 切屑
cuttings 切屑钢屑
cuttlefish 墨鱼
cutwater bow 飞剪式船首
cutwater 船鼻
cutwater 船首破浪材
cutwater 船首柱分水处
cy to cfs service 场到站交接
cy to cy service 场到场运输
cy to door service 场到门运输
cyan plate 蓝印版
cyan plate 篮印版
cyanate 氰酸盐
cyanide hardening 氰化淬硬
cyanide 氰化物
cyanide 氰化物用氰化物处理
cyaniding 氰化
cyanogen 氰乙二腈
cyanotype copy 蓝图副本;蓝印考贝
cyanotype copy 蓝图副本蓝印考贝
cyanotype copy 蓝图复本
cyanotype 蓝图
cybernate 使受电子计算机控制
cybernation 控制
cybernetics 控制论
cyclconic circulation 气旋式环流
cyclconic rain 气旋雨
cyclconic storm 气旋风暴
cyclconic thunderstorm 气旋雷暴
cyclconic wave 气旋波
cyclconic wind 气旋风
cyclconic 气旋的
cycle check 循环检查
cycle counter 周期计数器
cycle counter 转数计
cycle diagram 循环图
cycle efficiency 环循效率
cycle efficiency 循环效率
cycle irregularity 回转不规则度
cycle irregularity 回转不均匀度
cycle life 周期数
cycle matching 周波重合
cycle number 循环数
cycle of gas turbine 燃气轮机循环
cycle of magnetization 磁化循环
cycle of mangetization 磁化循环
cycle of operation 操作周期
cycle of operation 工作循环
cycle operation 循环工作
cycle operation 循环工作周期性操作
cycle order 循环次序
cycle per second 赫
cycle per second 每秒周
cycle per second 每秒周数
cycle per second 周每秒
cycle process 循环过程
cycle reset 循环复位
cycle selection 周期选择
cycle skipping 跳周
cycle slip 周滑移
cycle stealing 周期窃用
cycle time 全循环时间
cycle 循环
cycle 循环周期
cycle 周
cycle 周周期
cycle-by-cycle device 限止器限幅器
cycle-by-cycle device 限制器限幅器
cycle-hexanone peroxide 过氧化己酮
cycle-time efficiency 连续运转效率
cyclecar 三轮卡
cyclelog 程序调节器
cycler 循环控制装置周期计
cycles per minute 周分
cycles per second 每秒钟周数
cycles per second 周秒
cycles per second 周秒赫
cycles to failure 疲劳破坏周期数
cycles 循环数周期数
cyclic admittance 相序导纳
cyclic code 循环码
cyclic creep 周期性蠕变
cyclic da converter 循环数模转换器
cyclic force 循环力
cyclic hydrocarbons 环烃
cyclic interrupt 周期性中断
cyclic load 周期性负载
cyclic motion 循环运动
cyclic motion 周期运动
cyclic operation 周期性操作
cyclic plastic deformation 周期性塑性变形
cyclic process 循环过程
cyclic pump 周期性载荷泵
cyclic reactance 相序电抗
cyclic redundancy check code 循环冗余校验码
cyclic stress 周期性应力
cyclic transformation 循环变换
cyclic variation 周期变化
cyclic variation 周期性变化
cyclic yawing 周期首摇运动
cyclic 轮转的
cyclic 循环的
cycling 周期
cycling 周期被调量的周期性变化用启停法来控制循环振荡
cyclo 出租机动三轮车
cycloalkane 环烷
cycloalkene 环己烯
cyclogenesis 气旋生成
cyclograph 圆弧规
cycloheptane 环庚烷
cyclohexanone 环已酮
cyclohexylamine 环已胺
cycloid 摆线
cycloidal cyclinder 摆彘筒柱
cycloidal cylinder 摆线筒柱
cycloidal propeller ship 平旋推进器船
cycloidal propeller 摆线螺旋桨
cycloidal propeller 平旋推进器
cycloidal pump 摆线转子泵
cycloidal 摆线的
cyclolysis 气旋消失
cyclometer 测圆弧器;跳字转数表
cyclometer 路码表
cyclometer 转数表周期计
cyclone combustion chamber 旋风式燃烧室
cyclone course 气旋移动的路径方向
cyclone family 气旋族
cyclone infested regions 气旋频繁区
cyclone model 气旋模式
cyclone path 气旋路径
cyclone season 旋风季节
cyclone separator 旋风式分离器
cyclone steam separator 旋风式汽水分离器
cyclone track 气旋路径
cyclone tracks 气旋路径
cyclone warning 气旋警报
cyclone 气旋
cyclonocope 气旋中心指示盘
cyclonograph 气旋中心指示盘
cycloparaffin resin 环烷树脂
cycloparaffin 环烷
cyclopedia 百科全书
cyclophone 旋调管
cyclostrophic wind 旋衡风
cyclotorn 回旋加速器
cyclotron 回旋加速器
cygni 天鹅座的
cygnus = northern cross 天鹅座
cygnus 天鹅星座
cylinder baffle 汽缸外壳
cylinder band 气缸体
cylinder band 汽缸体
cylinder barrel 气缸筒体
cylinder barrel 汽缸筒体
cylinder block 气缸体
cylinder block 汽缸体
cylinder blow-by 气缸内径
cylinder blow-by 汽缸内径
cylinder bore 气缸内径
cylinder bore 汽缸内径
cylinder borer 镗缸机
cylinder boring and honing machine 气缸镗珩磨床
cylinder boring and honing machine 汽缸镗珩磨床
cylinder boring machine 镗孔机
cylinder bottom 气缸底
cylinder bottom 汽缸底
cylinder bracket 气缸托架
cylinder bracket 汽缸托架
cylinder brush 气缸刷
cylinder brush 汽缸刷
cylinder cap 气缸盖
cylinder cap 汽缸盖
cylinder casing 气缸套
cylinder casing 汽缸套
cylinder clearance 气缸余隙
cylinder clearance 汽缸余隙
cylinder clothing 气缸外罩
cylinder clothing 汽缸外罩
cylinder cock 汽缸通汽旋塞
cylinder column 气缸支柱
cylinder column 汽缸支柱
cylinder console typewriter 柱形控制台打字机
cylinder constant 气缸常数
cylinder constant 汽缸常数
cylinder coolig system 气缸冷却系统
cylinder coolig system 汽缸冷却系统
cylinder cooling fin 气缸散热片
cylinder cooling fin 汽缸散热片
cylinder cooling jacket 气缸冷却水套
cylinder cooling jacket 汽缸冷却水套
cylinder cooling system 缸冷却系统
cylinder cooling water pipe 气缸冷却水管
cylinder cooling water pipe 汽缸冷却水管
cylinder cover base 气缸盖下层
cylinder cover base 汽缸盖下层
cylinder cover bolt 气缸盖螺栓
cylinder cover bolt 汽缸盖螺栓
cylinder cover complement 气缸盖总成
cylinder cover complement 汽缸盖总成
cylinder cover cooling system 气缸盖冷却系统
cylinder cover cooling system 汽缸盖冷却系统
cylinder cover gasket 气缸盖垫片
cylinder cover gasket 汽缸盖垫片
cylinder cover hood 气缸盖罩
cylinder cover hood 汽缸盖罩
cylinder cover insert 气缸盖内圈
cylinder cover insert 汽缸盖内圈
cylinder cover nut 气缸盖螺母
cylinder cover nut 汽缸盖螺母
cylinder cover stud 气缸盖螺柱
cylinder cover stud 汽缸盖螺柱
cylinder cover top 气缸盖上层
cylinder cover top 汽缸盖上层
cylinder cover water space 气缸盖冷却水空间
cylinder cover water space 汽缸盖冷却水空间
cylinder cover 气缸盖
cylinder cover 汽缸盖
cylinder cowl 汽缸罩
cylinder cowling 圆柱形风斗
cylinder cowling 圆柱形通风帽
cylinder cup 空气瓶保险帽
cylinder diameter 气缸直径
cylinder diameter 汽缸直径
cylinder drain cock 气缸泄水旋塞
cylinder drain cock 汽缸泄水旋塞
cylinder drainage 气缸排泄
cylinder drainage 气缸泄水
cylinder drainage 汽缸排泄
cylinder dry 转筒干燥器
cylinder face 气缸壁
cylinder face 气缸工作面
cylinder face 汽缸工作面
cylinder fin 气缸散热片
cylinder fin 汽缸散热片
cylinder fittings 气缸附件
cylinder fittings 汽缸附件
cylinder frame 气缸架
cylinder frame 汽缸架
cylinder gas 压缩空气
cylinder gas 压缩空气压缩气体
cylinder gas 压缩气体
cylinder gasket 气缸垫密片
cylinder gasket 汽缸垫密片
cylinder grease cock 气缸加油脂旋塞
cylinder grease cock 汽缸加油脂旋塞
cylinder grinding machine 气缸磨床
cylinder grinding machine 汽缸磨床
cylinder head bolt 气缸头螺栓
cylinder head bolt 汽缸头螺栓
cylinder head cover 气缸头罩
cylinder head cover 汽缸头罩
cylinder head gasket 气缸头垫片
cylinder head gasket 汽缸头垫片
cylinder head stud 气缸头螺栓
cylinder head stud 汽缸头螺栓
cylinder head temperature 气缸头温度
cylinder head temperature 汽缸头温度
cylinder head 气缸头
cylinder head 汽缸盖
cylinder head 汽缸头
cylinder in line engine 直列气缸式发动机
cylinder in line engine 直列汽缸式发动机
cylinder indicator 气缸示功器
cylinder indicator 汽缸示功器
cylinder jacket cooling pump 气缸套冷却水泵
cylinder jacket cooling pump 汽缸套冷却水泵
cylinder jacket maintenance 气缸套维护
cylinder jacket maintenance 汽缸套维护
cylinder jacket 气缸套
cylinder jacket 汽缸套
cylinder knocking 气缸爆震
cylinder knocking 汽缸爆震
cylinder lagging 气缸外套
cylinder lagging 汽缸绝热外套
cylinder lagging 汽缸外套
cylinder lever 制动缸杠杆
cylinder liner 气缸套
cylinder liner 汽缸套
cylinder lubricating cock 气缸润滑油旋塞
cylinder lubricating cock 汽缸润滑油旋塞
cylinder lubricating pump 气缸润滑油泵
cylinder lubricating pump 汽缸润滑油泵
cylinder lubricating system 气缸润滑系统
cylinder lubricating system 汽缸润滑系统
cylinder lubrication 气缸润滑
cylinder lubrication 汽缸润滑
cylinder lubricator joint 气缸注油器接头
cylinder lubricator joint 汽缸注油器接头
cylinder lubricator 气缸润滑器
cylinder lubricator 气缸注油器
cylinder lubricator 汽缸润滑器
cylinder mean pressure 气缸平均压力
cylinder mean pressure 汽缸平均压力
cylinder multiple head 气缸排盖
cylinder multiple head 汽缸排盖
cylinder number 气缸号数
cylinder number 汽缸号数
cylinder oil comsumption 气缸耗油量
cylinder oil comsumption 汽缸耗油量
cylinder oil for diesel motor 柴油机气缸油
cylinder oil for diesel motor 柴油机汽缸油
cylinder oil for staturated steam 饱和蒸汽汽缸油
cylinder oil for steam engine 蒸汽机汽缸油
cylinder oil for superheated steam 过热蒸汽汽缸油
cylinder oil measuring tank 气缸油计量柜
cylinder oil measuring tank 汽缸油计量柜
cylinder oil storage tank 气缸(润滑(油贮存柜
cylinder oil storage tank 汽缸油贮存柜
cylinder oil transfer pump 气缸油输送泵
cylinder oil transfer pump 汽缸油输送泵
cylinder oil 气缸油
cylinder oil 汽缸油
cylinder oil 汽缸油汽缸油
cylinder oiler 气缸注油器
cylinder oiler 汽缸注油器
cylinder output balance monitoring 单缸输出功率平衡监测
cylinder output 单缸输出功率
cylinder output 气缸功率
cylinder output 汽缸功率
cylinder port 气缸气口
cylinder port 汽缸气口
cylinder power equalizing test 气缸工作均匀性试验
cylinder power equalizing test 汽缸工作均匀性试验
cylinder power 单缸功率
cylinder pressure monitoring 气缸压力监测
cylinder pressure monitoring 汽缸压力监测
cylinder pressure 气缸压力
cylinder pressure 汽缸压力
cylinder ratio 气缸容积比
cylinder ratio 气缸容积比行程缸径比
cylinder ratio 行程缸径比
cylinder relief valve 气缸安全阀
cylinder relief valve 汽缸安全阀
cylinder rib 气缸肋
cylinder rib 汽缸肋
cylinder scavenging and supercharging system 气缸扫气和增压系统
cylinder scavenging and supercharging system 汽缸扫气和增压系统
cylinder scavenging system 气缸扫气系统
cylinder scavenging system 汽缸扫气系统
cylinder scavenging 气缸扫气
cylinder scavenging 汽缸扫气
cylinder sleeve 气缸衬筒
cylinder sleeve 汽缸衬筒
cylinder starting valve 气缸起动阀
cylinder starting valve 汽缸起动阀
cylinder total volume 气缸总容积
cylinder total volume 汽缸总容积
cylinder unit 气缸组
cylinder unit 汽缸组
cylinder valve 气缸阀
cylinder valve 汽缸阀
cylinder volume 气缸容积
cylinder volume 汽缸容积
cylinder wall abrasion sender 气缸壁磨损发送器
cylinder wall abrasion sender 汽缸壁磨损发送器
cylinder wall surface temperature transducer 气缸壁表面温度发送器
cylinder wall surface temperature transducer 汽缸壁表面温度发送器
cylinder wall 气缸壁
cylinder wall 汽缸壁
cylinder wear 气缸磨损
cylinder wear 汽缸磨损
cylinder wrench 圆筒扳手
cylinder 气缸
cylinder 气缸汽缸圆筒圆柱体
cylinder 气缸汽缸圆筒圆柱圆柱体气瓶
cylinder 气缸圆筒
cylinder 圆筒;圆柱体;汽缸;钢瓶
cylinder 圆筒圆柱体汽缸钢瓶
cylinder-boring machine 气缸镗床
cylinder-boring machine 汽缸镗床
cylinder-grinding machine 气缸磨床
cylinder-grinding machine 汽缸磨床
cylinder-head temperature 气缸头温度
cylinder-liner dismantling gear 气缸套拆卸器
cylinder-liner dismantling gear 汽缸套拆卸器
cylinder-liner extractor 气缸套拉拔器
cylinder-liner extractor 汽缸套拉拔器
cylinder-liner maintenance 气缸套维护
cylinder-liner maintenance 汽缸套维护
cylinders 汽缸
cylindric 圆柱形的
cylindrical gauge 圆柱塞规
cylindrical arch dam 圆筒拱坝
cylindrical armature 鼓形电枢
cylindrical bearing 圆筒轴承
cylindrical boiler 罐形锅炉
cylindrical boiler 圆筒形锅炉
cylindrical bowl 筒形回转筒
cylindrical buoy 圆筒形浮标
cylindrical buoy 圆筒形浮村;罐形浮筒
cylindrical cam 筒形凸轮
cylindrical cartridge type renewable fuse 可换新熔丝管
cylindrical cast brass 铸铜棒
cylindrical chain locker 筒形锚链舱
cylindrical chart 圆柱形海图
cylindrical coefficient 船体)棱形系数船体棱)棱形系数圆柱形系数
cylindrical coefficient 圆柱形系数
cylindrical coil 圆柱形线圈
cylindrical combustion chamber 管形燃烧室
cylindrical condenser 圆柱形冷凝器
cylindrical controller 鼓形控制器
cylindrical equal-area projection 等积圆柱投影
cylindrical equal-space projection 等距圆柱投影
cylindrical expansion valve 圆柱形膨胀阀
cylindrical fire tube boiler survey 罐形火管锅炉检验
cylindrical fire tube boiler 罐形火管锅炉
cylindrical fit 圆柱配合
cylindrical grinder 外圆磨床
cylindrical grinding 外圆研磨
cylindrical guide 圆筒形导板
cylindrical hull 圆柱壳
cylindrical lens 圆柱形透镜
cylindrical machine 隐极式电极
cylindrical nose 图柱船首
cylindrical nose 圆柱形船首
cylindrical perspective 圆柱透视的
cylindrical pin 圆柱形销
cylindrical plug 圆柱塞规
cylindrical projection 圆柱投影
cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承
cylindrical roller thrust bearing 圆柱滚子推力轴承
cylindrical rotor 鼓形转子
cylindrical solenoid 筒形螺线管
cylindrical spring 圆柱形弹簧
cylindrical taper drum 圆柱颈桶
cylindrical transverse projection 横圆柱投影
cylindrical turning 外圆车削
cylindrical type electrolytic condenser 筒形电解质电容器
cylindrical valve 筒形阀
cylindrical water gauge packing 圆柱形水位表垫圈
cylindrical water tube boiler survey 罐状水管锅炉检验
cylindrical water tube boiler 罐状水管锅炉
cylindrical wave 柱波面
cylindrical winding 筒形绕组
cylindrical 罐形浮标
cylindrical 圆筒的
cylindrical 圆筒形的
cylindrical 圆柱形的
cylindrical-rotor machine 隐极式电极
cylindricalgauge 圆柱塞规
cylindricarch dam 圆筒拱坝
cylindricboiler 圆筒形锅炉
cylindricbuoy 圆筒形浮标
cylindricchart 圆柱形海图
cylindriccondenser 圆柱形冷凝器
cylindricexpansion valve 圆柱形膨胀阀
cylindricguide 圆筒形导板
cylindricity 圆柱度
cylindricnose 圆柱形船首
cylindricsolenoid 筒形螺线管
cylindricvalve 筒形阀
cylindricwater gauge packing 圆柱形水位表垫圈
cyma 反曲线;浪纹线脚;波状花边
cyma 反曲线浪纹线脚波状花边
cymene 甲基异丙基苯
cymograph 自记频率计
cymometer 波长计
cymometer 频率计
cymoscope 检波器
cynthia roretzi 一种船底附着生物
cypher 密码
cypress 丝柏
cypress 丝柏木
cyprus airways ltd. 塞浦路斯航空公司
cyrogenic equipment 低温设备
cyrogenic equipment 低温设备dδ-δ connection双三角接法
cystifis 膀胱炎
cystitis 膀胱炎
cytac 一种远距离导航系统
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railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
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(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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