垫,缓冲 cushion缓冲气体 cushion gas
缓冲作用 cushioning
缓冲阀 cushion valve
刀具 cutlery
停供,停汽 )切断 cut-off
截止偏压(电) cut-off bias
停供比,停汽比 cut-off ratio
断流续电器 cut-off relay
停供阀,停汽阀 cut-off valve
断流器盒,断流匣 cut-out box
断流熔线 cut-out fuse
停汽装置,断流装置 cut-out gear
小艇,铣刀 )刀具 cutter
绞刀吸入式挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger
搅刀式挖泥船 cutter pump dredger
截削用吹管 cutting blow pipe
刀口,削边 cutting edge
截割焰 cutting flame
切割线 cutting line
钢丝钳 cutting pliers
截割方法(焊接) cutting process
割切顺序 cutting sequence
切割速度 cutting speed
切割检查 cutting survey
截割嘴(焊接) cutting tip
火焰截割器 cutting torch
底在线斜 cut-up
斜削艉 cutup stern
破浪艏材 cutwater (or false stem)
冷水管 cwp (= cold water pipe)
循环,周 cycle
等压循环 constant pressure cycle
等温循环 constant temperature cycle
等容循环 constant volume cycle
循环线图 cycle diagram
循环效率 cycle efficiency
回转不规率度 cycle irregularity
循环次序 cycle order
反复硬化 cyclic hardening
周期负荷 cyclic load
周期负荷试验 cyclic load test
循环过程 cyclic process
摆线凸轮 cycloidal cam
摆线齿 cycloidal tooth
旋风 cyclone
旋风分离器 cyclone seperator
缸,汽缸,气缸,圆筒 )柱体 cylinder
压缩缸 compressing cylinder
缸筒 cylinder barrel
缸体 cylinder block
缸内径 cylinder bore
缸底 cylinder bottom
缸柱 cylinder column
缸常数 cylinder constant
缸盖 cylinder cover
汽缸停供试验 cylinder cut off test
缸直径 cylinder diameter
缸面 cylinder face
缸脚 cylinder feet
筒装瓦斯 cylinder gas
缸头 cylinder head
缸示功器 cylinder indicator
缸套 cylinder jacket
缸防热包衣 cylinder lagging
缸衬[套] cylinder liner
缸[润]滑油泵 cylinder lubricating pump
缸油 cylinder oil
汽缸油量测槽 cylinder oil measuring tank
缸容积比 cylinder ratio
缸阀 cylinder valve
缸容积 cylinder volume
缸壁 cylinder wall
筒状锅炉 cylindrical boiler
柱形凸轮 cylindrical cam
柱形磁控管 cylindrical magnetron
柱形塞规 cylindrical plug gauge
柱形滚子 cylindrical roller
柱形线圈 cylindrical solenoid
柱形阀 cylindrical valve
构想设计 concept design
合约设计 contract design
罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card)
载重线圈中心(干舷) centre of disc
排水量曲线 curve of displacement
格子[二]重底 cellular double bottom
冷拉管 cold drawn tube
绞刀吸入挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger
缆筒,电缆滚动条 cable drum
链盘,链筒 chain drum
复激发电机 compound dynamo
碳极 carbon electrode
包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode
去角缘 chamfer edge
复式引擎 compound engine
复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine
压缩空气机 compressed air engine
并列复式引擎 cross-compound engine
总工程师,轮机长 chief engineer
密闭排气 closed exhaust
修正因子 correction factor
吊货索 cargo fall
离心式风扇 centrifugal fan
软木碰垫 cork fender
车辆渡船 car ferry
凝汽机 condensing engine
顾问工程师 consulting engineer
膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion
闭口导索器 closed (or canal) fair-leader
余隙配合 clearance fit
信号旗 code flag
绞缆装置 cable hauling gear
给煤器 coal feeder
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
圆锥规(螺桨壳) cone gauge
控制装置 controlling gear
重心 center of gravity
向心力 centripetal force
樱红热 cherry red heat
升煤机 coal hoist
碳精填料,碳精迫紧 carbon gland (or ring)
錾锤 chipping hammer
联合冲动涡轮机 combined impulse turbine
离心力 centrifugal force
均力装置 compensating gear
挂衣钩 coat hook
中心规 center gauge
货物装卸装置 cargo gear
复合规,涨缩表 compound gauge
波形炉膛 corrugated furnace
复式压力计 compound pressure gauge
爪锤,拔钉锤 claw hammer
装煤舱口 coal hatchway (or scuttle)
斜肋骨 cant frame
捻缝锤 caulking hammer
吊货钩 cargo hook
帆布软管 convase hose
铜锤 copper hammer
货舱 cargo hold
呼铃指示器 call bell indicator
链用铁 chain iron
表面硬化 case hardening
煤锤 coal hammer
周围接头 circumferential joint
[汽]缸[衬]套 cylinder liner
铜损(电) copper loss
吊桶钩 can hook
曲柄轴颈 crank journal
中线内龙骨 center line keelson
锚链舱 chain locker
链钩 chain hook
海图灯 chart lamp
切股毡(frp) chopped strands mat
软木垫 cork mat
胶结[材]料 cementing material
夹箍钩 clip hook
同轴输送线(雷达) co-axial transmission line
复合冲动涡轮机 compound impulse turbine
铸铁 cast iron
捻缝铁 chinsing iron
电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and lay machine
复合机械 combination machinery
塞漏毡,防水垫 collision mat
大副 chief mate (or first officer)
压缩线 compression line
木炭铁 charcoal iron
冷却水套 cooling water jacket
普通链环 common link
吊灯 ceiling lamp
二氧化碳冷冻机 carbonic acid (or co?) machine
藤床垫 cane shaving mattress
渐缩喷嘴 convergent nozzle
堡形螺帽 castle nut
升降梯 companion ladder
货灯 cargo lamp
中[心]线 centre line
脊索 chine line
离心润滑器 centrifugal lubricator
定倾中心曲线 curve of metacenter
[气]缸油 cylinder-oil
控制线,管制线 control line
铁芯损失,磁芯损失 core loss
椰皮垫 coco mat
货油 cargo oil
整流[式]马达 commutator motor
棕垫 coir mat
离心净油机 centrifugal oil purifier
周节 circular (or circum- ferential) pitch
装货舷门 cargo port
防擦垫 chafing mat
复激马达 compound motor
冷凝设备 condensing plant
压力中心 center of pressure
捻缝木槌 caulking mallet
容量图 capacity plan
侧面结构(图) construction profile
锁[紧螺]帽 check (or jam, or lock ) nut
棉子油 cotton seed oil
房舱乘客 cabin passenger
锚链管 chain pipe
临界转数 critical number of revolution
连络管,通话筒 communication pipe
压缩压力 compression pressure
导叶(螺桨) contra propeller
无曲轴泵 crankless (or non- crank) pump
碳精迫紧圈 carbon packing ring
货油管 cargo oil pipe
弦节 chordal pitch
心塞 core plug
碳精迫紧 carbon packing
原油 crude oil
软木涂料 cork paint
货物装载图 cargo plan
巡航距离 cruising range
锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet
冷铆 cold riveting
幕杆 curtain rod
细腰喷嘴 convergent divergent nozzle
装饰镜板 cartouche panel
循环泵 circulating pump
中心冲 center punch
冷却管 cooling pipe
电缆卷盘 cable reel
临界压力 critical pressure
货油泵 cargo oil pump
离心泵 centrifugal pump
埋头铆钉 countersunk (or countersunk head) rivet
木工库 carpenter"s store room
装煤口 coal port
燃烧压力 combustion pressure
电缆架 cable rack
凸轮滚子 cam roller
横割锯 cross cut saw
控制室 control room
蟹加工船 crab factory ship
曲柄泵 crank pump
交叉铆[接] cross riveting
幕环 curtain ring
索具库 cordage room
捕蟹母船 crab mother ship
连杆 connecting rod
短急浪 chopping sea
波形外板,波形锅炉壁 corrugated shell
木工场 carpenter"s shop
运河舵 canal rudder
环形裂纹 cup shake
主力舰 capital ship
紧密铆[接] close riveting
海防舰 coast defense ship
钢筋混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement) ship
海图架 chart rack
并[列]铆[接] chain riveting
集流环 collector ring
补强环 compensation ring
导叶舵 contra rudder
静海 calm sea
巡航船速 cruising speed
限制环 check (or limiting) ring
圆锯 circular saw
中心轴 center shaft
对应速[率](船模试验) corresponding speed
帆布幕 canvas screen
曲[柄]轴 crank shaft
起重船 crane ship
盘簧,螺旋弹簧 coil spring
碳钢 carbon steel
防松索 check rope
色幕(有色玻璃) colour screen
货船 cargo ship
布缆工作船 cable ship
铜工场 coppersmith shop
离心分离器 centrifugal separator
对轴,副轴 counter shaft
包铜 copper sheathing
合构船 composite ship
凸轮轴 cam shaft
控制轴 control shaft
牲口船 cattle ship
货柜船 container ship
铬钒钢 chrome vanadium steel
弯曲伸出艏,飞箭式艏 clipper stem
循环水过滤器 circulating water strainer
强度连续性 continuity of strength
控制开关 control switch
权宜国籍船 convenient flag ship
锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller)
中心线 center tank
链工场 chain shop
铸钢 cast steel
压缩冲程 compression stroke
海图桌 chart table
建造规范 construction (or detail) specification
合约规范 contract specification
吊货索 cargo sling
电缆插座 cable socket
临界转速 critical speed
渗碳钢 cemented steel
冷轧钢 cold rolled steel
电缆舱 cable tank
弓形弹簧 coach spring
链条用钢 chain steel
巡洋舰型艉 cruiser stern
压缩试验 compression test
抗碎应力 crushing stress
压缩温度 compression temperature
铬钢 chrome steel
冷藏 cold storage
密闭式推力[轴]承 closed type thrust bearing
[稳度]交叉曲线 cross curve of stability
炉灶 cooking stove (or range)
最后焊接板列 closing strake
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗碎强度 crushing strength
冷却面 cooling surface
补重水柜 compensation tank
摄氏温度计 celsius thermometer (or centigrade)
稳度曲线 curve of stability
控制站 control station
货轮 cargo steamer
木工库 carpenter"s store
压应力 compressive stress
推力环滚珠[轴]承 collar thrust ball bearing
司令塔 conning tower
坩埚钢 crucible steel
合成应力 combined stress
换向开关 change over switch
轧碎试验 crushing test
填充阀,充气阀 charge valve
军舰,战舰 cambatant vessel
上重船 crank vessel (or top heavy ship)
黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
冷拉管 cold drawn tube
通讯管 communication tube
十字阀 cross valve
临界速度 critical velocity
临界温度 critical temperature
凿平与轻敲工具 chipping and peening tool
沿海船,近海船 coasting vessel (or coaster)
合构船 composite vessel
换算表 conversion table
柏油,煤焦油 coal tar
运河吨位 canal tonnage
比流器 current transformer
盅形阀 cup valve
停汽阀,停供阀 cut-off valve
链条试验机 chain testing machine
巡航涡轮机 cruising turbine
惰轮 cock (or idle) wheel
连通阀 communication valve
压缩空气阀 compressed air valve
控制阀箱 control valve box
滑动绞车 crab winch
临界扭转振动 critical torsional vibration torsion balance
全开阀 clear way valve
控制阀 control valve
缸阀 cylinder valve
国际无线电干扰特别委员会 cispr (= international special committee on radio interference)
中国验船协会 cr (= china corporation register of shipping, r.o.c.)
翼门阀 clack valve
连续波,等幅电波 continuous wave
坩埚钳 crucible tongs
变换阀 change over valve
加拿大政府规范部 cgsb (= canadian government specification board, canada)
舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator
吊货绞机 cargo winch
美国压缩气体协会 cga (= compressed gas association, u.s.a.)
瑞典国家标准 csb (= centrala sjukvardsberedningen-sis, sweden)
捻缝工具 caulking tool
厨具 cooking utensil
缓冲阀 cushion valve
海防舰艇 coast defense vessel
曲柄臂 crank web (or arm)
凸轮 cam wheel
美国商业标准 cs (= commercial standards, u.s.a.)
加拿大标准协会 csa (= canadian standards association, canada)
空蚀试验槽 cavitation tunnel
燃煤船 coal-fired vessel
冷凝管 condenser tube
止回阀 check valve
阻气阀 choke valve
定压阀 constant pressure valve
烟斗形通风筒 cowl-head ventilator
中国国家标准 cns (= chinese national standards, r.o.c.)
捷克验船协会 cs (= czechoslovak register of shipping)
捷克国家标准 csn (= ceskoslovenskych norem, czekoslovakia)
锥形阀 conical valve
货船 cargo vessel
柱形阀 cylindrical valve
镶齿轮 cog wheel
加拿大电机制造商协会 cema (= canadian electrical manufacturers association, canada)
国际审核电机装备规程委员会 cee ( international commission on rules for the approval of electric equipment)
起煤绞机 coaling winch
意大利电机技士协会 cei (= comitato electrotecnico italiano, italy)
美国联邦规程法规 cfr (= code of federal regulations, u.s.a.)
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