name 名称name or designation 姓名或名称
name or designation of applicant 申请者姓名或名称
national traffic safety and environment laboratory 日本国家交通安全与环境实验室
ndir 不分光红外线分析仪
needle bearing 滚针轴承
needle pin 针销
no load test with 11.5 volts 11.5v 空载试验
no. of sheets issued 发放份数
no.1 compression 1号气环
noise 噪声
noise control device 噪声控制装置
noise level 噪声级
noise level meter 声级计
noise level test 噪声级试验
nomenclature 名称
nominal mass 名义质量
nondispersive infrared analyzer 不分光红外线分析仪
normal operating pressure 正常工作压力
normal working 正常工作状态
notation 注释
notice 通知书
notice of completion of notification 完成认可通知书
"notice of completion of notification of preferentially handled imported motor vehicles" 优惠管理进口机动车完成认可通知书
notification 认可
notified motor vehicle 获得认可的机动车
ntsel 运输大臣
number of cylinders 缸数
number plate lamp 牌照灯
nut 螺母
nut, connecting rod 连杆螺母
nut, front output shaft 前输出轴螺母
nut, jack sealed 插座螺母
observing angle 观测角
observing axis 观测轴
observing plane 观测平面
odograph 记录仪
offset 偏置量
offset collision 侧面碰撞
oil control 油环(槽)
oil control rail 刮油环
oil fill plug 注油螺塞
oil filter 机油滤清器
oil filter assy. 机油滤清器总成
oil gallery 油道
oil pan 油底壳
oil path, bypass valve 旁通阀油道
oil pressure gauge 油压表
oil pressure gauge calibration 电压表电阻
oil pressure relief 溢流压力
oil pressure sensor 机油压力传感器
oil pressure switch 油压开关
oil pump 机油泵
oil pump & inlet assy. 机油泵与进油管总成
oil pump assy. 油泵总成
oil seal 油封
oil soaked closing magnetic path model 油浸闭磁路式
ok range 合适范围
on-board diagnostic 车载诊断
onboard diagnostic device 车载诊断设备
opacimeter 不透光式烟度计
open flame sunshine carbon-arc type 明焰日光碳弧灯型
opening roof 天窗
operation conditions 运行状态
operational limits 运行参数
ordinary-sized 普通型
o-ring, seal o型油封
outer diameter 外径
outer tube 外胎
outlet 出油口
outlet of combined pump 复合泵出油口
outlet opening 出油口
outlet tube 出油管
outlet valve 出油阀
outline marker lamps 示廓灯
output shaft 输出轴
overhead hoist 吊运装置
overall dimensions 外形尺寸
overall view 透视图
overhead valve 顶置气门
overrunning clutch 单向啮合器
p/s pump mtg bracket 动力转向泵安装支架
pad 衬块
panel damper 仪表板风门
paper tape recorder 纸带记录仪
paragraph 项
park brake level 停车制动拉臂
park brake switch 手制动开关
park lamp, left front 左前小灯
park lamp, right front 右前小灯
parking brake 驻车制动器
parking brake cable 驻车制动拉线
parking brake lever 驻车制动操纵杆
parking brake system 驻车刹车系统
parking lamp 驻车灯
parking switch 手制动开关
partial flow dilution 分流稀释
particulate matter 颗粒物
parts of heating & air conditioning system 暖风系统部件
passenger accommodation 乘坐装置
passenger airbag deactivation system 乘客气囊禁用系统
passenger capacity 乘车定员
passenger capacity and maximum loading capacity 乘员定员及最大载重量
passenger compartment 乘客舱
passenger motor vehicle 乘用车辆
passing beam 近光光束
pattern 样式
pc overlay, gauges 仪表印刷电路板
pc overlay, tell-tales 指示灯印刷电路板
pcv pcv 阀
pcv and ltc system 发动机强制通风与低温怠速控制系统
pcv exhaust tube pcv 阀排气管
pcv filter pcv (阀)滤清器
pcv valve & elbow pcv 阀与弯头
pelvic angle 骨盆角度
pelvis performance criterion 骨盆性能指标
penetration resistance test 抗穿透性试验
performs stamping/embossment 打刚印/铸凸字
permanent magnet 永久磁铁
personnel 职工
phase delay time 相位延迟时间
phase delay time of a data channel 数据通道的相位延迟时间
photometric characteristics 光学特性
pickup coil 点火信息传感器
pickup position 感受位置
pin 定位销
pin package, sector 扇形板定位销组件
ping 爆声
pinion 驱动齿轮,主动齿轮
pinion seal 主动齿轮油封
pinion yoke 主动齿轮叉
pintle hooks 铰链销吊钩
pintle valve 针阀
pintle valve seat 针阀座
pipe-front exhaust 前排气管
piping system 管系
piston (second) 活塞(第二活塞)
piston assy. 压差阀柱塞总成
piston displacement 活塞总排量
piston oil slot 活塞油槽
piston pin 活塞销
piston ring 活塞环
piston ring gap clearance-compression 气环开口间隙
piston ring gap clearance-oil control 油环开口间隙
piston ring groove height 活塞环槽高度
piston ring side clearance 活塞环侧隙
piston rod 挺杆
piston slide 压差阀活塞滑套
piston spring 柱塞弹簧
piston stroke 活塞行程
piston to bore clearance 活塞与缸套间隙
pitman arm 转向摇臂
pitman shaft 摇臂轴
pivot assembly 枢轴
planet carrier 行星架
planet pinion 行星齿轮
planet pinion shaft 行星(齿轮销)轴
planetary gear system 行星齿轮装置
planetary gear assy. 行星减速器总成
plate 盘
plate, park brake guide 停车制动导向板
plug (活塞端)堵
plunger 液力挺柱柱塞
plunger cap 挺杆座
plunger return spring 柱塞弹簧
plural tanks 多燃料箱
pm 颗粒物
pneumatic tires 气压轮胎
pole trailer 长材拖车
police vehicle 警车
position lamp 位置灯
position pin 定位销
positive displacement pump 正置换型泵
power booster 助力器
power brake 助力制动,动力刹车器
power distribution center 动力分配中心
power steer 动力转向机
power steering 动力转向器
power steering control valve 动力转向控制阀
power steering fluid 动力转向液
power steering gear 动力转向器(总成)
power steering principle view 动力转向原理示意图
power steering pump with intergral reservoir 动力转向泵
power steering pump without intergral reservoir 分体式动力转向泵
power steering system 动力转向系
power train 动力传动系
power transformer substation 配电站
power transmitting 力传递方向
powertrain system 传动系统
preceding quarter 上季度
preferential handling 优惠管理
preferentially handled imported motor vehicle 符合优惠管理的进口机动车
preliminary inspection 预备检验
preliminary review 预审
pre-delivery 发车前准备
pre-silencer 前消声器
pressure cap 压力水箱盖
pressure container 耐压容器
pressure containers 压力容器
pressure difference valve piston 压差阀活塞
pressure hose assy. 动力转向压力管总成
pressure plate 压力板
pressure plate spring 弹簧
pressure rating 标点压力
pressure restrict valve 限压阀
pressure valve 压力阀
primary wire connector 低压线连接器
principal item 主要项目
procedure 规程
projector 聚光灯
propeller ahaft & wheel assembly 传动轴与车轮总成
propeller shaft 传动轴
propeller shaft type 传动轴型
proportioning device 比例装置
proposal of the plant i layout 1号厂房工艺布置方案图
protect panel 护板
protective system 防护系统
proving ground 试验场地
provision 规定
pubic symphysis peak force 耻骨结合点力峰值
public institute 公立研究所
pull in winding 吸拉线圈
pull rod 推杆
pulley 皮带轮
pulley, p/s pump 动力转向泵皮带轮
pulley, power steering pump 动力转向泵皮带轮
pump assy. , power steering 动力转向泵
pump housing (油泵)壳体
pump ring 定子
pump roter 转子
pump shaft 转向泵轴,油泵轴
pump shaft bearing 轴承
pump shaft seal 油泵轴油封
push bar 推杆
push rod 挺杆
pushin bumper 牌照板缓冲快
qualification status 资格状况
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