
四六级 2021-06-29 网络整理 可可


Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Economic Development and Moral Decline. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:



Section A
1. M: Michael is certainly the funniest person in class. He can always make everybody laugh.
W: I think you have to get used to his sense of humor. 
Q: What does the woman mean? 
2. M: I was terribly embarrassed when some members of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance.
W: Well, some people just can’t seem to appreciate live drama. 
Q: What did the two speakers in the dialog attend? 
3. W: Are you sure that you can do this job?
M: I have all the tools for it, but I’m still not sure if I can pull it off. 
Q: What does the man say about the job? 
4. M: Are you enjoying your stay here on the islands?
W: Oh, yes. It’s a far cry from the winter in the North. 
Q: What does the woman mean? 
5. W: Are these treatments really necessary? They don’t seem to help very much.
M: I’m afraid so, Mrs. Jones. Just be patient and I’m sure you’ll see some results soon. 
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place? 
6. W: How was the job interview? I think you make a good journalist. I remember you as the best writer of the class.
M: Well, in fact, my application was turned down. They were looking for people with experience in the profession. 
Q: Why didn’t the man get the job? 
7. W: Could you fill it up with the unleaded?
M: Sure. Do you want me to check under the hood? 
Q: What kind of work does the man do? 
8. M: Look at the low price on these CDs. Don’t you think they are a fantastic buy?
W: Yes, but quality is more important than price. Let’s look elsewhere before making a decision. 
Q: How does the man feel about the price? 
9. W: Can you pass me the potato?
M: Don’t you think you’ve had enough? 
Q: What does the man mean? 
10.W: It’s raining outside!
M: Then why don’t we stay in for the time being?
Q: What does the man mean? 

Section B
Passage One
    To succeed in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. You need to create a good image in a limited time, usually from 40 to 70 minutes. You must leave a positive impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other applicants.
    You should especially pay attention to some qualities during the interview. First of all, you should take care to appear properly dressed. The right clothes worn at the right time can win the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgment. It may not be true that clothes make the man, but the first and last impression of yours is determined by the clothes you wear. Secondly, you should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard without being aggressive. You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the position you’re applying for. Finally, to be really impressive, you must convey a sense of self-confidence and an enthusiasm for work. If you display these characteristics with just a little luck, you’ll certainly succeed in a typical personal interview.

11. How long does an interview usually last according to the speaker?
12. How can one give an interviewer good first impression?
13. What should be the best manner when you speak to an interviewer?
14. What’s the main idea of the talk you’ve just heard?

Passage Two
    Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or on a given examination. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high marks.
    When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take the initiative and to complete the assignment with minimal guidance. It is the student’s responsibility to find books, periodicals, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students, particularly graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference sources in the library.
    Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be overly depend on them. In the United States, professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible for administrative work within their departments. In addition, they may be obliged to publish articles and books. Therefore, the time a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an appointment.

15.For what purpose does an ideal student learn?
16.What do professors expect students do with their research assignments?
17.What’s the best way for a student to approach a professor about his problems with classroom work?

Passage Three
    What has happened to the youth of today? People of the older generations ask this question. Yet, for some time now a movement has been developing among our young people. It is called “Straight Edge” and its followers are attempting to overcome the poisons of life. The leader of this movement is Ian Mckays, a former Washington singer. He was the person who set the goal of this movement: no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. Since its birth in 1981, the movement has spread to Europe and is growing worldwide.
    Lutz Dinslage,19, has been one of the movement’s followers for a year now. “My friends first introduced me to the movement, and I became interested in it. I began to realize that I no longer wanted to create false feelings of happiness by smoking, drinking or taking drugs. I did not want to just mess around. For this reason I changed my attitude and my habits and decided to live out the principles of this movement.”
    At present it is still not clear whether Straight Edge will continue to develop into a promising movement of the future. However, one thing is certain: we are dealing with a trend that is proving that a healthier life style among the young people is possible.
18.What is the goal of Straight Edge?
19.What can we infer from the passage about Lutz Dinslage?
20.What is Straight Edge proving?

Part Ⅰ
Section A
1.【答案】A 
【详细解答】男士说Michael 是班里最有趣的人, 他能够让其他同学笑。女士没有直接赞同或反对男士的话,而是说人们必须要习惯Michael的幽默,言外之意就是她必须学会理解Michael的那种幽默。因此答案为A。 
【详细解答】男士说有些观众在演出进行到一半时退出了,他感到很难堪。女士安慰他说:有些观众似乎是无法欣赏live drama。若听清男士用的关键词:audience, got up and left, performance以及女士用的词live drama,不难判断出答案为C。 
【详细解答】女士问男士有没有把握做这项工作,男士说他有所需要的所有工具,但依然没有把握。此题的难点在后面的习语搭配pull off(成功地完成或做)上。若能听到并准确理解pull off的含义就可以轻松选对答案C。 
【详细解答】男士问女士喜欢不喜欢呆在岛上,女士回答说a far cry...意为very different from(大不相同,相差很大)。因此,女士的意思是正确选项A。 
【详细解答】由对话中的关键词treatment, help very much可推知:对话双方是医生和病人。因此正确选项为A。 
【详细解答】女士问男士面试的情况并说男士是做优秀记者的料(make a good journalist),是班上写得最好的。但男士说自己的申请被拒绝,招聘方要招的是有经验的人员。从男士的回答中很容易得出他为什么没有得到那份工作。因此,正确答案为B。
【详细解答】由对话中的信息关键词unleaded(无铅汽油),fill it up(加满),hood(汽车盖)可知对话发生在加油站。因此正确答案为C。
【详细解答】男士说,“Don’t you think that they are a fantastic buy?”意味着他认为很便宜。但女士说, “quality is more important than price”意味着她认为虽便宜,但不知质量如何,因此要到别处再看看。所以正确答案为B。 
【详细解答】女士请求男士把土豆递给她,男士用隐含否定问句, “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”暗示女士不该再吃了。因此正确答案为B。 
【详细解答】女士说外面在下雨,男士用why not结构表明他建议等一会再出去。因此正确答案为B。 

Section B
Passage One
11.【答案】B。 
【详细解答】材料第二句:You need to create a good image in a limited time, usually from 40 to 70 minutes. 给出了正确答案B项。 
12.【答案】C。 
【详细解答】从听力材料第二部分第二句: First of all, you should take care to appear properly dressed. The right clothes worn at the right time can ....可知本题答案为C项。
13.【答案】D。 
【详细解答】材料第二部分: Secondly, you should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard without being aggressive. 由此可知答案为D项。 
【试题分析】中心思想题 
Passage Two
由15——17选项内容可猜知: 本段听力资料与教师,学生有关。具体内容是讲教师认为学习的责任在学生自己,而不是老师。以及什么样的学生是理想的学生,教师希望学生如何完成布置的研究任务和学生遇到问题时如何寻求老师的帮助。 
【试题分析】细节判断题 
【详细解答】根据听力资料:The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high marks. 可知本题正确答案为C项。 
【试题分析】细节归纳题 
【详细解答】根据听力材料:When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take the initiative and to complete the assignment with minimal guidance. 可知本题正确答案为A项。 
17.【答案】D。 
【详细解答】根据听力材料最后一句:If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an appointment. 可知本题正确答案为D项。 
Passage Three
【试题分析】细节概括题 
【详细解答】根据听力材料: He was the person who set the goal of this movement: no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. 以及其它有关信息可知本题正确答案为B项。 
19.【答案】A。 
【试题分析】细节推理题 
【详细解答】材料第二部分:Lutz Dinslage说:.... I began to realize that I no longer wanted to create false feelings of happiness by smoking, drinking or taking drugs. 可推知Lutz Dinslage过去酗酒,吸烟并吸食毒品来制造虚假的幸福感。因此本题正确答案为A项。 
【试题分析】细节判断题 
【详细解答】根据材料最后一句:However, one thing is certain: we are dealing with a trend that is proving that a healthier life style among the young people is possible. 可知本题正确答案为B项。 

Part Ⅱ
Passage One
这是一篇议论文。Bhatt教授论述了电子商务对英国经济的重要性。以及他和Marconi公司人事主管Rob Meakin合作培训工程技术人员和经理电子工程管理(electronic engineering management or E2)课程(programs)以及信息技术给亚洲国家带来了赶超欧美国家的机会。
21.【答案】B。 
【译文】培训员工熟悉电子商务。 
【详细解答】根据文章主旨以及第一段第一句后半部分:... have developed a partnership to train engineers and managers to become e-literate.可知本题正确答案为B选项。A,C,D均断章取义,与原文不符。故均为错误答案。 
22.【答案】D。 
【译文】他们有时候反对因新技术而带来的变化。 
【详细解答】根据文章第二段第二句:Many chief executives do not understand the power of the new technologies and, in some cases, are resisting change. 可知D选项符合作者对很多公司主管的看法。A选项张冠李戴,B,C选项明显与原文意思相反。故均为错误答案。 
23.【答案】D。 
【译文】电子商务潜力巨大并会给英国带来变革。 
【详细解答】根据文章第二段第三句到段末:He says that “As long as enough industry leaders realize its potential benefits, e-business will make possible a second productivity revolution in Britain. ...to the UK economy”. 可知D选项符合原文,故为正确答案。A,B,C选项信息并没有在原文中出现。故均为错误答案。 
24.【答案】A。 
【译文】在信息技术领域,英国可以和美国竞争。 
【详细解答】根据文章第二段后两句:Over the last five years in the US there has been a 30% improvement in manufacturing-sector productivity because of information technology. In Britain we can achieve more than that and successful e-business will be worth billions to the UK economy. 可知选项A符合短文意思,所以A为正确答案。B选项意思:英国已经利用了电子工程管理,与原文不符。C选项原文第三段第一句话:Already Britain makes more use of computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) and management information-technology systems than other European countries, and has a government that actively promotes e-business.不符。D选项与原文最后一段第三句:Although the net allows British industry to overtake their European peers, it also offers Asian countries to leapfrog the West. For the first time it is not the privilege of the western world because this technology is universal.”不符。故B,C,D均为错误答案。
25.【答案】B。 
【译文】商业已经受到了电子商务的很大影响。 
【详细解答】根据原文最后一段第一句话:Professor Bhatt believes that e-commerce is changing business to such an extent that WMG is likely to be renamed Warwick Electronic Manufacturing Group.可知B选项为正确答案。A选项与原文意思不符,C选项与原文意思一致,但不是WMG改名的原因,D选项也不是WMG改名的原因。故A,C,D均为错误答案。 

Passage Two
本文是一篇说明文。解说了感情的成熟对正确认识并处理爱情和夫妻生活的重要作用。第一段告诉我们爱首先要爱自己。第二段告诉我们: 当我们恋爱过几次后我们会意识到恋爱的高潮不会持久,因此我们必须认识到这一点并现实起来在爱情与夫妻生活这所学校里好好学习。第三,第四段告诉我们人无完人,因此我们不要抱怨我们选错了对象,而要去克服不完善的地方。
26.【答案】D。 
【译文】爱情在于感情上的成熟。 
【详细解答】D选项符合全文中心:感情的成熟对正确认识并处理爱情和夫妻生活的重要性。因此D 选项是正确答案。 A,B,C选项明显与原文不符,故均为错误答案。 
27.【答案】C。 
【译文】即使我们错误地试图去控制我们的另一半,爱情也不会因此消失。 
【详细解答】根据原文最后一句话:The amazing thing is that love survives all of our mistaken attempts to control our partners and our relationships. 可知C选项符合原文,因此C选项为正确答案。A选项信息是无中生有,B选项信息明显与原文不符(原文:We know the high of falling in love is not going to last.)。D选项:一个人越被爱,他或她就越不满足。也是原文中所没有的信息。故A,B,D均为错误答案。
28.【答案】C。 
【译文】感情上越成熟的夫妻,生活中越和谐。 
【详细解答】C选项最符合原文中心意思,因此为正确答案。A选项意思在原文中并没有出现,B选项歪曲了原文第二段第二句:But after we’ve “fallen” a few times and broken our emotional bones, we hopefully wise up a bit.表达的意思。D选项意思也超出了原文。故A,B,D均为错误答案。 
29.【答案】C。 
【译文】你们彼此都是很好的伴侣。 
【详细解答】根据原文第三段第一句Your partners are imperfect human beings, just like you.和最后一段,可知C选项符合原句意思。A,B,D明显与原文不符,故均为错误答案。
30.【答案】C。 
【译文】通过心理调整和治疗,人会对爱满意。 
【详细解答】C选项曲解了原文第二段: And it certainly requires a lot more psychological adjustment than years of therapy! 因此不符合原文,故为本题正确答案。A,B,D选项符合原文意思,故为错误答案。

Passage Three
这是一篇议论文。作者论述了在定义恐怖主义以及恐怖主义活动时标准:不是建立在道德的标准上而是建立在政治需要的标准上。并以IRA(爱尔兰共和军),PLA(巴勒斯坦解放组织)和Israel(以色列)为例来论证自己的论点。 
31.【答案】B。 
【译文】无法清楚地区分恐怖主义。 
【详细解答】根据原文第二段第二句:Yet as the so-called “terrorists group” often proclaim, a clear distinction between a terrorist action and a non-terrorist military operation is frequently difficult to establish. 以及原文其它信息可综合得知B选项:Terrorism defies clear cut distinction.是本题正确答案。A:一个政治组织的非官方地位涉嫌为恐怖主义组织。C:在每一起暴力冲突中都存在恐怖主义因素。D:政府行为从不会犯恐怖主义错误。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。 
32.【答案】D。 
【译文】在国际上的影响力(声望)是暴力活动的正当借口。 
【详细解答】根据原文所给关于IRA和PLO例子可知D选项:International prestige is a justification for violence.是正确答案。A:一个不容置疑的恐怖主义组织例子就是巴解组织。B:达到政治目的的行动无法避免使用武力。C:人们所接受的定义恐怖组织的一个标准就是屠杀平民。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。
33.【答案】D。 
【译文】它现在是巴勒斯坦人民所选出的代表。 
【详细解答】根据原文第二段倒数第二句话:In the case of the PLO, however, its election to power under Yasser Arafat has now confused its former recognition as terrorist. 可知D为正确答案。A:开始对以色列表现友好态度。B:在中东地区代表了一个独立国家。C:不在牵涉进无节制的暴力行动中。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。 
34.【答案】A。 
【译文】定义恐怖主义的标准不是建立在道德上。 
【详细解答】根据原文最后一句话:What does seem clear from these reflections is not that terrorist actions are in any way justified, but that the use of such labels is sometimes based on a political need rather than on superior moral or ethical grounds. 可知A为正确答案。B:允许在别的国家进行自卫行动。C:恐怖主义不可避免地都要牵涉到不道德的政策。D:民主国家不会犯恐怖主义活动罪。都与原文信息不符, 故均为错误答案。
35.【答案】B。 
【译文】谴责在定义恐怖主义时的政治目的。 

Passage Four
36.【答案】C。 
【译文】大多数人都不可能去谴责他们自身的恶习。 
【详细解答】根据原文第一句:It is curious how much one despises and condemns the vices which one does not happen to possess. 可知本题正确答案为C。A,B,D选项意思明显与原文意思不符,故均为错误答案。 
37.【答案】D。 
【译文】不诚实是他强烈谴责的一个严重的性格缺陷。 
【详细解答】根据原文第一段最后一句: But, having no particular temptation to be untruthful, I find myself believing that when one comes to think of it, truth is the major virtue and lying the most blameworthy of all the vices. 可知本题正确答案为D。A:他不会容忍人们共有的恶习。B:他并不觉得特别鄙视不诚实。C:人想到说谎时就可能诱使说谎。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。
38.【答案】A。 
【译文】诚实的人对自己偶尔说谎感到不自在。 
【详细解答】根据原文第二段后两句:The latter with is bothered by untruthfulness, is worried and anxious. The real liar, however, is merely amused: he doesn’t mind in the least even if he is subsequently exposed: he regards the truthful man as somewhat of a fool.
39.【答案】A。 
【译文】他们尽力用谎言美化他们的恶习。 
【详细解答】根据原文第三段第一句话:But this surely is one of the many false statements with which the real liar will try to idealize his failing. 可知A为正确答案。B:他们认为人人都无法避免撒谎,并且撒谎有理。C:他们辩解说他们的撒谎习惯是聪明的而不是愚蠢的。D:他们被误解为要么是胆小鬼要么是勇士。都与原文不符,故均为错误答案。
40.【答案】B。 
【译文】在现代社会, 不管是无意还是有意, 没有人能够逃避撒谎的危险。 
【详细解答】根据原文最后一段最后两句:This process of adjustment leads inevitably and rightly to a certain unconscious deception. Absolute truth, whether unconscious or even conscious, is thus impossible. It is to relative truth only that we can hope to aspire. 可知B为正确答案。A:俾斯麦和拿破仑都是既聪明又诚实的人。C:不诚实的人怕被发现而担忧。D:文明社会生活使得有意撒谎成为不可能, 都与原文信息不符, 故均为错误答案。

Part Ⅲ
【译文】我们成功的很大一部分功劳都归功于我们的组长-Michael Lee. 
【详细解答】merit: 优点。credit: 功劳,荣誉,赞扬;信用,信贷, 赊欠。常用搭配:give somebody credit for...为…而赞扬某人; to one’s credit: 为某人带来荣誉。 favor:喜欢, 支持, 赞同。 reward: 酬谢, 奖金, 报答。
【译文】他们也提出这样的问题: 能否设计出一种公平的方式来评判哪些员工比他们的同事做得更好。 
【详细解答】depict: 描述, 描写, 描绘。 devise: 设计,想出,发明。 decorate: 装饰,装潢。designate: 指定,指派, 选派,委任。 
【译文】报告表明在这一地区建一座水电站从财力上说是可行的。 
【详细解答】adaptable: 能适应的, 适应性强的。available: 可得到的。feasible: 可行的, 行的通的。flexible: 灵活的。 
【译文】说不出什么原因, 她觉得她自己在某种程度上是麻烦之源, 并因此忍受痛苦。 
【详细解答】accordingly: 相应地,因此,所以, 于是。例如:He was worn out; accordingly, he was sent home.(他累坏了,于是,他被送回家了。) respectively: 各自地, 个别地,分别地。consequently: 因此,所以。例如:He is a smart and diligent student and consequently, does well in school. (他是个聪明又勤奋的学生, 所以他学习成绩很好。) incidentally: 偶然地;顺便说一下, 顺便提一句。 
45.【答案】A。 
【详细解答】eetect: 检测, 探测(用仪表,仪器);侦探。inspect: 视察, 检查,仔细查看(范围广)。discern:看出, 觉察出; 识别,区别,辨认出。explore: 探索。 
【译文】在第二十七届奥运会田径赛项目上她赢得了两枚金牌和一枚银牌. 
【详细解答】carry away: 搬走, 抢走; 吸引住, 使激动而失去自制;carry off: 赢得(奖章), 成功或轻而易举地处理或应付;carry over: (使)继续下去, 继续存在;carry through: 实现, 完成, 使度过困难或麻烦等。
【译文】据报道去年有超过七十九万的年轻人参加了研究生入学考试. 
【详细解答】sit on: (使) 坐在……上;拖延, 搁下, 压下;sit up: 坐起来, 坐直; 熬夜,不睡;sit in: 参加静坐罢工或示威;sit for:参加考试, 应试。
【译文】一般说来, 很有个性的人常常拥有崇拜他们的朋友和势不两立的敌人。 
【详细解答】personality: (明显的, 特有的)个性, 人格;(地方,国家,团体, 组织)独有的特性。temperament: 性格,性情, 禀赋; 气质。disposition: 性格, 性情;癖性, 倾向;处理, 解决;支配(权), 处置(权)。character: 性格,品德,品质;角色,人物。 
【译文】她生了一个孩子后, 被迫回去工作以勉强维持生活。 
【详细解答】compel: 强迫, 迫使。enforce: 加强,强制性地执行。impose: 强加给。depress:沮丧,使情绪低落, 使无精打采。
【译文】那家足球俱乐部试图通过一大笔钱来诱惑那位著名球员。 
【详细解答】deceive: 欺骗。persuade: 劝说。tempt: 诱惑,引诱。indulge: 沉溺于;使高兴,使享受;纵容,迁就。
【译文】很多动物因为它们自身的保护色所以能够与它们周围的环境交融在一起。 
【详细解答】ntegrate: 成为一体,结合在一起,合并;使完整, 使完善。match: 和…相配,和……相称;比得上, 敌得过。Blend: 混在一起,混合, 交融。merge: 合并(企业,团体等), 结合, 联合。
【译文】这个奇怪现象一个多世纪以来吸引并难住了许多科学家。 
【详细解答】annoy: 使愤怒,使生气, 使烦恼。embarrass: 使难堪。fascinate: 吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒。frustrate: 使沮丧,使灰心丧气。 
【译文】我们都知道,同样的手势也许有不同的含义,这些含义因文化的不同而不同。 
【详细解答】implication: 含义,含蓄,暗示,暗指。presumption: 推测,假定,设想;冒昧,无礼,傲慢,自行其事。expression: 表达,表示,表露;表情;词语。assumption: 假定,臆断;担任,承担;假装;自负,傲慢。 
【译文】随着个人电脑和家庭信息系统的出现,有一天,我们能够在家里做大部分商业交易。 
【详细解答】implement: 实施,执行,履行,使生效。execute: 实施,执行,履行,完成;把处死。conduct:经营,处理,管理。supplement: 补充,增补。
【译文】那真是一次可怕的事故。我就奇怪你是怎么毫发无损地过来的。 
【详细解答】see through: 看穿某人或某人的思想。come through: 安然度过,经历……仍活着;胜利,成功。get through:干完工作;通过(考试或测验等);向别人讲清自己的意思;(讲话等)被理解,被接受。reak through: 冲破,突破;取得突破性的成就。
【译文】在我们可以继续做其它工程之前, 我们在这项工程中所面临的难题必须处理。 
【详细解答】pursue: vt. 追逐,追捕;从事,忙于;继续。做v.i时,后接after, 意思是: 追赶;继续。advocate: 提倡,倡导。precede: (时间,位置,顺序)先于,在……之前。proceed: (尤指停顿后)继续做,继续进行。 
【译文】尽管大多数科学家都同意温室效应正在到来, 然而并没有足够的资料来绝对令人信服地说明温室效应的后果会是什么。 
【详细解答】confirmation: 证实;确认,批准。conformity: 相似,一致,符合;遵照。conviction: 说服,信服;确信,深信;判罪,定罪。conscience: 良心,道德心。 
【译文】在这样一个富裕的国家里竟然有如此众多的赤贫的人,这真是个矛盾。 
【详细解答】controversy: 争论,辩论。paradox: 怪事,有明显矛盾特点的事或行为或人。aversion: 厌恶。conversion: 转变,转化;改变信仰或态度,归附,皈依。
【译文】真理最终会战胜谬误, 正义战胜邪恶,这是人人皆知 的事实。 
【详细解答】dominate: 占支配或统治地位。prevail: vi., 后常接over,意思是:战胜;流行。 thrive: 繁荣,旺盛,兴旺发达;茁壮生长。conquer: 征服,战胜。
【译文】我们不能选择缴还是不缴所得税,因为缴纳所得税是义务。 
【详细解答】compulsory: 义务性的,必须要做的;强制的,强迫的。voluntary: 主动的,自愿的。 arbitrary: 武断的,个人独断专行的;任性多变的;任意性的。dutiable: (货物)要缴纳税的。 
【译文】一般都这样认为:出生率的上升或下降归因于一些经济因素的影响。 
【详细解答】entitle: (给书,文章等)题名;使有权利或资格。attribute: 归因于(后跟to)。confine:限制,使局限于;使不外出,监禁,关押。dedicate: 把(时间,精力等)用于,把(自己,一生等)献给(后跟to)。
【译文】在问题出现之前预料到可能发生问题总是比在问题出现之后才找解决之道要好。 
【详细解答】evaluate: 估…….的价,定……的价;对……评价。predict: 预言。anticipate: 预料,预期;先发制人,(抢先行动来)阻止。estimate: 估计,估价。 
【译文】要坚持不被其他很多人所信仰的信念需要极大的勇气。 
【详细解答】persist: 坚持不懈,执意(后跟in或with); 坚持说,坚持问,坚称。abide by: 遵守(诺言,制度等)。 hold on: 继续,坚持,保持,忍住;(打电话时)别挂断。adhere: vi.坚持,遵守;追随,支持,拥护(后跟to)。 
【译文】作为精明的顾主, 他知道如何充分发挥他手下员工不同的才能。 
【详细解答】validity 有效性,合法性; 正当, 正确。 正直,诚实;integrity 完整,完善,健全。diversity 不同点,差异;多样性。versatility 多才多艺。 
【译文】多年来,爵士乐一直在变化,发展。但在本质上仍然保留着那些根本特点。 
【详细解答】remain: vi., 保持不变;(后跟不定式)留待,尚待。如:Much remains to be solved.(有待解决的问题还很多)。retain: vt., 保持,保留;保存;拦住,挡住。reserve: vt., 预定;储备,留存。resume: vt., 继续,重新开始;接着说,继续说。 
【译文】不管人们是否意识到, 经济学是一门关系人们生活的学科。 
【详细解答】draw on: 利用,凭,靠; 消耗,耗尽; 穿上,拉上。catch on: 理解,懂得;流行开来,受欢迎,被接受。touch on: 关系到,涉及;(简单或顺便)谈到或提到。embark on: 开始工作,着手,从事。 
【译文】当一个人完全地洞察到某个问题时,他通常都会找到解决或处理的方法。 
【详细解答】outlook: 世界观,人生观。perspective: (看问题的)角度,视角;远景,景观。version: 版本。insight: 洞察力。 
【译文】她很在乎别人对她的看法,尤其是对她的批评很敏感。 
【详细解答】sensational: 令人兴奋的,轰动的; 夸张的,耸人听闻的;激起强烈感情的。sentimental:多愁善感的。 sensible: 明智的,懂事的。sensitive: 敏感的。
【译文】我的秘书已经把报告的第一稿打出来了,但是在提交给大会前我必须修改一下。 
【详细解答】draft: 草稿,草案,草拟,草图;汇票。sketch: 素描,速写;概述,概要,纲要;草图,略图。script: 手稿。outline: 大纲,提纲,草案;外形,轮廓;草图,示意图,平面图。 
70.【答案】A 
【译文】他们汇报了在这桩金融诈骗案中的损失, 并把所有必要细节提供给了警方。 
【详细解答】particular: (消息,情报等的)详情,细节(常用复数形式)。provisions: 条文,条款,规定;供应,提供。procedure: 程序,手续,步骤。precaution: 预防,预防措施,警惕。 

Part Ⅳ
71.【答案】surrounding 改为 surroundings
【详细解答】根据这句话的意思, surrounding在这里做“环境”解, 因此要用复数surroundings。 
72.【答案】open 改为opening
【详细解答】动词open用在介词after之后, 因此要用动名词形式opening。
73.【答案】new 改为news
74.【答案】on 改为 by
【详细解答】人不会坐在计算机上看新闻, 因此sit on the computer要改为sit by the computer: 坐在计算机旁看新闻. 故on改为by。
【详细解答】原句要表达的是现场直播的世界杯, 而不是“生动逼真的, 或精力充沛的”世界杯, 因此lively(生动逼真的, 或精力充沛的)要改为live(形容词: 现场直播的)。
76.【答案】a 改为 an
77.【答案】of 改为 from
【详细解答】hear of是“听说”的意思, hear from是“收到某人的来信”的意思. 根据原文应该是很多年没收到信的朋友, 而不是很多年没听说的朋友. 故of 改为from。
78.【答案】in addition helping改为 in addition to helping
【详细解答】根据原文, in addition和 helping 之间要加上to , 意思是: 除了帮助我们继续保持老朋友关系……。
【详细解答】陌生朋友间不会: pour our hearts to one another( 倾心相诉)。因此, 此句话意思有误, 不符合常规. 故改为 intimate或close或good。
80.【答案】widen改为 shorten
【详细解答】根据原文: So, instead of isolating us from one another, the Internet serves to widen distance, and helps to bring friends closer. 可看出这句话逻辑意思有误, 互联网不是: widen distance (加大了距离), 而是: shorten distance (缩短了距离)。

Part Ⅴ
这是一篇要求考生就经济发展和道德堕落这一社会现实进行论述的议论文. 全文分三个部分. 第一段是引言: 引入主题和主题句. 第二段是正文部分: 指出道德堕落的社会现实现象. 第三段结论部分: 总结全文, 提出解决问题的办法。
                                   Economic Development and Moral Decline
    These years, the economy in China is advancing by leaps and bounds. With this swift development, people’s life is better off and they get much more money to spend. But it’s human nature that they want to get even more. Money worship is sweeping across the whole country. With the popular misconception that money is everything, many immoral social phenomena have emerged. One of them is moral decline.
    Leaving the theft, robbery aside, corrupt conducts are getting more rampant. For instance, offering and taking bribes is becoming increasingly a social malady in the privileged class. For businessmen, they have a different morality which permits them to willfully produce ineffective or even dangerous products, advertise their products dishonestly. For some richest persons, they get confused about their life. They are occupied with nothing all day long and don’t know how to make themselves more satisfied, as a result they take drugs, among many other unlawful practices, to seek fun. They have money, but they have lost their aim in life and can’t find happiness.
    Am I suggesting that we should discard all the money and go back to the “poor days”? No! the wheel of history can’t be stopped. But if moral decline is the inevitable product of the economic development, we can certainly lay down some effective laws to stop the degeneration. If so, a bright and healthy future is sure to come and stay with us!

credit: 功劳,荣誉, 赞扬;信用,信贷, 赊欠。
insight: 洞察力;
integrity: 正直,诚实;
personality: (鲜明的)个性
indulge: 沉溺于;使高兴,使享受;纵容,迁就。
conduct: 经营,处理,管理
advocate: 提倡,倡导。
confirmation: 证实;确认,批准。
prevail: 后常接over,意思是:战胜;流行。
anticipate: 预料,预期;先发制人,(抢先行动来)阻止。
carry off: 赢得(奖章),成功或轻而易举地处理或应付。
touch on: 关系到,涉及;(简单或顺便)谈到或提到。
be attributed to: 归因于。
be dedicated to: 把(时间,精力等)用于,把(自己,一生等)献给(后跟to)。


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