偏位轴线 offset alignment架空吊梁 overhead lifting beam
开式轴承,敞轴承 open type bearing
氧乙炔吹管 oxyacetylene blow pipe
敞船 open boat
燃油锅炉 oil burning boiler
出线盒 outlet box
油密舱壁 oiltight bulkhead
燃油柜 oil bunker
燃油器 oil burner
外卡[钳] outside caliper
油箱 oil cistern
耗油量 oil consumption
架空吊车 overhead travelling crane
鄂图循环 otto cycle
摆动缸 oscillating cylinder
最下甲板 orlop deck
外[直]径 outside diameter
油机 oil engine
开式排气 open exhaust
过度膨胀 over expansion
摆缸机 oscillating engine
滤油器 oil filter (or strainer)
给油器 oil feeder
平炉 open hearth furnace
超载,过量负荷 over load
油加热器 oil heater
公务记事簿 official log book
联线 on-line
油密接合 oil tight joint
油路(滑油管路) oil line
麻絮 oakum
圆拱形断面 ogival section
油浴艉轴管轴承 oil bath type stern tube bearing
光学放样 optical loft
斜内圆角,斜填角 oblique fillet
海洋温差发电 ocean thermal energy conversion (otec)
海洋测候船 ocean weather ship
油布 oil cloth
油压缸 oil cylinder
散装油 oil in bulk
承油盘 oil pan
油泵 oil pump
油舱,油柜 oil tank
油密节距(铆接) oiltight pitch
油表油量计 oil meter
斜浪 oblique wave
光学文字读取装置 ocr (= optical character reader)
船线坐标 offsets
船线坐标表 offsets table (or sheets)
海域,外海 offshore
顺风 off the wind
油 oil
燃油器 oil burner
油轮 oil tanker
螺桨单独效率 open water propeller efficiency
对冲活塞引擎 opposed piston engine
示波器 oscilloscope
海洋温差发电 otec (= ocean thermal energy conversion)
斜度杆(柴油机) obliquity rod
海洋波 ocean wave
油含量计 oil content meter
冷却油柜 oil cooling tank
油孔 oil hole
油散热器 oil radiator
滤油器 oil strainer (or filter)
单面自动焊接 one side automatic welding
敞船 open boat
敞式推力[轴]承 open type thrust bearing
光学文字读取装置 optical character reader (ocr)
最佳设计 optimum design
成套装备 outfit
空气出口角 outlet air angle
输出,输出量,产量 output
输出数据,输出数据 output data
外[直]径 outside diameter
船外排泄管 overboard discharge pipe
转换开关 over changing switch
超装备船 overrigged vessel
超速调节器 overspeed governor
氧挖削 oxygen gouging
氧吹管 oxygen lance
氢氧切割 oxy-hydrogen cutting
远洋轮船 ocean going steamer
海洋研究船 oceanography research ship
偏心配置 off-center arrangement
船舶[登记]号数 official number
油罐,油壶 oil can
油冷却 oil cooling
油润式艉轴管轴承 oil lubricated stern tube bearing
油雾侦测器 oil mist detector
油料记录簿 oil record book
油密接合,油密接头 oiltight joint
油水分离计 oily water separator
亚米茄航海仪 omega navigator
开口,通路,开启度 opening
作动油 operating oil
矿砂船 ore carrier
o型环 o-ring
船外机,舷外机 outboard motor
[向舷]外拉索 outhaul (or outhauler)
拉出绞机 outhaul winch
仰焊 overhead welding
覆盖积层 over-lay up
过载保护装置 overload protection device
氧乙炔焊接 oxy-accetylene welding
官厅,办公室 officer"s room
海域平台 offshore platform
油囊,油袋 oil bag
燃油锅炉 oil firing boiler
热油器 oil heater
油浸变压器 oil-immersed transform
油量计 oil meter
油封 oil seal
油泥 oil sluddge
油[磨]石 oil stone
验油,油验 oil test
油密性 oil tightness
油密试验 oiltight test
单面焊接 one side welding
空架肋板 open (or skeleton, or bracket) floor
开阔水道 open water
操作员,报务员 operator
光纤 optical fiber
鄂图循环 otto cycle
外底 outer bottom
轮叶出口角 outlet blade angle
出口速度 outlet velocity
油烤炉 oil oven
综合特性 overall character
过度均衡 overbalance
重迭,搭接 overlap
油管 oil pipe
海洋波谱 ocean wave spectrum
货油软管 oil hose
油性漆 oil paint
挡油环,油封环 oil seal ring
油密工作 oil tight work
大气式冷凝器 open air condenser
v形接法 open delta connection
矿砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
舷外 out-board
外侧轴 outer shaft
外牵索 outhaul line
外侧舱房 outside cabin
炉,烤炉 oven
过流跳脱装置 overcurrent tripping device
架空吊梁 overhead lifting beam
氧吹管切割 oxygen lance cutting
金属氧化物油漆 oxide paint
橹桨救生艇 oar life boat
矿砂散装货与油兼用船 obo (= ore/bulk/oil) carrier
观测,观察 observation
临时检验 occasional (or contingent ) survey
办公室自动化 office automation (oa)
线外作业方式(电算) off-line mode
偏位,支距 offset
海域探勘 offshore exploration
油冷却泵 oil cooler pump
油量计 oil gauge
重力油柜 oil gravity tank
耐油,防油 oil-proof
光仪工场 optical shop
普通型树脂,g型树脂,邻苯二酸型树脂 orthophthalic type (or ortho-type) resin
正交异方向材 orthotropic materials
摆动风扇 oscillating fan
船摇摆 oscillating of ship
摆动器,振荡器 oscillator
外壳(潜艇) outer hull
椭圆锅炉 oval boiler
全稳度 overall stability
总温度上升 overall temperature rise
过[量]膨胀 over expansion
超速 overspeed
奥式舵 oertz rudder
偏位轴线 offset alignment
燃油锅炉 oil burning boiler
油盅,油杯 oil cup
泄油柜 oil drain tank
油船,加油工 oiler
油污染 oil pollution
注油器 oil syringe
油柜泵 oil tank pump
过负荷防止装置 olp (= over load protecter)
运转情况,操作情况 operating condition
最适化 optimization
矿砂与油兼用船 ore/oil (oo) carrier
正交异方性 orthogonal isotropy (or orthotropy)
舷外机 outboard engine (or motor)
输出电路 output circuit
高架移动起重机 overhead travelling crane
超载,过量负荷 overload
艉柱上部船壳板 oxter plate
氧超弧割切 oxygen plasma cutting
目标程序 object program
观测油柜 observation tank
海洋调查船 oceanography survey ship
公试 official trial
泄油侦控系统 oil discharge monitoring and control system
油机 oil engine
石油探勘 oil exploration
加油孔 oil filling port
油膜厚度 oil film thickness
滤油器 oil filter (or strainer)
油回收系统 oil recovery system
油开关 oil switch
[容许]一舱区浸水船 one-compartment ship
联线 on-line
敞模法 open mold method
栏杆,扶手 open rail (or guard railing)
作动油泵 operating oil pump
操作系统 operating system (os)
指令舵角 order rudder angle
出线盒 outlet box
叉架 outrigger
过热 overheat
办公室自动化 oa (= office automation)
脱离位置,断电位置 off-position
油水分离器 oil extractor
油环 oil ring
刮油环 oil scraping ring
油水分离装置 oily water separating equipment
甲板上纵梁 on-deck girder
开关动作 on-off control action
开路电压 open circuit voltage
敞式货柜 open container
最佳控制 optimal (or optimizing, or optimum) control
洋松 oregon pine
孔口 orifice
船体外侧面图 outboard profile
外层板列 outer plating (or strake)
外板列 outer strake
外形,轮廓,大纲 outline
简要规范书 outline specification
外缘负荷支撑眼板 outmost load bearing padeye
外卡[钳] outside caliper
全长 overall length
溢流阀 overflow valve
大修检查 overhaul inspection
搭接接头 overlapped joint
过载跳脱 overload trip
金属氧化物油漆 oxide paint
氧乙炔吹把 oxy-accetylene torch
桨 oar
离岸 off shore
增压油泵 oil booster pump
油沟 oil groove
喷油器 oil sprayer
油韧化 oil toughening
油水界面计 oil/water interface detector
开斜角 open bevel
开口导索器 open chock
面外荷重 out-of-plane loading
溢流管 overflow pipe
翻修,大修 overhaul
过负荷防止装置 over load protecter (olp)
超载替续器 overload relay
超载试验,过负荷试验 overload test
超速限界 overspeed limit
氧乙炔焰 oxy-accetylene flame
氧气电弧切割 oxy-arc cutting
氧割器 oxygen cutter
桨架 oarlock
毛玻璃 obscure glass
燃油柜 oil bunker
耗油量 oil consumption
给油器 oil feeder
滤油系统 oil filtering system
燃油舱,燃油柜 oil fuel (or oil fuel storage) tank
重力油柜 oil head tank
油炉,油烤炉 oil oven
油回收船 oil recovery ship
单面瓦斯电弧焊 one-side electro gas (o.e.g.) welding
大舱口船 open hatch vessel
开闭速度 opening and closing speed
开口接合 open joint
无艉跟材艉架 open stern frame
开式轴承,敞轴承 open type bearing
最下层甲板(四层甲板以上船) orlop deck
操作系统 os (= operating system)
船外轴 outboard shaft
出口,出路 outlet
外搭板 outside butt strap
外冷凝器 outside condenser
船外 overboard
船外排泄阀 overboard discharge valve
舷外吊索 overboard fall
氧乙炔切割 oxy-accetylene cutting
氧乙炔气管 oxy-accetylene hose
油性漆 oil paint
远洋航行 ocean service
跨洋拖航 ocean towage
公务记事簿 official log book
海域起重机 offshore crane
滴油盘 oil drip pan
加油管 oil filling pipe
油残留物 oil residue
甲板部更衣室 oil skin locker
油柜通气管 oil tank vent
验油器 oil tester
[含]油污水 oily water
断路 open circuit
敞船艛 open superstructure
操作杆 operating rod
光学放样 optical loft
光学落样 optical marking
普通搓捻 ordinary lay
示波图 oscillograph
普通截片法 osm (= ordinary strip method)
伸出舷外距离,伸出距离 outreach
外钳场 outside machine shop
过流继电器 overcurrent relay
仰姿 overhead position
过载出力 overload output
船东监造员 owner"s inspector
氧乙炔吹管 oxy-accetylene blow pipe
氧吹管焰割 oxygen lancing
氢氧焊接 oxy-hydrogen welding
橡木 oak
远洋船舶 ocean going vessel
线外处理 off-line procession
海域结构物 offshore structure
远洋拖网渔船 offshore (or deep sea) trawler
油轮 oil carrier (or tanker)
油箱 oil cistern
油冷活塞 oil cooled piston
冷却油泵 oil cooling pump
油管 oil pipe
油淬火 oil quenching
油密舱口盖 oiltight hatch cover
联动位置,通电位置 on-position
不透明玻璃,磨砂玻璃 opaque glass
直接排气 open exhaust
单独试验(螺桨) open water test
轨道运动 orbital motion
矿砂散装货与油兼用船 ore/bulk/oil (obo) carrier
摆动缸 oscillating cylinder
摆缸机 oscillating engine
外板(木船) outside planking
过充电 overcharge
过量放电 overdischarge
悬伸 overhang
超速试验 overspeed test
障碍浮筒 obstruction buoy
甲级船员 officer
燃油船 oil burning vessel
油冷[却]器 oil cooler
油池 oil sump
船上试验 onboard test
平炉 open hearth furnace
开阔海域 open sea area
工作电压 operating current voltage
光学计程仪 optical log
普通截片法 ordinary strip method (osm)
联合国组织 organizations in the united nations system
导板(拖网渔船) otter board
失步 out of step
外向流 outward flow
氧气呼吸器 oxygen-breathing apparatus
油柜泵 oil tank pump
油煞 oil brake
燃油装置 oil burning arrangement
油封均压容器 oil-filled pressure compensated container
油路 oil line
净油机,净油器 oil purifier
油分离器 oil separator
油密舱壁 oiltight bulkhead
平炉钢 open hearth steel
敞式燃油阀 open type fuel valve
单拖网渔船 otter trawler
全尺寸 overall dimensions
全满载 overall loading
氧乙炔 oxy-accetylene
氧乙炔吹管 oxyacetylene blow pipe
抗臭氧橡胶 ozone resistant rubber
联机操作 on-line operation (or on-line)
开口循环 open cycle
开式给水系统 open feed system
作业研究 operation research (or)
纵坐标 ordinate
军械工场 ordnance shop
面外负荷,贯层负荷 out-plane loading
倾覆 overturning
氧化焰 oxiding flame
外包订制 outside manufacturing
外板搭架 outside staging
外艏帆 outter jib
全效率 overall efficiency
过流跳脱 over current trip
重迭型螺桨 overlapping propeller
过压防止装置 overpressure prevention means
船东试航 owner"s trial
溢流管 overflow pipe
油散热器 oil radiator
艉柱上部船壳板 oxter plate
油泵 oil pump
操作杆 operating rod
冷却油泵 oil cooling pump
军械工场 ordnance shop
超载替续器 overload relay
油环 oil ring
挡油环 oil seal ring
斜杆 obliquity rod
抗臭氧橡胶 ozone resistant rubber
外侧轴 outer shaft
简要规范 outline specification
海洋测候船 ocean weather ship
远洋轮船 ocean going steamer
油分离器 oil separator
光仪工场 optical shop
外钳场 outside machine shop
验油,油验 oil test
喷油器 oil sprayer
观测油柜 observation tank
冷却油柜 oil cooling tank
平炉钢 open hearth steel
油密试验 oiltight test
敞式推力[轴]承 open type thrust bearing
滤油器 oil strainer (or filter)
油舱,油柜 oil tank
油密性 oil tightness
临时检验 occasional survey
外板列 outer strake
油开关 oil switch
高架移动起重机 overhead travelling crane
矿砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
超速试验 overspeed test
溢流阀 overflow valve
远洋船舶 ocean going vessel
大舱口船 open hatch vessel
仰焊 overhead welding
奥地利国家标准 onorm (= osterreichische narm, austria)
燃油船 oil burning vessel
奥地利电机技士协会 ove (= osterreichischer elektrotechnischer verein, austria)
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