扩散加煤机 spreader stoker弹性垫圈 spring washer
斜杠帆驳船 spritsail sailing barge
链轮 sprocket wheel
投射角控制稳定法 stabilization by incidence control
安定电弧焊 stable arc welding
交错铆接 staggered riveting
标准 standard
立柱 stand column
法定甲板线 statutory deck line
抽汽,分汽 steam bleeding
蒸汽消耗量 steam consumption
汽包 steam dome
排汽 steam exhaust
汽锤 steam hammer
蒸汽洗涤,蒸 steaming
汽套 steam jacket
蒸汽窒火系统 steam smothering system
弹簧钢 spring steel
钢制肘板 steel bracket
钢制甲板室 steel deck house
尖艏小艇 stem dinghy
副艏柱 stemson (or stem knee)
司蒂芬逊阀动机构 stephenson"s valve gear
阶式滑航艇 stepped hydroplane ship
杀菌 sterilization
艉灯 stern light
艉望台 stern walk
应变 strain
应变试验 strain test
绞线 stranded wire
串珠(焊接) string (or stringer) bead
截片法 strip method
冲程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio
结构组件 structural component
抗压构件,支杆,支柱,支架 strut
驱潜艇 subchaser
海底电缆 submarine cable
潜艇母舰 submarine depot ship
吸入式燃气引擎 suction gas engine
吸入口 suction inlet
苏彝士运河吨位 suez canal tonnage
低艏艛 sunken forecastle
进气通风 supply ventilation
面积比 surface (or disc area, or area) ratio
救生筏艇 survival craft
吊索 suspension line
切换旋塞 switch cock
合成纤维 synthetic fiber
合成纤维索 synthetic fiber rope
虹吸式润滑器 syphon lubricator
场内试验 shop test
比推力 specific thrust
潜弧焊接 smothered arc welding
沙发床 sofa bed
软补 soft patch
软焊 soldering
干货整补站 solid cargo station
立体曲线 solid curve
整体舵肋 solid rudder frame
共鸣板 sounding board
声纳[导航仪] sound navigation and ranging (sonar)
间距,间隔 spacing
煤货兼用舱 spare (or reserve) bunker
备用油柜 spare oil bunker
速降 speed lose
鲸油 sperm oil
插口,插承 spigot
防弹网 splinter net
海绵 sponge
现场检查,摘取检查 spot inspection
喷洒状传递 spray transfer
弹回 spring back
弹簧轴承 spring bearing
方头螺栓 square head bolt
横帆,方帆 square sail
级效率 stage efficiency
动板柱 stanchion
检定器(试验机) standardizing box
标准速率 standard speed
右舷大锚 starboard bower
固定电焊机 stationary welding machine
定子绕组 stator winding
蒸汽储压器 steam accumulator
蒸汽喷射器 steam ejector
蒸汽机 steam engine
抽汽 steam extraction
蒸汽加热器,蒸汽暖器 steam heater
蒸汽冲击 steam impringement
产汽试验 steaming test
废钢 scrap steel
钢踏格 steel grating (or grill flooring)
钢锭 steel ingot
钢索,钢缆 steel wire rope
舵轮柱 steering column
纵舵,垂直舵(潜艇) steering rudder
升[压]变压器 step-up transformer
艉材,艉架 stern frame
双环艉架 spectacle stern frame
艉轴管衬套 stern tube bushing
静水 still water
补给船 stock boat
止裂孔 stop hole
贮物驳船 storage barge
镇浪油 storm (or wave-quelling, or sea-quelling) oil
货物装载图 stowage plan
备用锚 stowing anchor
过滤器 strainer
强度干舷 strength freeboard
脚踏板(舢板),担架,悬臂短梁 stretcher
频闪光测速器 stroboscope
强力背材,装货舷门闩,活动艇盖梁 strong back
环栓(锚链),螺桩 stud
舱区划分吃水 subdivision draft
潜航商船 submarine merchant ship
潜艇勤务舰 submarine tender
后续检验 subsequent survey
下层台架(钻油船) substructure
面下缺陷 subsurface defect
吸入压力 suction pressure
吸气冲程,吸入冲程 suction stroke
增压机 supercharger
过冷 supercooling
超临界运转 supercritical operation
过热器 superheater
过饱和蒸汽 supersaturated steam
补助空气 supplementary air
面,表面,翼面 surface
表面冷却器 surface cooler
表面点火 surface ignition
波振吸收器 surge absorber
测量船 surveying ship
测量船 surveying vessel
小水线面双体船 swath (= small waterplane area twin hull ship)
单极开关 single pole switch
配电箱 switch box
转动活节 swivel joint
同步转速 synchronous speed
焊液(软焊用) soldering fluid
实体计算(电算) solid body calculation
实体肋板 solid floor
整体肋板 solid plate frame
烟灰 soot
隔音材 sound insulation material
音速 sound velocity
备用煤舱 spare coal bunker
蒸汽清舱(液化瓦斯船) spargine
防溅润滑 splash lubrication
开口环 split ring
点焊 spot welding
喷雾器 sprayer
方形旗 square flag
方形艏柱 square stem
稳度曲线 stability curve
空气进入稳定法 stabilization by air entry
稳定浮箱型钻油船 stabilizing pontoom type drilling rig
烟囱,迭 stack
烟囱 smoke stack
台,浮码头,级,外舷踏板 stage
级温[度] stage temperature
梯道 stairway
标准型材 standard section
标准张力法 standard tensioned replenishment alongside method (stream)
起动装置 starting arrangement
起动撞锤(下水) starting ram (or jack)
[船长]等分线 square (or vertical) station
蒸汽热量计 steam calorimeter
蒸汽余面 steam lap
汽压落差 steam power drop
汽封 steam seal
容汽空间(锅炉) steam space
钢丝股 steel strand
螺杆操舵装置 screw steering gear
操舵轴 steering shaft
阶式舱壁 stepped bulkhead
艉缆 stern line
艉[轴]管压盖 stern tube gland
史托克波 stokes wave
直通加热器 straight flow heater
应变能 strain energy
列板,板列,纵通材(木船) strake
副舷侧厚板列 strake below sheer strake
索股,搁浅 strand
迷走电流腐蚀 stray current corrosion
流线追迹法 stream line tracing method
抗剪强度 shearing strength
强度构件 strength member
伸张应力 stretching stress
残油喷射器 stripping eductor
残油管路 stripping line (or stripper)
强力背托材,固定件(焊接) strong back piece
结构分析 structural analysis
结构用型材 structural shapes
结构强度 structural (or structure) strength
表面捻缝 superfacial caulking
液面吹泄旋塞,浮渣吹泄旋塞 surface blow off cock
对称式翼列 symmetrical blading
同步仪 synchroscope
合成泡沬(frp) synthetic foam
系统图 system diagram
变速器 speed changer
速率计 speedometer
核废料搬运船 spent fuel carrier
球形阀 spherical valve
捻缝工具 spike iron
溢流柜 spill tank
舷侧凸体 sponson
短管阀 spool valve
喷布被覆 spray coating
喷漆 spray painting
喷水头 sprinkler head
角尺,正方形 square
平行[船]体 square (or parallel) body
压挤机 squeezer
潜水深度效应稳定法 stabilization by immersion depth effect
安定挡板,防焰板 stabilizing baffle
承接锥 stacking cone
搭架计划图 staging plan
标准柱 standard pillar
标准温度 standard temperature
右舷 starboard
星形连接 star connection
起动空气定时阀 starting air timing valve
物态线 state line
静燃料消耗量(涡轮机) static fuel consumption
定子 stator
蒸汽冷却法 steam cooling
蒸汽压盖 steam gland
蒸汽窒火管路 steaming-out (or steam smothering) line
蒸汽润滑 steam lubrication
蒸汽动力 steam power
[蒸]汽压[力] steam pressure
汽封函盖 steam sealing gland
钢丝 steel wire (or yarn)
操舵 steering
操舵布置 steering arrangement
舵链 steering chain
拖航灯 steering light
艏鼻护材 stem band (or stem iron nose)
分段后退焊接 step-back welding
无阶式艇壳(滑航艇) stepless hull
杀菌器 sterilizer
艉管轴 stern tube shaft
炉火指示器 stoking indicator
止回阀 stop check valve
马表 stop watch
仓库管理员,无照船员 store keeper
暴风(级风) storm
装载,储藏 stowage
应变速率 strain rate
[流]迹线 streak line
流线流,层流 streamline flow
标准张力法输送设备 stream transfer rig
强度甲板 strength deck
加强环 strengthening ring
应力集中 stress concentration
应力消除热处理 stress relief heat treatment
调整螺丝钉 stretching screw
强风(六级风) strong breeze
冷作工场,结构工场 structure (or fabrication ) shop
桩式管壁 studtube wall
苯乙烯单体 styrene monomer (sm)
小组合 subassembly
分歧回路 sub-circuit
沉水泵,沉入式泵 submerged (or sinking) pump
空泡控制 submergence (or cavi- tation) control
吸入送风 suction draft
超级巨舰 superdreadnought
艛端 superstructure end
水面舰艇 surface craft
游泳池 swimming pool
旋回型雾化器 swirl type atomizer
同步机 synchronous machine
系统操作测试 system operability test (sot)
系统科学 system science
水上飞机勤务船 seaplane tender
应力缓和 sr (= stress relieving)
承接座 stacker
支柱 stanchion (or pillar)
标准排水量(军舰) standard displacement
定滑车 standing block
右舷浮标 starboard hand buoy
星形裂纹 star shake
串并联起动器 series parallel starter
起动装置 starting gear
起动试验 starting test
静不定系统 statically indeterminate system
驻波 stationary wave
信号箱 station marker light box
撑管 stay tube
蒸汽循环 steam cycle
汽鼓 steam drum
汽锅 steam kettle
蒸汽管线 steam line
汽压调整器 steam pressure regulator
蒸汽祛水器 steam trap
硅钢 silicon steel
钢甲板 steel deck
钢板 steel plate
操舵装置 steering apparatus
舵柄弧 steering quadrant
操舵杆 steering rod
舵柄 steering tiller
腮线 stepped point (or bearding line)
艉 stern
艉胴材 stern box
船尾地板(小艇) stern sheet
艉轴管,艉轴套 stern (or shaft) tube
艉轴套轴承 stern tube bearing
艉轴套端板 stern tube end plate (or check ring)
加强,补强 stiffening
劲度矩阵 stiffness matrix
静水阻力 still water resistance
加强棒(水泥船) stirrup
停止器 stopper
装载容量 stowage capacity
轧平机 straightening roller (or mill)
直木材 straight timber
流[线]函数 stream function
流线形 streamline shape
舷缘板,水平加强肋 stringer
冲程,行程 stroke
结构连续性 structural continuity
结构,组织 structure
补助帆,翼帆 studding sail
填料函 stuffing box
艉舱壁 stuffing bulkhead
驱潜艇 submarine chaser
潜艇救难舰 submarine rescue vessel
潜水载具 submersible vehicle
夏期载重线 summer loadline (s)
日光甲板 sun deck
超音波探测器 supersonic (or supersonic flow) detector
划针盘,平面规 surface gauge
悬吊碍子 suspension insulator
横移 sway
涌,长浪 swell
回旋式吊杆系统 swing boom system
合成橡胶 synthetic rubber
安全水柜(潜艇) safety tank
沈淀柜 settling tank
污油[水]柜 slop tank
潜艇之勤务船 submarine tender
强度试验 strength test
稳态振动 steady-state vibration
汽船,轮船 steamer
蒸汽管集箱 steam header
蒸汽加热管 steam heating tube
桅灯 steaming (or masthead) light
汽密性 steam tightness
船用钢材 ship steel
钢管 steel pipe
钢丝 steel yarn (or wire)
统舱 steerage passenger room
橹 steering oar
操舵传达器 steering telegraph
停止距离 stopping distance
止浪阀 storm valve
积载因子 stowage (or storage) factor
直艏柱 straight stem
应力腐蚀龟裂 stress corrosion cracking (scc)
侧加强肋 side stringer
填函压盖 stuffing box gland
潜弧焊,潜熔焊 submerged melt arc welding
地层钻具安置法(钻油井) subsea completion
吸入泵 suction pump
水坑,集油池 sump
表面力 surface force
表面热传导 surface heat transmission
穿水式水翼 surface piercing foil
平板 surface plate (or table)
表面初步处理 surface preparation
明线 surface wiring
缓冲柜 surge tank
悬线(电罗经) suspension wire
鹅颈通风筒 swan (or goose) neck ventilator
曲颈插座 swan socket
膨润,涌,艉膨出部 swelling
波浪等级 swell scale
开关 switch
配电盘,电话交换台 switch board
系统设计 system design
系统偏差 system deviation
操舵传达器 steering telegraph
滑阀箱 slide valve box
比黏度 specific viscosity
舵效 steerability
舵机房 steering gear room
操舵台 steering pedestal
活塞杆导件 step guide
艉轴管环首螺帽 stern tube nut (or ring nut)
棒受网渔船 stick-held dip net fishing boat
刚性,抗挠性,劲度 stiffness
圣劳伦斯航道信号灯 st. lawrence seaway signal light
蓄电池,电瓶 storage battery
跨载车(货柜运输) straddle truck
直流复合式(涡轮机) straight compound
应变老化 strain aging
应变硬化 strain hardening
流锚,中锚 stream anchor
强度曲线 strength curve
应力函数 stress function
冲程容积 stroke volume
滑车带索 strop
海底油管 submarine pipe
潜浸盘管冷凝器 submerged coil condenser
次表面 subsurface
吸管式挖泥船 suction dredger
吸入阀 suction valve
超空蚀 supercavitating
水面小艇 surface boat
纵移,气压急变 surging
检验报告 survey report
吊臂 suspension arm
系艇桁 swinging boom (or guest warp)
系统分析 system analysis
贮藏柜 storage tank
标准耐火试验 standard fire test
直艏柱 straight stem
静水弯矩 still water bending moment
山字锚,无杆锚 stockless anchor
生火,加煤机 stoker
仓库 store
风暴帆 storm sail
直通燃烧室 straight through combustion chamber
搭板条,带料 strap
流线型舵 streamline rudder
应力缓和,应力消除 stress relieving (sr)
应力应变图 stress-strain diagram
驱气冲程 scavenging stroke
烈风(九级风) strong gale
艉轴支架轴承 strut bearing
填函舱壁 stuffing box bulkhead
小组合代码 sub-code
潜弧焊,潜熔焊 submerged arc (or melt) welding (saw)
吸入式燃气产生器 suction gas producer
夏期木材载重线 summer timber load line
支援船 support vessel
表面龟裂,表面裂痕 surface crack
水面船 surface ship
突波,纵移,波振 surge
隔离压载舱 segregated ballast tank
喷阀 spray valve
补充[给水]阀valve supplementary (or extra) feed (or
吸气冲程,吸入冲程 suction stroke
强力梁 strong (or strength) beam
结构舱壁 structural bulkhead
潜[水]艇,潜舰 submarine
小组合施工图 sub plan
吸取 suction
吸引水头 suction head
吸入管路 suction line
吸入管 suction pipe
夏期区域 summer zone
增压引擎 supercharged engine
增压器关断试验 supercharger cut off test
增压泵 supercharging pump
船艛甲板 superstructure deck
超级油轮 supertanker
供给系统,给气通风 supply system
液面吹泄阀 surface blow off valve
平面磨床 surface grinder
表面处理 surface treatment
简易工作架 swinging stagging
对称接合 symmetrical joint
同步器,同位器 synchro
同步推进器 synchronizing propeller
同步马达 synchronous motor
汽雷,汽笛 syren
常用柜 service tank
蒸气试验 steam test
测深管 sounding tube
梭阀 shuttle valve
套筒阀 sleeve valve
止浪阀 storm valve
同步,整步 synchronism
同步发电机 synchronous generator
卫生水柜 sanitary tank
单面钟 single face telegraph
安全阀 safety valve
单螺桨船 single screw vessel
弹性垫圈 spring washer
滑台 sliding ways
转环滑车 swivel block
对称引擎 symmetrical engine
注射器,注油器 syringe
系统油 system oil
夏季油柜 summer tank
泄汽阀 snifting valve
静试验 static test
刮补漆 scrape and touch up
起动阀 starting valve
帆船 sailing vessel
包板甲板船 sheathed deck vessel
轻甲板船 spar deck vessel
蒸汽锚机 steam windlass
明线 surface wiring
苏彝士运河吨位 suez canal tonnage
舵轮 steering wheel
起动转矩 starting torque
传话管 speaking (or voice) tube
串流型涡轮机 series flow turbine
闸阀 sluice valve
高稳度船 stiff vessel (or bottom heavy ship)
点焊 spot welding
定子绕组 stator winding
造船厂 ship yard
蒸汽加热管 steam heating tube
驱气阀 scavenging valve
滑阀 slide valve
救难船 salvage vessel
遮蔽甲板船 shelter deck vessel
方螺纹 square thread
汽密性 steam tightness
蒸汽操舵柄 steam tiller
短吨(磅) short ton
排水阀 scupper valve
弹簧式安全阀 spring safety valve
停止阀 stop valve
吸入阀 suction valve
降压变压器 step down transformer
撑管 stay tube
螺旋关闭阀 screw-down valve
薄锌板,锌皮 sheet zinc
升压变压器 step up transformer
艉轴管 stern tube
级阀 stage valve
海船,海轮 seagoing vessel
单索绞机 single purchase winch
瑞典电机材料标准协会 semko (= svenska elektriska materielkontrollanstalten, sweden)
瑞典电机技士标准 sen (= svenska elektrotekniska normer-sis, sweden)
中国机械工程学会 smec (= the society of mechanical engineering of china)
瑞士标准协会 snv (= schweizerische normenvereiningung, switzerland)
罗马尼亚国家标准 stas (= standard de stat, rumania)
蒸汽祛水器 steam trap
轴道 shaft tunnel
蒸汽涡轮机 steam turbine
浮渣吹泄阀 scum (or surface) blow off valve
警示阀 sentinel valve
电磁阀 solenoid valve
海水阀 sea valve
美国简化应用推荐协会 spr (= simplified practice recommendation, u.s.a.)
球形阀 spherical valve
浅水船 shallow draught vessel
测量船 surveying vessel
链轮 sprocket wheel
南非国家标准局 sabs (= south african bureau of standards, rep. of south africa)
瑞士电机技士协会 sev (= schweizerischer elektrotechnischer verrin-sae, switzerland)
瑞典制造标准 sms (= sveriges mekanforbunds standardcentral-sis, sweden)
中国造船工程学会 snamec (= the society of naval architects and marine engineers of china)
正齿轮 spur wheel
美国汽车工程师学会 sae (= society of automotive engineers, u.s.a.)
英国技术应用监督委员会 sta (= superintendent technical application, u.k.)
艉波 stern wave
套筒扳钳 socket wrench
转动扳钳 spanner wrench
槽孔腹板 slotted web
汽动绞机 steam winch
国际海上人命安全会议 solas (= the international convention for the safety of life at sea)
以色列国家标准 si (= israel standards, israel)
瑞典国家标准 sis (= svenska standard, sweden)
瑞典船模试验槽 sspa (= swedish state shipbuilding experimental tank)
芬兰国家标准委员会 sfs (= finlands standardiserings kommission, finland)
美国造船工程学会 sname (= the society of naval architects and marine engineers, u.s.a.)
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【常见的公共标志符号】机场常见的公共标志与说明(d e f)详细阅读
(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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