卫生器具 plumbing fixture铅锤线 plumb line
气力起动阀 pneumatic starting valve
问题导向语言 pol (= problem oriented language)
多相 polyphase
多变效率(气涡轮机) polytropic efficiency
箱筏 pontoon raft
焊接后热处理 post weld heat treatment (pwht)
位差 potential difference
位降 potential drop
焊剂填入电焊 powder plug arc welding (p.p.a.)
先期点火 preignition (or premature ignition)
袋压法(frp) pressure bag method
复压涡轮机 pressure compounded turbine
压力开关 pressure switch
压水式反应器 pressurized water reactor (pwr)
防动索,固定索 preventer
主要项目,主要特性 principal particulars
虚功原理 principle of vitual work
程控 program control
投影,凸起 projection
限载重,限负荷 proof load
安全限应力 proof stress
螺桨轴转速计 propeller shaft revolution indicator
比例限界 proportional limit
粮食库 provision room
保健局卫生规则 public health service"s sanitary requirement
乳头通风系统 punkah-louver system
推[型拖]船 push boat (or pusher)
截锥头铆钉 pan head rivet
粮食库 provision room
定期船,邮船 packet boat
起迫紧钩 packing hook
加强焊料 padding (or reinforce)
分批编号 pallet number
拍击 panting
要目表 particular sheet
总钥 pass key
节圆直径 pcd (= pitch circle diameter)
最高载重,尖峰负荷 peak load
波来铁,波来体 pearlite
剥离强度 peel strength
摆式冲击试验机 pendulum impact testing machine
多孔板 perforated plate
性能曲线 performance curve
性能试验 performance test
永久变形 permanent set
相位指示器 phase indicator
相移 phase shift
酚树脂涂料 phenolic resin paint
酚树脂 phenolics
物理试验 physical test
码头 pier
柱形浮筒,柱形浮标 pillar buoy
引水船桥 pilot bridge
引水旗 pilot flag
弯管器 pipe bender
装管工 pipe fitter
管格架 pipe grid
管路通道 pipe passage
管架 pipe rack
管绞刀 pipe reamer
管螺纹 pipe thread
管路布置图 piping arrangement
活塞冷却油泵 piston cooling oil pump
活塞头,活塞冠 piston head (or crown)
臂轴起重机 pivot gib crane
艉浮扬[前抱台]压力(下水) pivotting pressure
抽排水布置图 pumping and drainage plan
面积仪 planimeter
塑料发泡材,泡沫塑料 plastics foam
塞孔 plug hole
塞孔焊接 plug welding
柱塞 plunger
小燃料舱 pocket bunker
游隙规 poker gauge
极坐标 polar coordinate
极惯性矩 polar moment of inertia
聚酯树脂 polyester resin
起重船 pontoon crane
艉艛栏杆 poop rail
可携压载 portable ballast
后热(焊接) post heating
门形柱梁 post portal
百万分之一 [容积比] ppm (= parts per million)
预造 pre-erection
压力 pressure
压力计程仪 pressure log
帆锥,索针,火叉 pricker
初次燃烧区 primary zone
问题导向语言 problem oriented language (pol)
投影面积比 projected area ratio
螺桨[模]单独试验 propeller experiment in open water
螺桨定律 propeller law
螺桨支架 propeller strut
比例控制 proportional control
防护衣具 protective ware
牵引速率 pulling speed
冲剪机 punching and shearing machine
抽油灰枪 putty gun (or red lead injector)
并流热交换器 parallel flow heat exchanger (or regenerator)
并流涡轮机 parallel flow turbine
并联运转(电),并列运转 parallel running
本体金属,母材(电焊) parent metal
客货轮 passenger cargo ship
旅客渡船 passenger ferry
定期客轮,邮轮 passenger liner
客船安全证书 passenger ship safety certificate
送[铆钉]火钳 passing tongs
贴补,补缀,补绽 patch
托架,轴架 pedestal
剪断破面率 percent shear
完全驱气 perfect scavening
汽油机 petrol engine
石油柜 petroleum tank
相位仪 phase meter
领港升降机 pilot hoist
销管式热交换器 pin tube type heat exchanger
管螺纹机 pipe screw cutting machine (or pipe threading machine)
管扳钳 pipe wrench (or spanner)
纵摇周期 pitching period
平钩 plain hook
管路图 piping plan
泵送图 pumping plan
板缘加工(电焊) plate edge preparation
塞,插头,舷窗外盖 plug
聚苯乙烯发泡材 polystyrene (ps) foam
聚乙烯 polyvinyl
舷窗 port hole
比压器,计器用变压器 potential transformer
呼吸阀 pressure vacuum relief valve (or breather)
主防壁(lng船) primary barrier
[纵向]棱块系数,棱形系数 prismatic coefficient
处理机,处理程序 processor
反射式磁罗经 projector compass
临时设计 provisional design
冲压模板 punchig template
跳动阀 puppet (or poppet) valve
压力容积线图 pv (= pressure volume) diagram
永久煤舱 permanent coal bunker
汽油 petrol
相位超前 phase lead
生铁 pig iron
轴道轴承 pillow block (or tunnel shaft bearing)
前导点火 pilot ignition
舵针承 pintle bearing
销形阀 pintle valve
布管船 pipelayer
螺距规 pitch gauge
灰泥,石膏 plaster
普林索式载重标志 plimsoll"s mark
配管工作 plumber work
艏潜 plunge
气力铆机 pneumatic riveter
竿钓渔船 pole and line fishing boat
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (pvc)
箱形舱盖 pontoon hatch cover
瓷管 porcelain tube
多孔性,气孔 porosity
活动装具 portable fittings
排水口盖 port flap (or lid)
流动点 pour point
预组 preassembling
预热器 preheater
压力角 pressure angle
原动机 prime mover
形状曳力 profile drag
定程序负荷 programme load
投影面积 project area
保证试验,安全限试验 proof test
推进器,螺桨 propeller
螺桨泵 propeller pump
比例尺 proportioner
推进效率 propulsive coefficient (or efficiency)
议定书 protocol
粮食吊车 provision crane
脉冲电弧焊 pulse arc welding
泵 pump
移动式泵 portable pump
泵送图 pumping plan
复滑车 purchase block
按钮开关 push-button switch
油灰泵 putty pump
管绞刀 pipe reamer
转向轴心(船运动) pivoting point
支柱布置图 pillar plan
平面位置指示器 plane position indicator (ppi)
平行炉膛 plan furnace
龙门刨床 planing machine
木板,板 plank
塑性 plasticity
板制桅柱 plated mast
游艇 pleasure yacht
艏突部 plowing
犁钢 plow steel
塞规 plug gauge
卫生排水 plumbing drain
气压测深仪 pneumacator (or teledepth)
接地极性 polarity of ground
瓷便器 porcelain bowl
瓷绝缘体,瓷碍子 porcelain insulator
船籍港 port of registry
预燃室 precombustion chamber
压力空气泵 pressure air pump
压力降 pressure drop
压焓图 pressure-enthalpy diagram
压力比 pressure ratio
压容图 pressure-volume (p-v) diagram
预力 prestressing
级进分段焊接顺序 progressive block welding sequence
投光灯,投影机 projector
螺[桨]叶,?叶 propeller blade
螺[桨节]距 propeller pitch
比例分规 proportional dividers (or compasses)
推进效率 propulsive efficiency (or coefficient)
凸角 protrude angle
校准杆 proving (or calibrating) lever
脉动复现率 prr (= pulse recurrence rate)
脉冲反复频率 pulse repetition frequency
净油柜 purified oil tank
推拉索 push/pull cable
泄气压力(安全阀) popping pressure
压力容器 pressure container
压力壳(潜艇) pressure hull
压力泵 pressure pump
压力焊接,锻接 pressure welding
主空气,初级空气 primary air
主应力 principal stress
重迭原理 principle of superposition
程序 procedure
过程控制 process control
程序包 program package
螺桨正面 propeller face
螺桨填料 propeller filler
螺桨马力 propeller (or screw) horsepower
螺桨船体涡空泡 propeller-hull vortex cavitation (phv)
螺桨柱 propeller post
进 propulsion
公用室 public room
搅炼铁 puddled iron
粉煤 pulverised coal
磨粉机 pulveriser
驱气,冲洗,排气 purging
高温计 pyrometer
释放点 point of release
压力损失系数 pressure loss coefficient
压力试验 pressure test
压[力]时[间]图,压力历程图 pressure-time (p-t) diagram
抓斗挖泥船 priestman (or grab) dredger
初级齿轮 primary pinion
主电源 primary source
投影图 projected plan
散步甲板 promenade deck
艉轴 propeller (or screw, or stern, or tail) shaft
人员转移舱 ptc (= personnel trans- portation capsule)
搅炼法 puddling process
泵胴 pump barrel
泵体 pump chamber
泵引擎 pump (or pumping) engine
冲孔台 punch table
压水式反应器 pwr (= pressurized water reactor)
推杆(柴油机) push rod
螺桨面积比 propeller area ratio
安装螺桨压挤力 propeller fitting force ( or push up load)
推进设备 propulsion equipment
量角器 protractor
穿透试验 pt (= penetrant testing)
动力泵 power pump
按钮 push button
油灰,补土 putty
活塞胀圈 piston ring
气力铆机 pneumatic riveter
活塞杆 piston rod
小齿轮轴 pinion shaft
拖板货船 pallet ship
推出式建造法 pushing building system
推杆,挺杆 push rod
推动阀 push valve
焊接后热处理 pwht (= post weld heat treatment)
厨房用架 plate rack
箱筏 pontoon raft
截锥头粗颈铆钉 pan head and swell neck rivet
截锥头直颈铆钉 pan head with parallel neck rivet
平锯 plate saw
垫环 packing ring
多孔环 perforated ring
客船 passenger ship
客轮 passenger steamer
艉轴 propeller (or screw, or stern, or tail) shaft
管工场 plummer (or plumber) shop
正稳度 positive stability
轻便肋骨压曲器 portable frame squeezer
明轮船 paddle steamer
柱塞弹簧 plunger spring
油漆库 paint store
抗拍纵肋 panting stringer
动力冲程 power stroke
喷漆器 paint sprayer
螺桨转速 propeller speed
安全限应力 proof stress
定期检验 periodical survey
石油柜 petroleum tank
悬摆冲击试验机 pendulum impact testing machine
递增速率试验 progressive speed trial
拍底应力 pounding stress
酸洗槽 pickling tank
活塞弹簧 piston spring
粮食库,给养库 provision store
冲孔台 punch table
冲穿试验 punching test
按钮开关 push-button switch
保证试验 proof test
节距速率(螺桨) pitch speed
掌形螺撑 palm stay
管螺纹 pipe thread
主应力 primary stress
变极开关 pole changing switch
冲击试验 percussion (or impact) test
压力试验 pressure test
尖舱 peak tank
螺桨推力 propeller thrust
石油气 petroleum vapour
客船 passenger vessel
压速复式涡轮机 pressure velocity compound turbine
活塞阀 piston valve
压力容器 pressure vessel
管钳 pipe tongs
机动船 power driven vessel
流线迹流 potential wake
波兰国家标准 pn (= porska norma, poland)
起动注给阀 priming valve
有孔垫圈 perforated washer
塞孔焊接 plug welding
巴拿马运河吨位 panama canal tonnage
比压器 potential transformer
并流涡轮机 parallel flow turbine
针阀 pin valve
提动阀 poppet (or puppet) valve
引水船 pilot vessel
美国瓷釉学会 pei (= porcelain enamel institute, u.s.a.)
推动阀(柴油机) push valve
向导阀 pilot valve
巴基斯坦国家标准 ps (= pakistan standards, pakistan)
波兰验船协会 pr (= polski rejestr statkow)
明轮 paddle wheel
巴基斯坦铁道规范 prss (= pakistand railway standard specification, pakistan)
砝码 poise weight
管扳钳 pipe wrench
美国管类制造学会 pfi (= pipe fabrication institute, u.s.a.)
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