
专业英语词汇 2023-01-12 网络整理 可可


 短角材 lug angle
 救生设备 life saving apparatus
 救生设备 life saving appliance
 载重线勘划 loadline assignment
 短角铁连接 lug attachment
 导滑车 leading block
 滑块,环块 link block
 救生艇 life boat
 起重螺杆 lifting bolt (or screw )
 连杆轴衬 link brass
 纵舱壁 longitudinal bulkhead
 救生圈 life buoy
 灯浮标 light buoy
 搭板对接 lapped butt
 起重能力 lifting capacity
 低碳钢 low carbon steel
 液货 liquid cargo
 载重线证书 load line certificate
 长焰煤 long flame coal
 块煤 lump coal
 轻载船况 light condition
 避雷针,避雷导体 lightening conductor
 [润]滑油消耗量 lubricating oil consumption
 [润]滑油冷却器 lubricating oil cooler
 松联结器 loose coupling
 平动旋臂式起重机 levelling luffing crane (llc)
 机车起重机 locomotive crane
 下水曲线图 launching curves
 载重曲线,负荷曲线 load curve
 低压缸 low pressure cylinder
 下甲板 lower deck
 下方中甲板 lower tween deck
 负荷伸长图 load-elongation diagram
 轻载排水量 light load displacement
 空船排水量 light ship displacement
 滑动偏心轮 loose eccentric
 导缘,前缘(螺桨) leading edge
 轻油机 light oil engine
 液冷式引擎 liquid cooling engine
 低压引擎 low-pressure engine
 低速引擎 low-speed engine
 搭边 landing edge
 负荷因子,装载率 load factor
 [润]滑油过滤器 lubricating oil filter
 层流 laminar flow
 纵[向]肋 longitudinal frame (or
 液化石油气 liquified petroleum gas (lpg)
 限规 limit gauge
 液化天然气 liquified natural gas (lng)
 潜热 latent heat
 灯指示器 lamp indicator
 润滑装置 lubricating gear
 液体燃料 liquid fuel
 [骨] longitudinal)
 起动装置 lifting gear
 系杆 lacing bar
 滞[后电]流 lagging current
 搭[接]铆[接] lap riveting
 浮货柜 lash lighter
 水下侧[向]面积 lateral underwater area
 车床牵转具 lathe dog
 柳安木 lauan
 下水拖曳 launching drag
 相似律 law of similarity
 测深操作台 lead man platform
 铅包铠装电缆 leadsheathed and armoured cable
 铅套管 lead sleeve
 船长 length of ship
 全长 length over all (loa)
 [水]平[移]动起重机 level luffing crane
 轻巡洋舰 light cruiser (cl)
 轻[负]荷[使]用 light duty
 灯塔表 lighthouse list
 低压加热器 low pressure heater
 下龙骨 ( 木船 ) lower keel
 梯 ladder
 登陆艇修理舰 landing craft repair ship (arl)
 通用登陆艇 landing craft utility (lcu)
 坦克登陆艇 landing ship tank (lst)
 研光机 lapping machine
 搭焊 lap weld
 纵接缝 leading edge (or longitudinal seam)
 左螺旋桨 left handed propeller
 底壳连脚式顶举驳船型钻油台 legs joined by lower hull jack-up barge type drilling rig
 长宽比 length-breadth ratio
 连通管 leveling pipe
 水平管 levelling pipe
 线路损失 line loss
 抛绳鎗 line throwing gun
 对准 lining up
 载重曲线,负荷曲线 load curve
 满载吃水 load (or full) draught ( or draft)
 局域网络 local area network (lan)
 放样间 loft (or mould loft)
 长短臂底肋(木船) long and short armed floor
 注意事项 look out
 减[少]浮[力]法 loss (or lost) buoyancy method
 低热量值 lower calorific value
 低水位阀 low water valve
 [润]滑油消耗量 lubricating oil comsumption
 块煤 lump coal
 勒克斯(公尺烛光) lux
 轻载 lw (= light weight)
 皮管 leather hose
 搭接 lap joint
 熔解不足 lack of fusion
 梯座 ladder cleat (or cup, or foothold)
 停航船 laid-up vessel
 大湖船 laker
 灯座 lamp socket
 登陆船坞舰 landing ship dock (lsd)
 搭接 lap joint
 拉系杆 lashing bar (or rod)
 拉系缸 lashing pot
 比较律 law of comparison
 长柄钳,伸缩铁 lazy tongs
 下风板 leeboard
 水平计 level meter
 液位纪录器 level recorder
 中尉,上尉 lieutenant
 海军少校 lieutenant commander
 救生圈 life ring (or buoy)
 扬升泵 lift pump
 极限开关 limit switch
 液化甲烷气[载运]船 liquefied methane gas (or lmg) carrier
 表,偏斜 list
 公升 litre (or liter)
 负载[线]图 load diagram
 满载船况 loaded (or full load) condition
 吊上吊下船 lo/lo (= lift-on / lift-off)
 纵向重心 longitudinal center of gravity
 无效运动,失位 lost motion
 休息室 lounge
 下甲板 lower deck
 低高潮 lower high water (lhw)
 下桅支索 lower rigging (or shrouds)
 下支索 lower shroud (or stay)
 润滑油残余柜 lubricating oil residue tank
 [润]滑油泵 lubricating pump
 纵帆前缘 luff
 木材[载运]船 lumber carrier (or ship)
 湖泊汽船 lagging steamer
 美耐板 laminate hard plastic sheet
 球灯罩 lamp globe
 跳板浮台 landing stage
 共搓 lang lay
 拉系索 lashing cable
 拉系杆 lashing rod
 锁固计划 lashing scheme
 侧面图 lateral plan
 铅锤 lead hammer
 导滑车 leading block
 越前电流 leading current
 泄漏电流 leakage current
 皮迫紧 leather packing
 救生艇装备 lifeboat equipment
 救生设备 life saving appliance (or apparatus)
 升降机,吊索,升力 lift
 升力面(螺桨) lifting surface
 灯,光 light
 软风,一级风 light air
 轻合金 light alloy
 避雷针,避雷导体 lightning conductor
 锁,闸,针键 lock
 长短臂肋骨(木船) long and short armed frame
 纵肋系统 longitudinal frame system
 长波 long wave
 低压引擎 low pressure engine
 低压蒸汽 low pressure steam
 低压蒸气产生器 low pressure steam generator (lpsg)
 低潮,低水位 low water
 低压蒸气产生器 lpsg (= low pressure steam generator)
 木材钩 lumber hook
 救生衣 life jacket
 层流边界层 laminar boundary layer
 灯架 lamp bracket
 灯道 lamp chimney
 研光,搭接,卷 lapping
 侧向推力 lateral thrust
 帆端上拉索 leech line (or rope)
 水平,水平仪,位准 level
 液位计 level indicator
 救生衣 life jacket
 救生衣灯 life jacket light
 维生装置 life support system
 艉浮扬(下水) lifting
 管间隙 ligament
 线,线路,航线 line
 鱼饵运输船 line fish carrier
 液化天然气 liquified natural gas (lng)
 负荷,负载,载重 load
 载重状态 loading condition
 装载计算机 load master (or loading computer)
 局部应变 local strain
 闸门 lock gate
 纵缝结合 longitudinal seam joint
 共搓 long lay
 游轮 loose pulley
 下死点 lower dead center
 下龙骨(木船) lower keel
 下烟囱 lower stack
 下甲板间[空间],下中甲板 lower tween deck
 最低水位 lowest water level (lwl)
 低氢焊条 low hydrogen electrode
 低水位警报器 low water alarm
 战车登陆舰 lst (= tank landing ship)
 灯泡 lamp bulb
 中型坦克登陆艇 landing ship medium (lsm)
 下水 launching
 洗衣间 laundry
 杠杆率 leverage
 救生艇 life boat
 升力线(螺桨) lifting line
 轻风 light breeze
 避雷器 lightning arrester
 轻油 light oil
 灯船 light vessel
 线图生成 lines generation
 连杆运动 link motion
 活鱼运输船 live fish carrier
 套管导索 lizard
 负荷因素,装载率 load factor
 锁[紧螺]帽 lock (or jam) nut
 航海日志,航海记事簿 log book
 长肋板肋骨(木船) long-floor frame
 滞圈损失 loop loss
 活动板 loose plate
 润滑剂 lubricant
 [船]突倾侧 lurch
 系索环 lacing grommet
 层状撕裂(钢板) lamellar tear
 灯座 lamp holder
 灯蕊 lamp wick
 登陆艇 landing craft
 侧向挫曲 lateral buckling
 下水观礼台 launching platform
 下水台 launching ways
 漏泄管路 leak-off pipe line
 杠杆比 lever ratio
 救生带 life belt
 救生筏 life raft
 起重螺栓 lifting bolt (or screw)
 升力线理论 lifting line theory
 吊上吊下船 lift-on / lift-off (lo/lo )
 避雷针 lightning rod
 通水道盖板 limber board
 弹性限界 limit of elasticity (or elastic limit)
 限制环 limit ring
 压力线 line of pressure
 亚麻子油 linseed oil
 活[动]载重,活[动]负荷 live load
 通道,接待室 lobby
 局部振动 local vibration
 内锁应力 lock-in stress
 纵材 longitudinal member
 纵通水平加强肋 longitudinal stringer
 纵向系统 longitudinal system
 自由液面 loose water (or free surface)
 低低潮 lower low water (llw)
 低温退火 low temperature annealing
 低水位 low water level
 低水位安全装置 low water level safety device
 短角铁连接 lug attachment (or clip)
 滑车挂板 lug pad
 附灯救生圈 luminous buoy
 木材钩 lumber hook
 [隔热]衬套,滞延,落后 lagging
 积层构成 laminate construction
 积层(frp) lamination (or lay up)
 l型天线 l-antenna
 拉系索 lashing wire
 发射控制室 launcher control room
 下水船架 launching cradle (or making-up)
 下水释放装置 launching releasing device
 下水重量 launching weight
 盥洗室 lavatory
 放样法 laying off
 导链滑车 leading block of chain
 导缘,前缘(螺桨) leading edge
 引[入]线 lead-in wire
 测[深]锤索 lead line
 排出损失 leaving loss
 左搓 left hand lay
 长深比 length-depth ratio
 杠杆[式]安全阀 lever safety valve
 海军中尉 lieutenant junior grade
 救生浮焰 life buoy flare
 救生索 life line
 吊上吊下船 lifting-on / lifting-off ship
 照明 lighting
 轻载排水量 light load displacement ( or light ship displacement)
 铁梨木 lignumvitae
 通水孔 limber hole
 滑块,环块 link block
 液化 liquefaction
 液态氨 liquid ammonia
 负荷指示器 load indicator
 部位,位置 location
 附锁旋塞 locked cock
 锁紧垫圈 locking washer
 长艏艛 long forecastle
 纵向稳度 longitudinal stability
 滑动垫衬 loose liner
 乳形通风口 louvre (or louver)
 下部舵杆 lower stock
 低压缸 low pressure cylinder
 低温脆性 low temperature embrittlement
 液化丙烷 lpg (= liquefied propane gas)
 [润]滑油 lubricating oil
 [润]滑油柜 lubricating oil tank
 [润]滑油 lubrication oil
 突缘,耳,凸缘 lug
 木材,木料 lumber
 木材船 lumber ship
 墙架支撑器 luttress
 梯栏杆,梯扶手 ladder rail
 层流 laminar flow
 航行灯指示盘 lamp indicating panel
 小索 lanyard
 重迭,搭头,搭边,余面 lap
 大型油轮 large crude oil carrier (lcc)
 低转速大直径螺桨 large slow-turning propeller
 拉紧 lashing
 拉系链 lashing chain
 门闩,门锁 latch
 潜热 latent heat
 侧力 lateral force
 车床 lathe
 汽艇,下水 launch
 下水要目 launching particulars
 铅包线 lead covered wire
 泄漏叶端泄漏(涡轮机) leak (or leakage) tip leak
 下风 lee
 帆后缘 leech (or leach)
 下风方向 leeward
 自由轮 liberty ship
 升力系数 lift coefficient
 止舵上扬件 lifting stoper
 避雷针,避雷导体 lightening conductor
 灯船,轻载船况 light ship
 轻加强材 light stiffener
 轻水式反应器 light water reactor (lwr)
 轻木 light wood
 线图整顺 lines fairing
 局部腐蚀 local corrosion
 库,舱,柜,锁 locker
 放样 lofting
 对数衰减 logarithmic decrement
 日志台 log book desk
 测程 logging
 纵向浮[力中]心 longitudinal center of buoyancy
 纵定倾中心高 longitudinal metacentre height
 纵向剪力试验 longitudinal shearing test
 顶桅下帆 lower topgallant sail
 低度火焰蔓延 low flame spread
 低压加热器 low pressure heater
 下吸入阀 low suction valve
 润滑油添加剂 lubricant additive
 堆集质量系统 lumped mass system
 洗衣机 laundry machine
 灯 lamp


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