同轴电缆 co-axial cable (or concentric cable)共轴转动 co-axial drive
同轴输送线(雷达) co-axial transmission line
旋塞 cock
软木碰垫 cock fender
艉桥 cocking bridge
艏艉部上跷变形 cocking-up
艉凹舱(小艇) cockpit
惰轮 cock wheel (or idle wheel , or idler)
椰皮垫 cocoa mat
椰子油 cocoa oil
椰皮垫 coco mat
龟裂开口位移 cod (= crack opening displacement)
化学需氧量 cod (= chemical oxygen demand)
柴油燃气涡轮 codag (= combined diesel and/or gas turbine)
法规,代码 )密码 )章程 code
电码簿 code book
信号旗 code flag
号码代字 code letter
美国联邦法规 code of federal regulations
柴油燃气涡轮组合机 codog (= combined diesel on gas turbine)
系数 coefficient
收缩系数 coefficient of contration
动[力]黏度系数 coefficient of dynamic viscosity
膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion
肥瘦系数 coefficient of fineness (or fullness)
波动系数 coefficient of fluctuation
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
热对流系数 coefficient of heat convection
传热系数 coefficient of heat transmission
[运]动黏度系数 coefficient of kinematic viscosity
线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion
性能系数 coefficient of performance
黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion
堰舱,围堰 cofferdam
复合燃气涡轮机 cogag (= combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine)
组合燃气涡轮机 cogog (= combined gas turbine or gas turbine)
镶齿轮 cog wheel
齿轮泵 cogwheel pump
凝聚 cohesion
盘管,线圈 coil
抗流线圈 choking coil
冷却线圈 cooling coil
盘管锅炉 coil boiler
盘管冷却器 coiled pipe cooler
盘管热交换器 coil heat exchanger
盘簧,螺旋弹簧 coil spring
棕垫 coir mat
棕索 coir rope
焦煤 coke
焦结煤 coking coal
空气冷冻机 cold air refrigerating machine
冷弯试验,常温弯曲试验 cold bending test
冷脆性 cold brittleness
冷破裂 cold cracking
冷拉管 cold drawn pipe (or tube)
冷拉管 cold drawn tube
冷温滤油机 cold filter
冷温折缘机 cold flanging machine
冷作成型 cold forming
耐冷试验测定 cold resisting measure
冷铆 cold riveting
冷轧钢 cold rolled steel
冷脆性 cold shortness
冷温起动 cold starting
低温状态 cold status
冷藏 cold storage
冷藏船 cold storage boat
冷藏库 cold store (or refrigerating chamber)
冷水管 cold water pipe (cwp)
冷作 cold work (or working)
崩溃 collapse
可折小艇 collapsible boat
轴环,圈 collar
环领轴承 collar bearing
填补板 collar plate
推力环滚珠[轴]承 collar thrust ball bearing
环领止推轴承 collar thrust bearing
集流管 collecting pipe
集电环 collecting ring
集合器,集电器 collector
集流环 collector ring
[运]煤船 collier
防碰电达系统 collision avoidance radar system
防碰舱壁 collision bulkhead
塞漏毡,防水垫 collision mat
胶态燃料 colloidal fuel
柱廊 colonnade
色度表,颜色标度,色谱表 colour scale
色幕(有色玻璃) colour screen
测深色管 colour tube
柱 column
柱与棒锚联合稳定型钻油船 column and spud stabilized type drilling rig
柱稳定型钻油船 column-stabilized type drilling rig
计算机输出缩影片 com (= computer output microfilm)
碳油混合体 com (= coal oil mixture)
战情中心 combat information center (cic)
多元散装货轮 combination bulk carrier
混载船 combination carrier
联合控制,组合控制 combination control
组合加热器 combination heater
组合机械 combination machinery
混式涡轮机 combination turbine
有根轮叶 combined blade
复合循环 combined cycle
柴油燃气涡轮复合机 combined diesel and/or gas turbine (codag)
柴油燃气涡轮组合机 combined diesel on gas turbine (codog)
合并效率 combined efficiency
复合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine (cogag)
组合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine or gas turbine (cogog)
组合冲动[式]涡轮机 combined impulse turbine
合成应力,组合应力 combined stress
复合涡轮机 combined turbine
复合阀 combined valve
混构系统 combine system
燃烧损失 combustible loss
可燃材料 combustible material
燃烧 combustion
完全燃烧 complete combustion
燃烧室 combustion chamber
燃烧爆震 combustion knock
燃烧压力 combustion pressure
燃烧率 combustion rate
燃烧记录器 combustion recorder
燃烧速率 combustion speed
燃烧冲程 combustion stroke
燃烧温度 combustion temperature
燃烧器 combustor
确认试验 comfirmation test
指挥管制中心 command control center (ccc)
指挥官,舰长,司令 commander
商船 commercial ship
共通台座 common bed
共通污水管 common bilge piping
普通链环 common link
共通件 common piece
共通构件表 common piece table
普通滑动阀 common slide valve
通讯箱,旗箱 communication box
连络管,通话筒 communication pipe
通讯管 communication tube
连通阀 communication valve
整流,换向 commutation
换向器,整流子 commutator
整流[式]马达 commutator motor
升降口 companion
升降舱口 companion hatch
升降梯 companion ladder
升降口 companion way
比测仪 comparater
舱区,舱 compartment
舱间布置,舱区布置 compartmentation
罗经 compass
室内罗经 cabin compass
罗经校正 compass adjustment
罗经方位角 compass bearing
罗经盆 compass bowl
罗经台 compass bridge
罗经面,罗经 compass card (or dial)
罗经航向 compass course
罗经甲板 compass deck
罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card)
罗经差 compass error
两脚规,圆规 compasses
磁针,罗针 compass (or magnetic) needle
圆刨 compass plane
补偿设施 compensating device
补整机构,均力装置 compensating gear
室补偿 compensating on chamber
补偿线圈 compensating winding
补助,补偿,补整 compensation
补整环,补强环 compensation ring
补偿水柜 compensation tank
补偿器,调整器 compensator
编译器 compiler
配额,员额 complement
完全退火 complete annealing
完全燃烧 complete combustion
完全循环 complete cycle
全通甲板 complete deck
全通船艛甲板 complete superstructure deck
全通船艛船,轻[结]构船 complete superstructure vessel
完工检查 complete survey
顺应式平台 compliant platform
顺应式钻油台 compliant structures (or systems)
成分,构件 )分量 component
合成梁 composite beam
复合锅炉 composite boiler
混合结构 composite construction
复合电焊条 composite electrode
混合接头,机焊接合 composite joint
[木铁]合构船 composite ship (or vessel )
熔剂(焊接) composition
化合物,剂 compound
复[合]装甲 compound armour
复[合]梁 compound beam
复合周期引擎 compound (or dual, or mixed) cycle engine
复激发电机 compound dynamo
复式引擎 compound engine
复合规,涨缩表 )复合压力计 compound gauge
复激发电机 compound generator
复合冲动[式]涡轮机 compound impulse turbine
复激马达 compound motor
复式压力计 compound pressure gauge
复合反动[式]涡轮 compound reaction turbine
复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine
复[合]应力 compound stress
复式涡轮机 compound turbine
压缩空气 compressed air
压缩空气引擎,气动引擎 compressed air engine
压缩空气阀 compressed air valve
压缩软木 compressed cork
压缩氧 compressed oxygen
可压缩性 compressibility
压缩缸 compressing cylinder
压燃机 compressing ignition (or ci) engine
压缩 compression
压缩效率 compression efficiency
压缩点火引擎 compression ignition engine
压缩曲线 compression line (or curve)
压缩[冷冻]机 compression machine (or compression refrigerating machine)
抗压构件 compression member
压缩压力 compression pressure
压缩程序,压缩过程 compression process
压缩比 compression ratio
压缩应力 compression stress
压缩冲程 compression stroke
压缩温度 compression temperature
压缩试验 compression test
压缩负荷 compressive load
压缩应变 compressive strain
抗压强度 compressive strength
压应力 compressive stress
压缩机 compressor
制链器 chain cable compressor (or controller)
计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design (cad)
计算机辅助设计及制图 computer-aided design and drafting (cadd)
计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (cae)
计算机辅助放样 computer-aided lofting (cal)
计算机辅助制造 computer-aided manufacture (cam)
计算机辅助试验 computer aided testing (cat)
计算机控制 computer control
计算机绘图 computer graphics
计算机化 computerization
计算机网络 computer network
计算机输出缩影片,计算机输出微软片 computer output microfilm (com)
凹面填角焊接 concave fillet weld
凹透镜 concave lens
隐藏灯 concealed light
暗线,隐藏布线 concealed wiring
集中负荷 concentrated load
浓差电位腐蚀 concentration cell corrosion
同心绞线 concentrically stranded conductor
同心电缆 concentric cable
同心圆 concentric circles
同心度 concentricity
概念设计,构想设计 concept design
混凝土包覆 concrete coating
混凝土重力式钻油台 concrete gravity platform
[钢筋]混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement ) ship
辅热(焊接) concurrent heating
凝水泵 condensate pump
冷凝 condensation
冷凝设备 condensation plant
冷凝率 condensation rate
冷凝器,凝结器,复水器,电容器 condenser
逆流冷凝器 contraflow condenser
冷凝器泄压阀 condenser relief valve
冷凝管 condenser tube
复水管套圈 condenser tube ferrule
凝汽机,附冷凝器[动力]机 condensing engine
冷凝设备 condensing plant
凝汽涡轮机 condensing turbine
船况,情况,状态 condition
状态曲线 condition curve
传导 conduction
井口导管(钻油台) conduction pipe
传导性,传导度 conductivity
导体 conductor
槽,沟,管,导管 conduit
导管接合箱 conduit box
导[线]管套 conduit bushing
导[线]管接合匣 conduit connection box
导[线]管配件 conduit fittings
锥形离合器 cone clutch
圆锥规(轴,螺桨) cone gauge
圆锥部(艉轴) cone part
圆锥穿刺试验 cone penetration test
塔轮 )锥形滑轮 cone pulley
锥形浮标 conical buoy
锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet
锥形扫描 conical scanning
锥形阀 conical valve
锥形导槽 conic guide
连接整补 connected replenishment (onrep)
连接弯头 connecting bend
接线箱 connecting (or connection ) box
连桥 connecting bridge
连接管 connecting pipe
连杆 connecting rod
连接套管 connecting sleeve
接线板 connection block
接线匣 connection box
接线图 connection diagram
线端衔套 connection lug
司令塔 conning tower
残余碳素 conradson carbon residue (ccr)
常数 constant
汽缸常数 cylinder constant
康[史登]铜线 constantan wire
定流电焊机 constant current welding machine
定能电焊机 constant energy welding machine
定高平台型顶举平底船型钻探船 constant height platform type
定额损失 constant loss
定螺距 constant pitch
[径向]等[螺]距螺桨 constant pitch propeller
等压循环 constant pressure cycle
定压阀 constant pressure valve
定额 constant rating
等反动率轮叶 constant reaction blade
常定点控制 constant setpoint control
定速调速器 constant-speed governor
定冲程喷油泵 constant-stroke injection pump
等温循环 constant temperature cycle
[恒]定拉力绞车 constant tension winch
定压电焊机 constant voltage welding machine
等容循环 constant volume cycle
拘束系数 constraint coefficient
构造,结构 construction
造船渠 construction basin
结构图 construction plan
侧面结构图 construction profile
建造规范 construction (or detail) specification
消耗材 construction (or running) store
顾问工程师 consulting engineer
耗性导管电热熔渣焊接法 consumable nozzle electroslag welding (ces )
消耗品 consumable store
消耗量 consumption
耗煤量 coal consumption
板条垫单面潜弧焊法 contact bar submerged arc welding (cbs)
正平衡装置 contact dummy
接触颚夹(焊接) contact jaw
触点接通器 contact maker
贴模法 contact molding
贴模法(frp) contact mold method
接触器 contactor
接触电阻 contact resistance
接触[片]段 contact segment
接触应力 contact stress
接触面 contact surface
容器,货柜 )舱柜 container
货柜驳船 container barge
货柜导具 container guide fitting
箱装法,货柜化 containerization
货柜吊架 container lifting spreader
货柜船 container ship
货柜吊卸梁 container spreader
容载系统 containment system
污染 contamination
临时检验 contingent (or occasional) survey
强度连续性 continuity of strength
连续动作控制器 continuous acting controller
连续乙级天花板或内衬板 continuous "b" class ceiling or linings
连续撒气,连续分供 continuous bleed
连续铸造 continuous casting (cc)
连续控制 continuous control (cc)
直流电 continuous (or direct) current
连续[使]用 continuous duty
连续衬套 continuous liner
连续构材 continuous member
连续出力 continuous output
连续处理(计算机) continuous process
连续定额 continuous rating
连续扫描 continuous scanning
连续使用 continuous service
连续常用出力 continuous service output (cso)
额定连续常用出力 continuous service rating (csr)
连续玻璃毡 continuous strand mat
连续检验 continuous survey
连续波,等幅[电]波 continuous wave (cw)
连续焊接 continuous weld
[整补站]轮廓灯 contour light
等高线,轮廓线 )等值线 contour line
合约,契约 contract
合约设计 contract design
收缩 contraction
断面缩率 contraction (or reduction ) of area
主机降额最大连续出力 contract mcr
承包商 contractor
签约双方 contract party
合约图 contract plan
合约规范 contract specification
逆流冷凝器 contra-flow condenser
逆流热交换器 contra-flow heat exchanger
逆流回热器,逆流式再生器 contra-flow regenerator
导叶(螺桨) contra propeller
对转螺桨 contrarotating propeller
对转螺桨 contra rotating propeller (crp)
导叶式舵 contra rudder
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railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
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(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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