【海事英语词汇 百度云】海事英语词汇(1)
蒸发液化瓦斯加热器 boil-off gas heater
锅炉自动控制系统 automatic boiler control system
双重管卤水冷却器 double pipe brine cooler
一般应急警报系统 general emergency alarm system
低转速大直径螺桨 large slow-turning propeller
多盘管给水加热器 multi-coil feed heater
空气管式火警系统 pneumatic tube fire alarm system
再生式空气加热器 regenerative air heater
中间空气冷却器 air inter cooler
自动紧急受信机 auto-alarm receiver
自动警报接收器 automatic alarm receiver
脱气给水加热器 deareating feed water heater
硫酸亚铁喷射泵 ferrous sulfate injection pump
发电机功率定额 generator rating
高压直流发电机 high tension d.c. generator
脉冲电压产生器 impulse voltage generator
低压蒸气产生器 low pressure steam generator (lpsg)
非均等节距螺桨 non-uniform pitch propeller
螺桨船体涡空泡 phv (= propeller-hull vortex cavitation)
活塞下部泵作用 piston underside pumping (pup)
安装螺桨压挤力 propeller fitting force ( or push up load)
安装螺桨压挤量 propeller push up distance
螺桨船体涡空泡 propeller-hull vortex cavitation (phv)
活塞下部泵作用 pup (= piston underside pumping)
转鼓式热交换器 rotary-drum regenerator
烟管式火警装置 smoke tube type fire alarm system
蒸汽涡轮发电机 steam turbogenerator
自动锅炉控制 abc (= automatic boiler control)
自动锅炉控制 automatic boiler control (abc)
污水部舱底板 bilge ceiling
洗舱水加热器 butterworth heater
定冲程喷油泵 constant-stroke injection pump
搅刀式挖泥船 cutter pump dredger
直接污水吸口 direct bilge suction
直接火管锅炉 direct fire tube boiler
火警警报系统 fire alarm system
独立污水吸口 independent bilge suction
救生艇底扶手 keel rail (or bilge rail)
低水位警报器 low water level alarm
混合燃烧锅炉 mixed firing (or fuel burning) boiler
螺桨单独效率 open water propeller efficiency
并流热交换器 parallel flow heat exchanger (or regenerator)
活塞冷却油泵 piston cooling oil pump
螺桨没水深度 propeller immersion
螺桨负荷试验 propeller loading test
螺桨轴转速计 propeller shaft revolution indicator
抽排水布置图 pumping and drainage plan
可变螺距螺桨 reversible pitch propeller
旋转式空气泵 rotary air pump
自激式发电机 self excited generator
他激式发电机 separately excited generator
轴发电机马达 sgm (= shaft generator motor)
烟管火警系统 smoke pipe fire alarm system
大修间隔时间 tbo (= time between overhaul)
大修间隔时间 time between overhaul (tbo
双脚螺桨支架 two-leg propeller strut
单柱塞喷射泵 unit pump (or single plunger unit pump)
手动警报系统,人工警报系统 manual alarm system
乙炔产生器 acetylene gas generator
空气冷却器 air cooler
空气加热器 air heater
空气预热器 air preheater
警报温度计 alarm thermometer
交流发电机 alternate current generator (or alternator)
自动警报器 auto-alarm
自动警报器 automatic alarm
辅助发电机 auxiliary generator
污水抽射器 bilge ejector
污水抽射器 bilge injection
污水喷射阀 bilge injection valve
稳定翼侧板 bilge strake
污水吸入口 bilge suction
污水吸入箱 bilge suction box
水吸入管 bilge suction pipe
污水部涡流 bilge vortex
鼓风加热器 blast heater
分供加热器 bleeder heater
锅炉隔热板 boiler cladding
锅炉制造厂 boiler maker
锅炉舱开口 boiler room opening
锅炉工作衣 boiler suit
锅炉给水柜 boiler water tank
中间加热器 booster heater
卤水冷却器 brine cooler
化学清洗泵 chemical cleaning pump
盘管冷却器 coiled pipe cooler
组合加热器 combination heater
共通污水管 common bilge piping
复激发电机 compound generator
对流加热器 convection heater
直流发电机 d.c. generator
柴油发电机 d/g (= diesel generator)
干燃室锅炉 dry combustion boiler
复式空气泵 dual air pump
电动发电机 electric motor generator
应急污水泵 emergency bilge pump
紧急消防泵 emergency fire pump
应急发电机 emergency generator
引擎警报盘 engine alarm panel
外部减热器 external desuperheater
给水加热器 feed heater
火警警报器 fire alarm
固定冲程泵 fixed stroke pump
淡水冷却器 fresh water cooler
始动燃油泵 fuel oil priming pump
常用燃油泵 fuel oil service pump
气体发生器 gas generator
手动污水泵 hand bilge pump
高压加热器 high pressure heater
惰气产生器 inert gas generator (igg)
中间凝却器 intercooler
水套冷却器 jacket water cooler
动力空气泵 kinetic air pump
低压冷却器 low pressure cooler
低压加热器 low pressure heater
舭弯部下缘 lower turn of bilge
马达发电机 motor generator
多流加热器 multi-flow heater
无电压警报 no-volt alarm
重迭型螺桨 overlapping propeller
活塞冷却泵 piston cooling pump
压力空气泵 pressure air pump
起动注给泵 priming pump
螺桨面积比 propeller area ratio
螺桨鼓风机 propeller blower
螺桨压力面 propeller pressure side
螺桨吸力面 propeller suction side
螺桨警示灯 propeller warning signal light
泵吸挖泥船 pump dredger
辐射过热器 radiation superheater
铆钉加热炉 rivet heater
安全警报器 safety alarm
分节式锅炉 sectional boiler
蒸气发生器 sg (= steam generator)
轴发电系统 sgs (= shaft generator system)
分绕发电机 shunt wound generator
单脚螺桨架 single-leg propeller strut
蒸气产生器 steam generator
蒸汽再热器 steam reheater
蒸气过热器 steam superheater
直通加热器 straight flow heater
次空泡螺桨 subcavitating propeller
超高压锅炉 super high pressure boiler
超空蚀螺桨 supercavitating propeller
表面冷却器 surface cooler
同步发电机 synchronous generator
涡轮发电机 t/g (= turbo generator)
定时燃油泵 timed fuel pump
涡轮发电机 turbo generator (t/g)
双额定点泵 two rated points pump
弯部上缘 upper turn of bilge
风车式螺桨 vane propeller
可变冲程泵 variable stroke pump
垂直翼螺桨 voith-schneider propeller
甲板冲洗泵 wash deck pump
湿燃室锅炉 wet combustion chamber boiler
水车化螺桨 windmilling propeller
误操作警报 wrong operation alarm
再生器效率(燃气涡轮机) effectiveness of regenerator
污水部支柱(船台) bilge cod
平均叶宽比(螺桨) mean width ratio
无推力节距(螺桨) zero thrust pitch
无扭矩节距(螺桨) zero torque pitch
检漏警报器(电) ground detector alarm
逆流回热器,逆流式再生器 contra-flow regenerator
蒸汽加热器,蒸汽暖炉 steam heater
过热回降器,减热器 desuperheater
可视听警报[器] visible and audible alarm
中文名称 英文名称
干练船员 ab (= able-seaman)
空气螺桨 aerial propeller
后冷却器 after cooler
空气泵臂 air pump lever
警报侦检 alarm monitoring
警报信号 alarm signal
音响警报 audible (or acoustic) alarm
辅锅炉舱 auxiliary boiler room
辅循环泵 auxiliary circulating pump
辅给水泵 auxiliary feed pump
污水腋板 bilge bracket
污水舱区 bilge compartment
部结构 bilge construction
内舭龙骨 bilge keelson
污水总管 bilge main
曲半径 bilge radius
部撑柱 bilge shore
帆船桅木 bilge timber
浸水舱间 bilged compartment
锅炉承架 boiler bracket
锅炉效率 boiler efficiency
汽锅给水 boiler feed water
锅炉石墨 boiler graphite
锅炉马力 boiler horsepower
锅炉衬套 boiler lagging (or clothing)
锅炉装件 boiler mountings
锅炉压力 boiler pressure
锅炉舱棚 boiler room casing
锅炉舱口 boiler room opening
锅炉工场 boiler shop
锅炉用钢 boiler steel
锅炉试验 boiler test
锅炉试砗 boiler trial
组合螺桨 built up propeller
报务主任 chief (or chief wireless) operator
燃煤锅炉 coal burning (or firing) boiler
燃煤锅炉 coal firing boiler
盘管锅炉 coil boiler
复合锅炉 composite boiler
冷却水泵 cooling water pump
无曲轴泵 crankless (or non-crank) pump
横管锅炉 cross tube boiler
筒状锅炉 cylindrical boiler
双头锅炉 double ended boiler
冷凝水泵 drain pump
污水排泄 draining bilge
干空气泵 dry air pump
爱德华泵 edwards pump
等值螺桨 equivalant screw
废气锅炉 exhaust boiler
快速锅炉 express boiler
外燃锅炉 external firing boiler
火管锅炉 fire tube boiler
紧急警报 general alarm
发电机室 generator (or dynamo) room
丝极电流 heater current
取暖锅炉 heating boiler
倾侧水泵 heeling pump
海尔萧泵 hele-shaw pump
键合螺桨 keyed propeller
无键螺桨 keyless propeller
主发电机 main generator
船用锅炉 marine boiler
水银锅炉 mercury boiler
多管锅炉 multitubular boiler
无曲柄泵 non-crank (or crankless) pump
喷嘴螺桨 nozzle propeller
增压油泵 oil booster pump
燃油锅炉 oil burning boiler
冷却油泵 oil cooling pump
燃油锅炉 oil firing boiler
油加热器 oil heater
作动油泵 operating oil pump
椭圆锅炉 oval boiler
大修检查 overhaul inspection
组合锅炉 packaged boiler
活塞式泵 piston pump
移动式泵 portable pump
螺桨马力 propeller (or screw) horsepower
螺桨背部 propeller back
螺桨效率 propeller efficiency
螺桨正面 propeller face
螺桨风扇 propeller fan
螺桨填料 propeller filler
螺桨定律 propeller law
螺桨锁帽 propeller nut
螺桨鸣音 propeller singing
螺桨转速 propeller speed
螺桨支架 propeller strut
螺桨表面 propeller surface
螺桨推力 propeller thrust
螺桨背倾 propeller wash back
四螺桨船 quadruple screw vessel
辐射锅炉 radiant (or radiation) boiler
方形锅炉 rectangular boiler
煮饭汽锅 rice boiler
右旋螺桨 right hand propeller
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