Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
The word “generosity” has been devalued(贬值) somewhat recently. A millionaire man may give his friend a house in the beautiful suburb(市郊); A rich man could fly halfway round the world to meet his friends for his birthday party. In this case, generosity is more an action of showing off than a sincere action of giving. And such showing off lacks the most important quality of real generosity: to offer kindness and love without expecting anything in return.
Real generosity, when you meet it is simply so pleasant. And as a quality, it belongs equally to the rich and the poor. A traveler in a faraway place felt it when he shared bread, room, even bed with a farmer’s family, whose general principle is “A guest in the house is God in the house”.
Another story is about a university student from Oxford. He did something out of his natural sense of generosity when he learned that his roommate couldn’t afford an impossibly expensive textbook, a book which was very rare in second-hand shops. Knowing that his roommate was far too proud to accept such a book as present from him, the rich student bought a new copy for 35 pounds at Blackwell’s bookshop. He dirtied it up a bit and tore off the paper cover, made a few dog-ears(卷页) and pencil marks against what he thought might be important parts, and wrote an invented name in the front. He even remembered to age the ink by putting it over fire. Then he went back, looking extremely proud of himself and claiming to have got the book in a second-hand bookshop. “Beaten them down to two pounds!” To make his friends believe him, he showed a receipt(收据)for the money by buying himself another book at the same place. Ten years later, the poorer student got to know the truth. Actually he was suspicious at the very beginning, though he didn’t force his richer friend to tell the truth. He appreciated the invaluable generosity as well as the valuable book.
Real generosity lies in the giver’s thoughtfulness, not its price or wrapping of the gift. It is one of the things which make us human and should be honored more than we do now.
31. A millionaire gives his friend a beautiful house, which is considered as ________ by the author.
[A] a sincere action of giving
[B] an action of showing off
[C] a good example of generosity
[D] a quality of being kind to others
32. Which of the following is true of real generosity?
[A] It offers help expecting something in return.
[B] It’s a quality belonging only to the rich.
[C] It expresses a sort of simple love to human beings.
[D] It lies in the giver’s thoughtfulness and kindness.
33. The Oxford student’s generosity to his roommate is shown in ________.
[A] his efforts to look for the textbook in all the second-hand bookshops
[B] his wisdom to beat the price of the book down to two pounds
[C] his ability to make the new book look old and cheap
[D] his consideration of offering the book without hurting his roommate’s self-respect
34. The poorer student didn’t force his rich friend to tell the truth because ________.
[A] he was too proud to know the fact
[B] he appreciated his friend’s thoughtfulness
[C] he was suspicious of the rich student’s intention
[D] he didn’t want to know the truth
35. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?
[A] Real generosity is invaluable.
[B] A guest in the house is God in the house.
[C] The word “generosity” has been devalued.
[D] A gift can’t be judged by its price or wrapping.
IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two items)
36. 方便的 a . c 37. 避开 a . a
38. 态度 n . a 39. 失败 n . f
40. 完美的 a . p 41. 频繁的 a . f
42. 版,版本 n . e 43. 海湾 n . g
44. 同意,批准 v . a 45. 有吸引力的 a . a
46. 面试 n . i 47. 有罪的 a . g
48. 动物 n . a 49. 威胁 n . t
50. 秘书 n . s 51. 消灭,灭绝 v . e
52. 批评 v . c 53. 精确的 a . p
54. 实际地 adv . a 55. 考虑 n . c
V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point for each item)
56. Proverbs are quite common in both ________ (write) and spoken English.
57. Her (involve) is the dispute led to many trouble.
58. How wonderful would a library be if the books in it ________ (keep) in random order.
59. We find it easy ________ (practice) using the language regularly.
60. Today many people are paying more attention to ________ (reduce) stress in their lives.
61. It is known that bones, muscles, and nerves develop ________ (fast) in baby girls than baby boys.
62. If she ________ (accept) the job, she will have a chance to go to Canada in the future.
63. Who ________ (invent) the first cell-phone?
64. He ________ (not change) since I saw him last year.
65. ________ (tradition), all the members of an extended family lived in the same area.
VI. Translate the following sentences into English (15 points, 3 points for each item)
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