客厢顶灯开关 interior light switch音响警告(喇叭)操纵件 audible wanring (horn) control
座椅调节操纵件 seat adjustment cntrol
动力输出操纵件 power-take-off control
翻倾操纵件 tilt control
发动机罩操纵件 front hood (bonnet) control
行李箱盖操纵件 real hood (boot) control
散热器百叶窗操纵件 radiator shutter control
外后视镜调节操纵件 outside rear-view mirror adjustment control
车灯开关 lighting switch
制动灯开关 stop lamp switch
手制动灯开关 hand brake indicator switch
变光开关 dimmer switch
转向灯开关 turn signal swich
倒车灯开关 back-up lamp siwthc
停车灯开关 parking lamp swich
仪表灯开关 instrument lamp switch
门灯开关 door lamp switch
阅读灯开关 reading lamp switch
刮水器开关 wiper switch
洗涤器开关 washer switch
暖风开关 heater switch
雾灯开关 fog lamp swtich
防空灯开关 black-out lamp swtich
起动开关 starting switch
发动机预热起动开关 engine start preheating switch
蓄电池总开关 battery main swtich
起动转换开关 battery change -over switch
摇压开关 rocker switch
按钮开关 push button switch
扳扭开关 toggle switch
顶杆开关 plunger switch
推拉开关 push pull switch
旋转开关 rotary switch
组合开关 multi-function switch
活动车顶操纵件 sliding roof control
自动天线操纵件 automatic antenna control
收音机操纵件 radio receiver contols
柴油机停机操纵件 diesel engine cut-off control
起动机操纵件 startercontrol
前照灯光束对光操纵件 headlight beam aiming control
前照灯刮水器操纵件 headlight wiper control
前照灯清洗器操纵件 headlight cleaner control
蓄电池断路器操纵件 battery isolating switch control
光警告操纵件 optical warning control
转向盘调节装置操纵件 steering wheels adjustment control
(下坡)缓速器操纵件 retarder control
附加驱动车轮的操纵件 additional wheel drive control
差速锁操纵件 differential lock control
水箱面罩操纵件 radiator grill control
档位变换操纵件 range shift control
指示器 indicator
电流表 ammeter
燃油表 fuel gauge
(发动机)冷却液温度表 coolant thermometer
(发动机)机油温度表 oil thermometer
发动机油压表 engine oil pressue indicator
气制动贮气筒压力表 air brake reservoir pressrue indicator
车速里程表 speedometer
里程表 odometer
短程里程表 trip odometer (counter)
速度纪录仪 tachograph
转速表 tachometer
转速累计表 total revolution counter
集中润滑系统油压表 cetnralized lubrication pressure indicator
自动变速器指示器 automatic gearbox indicator
磁感应式车速里程表 magnetic inductive speedometer
里程计数器 mileage counter
数字轮 digit wheel
标度盘 scale (dial)
调零机构 null setting
电子车速里程表 electronic spedometer
磁感应式转速表 magnetic inductive tachometer
电子转速表 electronic tachometer
油压表 oil pressure gauge
双金属式机油压力传感器 bimetallic oil pressure snesor
双金属式机油压力表 bimetalic oil pressure indicator
电磁式机油压力表 electromagnetic oil pressure indicator
动磁式机油压力表 moving magnet oil pressrue indicator
可变电阻式压力表 variable reistance oil pressure sensor
波登管式压力表 bourdon tube pressure gauge
机油油量报警传感器 oil level warning sensor
压力报警传感器 pressure warning sensor
空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器 air filter clog warning sensor
温度表 temperature gauge
双金属式温度传感器 bimetallic temperature sensor
电磁式温度计 electromagnetic temperature indicator
热敏电阻式温度传感器 thermistor temperature sensor
波登管式温度表 bourdon tube temperature gauge
温度报警传感器 temperature warning sensor
双金属式油量表 bimetallic fuel indicator
电磁式油量表 eelctromagnetic fuel indicator
动磁式油量表 moving magnet fuel indicator
可变电阻式燃油储量传感器 variable resistance fuel level sensor
燃油储量报警传感器 fuel level warning sensor
极化电磁式电流表 polarized electromagnetic ammeter
动磁式电流表 moving magnet ammeter
电压表 voltmeter
软轴 flexible shaft
组合仪表 combination instrument
气压表 air pressure gauge
自记式转速计 tachograph
发动机工作小时表 engine hour meter
信号装置 tell-tales
远光信号灯 driving (upper
)(high) beam tell-tale
近光信号灯 pasing (dipped
)(low) beam tell-tale
雾灯信号灯 fog light tell-tale
转向信号灯 direction indicator tell-tale
危急报警信号灯 hazard warning system tell-tale
行车制动系警报灯 service braking system warning tell-tale
轮胎充气压力警报灯 tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale
安全带警报灯 seat belt warning tell-tale
门开警报灯 automatic door warning tell-tale
机油压力警报灯 oil prssure warning tell-tale
机油油面警报灯 oil level warnig tell-tall
温度警报灯 temperature warnig tell-tale
蓄电池充电状况警报灯 battery charging condition tell-tale
燃油油面警报 fuel level tell-tale
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