class a motor life boat 甲级机动救生艇class a motor life boat 甲级机动救生艇
class a power amplifier 甲类功率放大器
class action 集团诉讼
class amotor life boat 甲级机动救生艇
class annual survey 船级年检
class annual survey 船级岁检
class b fire 乙类火
class b motor life boat 乙级机动救生艇
class b push-pull power amplifier 乙类推挽功率放大器
class boat 根据特定规定建造的船艇
class boat 入级船
class c fire 丙类火
class certificate 船级证书
class for refrigerating equipment for dealing with boil-off gas on a liquefied gas carrier 劳埃德船级社处理液化气船蒸发气体制冷设备入级
class improvement plan 船级改进计划
class initial mark 船级缩写记号
class letter 等级标识
class maintained certificate 船级保持证书
class notation 船级符号
class of accuracy 精密度分级
class of emission 发射等级
class of fit 精度配合的分级
class of harbours 港口分类
class of precision 精度等级
class of ship 船级
class of telegram 报类
class rate freight tariff 等级费率本
class rate 等级运价
class rates 等级运价率
class rates 费率等级
class special survey 船级特检
class survey 入级检验
class withdrawal 取消船级
class 船级等级
class 等级;组;品种;阶级;级;定级
class 级
class 级船级
classed ship 入级船
classes of certificate of competency 适任证书等级
classic 第一流的典型的
classical hydrodynamics 理论水动力学
classificaion and labeling of explosives regulations (uk 《爆炸物规则的分类和标记》
classification 分类;船级;定级
classification and inspection of vessels 船舶定级和检验
classification board 船级社
classification certificate for hull 船体入级证书
classification certificate for machinery 轮机入级证书
classification certificate of refrigerating cargo installation 货物冷藏设备入级证书
classification certificate of refrigerating cargo installation 货物冷藏装置入级证书
classification certificate 船舶入级证书
classification certificate 船级证书
classification certificate 入级证书
classification clause 船级条款
classification clause 分级条款
classification committee 船级委员会
classification conditions 入级条件
classification designation 入级标志
classification dimensions 分级尺寸
classification drawings 入级图
classification form of maritime traffic accident 船舶交通事故分级标准表
classification of amplifier 放大器分类
classification of dangerous goods in packaged form 包装危险品分类
classification of dangerous goods 危险物品分类
classification of emission 发射类型
classification of hull steel 船体钢等级
classification of inland aids to navigation 内河航标等级
classification of marine turbine 船用涡轮机分类
classification of paint 涂料分类
classification of seas 海浪等级
classification of steel vessels 钢船入级
classification of substances or articles with multiple hazards) 具有多种危险性的物品分类
classification of vessel 船舶入级
classification of vessel 船级
classification of vessels in inland waters 内河船舶等级
classification perpendicular 入级垂线
classification principle 入级原则
classification process 入级过程
classification records 入级记录
classification repair 入级修理
classification rules 入级规范
classification society approval 船级社认可
classification society rule 船级社规范
classification society 船级社
classification society"classification surveyor 船级社验船师
classification society"s surveyor 船级社验船师
classification survey 船级检验
classification survey 入级检验
classification surveyor 船级社验船师
classification surveyor 验船师
classification surveys 入级检验
classification symbol 入级符号
classification 定级
classification 分类
classification 识别
classified data 密级资料
classified excess of loss reinsurance 分级超额赔款再保险
classified 保密的已分类的
classify 把……分类
classsurvey 船级检验
clause about inspection of goods 货物检查权条款
clause for cargoes shipped on deck 甲板货物条款
clause for frozen products 冰冻货物条款
clause of contract 合同条款
clause rider 附加条款
clause rider 追加条款
clause stamped 贴了印花的正式文件
clause 条款
clause 条款;款项
clauses of bill of lading 提单条款
clauses of no effect 无效条款
clausum 领海
clavicle 锁骨
claw bar 爪杆
claw clutch 爪形离合器
claw coupling 爪形联轴器
claw hammer 拔钉锤
claw hammer 羊角锤
claw magnet 爪形磁铁
claw off 由下风岸转向上风岸航驶
claw shaped 爪形的
claw wrench 钩形扳手
claw 爪
claw 爪;钩
clawed clip 爪形线夹
clay 粘土
clay 粘土粘土
clay 粘土粘土粘土
clay 粘土粘土粘土底
clay 黏土
clc protocol 1976 《1976年国际油污损害民事责任公约议定书》
cleading 保温套
cleading 护罩
cleading 护罩;隔热板;衬板
clean acceptance 单纯承兑或认付
clean anchorage 无障碍物锚地
clean ballast capacity 压载舱容量
clean ballast pump 净压载水泵
clean ballast pump 清洁压载水泵
clean ballast tank 清洁压载舱
clean ballast tank 清洁压载水
clean ballast tanks 清洁压载舱
clean ballast water 清洁压载水
clean ballast 清洁压载
clean ballast 清洁压载水
clean bill of health 清洁无疫证明书
clean bill of health 无疫健康证明书
clean bill of lading 清洁提单
clean bill of lading 清洁提单无批注提单
clean bill 清洁票证
clean bottom 干净海底
clean bottom 无污底
clean bottom 无污底干净海底
clean breach 横扫舱面浪
clean breach 浪扫全舱面
clean break 无火花断路
clean cargo 清洁货
clean cargo 完整的货物
clean charter 清洁租船合同
clean coast 安全海岸
clean collection 光票托收
clean credit 光票信用证
clean cut 无氧化皮切削
clean diesel oil tank 柴油净油柜
clean dispersant agent 清洁分散添加剂
clean fire 清炉
clean fire 清炉除灰
clean fixture 最终成交
clean fuel oil tank 清洁燃油舱
clean fuel oil tank 清洁燃油舱燃油净油柜
clean fuel oil tank 燃油净油柜
clean full 展全帆
clean harbour 无碍航物的港
clean heavy oil tank 重油净油柜
clean letter of credit 清洁信用证
clean lines 流线型船
clean oil 净油
clean oil 净油轻质油
clean oil 轻油
clean on board 洁净装船
clean out door 清灰门
clean out 清理完毕
clean run 流线型船尾
clean ship 没有载货的船
clean ship 没载货的船
clean tanker 轻油油船
clean tanker 轻油油轮(适于装精制油
clean tanker 轻油油轮(适于装精制油的油轮
clean title 清洁物权
clean transport document 清洁运输单据
clean up n. 提纯
clean vision screen 扫雨器
clean water act 《淡水保条例》
clean water 清洁水
clean 空舱门归零清洁的
clean 清洁
clean 清洁的;没有毛病的;无碍航物的;船尾呈尖形的;归零
clean-out opening 清洗孔
clean-up cost 清污费
clean-up expense report on marine pollution by ship 船舶污染清除费用报告书
clean-up of oil spill 浮油清除
clean-up operation 清污作业
clean-up 洗涤
cleanballast 清压载水
cleaner 清洁工人吸尘器
cleaner 清洁器
cleaner 吸尘器
cleaning agent 清洁剂
cleaning and dispersing additive 清洁与分散添加剂
cleaning and disposal procedures 清除及处理程序
cleaning and sweeping of ship"s holds 洗扫舱
cleaning appliance 清洁用具
cleaning arrangement 净化装置
cleaning bottle brush 洗瓶刷
cleaning device 清洗器
cleaning fire 清炉
cleaning hatch 清洗舱口
cleaning hole 清扫孔
cleaning interval 清洗周期
cleaning machine 洗舱机
cleaning machine 洗舱机洗涤机
cleaning of cargo tank 液货舱的清洗
cleaning of hold 洗舱
cleaning oil 轻油
cleaning powder 去污粉
cleaning strainer 净化过滤器
cleaning valve 清洗(过滤器
cleaning valve 清洗阀
cleaning 清洗
cleanliness factor 净度系数
cleanliness 净度
cleanser powder 去污粉
cleanser 清洁剂
clear a ship 船舶办理出口手续
clear ahead! 前途通畅!
clear anchor! 锚清爽
clear anchor 锚清爽
clear anchorage 无碍航物锚泊地
clear anchorage 无碍航物锚地
clear area 畅通航区
clear area 畅通区
clear astern! 船尾清爽
clear astern 船尾清爽
clear away 清除
clear bearing 避险方位
clear berth 宽敞锚地
clear breach 冲湿舱面浪
clear breach 无碍的冲刷
clear bulb 透明灯泡
clear chance rule 避让机会原则
clear coast 无碍航海岸
clear coast 无碍航物的海岸
clear coast 无碍航物海岸
clear days 净日数
clear distance 净距
clear for action 备战(甲板上清除障碍
clear goods from customs 海关放行货物
clear goods from customs 货物结关
clear goods 已纳税货物
clear hawse pendant 解锚链的短索
clear hawse pendant 解锚支索
clear hawse slip 解锚链的滑钩
clear hawse 清链
clear hawse 清链;双锚泊时锚链清楚
clear hold 空货舱
clear ice 明冰
clear ice 透明冰
clear insulating varnish 透明绝缘漆
clear inward 办清进口手续
clear message 明码电报
clear of local anthorities 地方当局检查手续完毕
clear of water 离开水面
clear off 清除
clear out 安全出港
clear outward 办清出口手续
clear plastics 透明塑胶
clear scan radar 清晰显示雷达
clear sky 碧空
clear store instruction 清除存储器指令
clear system 清算制
clear the circuit 切断电路消除短路
clear the circuit 切断线路
clear the circuit 切断线路或线路上的电压;清除短路
clear the hold 清舱
clear the land 离开浅水地带
clear the port 安全出港
clear the ship 清舱
clear up 清除
clear valve diameter 阀孔径
clear view screen 驾驶台在下雨雪时使用的)旋转观察窗
clear view screen 清晰荧光屏旋转观察窗
clear view screen 旋转观察窗
clear view window 观察窗
clear view window 驾驶台在下雨雪时使用的)旋转观察窗
clear visibility 良好的视度excellent visibility 优异能见度
clear water 安全水域;无碍航物水域
clear waters 安全水域
clear way valve 全开阀
clear weather 晴天
clear 间隙
clear 晴朗的
clear 卸空;让清;澄清的;解开;清爽
clear-water afterbody 水上船尾部
clearacquisition 清晰/捕获
clearance absorber 间隙吸收器
clearance adjuster 间隙调整器
clearance adjusting nut 间隙调整螺母
clearance adjusting screw 间隙调整螺钉
clearance adjustment 间隙调整
clearance angle 间隙角
clearance cavitation 间隙空化
clearance certificate 结关单
clearance certificate 结关证书
clearance document 结关文书
clearance fee 结关手续费
clearance fit 动配合
clearance fit 间隙配合
clearance gas 间隙存气
clearance gauge 量隙规
clearance height 离水高度
clearance hole 出砂孔排屑孔
clearance in the fore and aft directions 前后向的总间隙
clearance in the sideways 左右向的总间隙
clearance insulating paint 清色绝缘漆
clearance inward 进口结关证明
clearance inward 入港许可证
clearance label 船舶)结关单结关单
clearance label 结关单
clearance leakage 间隙漏泄
clearance leakage 隙缝泄漏
clearance limit 间隙限度
clearance loss 间隙损失
clearance measurement 间隙测量
clearance meter 间隙计
clearance note 进口结关证明
clearance notice 出港通知书
clearance notice 进口通知
clearance of cargo 货物结关
clearance of crew 船员结关
clearance of passenger 旅客结关
clearance of pollution 清除污染
clearance order 断路指令
clearance outward 出口结关证明
clearance paper 出港许可证
clearance paper 结关文件
clearance papers 出港证
clearance permit 出港许可证
clearance permit 进出港许可证
clearance pocket 隙囊
clearance ratio 间隙比
clearance ring 间隙垫圈
clearance space 货堆空隙
clearance space 余隙空间
clearance under keel 富裕水深
clearance volume 余隙容积
clearance volumetric efficiency 余隙容积效率
clearance 间隙
clearance 结关出港许可证
clearance 结关单;清除;间隙;余隙
clearance 结关单船舶)结关单间隙
clearance 清除
clearce certificate 船舶)结关单
cleared water 净水
cleared without examination 免检放行
cleared 已办理出口手续
cleared 已办理进出口手续
clearing a hawse 清解锚链
clearing account 清算帐户
clearing bearing 安全方位
clearing brush 刮船刷
clearing device 清除装置
clearing from alongside by after spring 后倒缆离码头
clearing from alongside 安全离开码头
clearing from steep shore 离陡岸
clearing glade 冰湖
clearing house 海关
clearing house 票据交换所
clearing iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿
clearing iron 刮缝凿
clearing key 清除键
clearing lamp 话终信号灯
clearing line 安全导航线
clearing mark 安全符号
clearing marks 安全导航标
clearing of a fault 故障的排除
clearing of a fault 排除故障
clearing out drop 话终吊牌
clearing plug 清洗孔塞
clearing port 结关
clearing port 结关;排水口
clearing port 结关排水口
clearing port 排水口
clearing range marks 导航叠标
clearing signal 话终信号
clearing sterling 以英镑清算
clearing view disc 离心式扫雨器
clearing 澄清清除
clearing 票据交换;报关;清扫;清算;冰间水面;阴雨天变晴
clearing 清扫
clearness 无云天空
cleat insulator 夹板绝缘子
cleat stanchion 梯柱
cleat stanchion 梯柱货船)梯柱
cleat 夹子
cleat 系索耳
cleat 羊角
cleating device 舱盖板压紧装置
cleavage 分裂
cleave 破浪前进;劈开;裂开
cleave 破浪前进劈开
cleft 裂缝
cleft 裂片
clench bolt 弯头螺栓
clench n. clockwork 时钟机构
clench nail 弯尖钉
clench planking 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板
clench planking 盖瓦式叠板
clench ring 扣销垫圈
clench 钉牢
clench 铆紧
clench 敲弯
clencher 工具夹子
clencher 敲弯钉头的工具
clencher 敲弯钉头的工具;夹子;敲铆钉的人
clencher 敲弯工具
clerk 职员
clerk"s office 秘书室
cleveland flash point apparatus 克利夫兰闪点仪(开口
clevis bolt u 形螺栓
clevis bolt u形螺栓
clevis pin u 形夹销
clevis type u 形插塞
clevis u形钩
clevis u形夹;u形钩
clew garnet 拉帆索
clew iron 三角环
clew line block 隐轮滑车
clew line 帆耳索
clew patch 帆后下角覆条
clew piece 帆角补强块
clew 横帆的两侧下角
click 掣子
click 棘爪;棘轮机构;掣子;发出卡嗒声
click 棘爪棘轮机构卡嗒声
client concerned 有关当事人
client terminal system 用户终端系统
client 委托人
client 委托人;顾客
cliff coast 峭壁海岸
cliff ladder 登崖软梯
cliff 断崖
cliff 悬崖
cliffs 陡岸
cliffy coastline 多峭壁的海岸线
cliffy 有峭壁陡岩的
climate classification 气候分类
climate comfort 调节气温
climate proof 防风雨的
climate 气候
climate 气候地带
climatic atlas 气候图册
climatic chart 气候图
climatic conditions 气候条件
climatic gradient 气候梯度
climatic phenomenon 气候现象
climatic symbols 气候符号
climatic trends 气候趋势
climatic year 气候年
climatic zone 气候带
climatic 气候的
climatological analysis 气候分析
climatological atlas 气候图册
climatological data 气候资料
climatological normals 气候多年平均值
climatological route 气候航线
climax 顶点
climax 最高峰
climb into a lifeboat 攀登救生艇
climb milling 顺铣
climb of wave 拍岸浪爬堤高度
climb 浮起攀登
climb 上升
clinagage 残油
clinch bolt 弯头螺栓
clinch nail 弯尖钉(钉木船壳板用
clinch 半结铆紧
clinch 铆紧
clinch 敲弯;钉牢;绳索一端的活结圈套;半结
clincher 敲弯工具
clingage 油垢
clinic boat 医务艇
clinic 医务所
clinical thermometer 体温计
clink 内裂
clink 裂纹
clink 内裂
clinker built 叠接式构造法
clinker planking 盖瓦叠板式
clinker planking 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板
clinker plating 盖瓦叠板式
clinker plating 鳞状叠板式
clinker plating 瓦叠式外板
clinker screen 滤烟网
clinker 叠接列板;煤渣
clinker 熔块
clinker 熔渣
clinker 熔渣煤渣
clinking 内裂缝
clinomeer transmitter 测斜仪发送器
clinomeer 测斜仪
clinometer transmitter 测斜仪发送器
clinometer 测斜仪
clinometer 倾斜仪;测斜器
clip bolt 夹箍螺栓
clip bolt 夹紧螺栓
clip connector 夹子接头
clip cut-off 剪去夹掉
clip hook 夹钩
clip hook 双抱钩
clip link 环夹
clip on type ammeter 钳形安培表
clip on type reefer container 外接冷气式冷藏集装箱
clip ring 开口环
clip spring switch 弹簧开关
clip system panel 夹装式舱室隔板
clip 夹
clip 接线柱
clip-on unit 可装配式构件
clip-on voltammeter 钳形伏安表
clipper bow 飞剪形船首
clipper circuit 削波电路
clipper stem 曲线船首
clipper 快速横帆船限制器
clipper 削波器
clippers 剪刀
clippers 钳子
clipping amplifier 限幅放大器
clipping circuit 限幅器
clipping circuit 削波电路
clipping 剪下物;削波;快速的;第一流的
clipping 削波
cloak room 衣帽间;行李寄放处
clock bias 时钟偏压
clock circuit 同步脉冲电路
clock controlled 定时控制的
clock frequency 节拍频率
clock gats 时钟脉冲门
clock gauge 千分尺
clock generator 时钟脉冲发生器
clock integrating unit 钟表式累积装置
clock mechanism 定时机构
clock mechanism 钟表机构
clock meter 钟表式计数器
clock offset 时钟偏差
clock phase 钟脉冲
clock pulse generator 时钟脉冲发生器
clock pulse 节拍脉冲
clock pulse 时钟脉冲
clock requency 时钟频率
clock skew 时钟脉冲相位差
clock star 对时星
clock switch 时间开关
clock synchronization module 时钟同步模式
clock system 时钟脉冲系统
clock tower 钟塔
clock type speedometer 钟表式速度计
clock work mechanism 时钟机构
clock work 时钟机构
clock works 钟表装置
clock 时钟
clock 钟时钟脉冲时标
clock-on circuit 强制同步电路
clock-phase diagram 直角坐标矢量图
clocking 定时
clockwise direction 顺时针方向
clockwise propeller 右旋螺旋桨
clockwise ratation 顺时针旋转
clockwise rotation 顺时针方向旋转
clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转
clockwise sense 顺时针方向
clockwise 顺时针的
clockwise 顺时针的顺时针
clockwise 顺时针地
clockwise 顺时针方向
clockwork indicator 钟表装置指示器
clockwork mechanism 时钟机构
clockwork motor 时间电动机
clockwork 时钟机构
clog 制动器堵塞
clog 制动器阻塞
clogged passage 被阻塞通道
clogged tube 管子闭塞
close aboard 接近船舶
close aboard 接近船舶(对大船550米以内
close aboard 紧靠船边
close accounts 结算
close armored 封闭式铠装的
close bend test 对折弯曲试验
close bevel 锐角
close bevel 锐斜角
close bevel 斜角
close blockade 港口封锁
close butt 紧密对接
close ceiling 密排舱壁护条
close ceiling 密排舱底板
close circuit 闭合电路
close contact 直接接触
close cooling system 闭式冷却系统
close coolingsystem 闭式冷却系统
close coupled pump 刚性连接泵
close coupled rudder 并联舵
close coupling 强耦合
close cup 闭杯
close end socket 闭口绳头套环
close fit 紧配合
close fitting plug 闭合装置塞块
close grain 细密结晶
close grained cast iron 细晶粒铸铁
close grained casting 细晶粒铸件
close grained wheel 细砂轮
close harbor 有闸港池
close hauled 迎风航驶
close ice 密集冰
close ice 密集冰密集冰
close ice 密集流冰
close ice 密集流水
close in fueling rig 近距离加油索具
close in method 靠近法
close in 接近
close link chain 短环链
close link chain 核桃链
close link 闭链环
close loop maneuver 闭环操作
close loop system 闭环系统
close lunar satellite 近月卫星
close nipple 螺纹接套
close of business 租船停业
close pack ice 密集流冰群
close pack 密集冰
close pack 密集冰密集冰
close packing 货物包装
close pattern bend 回转弯管
close pitched tube 密排管
close port 未开放港口
close push button 闭合按钮
close quarters situation 紧迫局面
close quarters 近距离
close range 近距离
close reach 帆船接近逼风行驶
close reach 前舷侧风驶帆
close reefed 帆缩到最小
close running fit 紧动配合
close shelter tonnage 闭舱式吨位
close stowing 有杆转爪锚
close stowing anchor 有杆转爪锚
close supervision 闭式监视
close the land 接近陆地
close tolerance flame cutting 高精度火焰切割
close tolerance 紧公差
close type evaporator 闭式蒸发器
close up mark 接岸标
close up n. 闭合
close up view 近视图特写镜头
close up 紧跟;拉到顶;闭合
close up 拉到顶
close winded 能靠风行驶的;接近顶风
close with 靠近
close working fit 紧滑配合
close a. 紧密的
close 闭视;关闭;盖上;接近
close 关闭
close 紧密的
close-circuit voltage 闭路电压
close-fit mapping method 精密拟合保角变换法
close-fitting strip 密封板
close-hauled 迎风航驶
close-in fueling rig 燃油补给索具
close-loop maneuver 闭环操纵
close-out collar 密封板
close-type injector 闭式喷射器
close-up cloud chart 云图
close-up mark 接岸标
close-up 闭合
closed and pressured fuel system 加压式燃油系统
closed antenna 闭路天线
closed armoring 封闭式铠装
closed armouring 迭盖铠装电缆
closed assembly time 闭合装配时间
closed barge carrier system 封闭式驳船货运系统
closed basin 有闸港池
closed bay 受陆地包围的海湾
closed bay 隐蔽海湾
closed bell 闭式潜水钟
closed bevel 锐斜角
closed box container 封闭式集装箱
closed bridge 前后端用隔舱壁围起的桥楼室
closed bridge house 封闭式桥楼
closed bridge 前后端用隔舱壁围起的桥楼室
closed brine system 闭式盐水系统
closed butt weld 连续对接焊缝
closed cargo 列入表定运费的货物
closed chock 闭式导缆孔
closed chock 闭式导缆器
closed chock 闭式导缆钳
closed circuit alarm device 闭路接线
closed circuit breathing apparatus 闭式呼吸器
closed circuit cooler for electric machine 电机用闭式循环冷却器
closed circuit cooling 闭式循环冷却
closed circuit lubrication 闭式循环润滑
closed circuit signalling 闭路通信
closed circuit system 闭式循环系统闭路制
closed circuit television set 闭路电视接收机
closed circuit television system 闭路电视系统
closed circuit television 闭路电视
closed circuit television 闭路电视工业电视
closed circuit turbine 闭式循环燃气轮机
closed circuit video 闭路电视
closed circuit 闭合电路
closed coil armature 闭路电枢
closed coil winding 闭圈绕组
closed conduit 暗管
closed container mechanically ventilated 封闭式机械通风集装箱
closed container 封闭式集装箱
closed cooling system 闭式冷却系统
closed cooling water system 闭式冷却水系统
closed core type 闭合铁心式
closed core 闭合铁心
closed core 闭式铁心
closed crank case compressor 封闭式曲轴箱压缩机
closed cup flashpoint 闭杯闪点
closed cup test 闭杯试验
closed cycle control 闭环控制
closed cycle gas turbine installation 闭式循环燃气轮机装置
closed cycle system 闭式循环系统
closed cycle turbine 闭式循环涡轮
closed cycle turbine 闭式循环涡轮机
closed cycle 闭合循环
closed cycle 闭式循环
closed dock 船坞湿船坞
closed dock 湿船坞
closed dock 有闸港池
closed dock 有闸港地
closed drainage 闭式排水设备
closed end spanner 闭口扳手
closed end wrench 闭口扳手
closed end 封闭端
closed exhaust 闭式排气
closed fair lead 闭式导缆孔
closed fair leader 闭式导缆钳
closed fair-leader 闭式导缆钳
closed fairlead 闭式导缆钳
closed feed controller 闭式给水系统调节器
closed feed system boiler 闭式给水系统锅炉
closed feed system 闭式给水系统闭路供电系统
closed feed water system controller 闭式给水系统调节器
closed feed water system 闭式给水系统
closed fhdraulic system 闭式液压系统
closed fire room 密封锅炉舱
closed fireroom 封闭式锅炉舱
closed fireroom 密闭式锅炉
closed fireroom 密闭式锅炉舱
closed flowmeter 闭式流量表
closed groove 无间隙接缝
closed harbor 隐蔽港口
closed harbour 不开放的港埠
closed hole 密封孔
closed impeller type sandpump 闭式叶轮泥浆泵
closed in frunk 封闭围阱
closed in space 密闭舱室
closed in spaces 封闭舱室
closed joint 闭式连接无隙接头
closed joint 封闭接头
closed kalman filter formulation 闭环卡尔曼滤波方程
closed life boat 封闭式救生艇
closed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇
closed line 闭合线
closed loop control system 闭环控制系统
closed loop control 闭环控制
closed loop servo 闭环伺服机构
closed loop system 闭环系统
closed loop tranfer function 闭环传递功能
closed loop 闭合回路
closed loop 闭合回线
closed magnetic circuit 闭合磁路
closed oil system of variable delivery pump 变量泵闭式油系统
closed oscillator 闭合振荡回路;封闭式振子
closed oscillator 闭合振荡回路封闭式振子
closed oscillator 闭路振荡器
closed path 闭合回路
closed path 闭路
closed plain chock 闭式导缆器
closed port 不开放的港埠
closed port 封闭港
closed ro-ro cargo space 闭式滚装货物处所
closed roller chock 闭式滚轮导缆机闭式滚轮导缆钳
closed roller chock 闭式滚轮导缆钳
closed root 无间隙焊根
closed sanitary system 闭式卫生水系统
closed sea 闭海
closed sea 领海
closed sea 领海;受岬角包围或在狭窄海峡内的海区
closed sea 内海
closed shell and tube condenser 闭式壳管冷凝器
closed shelter deck 闭式遮蔽甲板
closed shelter deck ship 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter deck vessel 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter decker 封闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter-deck type 遮闭甲板型
closed shelterdecker 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed slot armature 闭槽电枢
closed slot 闭槽
closed sounding device 封闭型测深装置
closed state 闭态
closed stoke-hold draft 闭式炉舱通风
closed stokehold draft 闭式锅炉舱通风
closed stokehold draft 闭式炉舱通风
closed stokehold 密闭式锅炉舱
closed superstructure 闭式上层建筑
closed superstructure 可关闭的上层建筑
closed system of pipes 管路封闭系统
closed temperature measuring device 封闭式温度测量装置
closed test 闭口杯试验
closed towing chock 闭式拖缆钳
closed type compressor 闭式压缩机
closed type feed water heater 闭式给水加热器
closed type fuel valve 闭式燃油阀
closed type hydraulic system 闭式液压系统
closed type thrust bearing 闭式推力轴承
closed type thrust bearing 封闭式推力轴承
closed ullage system 闭式液位测量装置
closed user group 闭路用户组
closed van type container 封闭式集装箱
closed vane type container 闭叶式集装箱
closed ventilated container 闭式通风集装箱
closed weld 无间隙焊缝
closed 关闭的
closed 关闭的;闭合的;闭路的;封闭的
closed 密闭的
closed-circuit cooling 闭式循环冷却
closed-in erection 封闭的上层建筑
closed-in space 密闭舱室
closed-loop control system 闭环控制系统国际油污损害民事责任公约
closed-open 接通—断开
closed-open 通-断关-开训-闭
closedlifeboat 封闭式救生艇
closequarters situation 紧迫局面
closer 闭合器
closest approach 最近的道路
closest instant 最接近瞬间
closest point of approach 会遇最近距离
closest point of approach 会遇最近距离最近会遇点
closest point of approach 预计相遇最近点
closest point of approach 最接近距离
closest point of approach 最近会遇点
closest range 最近距离
closet 壁橱
closet 盥洗室
closeup 闭合
closing account 结算
closing account 决算
closing appliance 闭锁装置
closing appliance 封闭装置
closing appliance 关闭装置
closing balance 期末余额
closing coil 闭合线圈
closing contact 闭合触点合闸触点
closing current 闭合电流
closing cylinder 封缸
closing date 截止日期
closing date 截止日期;;结算日
closing date 结算日期
closing head 铆钉锁头
closing magnet 合闸磁铁
closing mechanism 关闭机械装置
closing moment 闭合时刻
closing of an account 结帐
closing of circuit 电路闭合
closing of contact 触点闭合
closing of port 封港
closing piece 密闭板
closing piece 密闭件
closing plate 封板
closing procedure 船舶交接程序
closing rate 收盘汇率
closing relay 闭合继电器
closing ring 关闭环
closing run 相遇航行
closing sleeve 夹紧套筒
closing slip 保险结单
closing solenoid 合闸螺线管
closing the ship"s articles 解除船员雇用合同
closing time 闭合时间
closing valve 隔断阀
closing 闭合
closing 封闭
closing 关闭
closure device 闭锁装置
closure fitting 封闭器配件
closure flange 封闭凸缘
closure head 外壳顶盖
closure of port 封港
closure (门
closure 闭合差;插栓
closure 封闭器
closure 关闭
cloth for filter 滤布
cloth line 晒帆绳
cloth lined rubber rain coat with hood 橡胶衬布连帽雨衣
cloth 编织物
cloth 布
clothe 覆盖;用帆布包起来;装配帆具及索具;穿衣服
clothes stops 悬挂晒衣的小绳
clothes 衣服被褥
clothing export council 服装出口委员会
clothing issue room 储物舱
clothing locker 被服储藏室
clothing 服装
clothing 衣服
clothing 衣服罩
clothing 罩
cloud acount 云量
cloud and collision warning 烟云及防撞警报
cloud atlas 云图
cloud bank 云堤
cloud base 云底
cloud burst 暴雨
cloud burst 火暴雨
cloud cap 帽状云
cloud ceiling 云底部高度
cloud chart 云图
cloud classification 云的分类
cloud cluster 云团
cloud cover image 云层图象
cloud cover 云量
cloud drift 云的飘移
cloud drip 雾滴
cloud drip 雾滴雾滴
cloud droplet 云滴
cloud due to volcanic eruptions 火山爆发所造成的云
cloud form 云状
cloud height 云高
cloud mirror 测云镜
cloud picture 云图
cloud point 云点
cloud point 浊点
cloud scale 云级
cloud seeding 云的催化
cloud system of positive vorticity center 正涡度中心云系
cloud with vertical development 直展云
cloud wreath 黑云环
cloud 云
cloud 云层
cloudage 云量
cloudburst process 喷丸硬化法
cloudless 无云
clouds and collision warning 烟云及防撞警报
cloudy sky 多云天空
cloudy weather 多云天气
cloudy 多云
cloudy 多云的
cloudy 多云多云的
cloudy 云天
clout nail 大帽钉
clout nail 大头钉
clout 垫圈
clout 破布
clove hitch 丁香结
clove hook 抱钩
clove hook 双抱钩
clove leaf pattern 苜蓿叶型图案
clove oil 丁香油
clover leaf 苜蓿叶
clover seed 苜蓿草子
clover 苜蓿
clover 苜蓿叶型货物标志
clover-type wave probe 三浮子式浪高仪
cloves 丁香
club foot 丰满首柱底
club foot 象脚船首
club haul 用一种紧急措施把船掉头
club link 联锚钩环
club link 联锚链环
club loan 银团贷款
club shackle 联锚卸扣
club terms 保赔协会条款
club terms 保险协会条款
club 辅助帆杆俱乐部摊付费用
club 俱乐部
clubbing 拖锚顺漂(把绳套在某物上
clubbing 拖着锚顺流漂驶
clubbing 拖着锚顺流漂驶;把绳套在某物上
clubhaul 用一种紧迫措施掉向
cluff bow 肥形船首
clump block 厚壳滑车
cluster cargo lamp 装卸货用丛灯
cluster engine 发动机组
cluster lamp 多灯照明器
cluster lamp 货舱移动灯
cluster lamp 货舱移动灯货舱移动灯
cluster rock 簇礁
cluster switch 组合开关
cluster 星团;丛灯
cluster 组
cluster 组开关
clustered deck houses 甲板室群
clutch box 离合器箱
clutch brake 离合器制动器
clutch case 离合器箱
clutch change-over device 离合器转换装置
clutch change-over valve 离合器转换阀
clutch control cable 离合器控制电缆
clutch control lever 离合器控制杆
clutch control 离合器控制
clutch coupling 离合器
clutch coupling 离合器爪形联轴器
clutch cover 离合器盖
clutch disc facing 离合器盘衬片
clutch disc 离合器盘
clutch drum 离合器从动鼓
clutch facing 离合器衬片
clutch foot plate 离合器脚踏板
clutch for speed control handwheel disengagement 转速控制手轮分离用离合器
clutch gear 离合器齿轮
clutch handle 离合器手柄
clutch housing 离合器壳
clutch housing 离合器箱
clutch in 离合器接上
clutch lever 离合器操纵杆
clutch lever 离合器杆
clutch linkage 离合器分离机构
clutch magnet 离合器电磁铁
clutch motor 带离合器的电动机
clutch of windlass 锚机离合器
clutch operating linkage 离合器操作联动装置
clutch out 离合器脱开
clutch pedal 离合器踏板
clutch plate 离合器盘
clutch pressure plate 离合器压盘
clutch pressure ring 离合器压环
clutch pull rod 离合器拉杆
clutch shaft 离合器轴
clutch sleeve 离合器套筒
clutch slip 离合器滑移
clutch spring 离合器弹簧
clutch 离合器
clutch 离合器离合器踏板
clutch 抓
clutching test 离合试验
clutter rejection 杂波抑制
clutter 杂乱回波
clyburn spanner 活络扳手
cmi draft international convention on salvage 国际海事委员会国际救助公约草案
cml system 搬运吊车方式
cn 罐(货运用语
co analyser 一氧化碳测定仪
co co-2 extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火机
co meter 一氧化碳含量计
co 2
co 2
co- 共同
co-2 analyser 二氧化碳测定仪
co-2 bottle 二氧化碳筒
co-2 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
co-2 conent sender 二氧化碳浓度发送器
co-2 content recorder 二氧化碳浓度记录器
co-2 extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2 fire extinguisher appliance 二氧化碳灭火装置
co-2 fire extinguishing installation 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2 fire stopper 二氧化碳灭火器
co-2 flooding plant 二氧化碳灭火装置
co-2 machine 二氧化碳制冷机
co-2 recorder 二氧化碳记录器
co-2 releasing alarm 二氧化碳施放报警器
co-2 scrubber 二氧化碳洗涤器
co-2 total flooding system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2welding 二氧化碳电弧焊
co-altitude 顶距
co-axial 同轴的
co-centric shaft reduction gear 同心轴式减速齿轮
co-crystallizing 共晶
co-current 平行电流
co-insurance clause 共同保险条款
co-insurance 共同保险
co-latitude 余纬
co-linear 同线的
co-mid-lat 余中纬
co-ordinate drive cutting machine 坐标传动切割机
co-ordinate 坐标 a. 坐标的同位的
co-ordinate=coordinate n. 坐标坐标的同位的
co-ordinated mediterranean pollution monitoring and research programme 协调地中海污染监视和研究方案
co-ordinated ship"s allowance list 船舶供应品分级配备明细表
co-ordinated universal time 协调世界时
co-ordinator of surface search 海面搜寻协调者
co-ordinator of surface search 海面搜寻协调者;海面搜索协调者
co-ordinator surface search 海上搜救协调船
co-owned ship 共有船
co-owner 共同所有人
co-ownership 共同所有权
co-pilot 副引航员;自动驾驶仪
co-range line 等潮差线
co-respondent 共同答辩人
co2 welding 二氧化碳电弧焊
co2 analyser 二氧化碳测定仪
co2 conent sender 二氧化碳浓度发送器
co2 content recorder 二氧化碳浓度记录器
co2 extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co2 fire extinguisher appliance 二氧化碳灭火装置
co2 fire extinguishing installation 二氧化碳灭火系统
co2 fire stopper 二氧化碳灭火器
co2 flooding plant 二氧化碳灭火装置
co2 machine 二氧化碳制冷机
co2 recorder 二氧化碳记录器
co2 releasing alarm 二氧化碳施放报警器
co2 scrubber 二氧化碳洗涤器
co2 total flooding system 二氧化碳灭火系统
coacceptor 共同承兑人
coacervation 堆聚
coach roof 半显露舱室(一半在甲板上
coach roof 艇舱棚顶
coach spring 弓形弹簧
coach whip 长三角旗
coach wrench 双开活络扳手
coach 车辆
coachwhipping 花样缠扎绳头
coagulant 凝结剂
coagulation 凝结
coagulation 凝结凝析
coak 粗柄(一种坚木制小圆柱
coal and ore dock 煤和矿砂码头
coal and ore docks 煤和矿砂码头
coal barge 煤驳
coal barrow 运煤手车
coal basket 煤篓
coal bucket 煤斗
coal bunker 煤舱
coal bunker 煤舱燃煤舱
coal bunker 燃煤舱
coal burning boiler 燃煤锅炉
coal burning boiler 烧煤锅炉
coal burning carrier 烧煤运输船
coal burning vessel 烧煤船
coal capacity 装煤量
coal car 运煤车
coal carrier 运煤船
coal charter party 日本航运公会煤炭运输租船合同
coal chute cover 煤筒盖
coal chute 装煤槽
coal consumption rate 耗煤率
coal consumption 耗煤量
coal conveyer 运煤机
coal crushes 碎煤机
coal depot 煤场
coal door 装煤舷门
coal dump 卸煤门
coal dust 煤粉
coal dust 煤末
coal feeder 供煤机
coal firing boiler 燃煤锅炉
coal firing 烧煤
coal gas 煤气
coal hammer 碎煤锤
coal harbor 煤港
coal harbour 煤港
coal hatch 煤舱口
coal heaver 煤炭装卸工人
coal hoist 起煤装置
coal hold 煤舱
coal hole cover 煤舱口盖
coal hole 煤舱孔
coal hole 煤舱口
coal hopper 煤斗
coal hulk 煤驳
coal hulk 贮煤船
coal jetty 煤码头
coal lift 扬煤机
coal lighter 煤驳
coal loader 装煤机
coal oil mixture 煤-油混合浆
coal oil 煤焦油
coal oil 煤油
coal passer 二级生火
coal pier 煤运码头
coal port 煤港
coal port 装煤舷门
coal pulverizer 碎煤机
coal sack 煤袋
coal scuttle 煤舱口
coal shoot 装煤槽
coal shovel 煤锹
coal slurry 煤泥
coal storage 贮煤量
coal supply 燃煤供应
coal tar coating 煤焦沥青涂料
coal tar fuel 煤焦沥青燃料
coal tar fuel 煤焦油燃料
coal tar thinner 煤焦稀释剂
coal tar 煤焦油
coal tip 煤炭的倾卸装置
coal trimmer 煤舱平舱工人煤舱平舱机
coal trimmer 平舱工人
coal trimmer 平舱工人;平舱机
coal unloading terminal 卸煤码头
coal water slurry 水煤浆
coal wharf 煤码头
coal whart 煤码头
coal winch 煤炭起货机
coal 煤
coal 煤;装煤
coal 煤上煤
coal-lighter 煤驳
coal-oxygen fuel cell 煤氧燃料电池
coal-supply ship 运煤船
coal-water mixture 煤水混合物
coaler 煤船
coaler 煤船;船煤供应商人
coaler 运煤船
coaling bag 海上补给品装运袋
coaling capacity 载煤量
coaling davit 装煤吊杆
coaling day 装煤日
coaling depot 加煤站
coaling dock 煤码头
coaling facilities 加煤设备
coaling facilities 装灯设备
coaling facilities 装煤设备
coaling gear 装煤工具
coaling gear 装煤装置
coaling port 供煤港
coaling port 装煤港口
coaling quay 煤码头
coaling scuttle 煤舱口
coaling ship 供煤船
coaling station 装煤港口
coaling stay 吊煤滑车支索
coaling trunk 装煤导筒
coaling wharf 煤码头
coaling whip 装煤单绞辘;吊煤拉绳
coaling 上煤
coaling 装煤
coaltar 煤焦油
coaming angle 围板角钢
coaming bar 围板角钢
coaming bar 围板用钢条
coaming chock 舱口围壁角隅填材
coaming chock 木围框导缆口
coaming cleat 舱口楔耳
coaming deck barge 围槛甲板驳
coaming hatch 围板舱口
coaming hatch 装有围板的舱口
coaming plate 舱口围板
coaming roller 舱口大梁滚轮
coaming roller 舱口梁滚动装置
coaming stay 舱口围撑板
coaming stay 围板撑柱
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防防挠材
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防挠材
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防挠材舱口围撑板
coaming 舱口围板;缘材
coaming 围板
coaming 围槛
coangle 余角
coarse -range scope 粗略距离显示器
coarse adjustment 粗调
coarse ballast 砂砾压载
coarse carpenter file 粗木工锉
coarse clearance fit 松转配合
coarse control 粗调
coarse delay dial 粗延时度盘
coarse delay 延时粗调;近似延时
coarse emery powder 粗金刚砂粉
coarse file 粗锉
coarse flat file 粗扁锉
coarse grain 粗粒
coarse grained carbon 粗粒碳
coarse grained 粗纹
coarse groove record 粗纹唱片
coarse half round file 粗半圆锉
coarse knife file 粗刀锉
coarse mesh filter 网状粗滤器大孔过滤网
coarse oil screen 粗油滤网
coarse pitch thread 粗牙螺纹
coarse plate 厚板
coarse regulation 粗调节
coarse round file 粗圆锉
coarse sand bottom 粗砂底
coarse selsyn 粗示自动同步机
coarse square file 粗方锉
coarse strainer 粗滤器
coarse synchronizing method 粗同步法
coarse system of bearing 方位粗测系统
coarse thread screw 粗牙螺钉
coarse thread tap 粗牙丝锥
coarse thread 粗螺纹
coarse thread 粗牙螺纹
coarse time delay 粗延时
coarse triangular file 粗三角锉
coarse tuning 粗调谐
coarse wheel 粗砂轮
coarse 粗糙的
coarse 粗糙的近似的
coarse 粗粗粗糙的
coarse 粗沙的
coarseaccess 粗测/调整
coarseacquire 粗测捕获码
coast charge 海岸费
coast for orders 沿海待命
coast station 岸台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 海岸与大地磁场观测站海岸与地磁观测台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 海岸与地磁观测台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 沿岸地磁观测站
coast and geodetic survey 沿岸大地测量
coast and geodetic tide station 海岸与大地潮汐测量站
coast charge 海岸费
coast chart 沿岸海图
coast confluence zone 沿海流区
coast defence ship 海岸防卫舰
coast defence ship 海防舰船
coast defense ship 海岸防卫舰
coast dredging 沿海疏浚
coast earth station 海岸地面站
coast earth station 海岸地球站
coast fog 沿海雾
coast for order 海岸指定港口
coast for orders 指定海岸待命
coast for orders 指定海岸待命指命海岸
coast for orders 指命海岸
coast guard auxiliary 海岸警卫队辅助艇
coast guard boat 海上警卫艇
coast guard buoy project office 海岸警卫队浮标设计司
coast guard cutter 海岸警卫队快艇
coast guard district 海岸警卫区
coast guard motorboat 海岸警备队巡逻艇
coast guard patrol cutter 海岸警卫队巡逻快艇
coast guard ship 海岸护卫船
coast guard ship 海岸护卫船海上警卫艇
coast guard station usa 美国海岸警卫队站
coast guard station 边防站
coast guard 海岸警卫队
coast guard 海岸警卫队美国海岸警卫队
coast guard 海防哨兵
coast guard 美国海岸警卫队
coast ice 岸冰
coast imperfectly known 未精测的岸线
coast imperfectly known 未精测的海岸线
coast land 沿海地区
coast light 海岸灯标
coast line effect 海岸线效应
coast line error 海岸效应、海岸误差
coast line 海岸线
coast liner 沿海班轮
coast lining 海岸线测绘
coast partrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coast patrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coast patrol 沿海巡逻艇
coast pilot 沿海引航员
coast pilot 沿海引航员;沿海航路指南
coast piloting 近岸引航
coast plain 沿海平原
coast radar station 海岸雷达站
coast radio station providing qtg service 根据船舶要求而发出无线电测向方位供船舶定位的海岸电台
coast radio station 海岸无线电台
coast refraction error 海岸折射误差
coast refraction 海岸折射
coast shower 海岸阵雨
coast station providing qtg service 提供根据船舶要求而发送测向仪信号的岸台
coast station 海岸电台
coast station 开放vhf
coast survey 海岸测量
coast thunderstorm 沿海雷暴
coast tower 海岸灯塔
coast trading ship 沿海贸易船舶
coast waiter 海关稽查员
coast watcher 海岸了望哨
coast watching unit 海岸值守单位
coast watching unit 近岸观测设备
coast zone color scanner 海岸带彩色扫描器
coast 海岸
coast 海岸;沿岸;惯性滑行
coast 海岸海滨沿岸
coast-guard motor boat 沿岸警备艇
coastal aids 沿岸标志
coastal air force 沿海空军
coastal area 沿海地区
coastal buoy tender 沿海航标敷设船
coastal cabotage 沿海运输
coastal carriage of passengers 沿海旅客运输
coastal cave 海蚀洞
coastal chart 沿海海图
coastal climate resistance 耐海岸气候性
coastal climate 沿海气候
coastal collier 沿海运煤船
coastal contour line 海岸地形线
coastal convergence zone 海岸集流区
coastal convoy 沿海航队
coastal country 沿海国
coastal cruiser 沿海艇
coastal current 沿岸海流
coastal current 沿岸流
coastal engineering research center 海岸工程研究中心
coastal engineering ship 沿海工程船
coastal engineering 海岸工程
coastal error 海岸线误差
coastal error 海岸折射误差
coastal escort vessel 沿海警卫船
coastal features 沿海地貌
coastal fishery 沿岸渔业
coastal fog 滨海雾
coastal frontier 沿海边疆
coastal harbor 沿海港口
coastal hillocks 海岸小丘
coastal hovercraft 沿海气垫船
coastal ice 岸冰
coastal lifeboat 沿海救生艇
coastal lines 沿海航线
coastal minesweeper 沿岸扫雷艇
coastal motor boat 沿海动艇
coastal motor boat 沿海动艇沿海汽艇
coastal navigation areas 沿海航区
coastal navigation warning 沿海航行警报
coastal navigation 沿海航行
coastal navigational warnings 沿海航行警告
coastal pack 流冰
coastal patrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coastal patrol interdiction craft 沿海巡逻封锁艇
coastal patrol interdiction craft 沿海巡逻截阻艇
coastal patrol vessel 海岸巡逻艇
coastal plain 海岸平原
coastal pollution 沿岸污染
coastal radio station 海岸无线电台
coastal refraction error 海岸折射误差
coastal refraction 海岸效应
coastal refraction 海岸折射
coastal rescue boat 沿海救助艇
coastal right 沿海权
coastal salvage vessel 沿海救助船
coastal shipping 沿海航运
coastal signals 沿海地区信号
coastal signals 沿海地区信号(包括潮汐
coastal signals 沿海信号
coastal state control 沿海国管理
coastal state 沿海国
coastal state 沿海国家;沿海州;沿海省
coastal state 沿海国沿海州
coastal surveillance center 海岸监视中心
coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船
coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船沿海测量船
coastal tanker 沿海油船
coastal tanker 沿海油轮
coastal telegram station 无线电岸台
coastal towage 沿海拖航
coastal trade 沿海贸易
coastal traffic 沿海运输
coastal transport ship 沿海运输船
coastal transport 近岸运输
coastal transport 近海运输船
coastal transport 沿海运输
coastal transportation 沿海运输
coastal trip 沿海航次
coastal trip 沿海航行
coastal tug 沿海拖船
coastal vessel 沿海船舶
coastal waiter 海关稽查员
coastal warning 沿海警告
coastal water 沿海水域
coastal waters 沿岸水域
coastal waters 沿海水域
coastal wave 近岸波
coastal yacht 沿海游艇
coastal zone color scanner 海岸带彩色扫描
coastal zone research vessel 沿海海域科学考察船沿海域科学考察船
coastal zone 近海航行区
coastal 海岸的
coastal 沿海的
coastchart 沿岸海图
coaster rescue boat 沿海救助艇
coaster 沿海船
coaster 沿海商船
coastguard inspection vessel 海岸缉私船
coastguard station 边防站
coastguard 水上警察
coasting area 沿海区
coasting barge 海驳
coasting barge 海驳沿海驳
coasting barge 沿海驳
coasting craft 沿海船
coasting lead 沿海用测深锤
coasting lights 沿海灯标
coasting line 沿岸航线
coasting manifest 沿海清单
coasting manifest 沿海清单;沿海舱单
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南;沿海引航
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南沿海引航员
coasting pilot 沿海引航员
coasting port 沿海港口
coasting service 沿海航行
coasting service 沿海航运
coasting ship 近海航行船
coasting trade 沿海;沿海贸易
coasting trade 沿海贸易
coasting trade 沿海运输
coasting vessel 沿海船
coasting voyage 沿海航行
coasting 沿岸航行
coasting 沿海航行
coasting-vessel 沿海航船
coastingtest 惯性滑行停车试验
coastinterception 海岸拦截
coastline features 海岸地形
coastline topographis survey 岸线地形测量
coastline 海岸线
coastliner 沿海航线班船
coastlining 海岸线测绘
coastward 朝着海岸
coastways 沿海岸
coastwise freighter 沿海船
coastwise master 沿海船船长
coastwise navigation 沿岸航行
coastwise navigation 沿海航行
coastwise sea lane 近海航线
coastwise trade 沿海运输
coastwise 近海的
coastwise 沿海岸
coastwise 沿海岸的
coat guard station 海岸警备队
coat of paint 度油漆
coat of painting 油漆层
coat the bottom 漆船底
coat 层
coat 上衣
coated deck 覆盖甲板
coated deck 涂敷甲板
coated electrode 包剂焊条
coated electrode 药皮焊条
coated fabric 涂层织物
coated lens 滤光镜;有涂层的透镜
coated rod 涂剂焊条
coated rod 药皮焊条
coated 涂层的覆盖的
coating brush 漆刷
coating damage 涂层损坏
coating defect 涂料缺陷
coating material 涂料
coating of ballast space 压载处所涂料
coating protection 涂层保
coating raw material 涂料原料
coating roughness 涂层粗糙度
coating spray metal 喷涂金属
coating system for propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴涂装系统
coating 覆盖;一度漆;涂料;涂漆;涂层
coating 焊药
coating 涂层镀层敷料
coating 涂层镀层焊药覆盖
coaxcial wire armored cable 同轴铠装电缆
coaxial adapter 同轴转接器
coaxial cable carrier telephone system 同轴电缆载波电话
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
coaxial cavity 同轴空腔
coaxial contra-rotating propellers 同轴反转螺旋桨
coaxial contra-rotating reduction gear 同轴对转减速齿轮
coaxial data circuit 同轴数据电路
coaxial drive 同轴传动同轴传动装置
coaxial flexiible cable 同轴软电缆
coaxial jack 同轴插孔
coaxial line 同轴线
coaxial mounting 同轴安装
coaxial oscillator 同轴振荡器
coaxial plug 同轴插头
coaxial radio-frequency cable 同轴射频电缆
coaxial relay 同轴继电器
coaxial shaft 同轴
coaxial transistor 同轴型晶体管
coaxial transmission line 同轴传输线
coaxial transmission 同轴传输
coaxial type 同轴型
coaxial 共轴的
coaxial 同轴的
coaxswitch 同轴开关
coaxwitch 同轴开关
cobalt plating 镀钴
cobalt steel 钴钢
cobalt 钴
cobalt blue 钴蓝
cobalt green 钴绿
cobalt manganese drier 钴锰催干剂
cobalt 钴
cobaltic drier 钴催干剂
cobble stone 大卵石
cobble 大卵石
cobbles 大鹅卵石
cobbles 大鹅卵石大卵石底
cobelligerent 共同交战国
coble oar 扁阔型短桨
cobol 面向商业的通用语言
coboose 舱面小厨房
coboose 舱面小厨房;甲板室;轻便式生铁炉
coboose 甲板上的厨房轻便式生铁炉灶甲板室
cobstone 大卵石
coca 可加叶
cocacola 可口可乐
cochineal 红虫
cochleoid 蜗牛线
cochran boiler 小型立式横火管锅炉
cock a bill 吊锚
cock boat 小舢板
cock hat 船位误差三角形
cock key 旋塞扳手
cock pit 尾座
cock spanner 旋塞扳手
cock tap 旋塞
cock valve 旋塞
cock wheel 惰轮
cock 公 鸡;风信鸡;扳机;活栓
cock 龙头
cock 旋塞
cock-a-bill 吊锚
cockbill 吊锚
cocked hat 船位误差三角形
cocket 小艇的一种;海关印;已纳关税的单据
cocket 小舢板
cockeyed bob 澳大利亚西北海岸夏季一种雷飑
cocking bridge 船尾桥
cocking-down 下垂
cocking-up 上翘
cockle boat 小舢板
cockle shell 轻舟
cockle stair 盘旋楼梯
cockle 轻舟
cockling seas 短促浪
cockpit 艇尾座
cockpit 小船端部井型座舱
cockroach 蟑螂
cockscombing 缠扎在铁栏杆或铁环上的)护套
cockscombing 护套
cockswain 救生艇或赛艇)艇长或舵手救生艇或赛艇)头目
cockswain 艇长或舵手
cocktail 混合
coco 椰子树
cocoa beans 可可豆
cocoa butter 可可脂
cocoa cake 可可饼
cocoa 可可
cocontractor 共同签约人;共同承揽人
coconut cake 椰子饼
coconut fiber rug 椰子毯
coconut fibre 椰棕
coconut matting 椰棕地毡
coconut oil products 椰子油制品
coconut oil 椰子油
coconut palm 椰子树
coconut shell 椰壳
coconut 椰子
cocurrent flow 合流
cocurrent line 等潮时线
cod line 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳
cod line 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳艇罩或天遮的滚边绳
cod roe 鳕鱼子
cod 轴向轴承
cod 鳕鱼;台风路线转折点
codan 干扰抑制器
code 明码电报
code address 编码地址
code address 电报挂号
code alphabet 码符号集
code and answering pendent 回答旗
code and answering pendent 信号与回答旗
code beacon 发电码闪光信号的航标
code beacon 闪光灯标
code bit 代码单位
code block 码组
code book 电码本
code book 电码本;信号本
code book 零件编号册电码本
code book 密码簿
code calling system 编码呼叫系统
code character 码组特性
code conversion 代码转换
code conversion 代码变换
code converter 代码转换器
code delay 电码延迟
code device 编码装置
code disc rotational speed sender 码盘式转速发送器
code distance 码距
code distinguishability 信号
code distinguishability 信号识别能力
code division multiple access 码分多址
code division multple access 码分多址
code efficiency 编码效率
code flag 国际信号旗
code flag 信号旗
code for mobile offshore drilling units 移动式近海钻井船构造和设备规则
code for construction and equipment of ships 船舶结构和设备规则
code for safe management and operation of ships 船舶安全管理和操作规则
code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units 移动式近海钻井装置建造和设备规范
code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk 散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则
code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk 散装运输液化气船舶构造和设备规则
code form 电码型式
code form 密语
code groups 码组
code invariance 码恒定性
code language telegram 密码电报
code language 密码术语
code length 码长
code letter 代码字母
code letter 电码文字
code machine 编码机
code maritime international 国际航海电码
code message 编码通信
code message 密码电报
code name for chamber of shipping charterparty 19111911 年航运公会租船合同代号
code name 代号
code name 租约代号
code number designating the type of packaging 包装的型式代码
code number 电码号
code number 序号
code of civil procedure 民事诉讼法典
code of conduct for liner conference 《班轮公会行动守则》
code of conduct 行为规则
code of dangerous goods 危险货物品名编号
code of federal regulations us 《美国联邦法规全书》
code of practice 操作规则
code of practice 业务守则
code of safe practice 安全操作规则
code of safety for nuclear merchant ships 核能船舶安全规则
code of safety 安全规则
code of signals 信号码语
code on noise levels on board ships 船舶噪声级规则
code pendant 回答旗
code plate rotational speed sender 码盘式转速发送器
code preserving permutation 保码排列
code pulse 脉码
code rate 编码率
code rate 码率
code redundancy 码剩余度
code register 代码寄存器
code rewriting 代码再生
code rules 编码规则
code sequence 码序列
code swich 码条式接线器
code switch automatic telephone system 码条式自动电话交换机
code symmetry 码对称
code system of intermediate bulk containers 中型散装容器的代码系统
code telegram 密码电报
code test 标准试验
code translator 译码器
code tree 码树
code vector 码矢
code weight 码重
code word locator polynomial 码字定位多项式
code word synchronization 码字同步
code word 代码字
code word 代码字;电码字
code 编码
code 法典
code 法典密码
code 码
code-point 码点
codebtor 共同债务人
codeclina tion 天体极距
codeclination 极距
codeclination 极距极距余赤纬
codeclination 余赤纬
coded address 编码地址
coded biphase 双相编码
coded continous wave 编码连续波
coded decimal calculating machine 编码十进制计算机
coded identification 编码表示法
coded impulse 编码脉冲
coded light identification 编码灯识别
coded number 编码号
coded number 编码数
coded tape valve 数码带射流阀
coded weather reports 气象电码报告
coded 编码的
coded 译成电码的
codefendant 共同被告
coder delay 信号延迟
coder 记发器;编码器;编码员
coder 译码器
coder 译码员
coder 译码员编码器记发器
codfish 鳕鱼
codification 法律编篡
codigo bustamante 巴斯塔曼特法典
codilla 可的拉
coding delay 编码延迟;信号延迟
coding delay 电码延迟
coding device 编码装置
coding device 编码装置;信号装置
coding device 编码装置信号装置
coding device 电码设备
coding equipment 编码设备
coding line 编码线
coding office 密码室
coding office 密码室;译电室
coding officer 密码室
coding relay 编码继电器
coding room 密码室
coding room 译电室
coding room 译码室
coding scheme 编码系统
coding sheet 程序纸
coding specification 编码分类
coding 编码
codirectional 同一方向
codrawer 共同发票人
codress 编码地址
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