conning arrangement 指挥驾驶装置conning equipment 船舶控制设备
conning platform 驾驶指挥平台
conning position 指挥位置
conning tower 指挥塔;潜望塔
conning 指挥操舵
conoid 圆锥体圆锥形的
conoid 圆锥形;圆锥体
conractual document 合同文件
conractual 契约的
conradson carbon residue 康拉特逊残碳值
conradson carbon value 康拉特逊残碳值
conradson figure 康拉特逊值
conradson index 康拉特逊指数
conradson testing apparatus 康拉特逊测试仪
conradson 康拉特逊
conscecutive voyage charter 连续租船
consciousness 知觉
consecutive days = running days 连续日(包括星期天
consecutive days 连续日
consecutive days 连续日(包括星期天
consecutive hours 连续时
consecutive number 编号
consecutive return trip cp 连续往返航次租船合同
consecutive single trip cp 连续单航次租船合同
consecutive voyage charter 连续航次租船
consecutive voyage 连续航程
consecutive voyages 连续航次
consecutive voyages 连续航次租船
consecutive 连续的
conseil intergouvernmental des pays exportateurs de cuivre 铜出口国家政府间理事会
conseil international des machines a combustion 国际内燃机会议
conseil international pour l"exploration de la mer 国际海洋考察理事会
consensual 两愿的;经双方同意的
consensus 协议;共同意见;意见的一致
consent 插座
consent 答应
consent 同意
conseqential damages 间接损失
consequence 后果
consequent pole 换向极
consequent-pole 换向极
consequential loss 从属损失;间接损失
consequential 结果的;相应而生的;接着发生的;间接的
conservancy 管理委员会
conservation of energy theorem 能量守恒定律
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of matter 物质不灭
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
conservation 保持;守恒;不灭
conservation 守恒
conservative property 保守性
conservator considerable 值得考虑的很多的
conservator 油枕
conserving agent 防腐剂
considerable 相当的;重要的;值得考虑的
consideration 保费条款对价
consideration 保费条款对价体谅相对义务
consideration 考虑
consideration 考虑理由
consideration 体谅;考虑;契约上的相对义务;约因
consign 派遣;委任;委托;转交;托运
consignation 交付;委托
consignatory 共同署名者
consignee 收货人
consignee 收货人;受托人;收存人;承销人
consignee"s covers 提单信
consignee"s lettor of guarantee 收货人保证书
consignee"s sletter of guarantee 收货人保证书
consignent note 发货通知书
consigner 发货人
consignment clause 指定代理人条款
consignment invoice 送货发票
consignment note 发货通知书
consignment number 货物托运号
consignment warehouse 寄存仓库
consignment 交付
consignment 交付委托
consignment 交付委托托运
consignment 交运
consignment 托运
consignment-sheet 收货凭单
consignor 发货人
consistency index 稠度指数
consistency 浓度
consistent fat 稠脂
consistent fat 浓稠油脂
consistent grease 润滑脂
consistent grease 油脂
consistent 一致的
consistometer 稠度计
consitutional formula 结构式
consitutional 组成的结构的
consol chart 康索尔海图
consol beacon 康索尔航标
consol beacon 康索航标
consol lattice 康索尔网络
consol sector radio marker 康索尔扇形无线电指向标
consol sonne 康索兰
consol sonne 康索兰康索兰
consol 康索尔
consol 康索航标
consol 康索无线电导航
consolan 康索兰
consolan 康索兰康索兰
consolato delmare 康索拉特法
console cabinet 控制室
console control circuit 控制台控制电路
console control desk 控制台
console diisplay adapter 控制台显款器适配器
console display 控制台显示
console search mode 控制台搜索方式
console typewriter 控台式打字机
console 控制台
console 托架;控制台;仪表板落地式支架
consolette 小型控制台
consolidate 巩固
consolidated cargo 混载货
consolidated freight classification 统一运费分类
consolidated ice 密集厚冰
consolidated nuclear steam generator 小型核蒸汽发生器
consolidated pack ice 堆积厚冰
consolidated rate 统一发货手续费
consolidated rate 整理发货手续费
consolidated ridge 冻结冰脊
consolidated ridge 联冰脊
consolidated service groupage 混载运输
consolidation of arbitration 合并仲裁
consolidation 巩固
consolidation 集运
consolidation 组装和拆装
consonance 谐振
consort 护航船
consort 同航线的船
conspectus 梗概
conspicuous landmark 显著陆标
conspicuous objects 显著物标
conspicuous 显著的
conspiracy 阴谋;共谋;同谋
conspire 共谋
constac 自动电压稳定器
constac 自动稳压器
constancy 恒定性
constant acceleration 等加速度
constant amplitude carrier 等幅载波
constant amplitude 恒幅
constant area flowmeter 定通径流量表
constant bar 永久磁棒
constant bearing 不变方位
constant bearing 方位不变
constant boiling mixture 恒沸点混合物
constant coefficient 常系数
constant component 恒定分量
constant course line 等角航线
constant course line 恒向航线
constant course line 恒向线
constant current characteristic 恒流特性曲线
constant current charge 恒流充电
constant current control 恒流控制
constant current generator 恒电流发电机
constant current generator 恒流发电机
constant current loop 恒流回路
constant current modulation 定流调制
constant current modulation 恒流调制
constant current motor 恒流电动机
constant current regulation 恒流调节
constant current source 恒流源
constant current system 恒流系统
constant current system 恒流制
constant current transformer 恒流变压器
constant current welding machine 恒流电焊机
constant current 恒定电流
constant current 恒流
constant deliver pump 定量泵
constant delivery 定量
constant deviation 恒定自差
constant deviation 恒定自整
constant difference presure-reducing valve 定差减压阀
constant displacement hydraulic motor 定量液压马达
constant displacement method 定位移法
constant displacement method 固定排水量法
constant displacement pump 定量泵
constant duty cycle 恒定工作周期
constant duty 恒定工况
constant energy welding machine 恒能电焊机
constant error 固定误差
constant error 恒定误差
constant excitation 固定激励
constant false alarm rate 恒虚警率
constant fault 固定性故障
constant flow pump 定量泵
constant flow regulation 恒流量调节
constant flow 恒流定量消耗
constant force method 等拖力法
constant frequency ac 恒频交流电
constant humidity 定湿
constant impedance regulator 固定阻抗调整器
constant inclination 定倾
constant lead 固定导程
constant level 常液面
constant light gap 固定光缝
constant load 不变载荷
constant load 固定负载
constant maintenance 经常养护
constant moment 固定力矩
constant navigation course 固定航线
constant net loss 恒定净损耗
constant of a measuring istrument 测量仪表的常数
constant of aberration 光行差常数
constant of proportionality 比例常数
constant of the cone 圆锥常数;圆锥投影海图收使用常数
constant of universal gravitation 万有引力常数
constant oil supply pressure system 恒压供油系统
constant output regulation 恒功率调节
constant phase angle 固定相位角
constant pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨
constant pitch 等螺距
constant potential charge 恒压充电
constant potential generator 恒压发电机
constant potential 固定电位
constant potential 固定电位固定电势
constant power generator 恒功率发电机
constant pressure arrangement 恒压装置
constant pressure change 等压变化
constant pressure charging system 定压增压系统
constant pressure chart 等压面图
constant pressure combustion 定压燃烧
constant pressure cycle 定压循环
constant pressure deflagration 定压爆燃
constant pressure drop 恒压降
constant pressure engine 定压燃烧发动机
constant pressure expansion valve 定压式膨胀阀
constant pressure gas burbine 定压式燃气轮机
constant pressure line 等压线
constant pressure parallel injector super-charged 定压并联喷管增压式
constant pressure pressure-reducing valve 定压减压阀
constant pressure process 等压过程
constant pressure pump governor 泵排出压力调节器
constant pressure reduction 定压减压
constant pressure regulation 定压调节
constant pressure supercharging 定压增压
constant pressure turbo-charging 定压式涡轮增压
constant pressure valve 恒压阀
constant pressure 恒压
constant rate creep 等速率蠕变
constant ratio code 恒比码
constant ratio pressure-reducing valve 定比减压阀
constant ratio transmission 定比传动
constant ratio 定比
constant reaction blade 等反动度叶片
constant speed engine 恒速发动机
constant speed governer 定速调速器
constant speed governor 恒速调节器
constant speed method 等航速法
constant speed motor 定速电动机
constant speed motor 恒速电动机
constant speed performance of internal combustion engine 内燃机负荷特性
constant speed performance of internal combustion engine 内燃机恒速特性
constant speed propeller 定速推进器
constant speed 常速
constant speed 等速
constant speed 恒速
constant strain method 恒变形法
constant stress layer 等应力层
constant stress method 恒应力法
constant stroke pump 定行程泵
constant temperature compression 等温压缩
constant temperature cycle 等温循环
constant temperature line 等温线
constant temperature process 等温过程
constant temperature workshop 恒温车间
constant temperature 恒温
constant tension spring 恒压弹簧
constant tension winch 定张力绞车
constant throttling orifice 恒节流孔
constant thrust method 等推力法
constant time lag 定时延迟
constant trim moment 恒纵倾力矩
constant value control 定值调节
constant velocity line 等速线
constant velocity method 等速度法
constant velocity 等速度
constant velocity 等速度恒速
constant vlotage welding machine 恒压电焊机
constant voltage charger 恒压充电器
constant voltage constant frequency 恒压恒频
constant voltage excited transformer 恒压励磁变压器
constant voltage generator 恒压发电机
constant voltage motor 恒压电动机
constant voltage reactor 恒压电抗器
constant voltage regulator 恒压调节器
constant voltage system 恒压制
constant voltage transformer 恒压变压器
constant voltage welding machine 恒压电焊机
constant voltage 恒定电压
constant voltage 恒压
constant volume change 等容变化
constant volume combustion 定容燃烧
constant volume cycle 等容循环
constant volume gas turbine 定容式燃气轮机
constant volume line 等体积线
constant volume process 等容过程
constant volume 等容循环
constant wave 行波
constant wetness probability 等淹湿概率
constant wind 恒定风
constant 不变的
constant 常量
constant 常数
constant 常数常量
constant-bearing course 定向航线
constant-current motor 恒流电动机
constant-pressure pump governor 恒压泵调节器
constant-section beam 等截面梁
constant-speed motor 恒速电动机
constant-stroke pump 定行程泵
constant-voltage motor 恒压电动机
constant-voltage transformer 恒压变压器
constantan 铜镍合金
constantinople convention 君士坦丁堡公约
constipation 便秘
constituent corporation 子公司
constituent day 分潮日
constituent hour 分潮时
constituent number 分潮号
constituent of tides 分潮
constituent 成分
constituent 调和分潮形成的
constituent 形成的;组成;成分
constitute 组成
constitution 构成
constitution 章程
constitution 组成
constrain 强制
constrain 强制约束
constrained beam 两端固定梁
constrained beam 两端约束梁
constrained oscillation 强迫摇荡
constrained oscillation 强迫振荡
constrained state 受约束状态
constrained 被强制的受约束的
constraining force 限定力
constraint 强迫;拘束;拘禁
constraint 强迫拘束
constraint 限制
constriction resistance 集中电阻
constriction 收缩
construct 构成
constructer 建造者
construction and repair 建造与修理
construction barge 建筑驳
construction center plane 结构中线面
construction design 施工设计
construction differential subsidies 建造亏损补贴
construction draft 建造吃水
construction facilities 造船设施
construction hall 建造车间
construction joint 结构焊缝
construction number 工程编号
construction of law 法律的解释
construction of liferaft 救生筏构造
construction of policy 保单的解释
construction of vessel 船舶构造
construction plan 构造图
construction plan 结构图
construction plan 施工图
construction policy 造船保险单
construction portfolio 建造文件
construction profile 船体纵剖面结构图
construction profile 船体纵剖面结构图结构纵剖面图
construction profile 结构纵剖面图
construction projects 工程项目
construction rules 建造规范
construction schedule 建造计划
construction section 安装段
construction sequence 装配顺序
construction standard 建造标准
construction starting date 建造开工日
construction surveyor 船体验船师
construction surveyor 监造师
construction unit 结构单元
construction waterline 设计水线
construction 工程
construction 构造
construction 建造
construction 结构
construction 结构;建造
constructional delails 结构零件
constructional detail 结构零件结构详图
constructional drawing 结构图
constructional element 结构元件
constructional feature 结构特点
constructional steel 结构钢
constructional 结构的
constructionmaterial 结构材料
constructions in relation to navigation 与通航有关的设施
constructive delivery 推定交货
constructive notice 解释性通知
constructive possession 推定占有
constructive total loss clause 推定全损条款
constructive total loss of collided vessel 碰撞船舶推定全损
constructive total loss only 仅承保推定全损
constructive total loss 推定全损
constructive total loss 推定全损推定全损
constructive 建设性的
constructive 推定的;解释的;建设性的
constructor 建造者
constructor 建造者;造船工程师
construe 解释;连用
consuetude 习惯
consul attache 领事随员
consul general 总领事
consul 领事
consul-general 总领事
consulage 领事费
consulage 领事签证费
consulage 领事签证手续费
consular agency 领事代理处
consular agent 代理领事
consular attestation 领事签证
consular authority 领事职权
consular authority 领事职权;领事职责
consular certificate 领事证书
consular declaration 领事签证的申报单
consular fees 领事签证费
consular invoice 领事签让的货单
consular invoice 领事签证
consular invoice 领事签证的发票
consular invoice 领事签证的货单
consular invoice 领事签证领事签证的发票领事签证的货单
consular invoice 领事签证领事签证的货单
consular shipping adviser 领事馆海运顾问
consular visa 领事签证
consular 领事的
consulate general 总领事馆
consulate 领事馆
consult 咨询;协商;商量
consultancy 咨询业务
consultant paper 咨询文件
consultant service 咨询服务
consultant 顾问
consultation mechanism 协商机制
consultation on the basis of equality 平等协商
consultation shipping group 航运协商组织
consultation 商议
consultation 咨询
consultative committee 咨询委员会
consultative shipping group 航运顾问组
consultative 咨询的;商议的;协议的
consulting engineer 顾问工程师
consulting naval architect 咨询造船师
consulting pilot 顾问引航员
consulting room 医务室
consulting surveyor 验船顾问
consulting 顾问的
consumable articles 消耗品
consumable electrode 熔化电焊条
consumable liquid 消耗液体
consumable nozzle electro-slag welding machine 熔嘴电渣焊机
consumable nozzle electroslag welding 熔嘴电渣焊
consumable store 消耗品库
consumable stores 消耗品
consumable stores 易耗物料
consumable 消耗材料
consumable 消耗品船用备品熔化的可消耗的
consumables store 消耗品物料库
consumables stores 消耗品
consumables 消费品;消耗材料;船用备品
consume 消耗
consumed power 消耗功率
consumed work 消耗功
consumed 消耗的
consumer goods 消耗品
consumer main cut-out 用户总熔断器
consumer main switch 用户总开关
consumer packaging 用户包装
consumer 用户
consumer"s goods 消费品
consumption at sea 航行中耗量
consumption characteristic 消耗特性
consumption entry 进口消费品申报单
consumption entry 消费税申报单
consumption in port 在港耗量
consumption indicator 耗量指示器
consumption of fuel 燃料消耗量
consumption of power 动力消耗
consumption of power 功率消耗
consumption trial 消耗试验
consumption 消费
consumption 消费量
consumption 消耗
contact alignment 接触点对准
contact anemometer 接触式风速表
contact angle 啮合角
contact arc 接触弧
contact arc 啮合弧
contact arc 啮合弧;幻光弧
contact area 接触面
contact area 接触面积
contact bank 触点组
contact bar 接触条
contact base 接触座
contact binary 密接双星
contact blade 触头片
contact block 接点块
contact bounce 触头跳动
contact breaker 断流器
contact breaker 接触断路器
contact breaker 接触断路器接触式断路开关
contact breaking device 接触断路装置
contact brush 接触刷
contact chatter 触点振动
contact chronometer 触点式天文钟
contact clause 船壳撞损条款
contact clearance 触点间隙
contact clip 接触排
contact close signal 触点闭合信号
contact closure input 触点闭合输入
contact closure output 触点闭合输出
contact conductor 接触导线电极引线
contact converter 接触式整流器
contact cooling 接触冷却
contact cooling 接触式冷却
contact coupling 接触耦合
contact current 触点电流
contact current-carrying rating 触点额定通电容量
contact damage 接触破损
contact detector 接触检波器
contact device 接触装置
contact electricity 接触电
contact electrode 接触电极
contact electromotive force 接触电动势
contact emf 接触电动势
contact fault 接触故障
contact force 触点压力
contact freezer 接触式冻结装置
contact freezing 接触式冻结
contact friction 接触摩擦
contact gap 触点间隙
contact hardening 接触硬化
contact inhibitor 隔离层
contact jaw 接触夹片
contact jaw 接触夹片接线端
contact lever 接触杆
contact loss 接触损失
contact lost 目标失踪
contact maker 断续器
contact maker 接合器
contact member 接触元件
contact mine 触发水雷
contact network 触点网络
contact ocrrosion 接触腐蚀
contact panel 触点盘
contact part 接触部
contact pick-off 接触传感器
contact pickup 接触传感器
contact piece 接触片
contact plate 接触片
contact point 接触点
contact potential difference 接触电位差
contact potential 接触电位
contact pressure 接触压力
contact protection 接触保
contact pyrometer 接触式高温计
contact ratio 啮合系数
contact rectifier 接触整流器
contact rectifier 金属整流器
contact resistance 接触电阻
contact ring brush 接触环电刷
contact ring 输电环
contact roller 焊接接触滚
contact roller 接触滚轮
contact screw 导电螺钉
contact segment 接触段
contact shoe 触靴
contact slipper 接触滑块
contact small plate 接触片
contact spring assembly 触点弹簧装置
contact spring 接触弹簧
contact start stop 接触起停
contact strips 滑板
contact surface 接触面
contact switch 接触开关
contact system 接触网
contact tehermometer 接触式温度计
contact temperature 触点温度
contact terminal 接触端子
contact time test 接触时间试验
contact to earth 接地
contact tongue 接触舌片
contact tube 导电铜管
contact voltage 接触电压
contact welder 接触焊机
contact welding 接触焊
contact wheel 焊接滚轮
contact wire 接触导线
contact 触点;接触;初亏
contact 触碰
contact 接点
contact-type wave probe 接触式浪高仪
contactless board 接触器板
contactless box 接触器箱
contactless coil 接触器线圈
contactless contactor 接触器开关
contactless control 接触器控制
contactless control 无触点控制
contactless controller 接触器控制器
contactless for auxiliary burner 辅助燃烧器触头
contactless for force draft 压力通风触头
contactless for hoisting 上升接触器
contactless for main burner 主燃烧器触头
contactless panel 接触器板
contactless releasing time 接触器释放时间
contactless ring 接触环
contactless starter 接触起动器
contactless switch 接触器
contactless torsionmeter 无触点式扭力计
contactless type automatic voltage regulator 无触点式自动电压调整器
contactless 无触点的
contactmolding 接触成型法
contactor for forced draft 压力通风触头
contactor for hoisting 上升接触器
contactor segment 接触片
contactor 接触器
contactor 接触器开关
contagious disease 传染病
contagious 传染性的
contaiminant 污染物质
contain 容纳
contained angle 转角
contained 容纳的
container 20 footer 20英尺的集装箱
container air duct system 集装箱空气导管系统
container bale capacity 集装箱包装容积
container bale capacity 集装箱内部容积
container barge 集装箱驳
container berth 集装箱船泊位
container berth 集装箱码头
container bill of lading 集装箱提单
container bulk ship 集装箱散货两用船
container capacity 载箱量
container car with brake men"s room 带控制室的集装箱专运车
container car 集装箱车
container car 集装箱专用车
container cargo depot 集装箱货物仓库集装箱装卸处
container cargo export clearance 集装箱出口货物海关申报单
container cargo import clearance 集装箱进口货物海关申报单
container cargo insurance 集装箱货物保险
container cargo 集装箱货
container carried in holds 舱内运装的集装箱
container carrier "s protection and indemnity club集装箱全程联运保赔协会
container carrier "s protection and indemnity club集装箱全程联运保赔协会集装箱船
container carrier 集装箱船
container carrier 集装箱运输船
container catamaran 集装箱双体船
container cell guide system 集装箱格导系统
container cell 集装箱井型架
container central fan system 集装箱集中风扇系统
container chassis 集装箱底盘车
container control system 集装箱管理系统
container control system 集装箱控制系统
container corner seating 集装箱角配件
container crane 集装箱吊
container crane 集装箱专用起货机
container crane 集装箱专用起重机
container cubic 集装箱容量
container deck 集装箱甲板
container delivery clause 交箱条款
container delivery number 交箱量
container delivery plan 集装箱交货计划
container depot 集装箱堆场
container derrick 集装箱吊杆
container despatch order 集装箱订货单
container dimensions 集装箱尺寸
container dimensions 集装箱尺度
container discharging plan 集装箱卸船计划
container disposition system 集装箱配置系统
container distribution center 集装箱分配中心
container distribution centre 集装箱分配中心
container efficiency 集装箱运输效率
container equipment data exchange 集装箱设备数字交换
container equipment data exchange
container examination system 集装箱检测系统
container feeder ship 集装箱供应船
container feet 集装箱底角
container ferry 集装箱渡船
container fleet 集装箱船队
container flow 箱流
container fork lift truck 集装箱装卸叉车
container freight door to door 门到门运输
container freight liner 集装箱班轮
container freight station to container freight station 站到站
container freight station to container freight station 站到站运输
container freight station to container freight station 站到站站到站运输
container freight station to container yard 站到场运输
container freight station to container yard 站到场站到场
container freight station to door 站到门运输
container freight station to door 站到门站到门
container freight station tocontainer freight station 站到站
container freight station 集装箱货运场集装箱货运站
container freight station 集装箱货运场集装箱货运站集装箱货站
container freight station 集装箱货运站
container freight station 集装箱货站
container freight station 集装箱运输站
container gantry crane 集装箱龙门起重机
container guide 集装箱导轨装置
container handler 集装箱搬运车
container handling appliance 集装箱装卸用具
container handling crane 集装箱起重机
container handling equipment 集装箱搬运设备
container handling information system 集装箱管理信息系统
container handling machinery 集装箱搬运机械
container handling system 集装箱搬运装置
container handling system 集装箱装卸系统
container handling vehicle 集装箱吊运车
container handling 集装箱装卸
container hargour 集装箱港口
container head 箱头
container height 集装箱高度
container hold 集装箱舱
container individual fan system 集装箱分散风扇系统
container inland depot 集装箱内陆货运站
container insurance 集装箱保险
container interchange 集装箱互换
container interchange 集装箱相互交换
container internal volume 集装箱内容积
container itself insurance 集装箱本身保险
container itself insurance 集装箱本身保险(指箱本身
container lashing and securing device 集装箱紧固装置
container lashing 集装箱捆索
container leasing agreement 租箱协议
container leasing company 集装箱出租公司
container leasing contract 租箱合同
container leasing 集装箱租赁
container length 集装箱长度
container lessor 集装箱出租人
container lift 集装箱升降机
container liner 集装箱班船
container liner 集装箱班船集装箱班轮
container liner 集装箱班轮
container list 集装箱清单
container load cargo 集装箱整箱货
container load minimum weight 整箱集装箱货的起码重量
container load plan 集装箱装箱单
container load plan 装箱单
container load rate 整箱集装箱货运价
container load weight 集装箱载重量
container load 集装箱荷载量
container load 集装箱荷载量集装箱整箱货集装箱装载量
container load 集装箱荷重量
container load 集装箱整箱货集装箱装载量
container load 集装箱装载量
container load 整箱集装箱的荷载
container loader 集装箱装箱机
container loader 装箱机
container loading bridge 集装箱装卸桥
container loading list 集装箱装货清单
container loading list 集装箱装货清单集装箱装箱清单
container loading list 集装箱装箱单
container loading list 集装箱装箱清单
container loading plan 集装箱装箱单
container loss and damage 集装箱灭失和损坏
container maintenance 集装箱维修
container management 集装箱管理
container marine line system 集装箱搬运吊车方式
container marine line 集装箱班轮
container marine line 集装箱班轮集装箱海运公司
container marine line 集装箱海运公司
container marine line 集装箱航线
container marking 集装箱标记
container material 容器材料
container monthly delivery 保证按月供箱合同
container offloading and transfer system 集装箱卸货与传输系统
container on deck 集装箱舱面装载
container on flat car 集装箱铁路平车
container on flat car 集装箱铁路平车平板车装运的集装箱
container operator 集装箱营运者
container operator 集装箱运输经营人
container owner"s third party liability insurance 集装箱物主第三者责任保险
container packing certificate 集装箱装箱证书
container packing certificate 集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书
container packing 集装箱装箱
container parking area 集装箱堆场
container parking area 集装箱集停放场
container parking area 集装箱停放场
container pier 集装箱码头
container plant 集装箱厂
container pool 集装箱堆放场
container port 集装箱港
container port 集装箱港口
container portal crane 集装箱门架式起重机
container pressure vessel 集装箱压力船
container pwoer unit 集装箱动力机组
container rehandling report 集装箱翻舱报告
container released 集装箱已交付
container rental company 集装箱出租公司
container returned 集装箱已交还
container ro-ro-lashing securing 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材
container room 集装箱舱
container rule 集装箱规则
container safe convention 《集装箱安全公约》
container safety approval plate 集装箱安全认可标牌
container seaworthiness 适航集装箱
container securing 集装箱固定系统
container service charge 集装箱服务费
container service charge 集装箱业务费
container service 集装箱业务
container service 集装箱运输
container ship insurance 集装箱船保险
container ship loader 集装箱装船机
container ship refrigeration 集装箱船制冷装置
container ship 集装箱船
container ship 集装箱运货船
container socket 集装箱承座
container space 集装箱舱位
container space 集装箱箱位
container spreader 集装箱吊架
container spreader 集装箱吊具
container stack 集装箱堆码
container standard 集装箱标准
container standardization 集装箱标准化
container storage area 集装箱储放区
container straddle carrier 集装箱跨运车
container survey 集装箱检验
container terminal capacity model 集装箱港口容量模型
container terminal 集装箱码头
container terminal 集装箱码头集装箱装卸区
container terminal 集装箱终点站
container time insurance 集装箱定期保险
container total loss 集装箱全损险
container traffic 集装箱运输
container trailer 集装箱底盘车
container trailer 集装箱拖车
container transport department 集装箱运输处
container transport international 国际集装箱运输公司
container transport international 国际集装箱运输国际集装箱运输公司
container transport system 集装箱运输系统
container truck 集装箱载运车
container unit train 集装箱专用列车
container unloading list 集装箱卸货清单
container vessel 集装箱船
container wear and tear 集装箱箱体自然损耗
container weight 集装箱重量
container width 集装箱宽度
container yard 集装箱堆场
container yardcontainer yard 场到场
container 集装箱
container 容器;外壳;包装;集装箱
container 容器集装箱保壳
container 容器集装箱保壳集装箱
container"s lock 集装箱锁装置
container-carrying vessel 集装箱船
container-ship 集装箱船
container-shipping 集装箱船运输
containerable cargo 集装箱货物
containerable cargo 可用集装箱装运的货物
containerable 可用集装箱装运的
containerable 适于装集装箱的
containerbarge carrier 集装箱货驳运输船
containerbarge carrier 集装箱载驳船
containerbulk carrier 集装箱散化船
containerbulkoil carrier 集装箱散货石油船
containercapacity 装载集装箱能力
containerhold 集装箱舱
containerisable 可用集装箱装运的
containerisation 集装箱运输
containerizable cargo 集装箱货
containerizable cargo 可用集装箱装运的货物
containerization of traffic 运输集装箱化
containerization transportation 集装箱化运输
containerization 集装箱化
containerizaton 集装箱化
containerize 货物集装箱化
containerize 集装箱化
containerize 使集装箱化
containerized cargo system 集装箱货物装卸系统
containerized cargo 集装箱货物
containerized cargo 集装箱运货物
containerized goods 集装箱货物
containerized 集装箱化的
containerore carrier 集装箱/矿石兼用船
containerore carrier 集装箱矿石船
containerore vessel 集装箱矿石运输船
containerpallet carrier 集装箱托盘货物运输船
containerpallet ship 集装箱托盘船集装箱托盘运输船
containerrail car carrier 集装箱火车箱船
containerrail car carrier 集装箱列车船
containerroll-onroll offbulk 集装箱滚装散装多用途船
containers carried on deck 甲板集装箱
containers line 集装箱船队
containing mark 容量刻度
containing overflows 收集溢油
containing 包含的
containment boom protection 围油栏保
containment boom 围油栏
containment boom 油堰
containment drain tank 安全壳疏水柜
containment envelope 反应堆防护壳
containment method 封栏法
containment of fire 抑制火灾
containment shell 密封外壳
containment structure 外壳结构
containment system 围护系统
containment vessel 保壳
containment 容量
containment 容量范围
containment 围护
containment 抑制
containnertrailer ship 集装箱拖车两用船
containoveyer 集装箱输送机
contaminate 污染
contaminated area 污染面积
contaminated ballast 污压载水
contaminated space 放射线污染区
contaminated vessel 染疫船舶
contaminated washings 污洗舱水
contaminated water evaporator 污水蒸发器
contamination accident 污染事故
contamination accident 沾污事故;污染事故
contamination activity 污染放射性
contamination hazard 污染危险
contamination index 污染指数
contamination meter 污染测定计
contamination 污染
contamination 污染污物
contamination 污物
contamination 沾染;污染;栅极沾污漏电
contemplated route 预定航线
contempt of court 藐视法院
contempt 藐视;侮辱;轻视
contend for maritime hegemony 争夺海上霸权
content addressed memory 相联存储器
content broken 内部破损
content confused 内容混乱
content exposed 内容外露
content gauge 液位表
content intact 内容完整
content leaking out 内容漏出
content of ownership of ship 船舶所有权内容
content short 内容短缺
content unknown 内货不详
content unknown 内容不明
content 容量
contentgauge 液位指示器
contentious jurisdiction 诉讼管辖
contentious procedure 诉讼程序
contentious proceedings 诉讼
contentious 诉讼的;争执的
contents broken 内部破损
contents confused 内容混乱
contents damaged 内容损坏
contents exposed 内容外露内容外露
contents found 20% putrefied 内容20%腐烂
contents intact 内容完整
contents leaking out 内容漏出 内容漏出
contents leaking 货物漏出
contents lost 内容丢失
contents melting 内容物溶解
contents mildewed 内容发霉
contents ok 内容无损
contents perished 内容枯萎
contents rotten 内容腐烂
contents short 内容短缺
contents unknown 内容不明
contents 内容;含量;容积;目录
conter-clockwise antitrades 反信风
contessa divento 地中海西西里岛依特拉山上的荚状云
contested boundary 有争议的界线
contesting party 诉讼当事人
contiguous angles 邻角
contiguous obligations 连带责任
contiguous zone 领海)毗连区毗连区毗邻区
contiguous zone 毗连区
continent 大陆
continent between bordeaux and hamburg 波尔多和汉堡之间的大陆地区波尔多与汉堡欧洲大陆间航线
continent between havre and hamburg 哈费与汉堡间大陆航线
continent between havre and hamburg 哈费与汉堡间大陆航线哈佛和汉堡之间的大陆地区
continent between havre and hamburg 哈佛和汉堡之间的大陆地区
continent grain charter party 大陆谷物运输租船合同
continent of europe 欧洲大陆
continent oil co. 大陆石油公司
continent 大陆
continent-near east conference 欧洲大陆-近东航运公会
continental air 大陆气团
continental air mass 大陆气团
continental anti-cyclone 大陆反气旋
continental apron 大陆裙
continental borderland 大陆边缘
continental borderland 大陆地界
continental climate 大陆性气候
continental coast 大陆海岸
continental deposits 大陆沉积
continental drift 大陆漂移
continental glacier 大陆冰川
continental hemisphere 大陆半球
continental ice 冰原
continental island 大陆岛
continental law 大陆法
continental margin 大陆边缘
continental marine terminal 海陆联运港
continental marine terminals 陆海联运港
continental platform 大陆台地
continental port 内陆港
continental rise 大陆升
continental rise 大陆台
continental sea 内陆海
continental shelf 大陆架
continental shelf 大陆架大陆架
continental shoulder 大陆坡
continental slope 大陆坡大陆坡
continental talus 大陆阶地
continental terrace 大陆阶地
continental ton 吨
continental ton 公吨
continental tropical air mass 大陆性热带气团
continental wind 大陆风
continental 大陆的
contingency clause 意外条款
contingency clause 应变条款
contingency insurance concerning sellers interest only( 卖方利益保险
contingency planning 意外费用预计
contingency plans and emergency procedures manual 意外事故预先计划及应急程序条令
contingency 紧急情况
contingency 意外事故;临时费用;偶然性
contingent fee 胜诉酬金
contingent import duty 附加关税
contingent survey of cargo gear 起货设备临时检验
contingent survey 临时检查临时检验意外检验
contingent survey 临时检验
contingent 附随的;临时的
contingent 临时的
contingent 临时的偶然的
continous ship unloader 连续卸货机
continual command 连续指令
continuation clause 连续条款(保险单到期时
continuation clause 连续条款(保险单到期时船舶仍在航行
continuation clause 连续条款连续条款(保险到期时船舶在航
continuation clause 连续条款延续条款
continuation of class 保持船级
continuation sheet 邻接图幅
continuation 继续
continuation 连续
continue 连续
continued from …sheet上接…页
continued from 上接…页
continued on …sheet下接…页
continued on 下接…页
continued 不断的
continued 不断的连续的继续的
continued 连续的
continuity equation 连续方程
continuity test 连续性试验线路通断试验
continuity 连续性
continuous horse-power 持续马力
continuous absorption 连续吸收
continuous action servo-mechanism 连续作用伺服机构
continuous annealing 连续退火
continuous athwarthship 连续横贯船体
continuous beam 连续梁
continuous bulkhead deck 连续舱壁甲板
continuous bulkhead 连续舱壁
continuous bulwark 连续舷墙
continuous ceiling 连续护板
continuous ceiling 连续铺板
continuous change 连续变化连续变速
continuous channel 连续信道
continuous cloud 密云
continuous control system 连续控制系统
continuous controller action 连续控制器作用
continuous conventional watches 连续的常规值班
continuous current generator 直流发电机
continuous current 恒向电流
continuous current 连续电流
continuous curve 连续曲线
continuous deck 连续甲板
continuous deck 全通甲板
continuous delta modulation 连续增量调制
continuous dew-point recorder 露点连续记录器
continuous discharge book 在职记录
continuous discharge 持续放电
continuous discharge 连续放电
continuous distribution curve 连续分布曲线
continuous distribution 连续分布
continuous drag 持续拖距
continuous duty 恒载持续运行状态
continuous duty 连续工况
continuous eigen value 连续本征值
continuous electrode 连续焊条
continuous emission 连续发射
continuous filter 连续作用滤器
continuous floor 连续肋板
continuous flow grain crankshaft 连续晶体流锻造曲轴
continuous frame 连续肋骨
continuous function 连续函数
continuous girder 单跨桁
continuous girder 连续纵桁
continuous grain flow process 连续晶体流工艺
continuous handling 连续操作
continuous hatch 连续舱口
continuous heavy rain 连续性大雨
continuous heavy rains 连续性大雨
continuous hull survey 船体循环检验
continuous indicating loran 连续指示罗兰导航系统
continuous indicating 连续显示
continuous interrogation 连续询问
continuous line recording intrument 连续线型记录仪表
continuous line 实线
continuous liner 定期班轮
continuous liner 连续式衬套
continuous load current 持续负载电流
continuous load 持续负载
continuous load 均匀加载;连续负荷
continuous longitudinal 连续纵桁
continuous loop economizer 盘管式经济器
continuous lubrication 连续润滑
continuous machinery survey 轮机循环检测
continuous maximum rated 最大持续功率的
continuous maximum rated 最大持续功率最大持续功率的
continuous maximum rating 最大持续功率
continuous measurement 连续测量
continuous member 连续构件
continuous message 连续信息
continuous moderate rain 连续性中雨
continuous normal rating 正常连续定额
continuous normal rating 正常运转持续功率
continuous nozzle skirt 气垫围裙
continuous operation 持续运行连续操作
continuous operation 连续操作
continuous oscillation 连续摇荡
continuous oscillation 连续振荡
continuous output 连续输出量
continuous output 连续输出量持续功率
continuous pass 连续焊道
continuous path control 连续轨迹控制
continuous pilot 连续导频
continuous plate 连续板
continuous plate 纵通板
continuous potentiometer 连续变化电位计
continuous power 持续功率
continuous processing 连续处理
continuous purification 连续净化
continuous quick 连急闪灯
continuous qurrent 连续电流
continuous random process 连续随机过程
continuous random variable 连续随机变量
continuous rating permitting overload 允许过载的持续额定功率
continuous rating 持续定额
continuous rating 持续定额持续功率
continuous rating 持续功率
continuous rating 连续定额
continuous reading indicator 边境读数指示器
continuous recording gauge 连续记录仪表
continuous recording 连续记录的
continuous rotation 连续旋转
continuous rotation 连续转动
continuous running voltage 持续运行电压
continuous running 持续运行
continuous self-discharge equipment 连续自动卸载装置
continuous service output 持续经济功率
continuous service output 持续运行功率
continuous service test 连续运行试验
continuous service 持续运行
continuous serving rating 持续使用功率
continuous shingle layup 连续搭叠层
continuous ship unloader 连续卸货机
continuous signal 连续信号
continuous simulation 连续模拟
continuous single fillet welding 单面连续焊
continuous single pass welding 单面连续焊
continuous sludging centrifuger 连续排污油分离机
continuous source 连续信源
continuous source 连续源
continuous specific fuel comsumption 持续运转耗油率
continuous stringer 连续纵材
continuous survey of the hull 船体循环检验
continuous survey 连续检查制
continuous survey 连续检验
continuous survey 循环检验
continuous test 持续放电试验
continuous throughout the twenty-four hour24 小时连续工作
continuous thunder and lightning 连续雷电
continuous ultra quick flashing 连续超快闪光
continuous ultra quick 连极急闪灯
continuous very quick 连甚急闪灯
continuous voltage-rise test 持续升压试验
continuous voyage 续航
continuous watch 连续监视
continuous wave modulated by sound 音调调制等幅波
continuous wave 等幅波
continuous wave 等幅波;等幅振荡;连续波
continuous wave 连续波
continuous waves 等幅波
continuous weld 连续焊缝
continuous weld 连续焊接
continuous winding 连续绕组
continuous working period 持续工作时间
continuous 不断的
continuous 继续
continuous 连续
continuous 连续的
continuous-film memory 连续膜存储器
continuous-loop economiser 盘管式经济器
continuous-wave information 连续波信号
continuous-wave jamming 连续波干扰
continuoushorsepower 持续马力
continuously loaded cable 均匀加感电缆
continuously loaded circuit 均匀加感电路
continuously loaded line 均匀加感线路
continuously loaded 均匀加感的
continuously running duty 持续运行状态
continuously variable control 连续可变调整
continuously 连续地
continuum hypothesis 连续性假定
continuum 连续体
contline 股缝;空隙
contol power supply 控制功率供应
contort 拧弯
contort 扭歪
contour complication map 等高线地图
contour correction 轮廓校正
contour curve 等值曲线
contour etching 外形腐蚀
contour follower 仿形随动件
contour gauge 仿形规
contour hardening 轮廓淬火
contour instrument 曲线绘图仪
contour interval 相邻两等高线的高度差
contour light of floating dock 浮坞坞形灯
contour line 等高线
contour line 等高线;等深线
contour line 轮廓线等高线等值线等强线
contour map 等高线地形图
contour map 等高线图
contour microclimate 地形小气候
contour number 等高线海拔注记
contour of constant geometric accuracy 等精度曲线
contour of heights 等高线
contour of land 海岸线
contour plate 护缘板
contour records 轮廓图
contour surface 等值面
contour weld 特形焊接
contour 等高线;轮廓线;略图;外形;地形;回路、电路、随波运动现象
contour 外形
contoured container 特型集装箱
contouring temperature recorder 等温线测定记录仪
contouring 随波运动
contra bossing 轴包架整流罩
contra clockwise 反时针方向
contra flow 逆流
contra guide rudder 导式整流舵
contra propeller 整流舵
contra rudder 整流舵
contra turning propeller 同心套轴的两上对转螺旋桨
contra vane 导流叶
contra vane 反转导流叶片
contra 对
contra- 反对
contra-bossing 反向导流罩
contra-clockwise 反时针方向
contra-flow 反向流动
contra-flow 逆流
contra-guide bossing 反向导流罩
contra-guide rudder 导式整流舵
contra-guide stern 整流船尾
contra-guide 整流叶整流板
contra-propeller fairing 对螺旋桨整流作用线形
contra-propeller fairing 反应推进器整流
contra-propeller 反应推进器
contra-propeller 整流舵
contra-rotating propellers common battery 共电制)中央电池组
contra-rotating propellers 对转螺旋桨
contra-rotating screws 对转螺旋桨
contra-rudder 整流舵
contra-turning propeller 同心套轴的两个对转螺旋桨
contra-turning propellers 对转螺旋桨
contra-type bossing 反向导流罩
contra-vane 导流翼
contraband articles 违禁品
contraband control 控制走私
contraband goods 违禁品
contraband goods 违禁品;禁运品
contraband of war 战时禁运品
contraband of war 战时禁运品战时禁制品
contraband of war 战时禁制品
contraband trade 违禁贸易
contraband 禁运品
contraband 违禁品
contraband 走私;禁运品;违禁品
contrabandist 走私者;违禁品买卖者
contract award date 合同签署日期
contract bonus system 承包奖金制
contract carrier 租用船
contract change analysis 合同更改分析
contract change notice 合同更改通知书
contract change notification 改变合同条款通知
contract change proposal 合同更改建议
contract change request 合同更改请求
contract clause 合同条款
contract construction 承包工程
contract data requirement 合同资料要求
contract date 契约履行期限
contract date 契约期限契约履行期限
contract definition phase 合同确定阶段
contract design 合同设计
contract design 协议设计
contract for arbitration 仲裁契约
contract for carriage 运输契约
contract for international sale of goods 国际货物买卖合同
contract for the third party"s benefit 为第三人利益的合同
contract horizon 视界缩小
contract item 合同项目
contract law 合同法
contract lien 约定留置权
contract life 合同有效期限
contract mail service 约定邮件运输
contract maintenance 承包养护
contract modification 合同修改
contract note 合同书
contract note 合同书契约书
contract number 合同号
contract of affreightment for oil 石油运输合同
contract of affreightment 长期货运合同或包运合同
contract of affreightment 长期货运合同或包运合同海上包运合同海上运输总合同
contract of affreightment 海上包运合同海上运输总合同
contract of affreightment 运输契约
contract of affreightment 租船契约
contract of arbitration 仲裁合同
contract of carriage by sea 海上运输合同
contract of carriage of general cargo 件杂货运输合同
contract of carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输合同
contract of carriage of goods by waterway 水路货物运输合同
contract of carriage of passengers by sea 海上旅客运输合同
contract of carriage 运输合同
contract of carriage 运输合同运输契约
contract of carriage 运输契约
contract of domestic carriage of passengers by sea 国内海上旅客运输合同
contract of employment 雇佣合同
contract of guarantee 担保契约
contract of insurance 保险契约
contract of international carriage of goods by rail 国际铁路货物运输合同
contract of international carriage of passengers by sea 国际海上旅客运输合同
contract of lease of property 财产租赁合同
contract of mandate 委托合同
contract of sale 买卖合同
contract of ship mortgage 船舶抵押合同
contract of towage sea 海上拖航合同
contract of towage 拖航合同
contract of transportation 运送合同
contract of warehouse keeping 仓储保管合同
contract plan 合同图纸
contract plan 契约图
contract plan 造船契约图
contract price adjustment 合同价格调整
contract price 合同价格
contract price 合同价格协议价格
contract price 协议价格
contract rate system 合同费率制
contract rate system 合同运费制
contract regarding an interim supplement to tanker liability for oil pollution 油船油污责任暂行补充规定
contract regarding on interim supplement to tanker liability for oil pollution 1971年油船油污责任暂行补充协定
contract regarding on interim supplement to tanker liability for oil pollution 《油轮污染责任暂行补充协定》1971年油船油污责任暂行补充协定
contract service 协议的服务
contract speed 合同航速
contract speed 约定速度
contract stevedore 合同装卸工
contract technical report 合同技术报告
contract testing 合同试验
contract with oil or other cargo 油或其他货物合同条款
contract work 承包工程
contract 合同
contract 合同契约
contract 契约
contracted beam 集中光束
contracted method 缩法
contracted quantity 合同量
contracted speed 合同航速
contracting activity 订合同活动
contracting definition 协定定义
contracting expanding nozzle 收缩扩张喷嘴
contracting nozzle 收缩喷口
contracting nozzle 收缩喷嘴
contracting of new-building 新船订货
contracting officer 签订合同人员
contracting party 缔约方;缔约国
contracting party 缔约国
contracting states 缔约国
contracting 收缩的
contracting-expanding nozzle 收缩-膨胀喷管
contraction at fracture 断裂口收缩率
contraction cavity 缩孔
contraction coefficient 收缩系数
contraction crack 收缩裂纹
contraction ratio 收缩系数
contraction scale 缩小比例尺
contraction section 收敛段
contraction strain 收缩应变
contraction stress 收缩应力
contraction 收缩
contraction 收缩订合同
contractor controller 凸轮式控制器
contractor 立契约人
contractor 立契约人;承包人;收敛部分
contractor"s salvage award 合同者的救助报酬
contractor"s sea trials 工厂试航
contractor"s trial 承造厂试航
contractor"s trial 承造厂试航承造厂试验
contractor"s 承造商的
contractormodel 合同船模
contractual capacity 缔约能力
contractual carrier 合同承运人
contractual delivery 合同交货
contractual document 合同文件
contractual forum 合同规定的管辖法院
contractual obligation 合同义务
contractual party 合约当事人
contractual provision 契约条款
contractual relationship 契约关系
contractual right 契约权
contractual salvage 合同救助
contractual specification 合同规定
contractual treaty 契约性条约
contractual usage 合同惯例
contractual 合同上的
contractual 契约的
contractus 合同
contradict 反驳
contraflexure 回折
contraflow condenser 逆流式冷凝器
contraflow cooler 逆流式冷却器
contraflow heat exchanger 逆流式热交换器
contraflow regenerator 逆流式回热器
contraflow 反向流动
contraprop 反应推进器
contraprop 同心套轴的两个对转螺旋桨
contrarotating propeller 同心套轴的两个对转螺旋桨
contrarotation 反转
contrarotation 反向旋转
contrary evidence 反证
contrary name 异名
contrary wind 逆风
contrary 相反的
contrast control 对比度调整
contrast gradient 对比度
contrast photometer 对比光度计
contrast sensibility 对比灵敏度
contrast sensitivity 对比灵敏度
contrast 对比
contraste 互逆风
contrat de transport international de marchandises par route 国际陆上运输合同
contrate gear 端面齿轮
contravention to treaty 违反合同
contribute 分担
contribute 贡献分担
contributing cargo 摊款货
contributing interests 共同海损分摊方
contributing oil 摊款油
contributing ship 摊款船
contributing voyage 摊款航次
contributing 捐献分摊
contribution in general average 共同海损分摊
contribution insurance 分摊保险
contribution of salvage reward 救助报酬分摊
contribution to general average 共同海损分担
contribution to the international oil pollution compensation fund 国际油污赔偿基金摊款
contribution value 分摊值
contribution 贡献
contribution 捐款
contributor 捐助人;分摊人
contributory cause 附带原因的;连带原因
contributory interest 分摊利益
contributory negligence 共同过失
contributory value 索赔费
contributory value for general average 共同海损分摊价值
contributory value of cargo 货物共同海损分摊价值
contributory value of freight 运费共同海损分摊价值
contributory value of ship 船舶共同海损分摊价值
contributory values 分摊价值
contributory 有连带责任的;分担的;有助于……的
contrivance 设备
control accuracy 控制精度
control action graphs 控制作用图
control action 控制作用
control agent 控制介质
control air compressor 控制用空气压缩机
control air dehumidifier 控制空气干燥器
control air 控制空气
control alarm translator 控制报警转流器
control amplifier 控制放大器
control an diagnostic unit 控制与诊断装置
control and dispaly unit 控制与显示装置
control and display unit 控制与显示装置
control and instrumentation engineer 控制和仪表工程师
control and monitoring system for ships 船舶监控系统
control and navigation 操纵和导航
control and test 控制和测试
control antenna 监控天线
control appliance 控制设备
control area 操纵控制区
control area 控制区
control arm 控制棒
control arm 控制杆
control assembly 控制组件
control axis 控制轴
control band 控制带
control battery 共电制)中央电池组
control battery 中央电池组
control blade 控制叶面
control blocks 控制箱
control board 控制板
control board 控制盘
control board 控制台
control boat 控制船
control booth 控制室
control box 控制箱
control brush 控制电刷
control bush for fuel pump 喷油泵控制套筒
control button 控制按钮
control button 控制按钮控制钮
control cabin 操纵室
control cabin 操纵室;控制室
control cabin 控制室
control cabinet 控制极
control cabinet 控制台
control cable 控制电缆
control cam for aheadastern 正倒车控制凸轮
control capstan 操纵绞盘
control card 控制卡
control center 控制中心
control channel 控制信道
control characteristic 控制特性
control chart 检查图表
control circuit 控制电路
control cock 控制旋塞
control code 控制码
control coefficient 控制系数
control column 控制杆
control combination 操纵组合
control combination 控制组合
control command 控制指令
control computer subsystem 控制计算机子系统
control computer 控制计算机
control computer 控制系统计算机
control console 操纵台
control console 控制板
control console 控制台
control counter 控制计数器
control crank 操纵柄
control cubicle 控制室
control current increment 控制电流增量
control current 控制电流
control data 控制数据
control desk 控制台
control device for reversing 换向控制装置
control device for running the engine 运行控制装置
control device for starting 起动控制装置
control device 控制装置
control dial 操纵盘
control dial 控制旋钮
control eccentric 控制偏心轮
control electrode 控制电极
control element 控制元件
control engineer 调度工程师
control equipment 控制设备
control facilities 控制设备
control facility 控制装置
control fire station 消防控制站
control gauge 控制量规
control gauge 校准量规
control gear 控制装置
control grid 调制电极控制栅控制栅
control grid 控制极
control grid 控制栅
control handle 操纵手柄
control handle 控制手柄
control handwheel 操纵盘
control house 操纵室
control housing 控制柜
control index 控制指数
control indicator 控制指示器
control information 控制信息
control interval 调节间隔
control jet 控制射流
control knob 操纵手柄
control law 控制律
control lead 操纵管
control lever 操纵杆
control lever 控制杆
control line 控制线
control loop 控制回路
control mark 控制符号
control mast 设有操纵部位的桅
control mechanism 操纵机构
control mechanism 控制机构
control moment 控制力矩
control motor 控制电动机
control of air pollution from ship 控制船舶所造成的空气污染
control of braking 制动控制
control of combustion 燃烧控制
control of discharge of oil 排油控制
control of discharge 排放控制
control of marine pollution 海洋污染控制
control of re-searching azimuth 再搜索方向控制
control of ship 船舶管理
control of the state of ship"s flag 船旗国管理
control of trial 试验的控制
control of vessels entering and leaving port 船舶进出港管理
control organ 控制机构
control panel 操纵板
control panel 控制板
control panel 控制盘
control pedal 控制踏板
control pedestal 操纵台
control performance 控制性能
control pillars 控制台
control platform 操纵台
control platform 控制平台
control platform 控制台
control point 控制点
control position 操纵部位
control post 操纵部位
control potentiometer 控制电位计
control program 控制程序
control pulse 控制脉冲
control pulse 制导脉冲
control range 控制范围
control rod actuator 控制棒传动装置
control rod calibration 控制棒校准
control rod channel 控制棒通道
control rod driving system 控制棒驱动系统
control rod guide 控制棒导向装置
control rod operating range 调节棒工作范围
control rod passage 操纵杆隧
control rod servo system 控制棒伺服装置
control rod system 控制棒装置
control rod 控制棒
control rod 控制杆
control room 操纵室
control room 控制室
control rules of nonmilitary vessels of foreign nationality passing through the qiongzhou strait 外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡管理规则
control set 控制台
control signal 控制信号
control signal 控制信号操纵信号
control space 操纵台
control spaces 操纵室
control spaces 控制室
control spindle 控制杆
control stand 操纵台
control station change over switch 操纵位置变换开关
control station 控制台;指挥所
control stick 操纵杆
control superstructure 驾驶桥楼上层建筑
control switch 控制开关
control switch 控制开关主令开关
control system 调节系统
control system 控制系统
control table 控制台
control tape 程控带
control theory 控制理论
control tide station 潮汐主要观测站
control tower 控制塔
control tower 了望台
control transfer instruction 可控转移指令
control transformer 控制变压器
control unit 控制装置
control valve actuator 阀控传动机构
control valve plug 控制阀室
control valve 操纵阀
control valve 控制阀
control wheel 操纵手轮
control 控制
control 控制;管理;操纵;支配;调整
control-rod-drive motor 控制棒驱动电动机
control-surface actuator 操纵面传动装置
control-surface area 操纵面面积
control-surface flutter 操纵面颤振
control-synchro transformer 控制同步变压器
controllability test 操纵性试验
controllability 可控制性
controllable capacity pump 变量泵
controllable function 控制功能
controllable passive tank stabilization system 可控被动水舱式减摇装置
controllable phase compensation compound excited system 可控相位补偿复励系统
controllable pitch propeller control box 可调螺距螺旋桨控制箱
controllable pitch propeller control system 可调螺距螺旋桨控制系统
controllable pitch propeller gear 可调螺距螺旋桨控制机构
controllable pitch propeller hub 可调螺距螺旋桨桨毂
controllable pitch propeller oil pump 可调螺距螺旋桨油泵
controllable pitch propeller transmission 可调螺距螺旋桨传动pitch propeller unit可调螺距螺旋桨装置
controllable pitch propeller 调距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可变螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可变螺距螺旋桨可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可控螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch proper 可变螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch screw 可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch thruster 可调螺距推力器
controllable pitch 可变螺距
controllable pitch 可变螺距可调螺距
controllable pitch 可调螺距
controllable reversible pitch 可变逆距螺旋桨
controllable reversible pitch 可调可逆转螺距
controllable self-excited constant voltage device 可控自励恒压装置
controllable silicon 可控硅
controllable slip coupling 可控滑动联轴器
controllable transducer 可控饱和电抗器
controllable 可控的
controllable 可控制的
controlled atmosphere 受控大气
controlled avalanche rectifier 可控雪崩整流器
controlled carrier bill 控制承运人单
controlled carrier modulation 可控载波调制
controlled circulation boiler 强制循环式锅炉
controlled combustion 可控燃烧
controlled condition system 条件控制系统
controlled direct current generator 可控直流发电机
controlled feedback 控制反馈
controlled flap 可控襟翼
controlled hydrofoil 可控水翼
controlled item 控制项目
controlled member 控制对象
controlled object 被控对象
controlled parameter 被调参数
controlled parameter 调节参数
controlled plant 被控对象
controlled plate conductance 跨导
controlled radial steering gear 可调径向操舵仪
controlled radial steering 可调径向操舵装置
controlled radial steering 可控转动式舵机
controlled reactor 可控反应堆可调电抗器
controlled rectifier 可控整流器
controlled single-way channel 单行控制航道
controlled speed 控制航速
controlled splash lubrication system 喷溅润滑控制系统
controlled superheat boiler 可调过热蒸汽锅炉
controlled swirl scavenging 可控涡流清洗
controlled system with self-regulation 自调式控制系统
controlled system 受控系统
controlled tank venting system 控制的通风系统
controlled variable 被控变量
controlled variable 可控变量
controlled ventilation 可调通风窗
controlled 受控制的
controlled-buoyancy system 浮力控制系统
controller action 调节器作用
controller adjustment 控制器调整
controller conventional design 控制器常规设计
controller lag 调节器滞后
controller merchant cruiser 改装巡洋舰
controller regulator 自动控制器
controller response 控制器响应特性
controller 掣链器;控制器
controller 掣链器控制器
controller 管理员
controller 控制器
controlling box 控制箱
controlling couple 控制力偶
controlling decompression 控制减压
controlling depth 可航最小水深
controlling depth 限制深度
controlling device 控制设备
controlling device 控制装置
controlling equipment 控制设备
controlling field 控制场
controlling gear 控制装置
controlling handle 控制手柄
controlling hold 重点舱
controlling influence 控制效应
controlling lamp 控制信号灯
controlling machine 控制机
controlling magnet 控制磁铁
controlling means 控制方法控制设备
controlling means 控制设备
controlling moment 控制力矩
controlling operator 主控操作员
controlling quantity 控制量
controlling room 控制室
controlling system 控制系统
controlling unit 控制装置
controlling valu 控制值
controlling valve 控制阀
controlling 控制的
controllor 管理员
controls 控制器
controlsurface 操纵面
controversy 争论
controversy 争议
contuse 捣碎;撞伤
convalescent leave 疗养假
convas container 集装袋
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