
专业英语词汇 2024-09-16 网络整理 可可


1. bronze ware, including wine vessels, food vessels, musical instruments, water vessels and weapons, is a fine treasure of the chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world.
2. the shanghai museum displays over 500 pieces of the finest ceramics from the neolithic times to the end of the qing dynasty.
3. we provide our customers with services of foreign currency exchange, customs declaration, shipping and insurance.`
4. australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world, with about 70m percent of the population living in the 10 largest cities. 澳大利亚是世界上城市化程度最高的国家之一,约70%的人口居住在十个最大的城市里。
5. it is generally accepted that australia"s original inhabitants, the aboriginal people, have lived on the continent for 40,000 to 60,000 years. 澳大利亚的原始居民,即澳洲土著人,被普遍认为已在澳洲大陆栖居了4万至6万年之久。
6. the first european settlement of the continent, by the british, began in 1788, on the site now occupied by sydney, australia"s largest city. 1788年,来自英国的第一批欧洲移民来到澳大利亚,定居在今日澳大利亚的最大城市悉尼的所在地。
7. january 26, the date of the first european settlement of the continent in 1788, is australia"s national day. 每年1月26日,即1788年首批欧洲人来澳洲大陆定居之日,被指定为澳大利亚的国庆节日。
8. although australia english has its own colloquialisms and slang expressions, it does not differ importantly from other forms of english, except in accent. spelling generally follows the british form. 澳大利亚英语虽然含有一些独特的方言和俚语,但除了口音之外,澳大利亚人所讲的英语与其他英语地区的人所讲的英语并无显著差别。在单词拼写上,澳大利亚英语通常沿袭了英国英语的拼写形式。
9. 随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融、经济和贸易中心的城市正在为促进长江流域的经济发展起着龙头作用。with its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the far east, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in the yangtze river valley.
10. 早在唐宋时期上海便是中国的外贸重镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有商贸关系。back in the tang and song dynasties, shanghai functioned as china"s key foreign trade port and had mercantile ties with japan, korea and southeast asia.
11. 上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分展示了特色鲜明的海派文化。one of the noted historic and cultural cities in china, shanghai have over 70 sites of historical interest and cultural relics under the protection of the state and the municipal government, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture.
12. 上海奥特英中心是一家装潢华丽的四星级花园式旅游宾馆。中心占地面积30亩,集住宿、餐饮、娱乐、健身、商务和会务于一体。宾馆拥有88间豪华套房、168间 标准客房,以及可容纳300多人的会议厅。shanghai autoin center is a magnificently decorated four-star tourist garden hotel. the center occupies an area of 20,000 square meters, or two hectares, with a complete service of accommodation, catering, entertainment, body-building, and business and convention facilities. the hotel has 88 deluxe suites, 168 standard rooms, and a convention hall with a seating capacity of over 300 people.
13. 宾馆提供各种便利服务项目,其中包括出租车联系、机票和火车票预订、外汇兑换、国际电话直拨、信用卡收费、衣服熨烫、美容美发、桑拿沐浴、按摩推拿等服务。the hotel provides comprehensive convenience services, such as taxi arrangement, airline and train ticket booking, foreign currency exchange, international direct dial telephone (or idd), the acceptance of major credit cards, laundry service, a beauty parlor and a sauna bath on the premises, as well as a health service with medical massage.
14. 上海奥特英中心那田园式的环境,优雅精谧,颇有欧美乡村情调,使旅游度假或商住的理想场所。宾馆服务人员训练有素,为每一为宾客提供一流的服务,使他们在宾馆期间愉快舒适,有一种宾至如归的感觉,离别时所带走的是种种美好的回忆。enveloped in elegant, peaceful and pastoral surroundings flavored with a european and american country impression, the shanghai autoin center offers an ideal residence for holiday-spending or business trips. the hotel"s well-trained staff provide all guests with its first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. the guests are ensured to feel at home while staying at the hotel. and when they leave, they will bring with them many happy memories.
15. 上海奥特英中心地理位置优越,交通便利,驱车20分钟可达虹桥机场,30分钟可至上海火车站。with an ideal location and easy transportation, it takes only 20 minutes by car to get to the hongqiao airport and 30 minutes to the shanghai railway station.
16. in australia, each state and territory has its own primary and secondary education system. standards, however, are high and reasonably uniform. 在澳大利亚,各州和各地区都有自己的小学和中学教育制度。虽然各地的教育制度并不雷同,但是他们所制定教育标准是高的,教育标准的一致性也是合情合理的。
17. within each state and territory system there are two main types of school-government and non-government. in government schools, attended by about two thirds of children, tuition is free. 在各州和各地区,学校主要分为政府办和民办两大类。约三分之二的儿童上政府办的学校,这类学校是免费的。
18. primary schooling lasts six to seven years and the curriculum is similar across the nation. 小学教育的学制为6至7年,全国各地的小学有着相同的课程设置。
19. major examinations or other formal assessments occur after three of four years of high school and, at this point, most students are old enough to leave the system. 主要考试或其他正式学业评定在经过中学学习的3-4年后举行,这是大多数学生已到了可以离校的年龄。
20. the entire system is matched by correspondence courses for students prevented by illness, disability or residential isolation from attending schools. there are also school of the air, which use two-way radio networks to provide classroom experience to students in isolated places. 为了满足因疾病、伤残、或居住偏远等缘故而无法上学的学生的求学要求,澳大利亚的教育体制有一套与正规教育相匹配的函授课程。另外还有空中学校,通过双向无线电传播网络向住在偏远地区的学生提供身临其境的课堂教育。
21. there is a nationwide school program designed to increase students" sensitivity to the population"s multicultural background and to help ethnic communities maintain their languages and cultures. students from non-english speaking backgrounds are help to develop their english to enhance their equality of opportunity in education and participation in society. 由于澳大利亚人民有着各种不同的文化背景,所以全国各的学校都制定了相关的教育计划,以提高学生对这种多种文化共存的状况的认识,帮助少数民族保留自己的语言,保持自己的文化传统。来自非英语国家的学生可以得到帮助,使他们提高自己的英语水平,以便他们在受教育和参与社会活动时享有与他人同等的机会。
22. 中旅社拥有最庞大的旅游服务机构,在国内有一个集住宿、餐饮、交通、旅游、购物、娱乐于一体的最完整、全面运行的服务网络机制。the china travel service boasts the largest travel service with the most complete and fully functioning network in the country, incorporating accommodation, food, transport, touring, shopping and entertaining services.
23. 中旅集团的四万名职工中有一支高质量的多种语言翻译兼导游队伍。the cts group has 40,000 employees including qualified multilingual translation and guide teams.
24. 中旅社还为海外游客提供签证、国际货运等配套服务。 the cts also provides supporting services for overseas tourists such as assistance with visa applications and international freight transport.

1. the museum of industrial history, which officially opened to the public in 1988, displays well-chosen exhibits, each of which depicts the technological development of different periods in industrial history.
2. as canada"s third-largest metropolitan city after toronto and montreal, vancouver is an important industrial, financial and business center. 温哥华是仅次于多伦多和蒙特利尔的加拿大第三大城市,是一个重要的工业、金融、商业中心。
3. products of western canada"s farms, ranches, forests, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to vancouver and then by water to the ports of the world. 加拿大西部的农产品、畜牧产品、木材、煤炭和工业产品,通过铁 路运往温哥华,然后经水路运往世界各地的港口。
4. gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.旧城的市中心盖斯敦区已重新恢复了1880年代的风格,古董店、时装屋、礼品店,四处可见。
5. vancouver is largely british in character with some chinese influence. almost three fourths of the population are of british ancestry. 温哥华以英国文化传统为主要特征,同时也受到中国文化的影响。英裔血统的居民几乎占了全城人口的四分之三。
6. 建校以来,学校已培养外语水平较高,其他文化知识较好的毕业生为目标。since its establishment, the school has always geared itself toward the objective of bringing up students with excellence in foreign language proficiency as well as in other academic subjects.
7. 学校开设英、德、法、日、俄等5个语种,各语种都聘有外籍专家任教。we offer five foreign language programs of english, german. french, japanese and russian. the faculty of each foreign language program is joined by native speakers with teaching qualifications.
8. 学校十分重视国际友好交往,与德、美、法、日、韩等国家的一些学校建立了校际交流关系,每年进行互访。we greatly value our exchange relations with overseas institutions. our exchange programs involve institutions in germany, the united states, france, japan and south korea, and the annual exchanges of visits.
9. situated between the state of new york of the united states and the province of ontario of canada, and with an age of 25,000years, niagara falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the north american continent. 美国纽约州和加拿大安大略省交界处、有着25,000年历史的尼亚加拉瀑布,是北美洲最壮观的自然奇观之一。
10. at night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from. the park area has long been a tourist site and a favorite spot for couples to spend their honeymoons. 夜幕降临后,瀑布在五彩斑斓的灯光的照耀下,显得风情万种,妩媚无比,令人留连忘返。多年来,尼亚加拉瀑布公园一直是游人驻足之胜地,鸳侣蜜月之佳所。
11. 大桥主体结构由256根斜拉揽索加以稳固,其中最长的一根揽索为328米,重达33吨,由301根直径为7毫米的高强度钢丝绕成。the massive structure of the bridge is supported by256 cables, the longest of which stretches 328 meters and weighs 33 tons, and is made of 301 high-strength steel wires with a diameter of seven millimeters each.
12. 桥上设有双向六车道,两边还各有宽两米的人行道。大桥最高限速为每小时60公里。每天可容纳5万辆机动车的流量。main section of the bridge features a two-way six-lane motor traffic with a two-meter-wide sidewalk flanked on each side. the posted speed limit on the bridge is 60 kilometers per hour. the bridge has a traffic capacity of 50,000 vehicles per day.
13. 大桥设计采用了许多最先进的工艺方法。大桥的建成表明中国的桥梁设计和建筑水平已进入世界先进行列。a number of state-of-the-art techniques were incorporated in the design. the completion of the bridge heralds the entry of china"s bridge design and construction industry into the world"s advanced level.

1. would you comment on the possibility of china"s entry into the world trade organization this year?
2. how do you view the prospects of making further investment in china"s coastal cities?
3. 我们主要从财政政策、银行制度以及国有企业这三方面进行改革。mainly, we will conduct reform in three areas, that is, the fiscal policy, the banking system, and state-owned enterprises.
4. 我们高兴地看到,全国以及各行业的总的情况是稳定的,没有出现大的问题,从而大大增强了我们的信心。这些领域的改革必须得到中国人民的理解和支持,为他们所接受。这并非易事。we are glad to see that the general situation in the country and in all industries has been stable. no big problems have cropped up, and this has greatly boosted our confidence. these reforms also must nave the chinese people"s understanding, support, and acceptance. that is by no means easy.
5. 但是我们并没有采用激烈的做法,事实上我们的做法是稳妥的。but the measures we introduce are not so drastic. they are actually quite moderate.
6. 我们将今年的目标定在9%至10%。我们不可能做到7%,那样做会使经济陷入一种混乱的局面,那样的波动也会引起社会混乱。our target is 9% to 10% for this year. it is not possible for us to achieve 7% because that would create a disruption to the economy. in addition, that kind of fluctuation would lead to social instability.
7. 去年外国在华直接投资达到有史以来最高水平,约110亿美元。这是一个好现象。last year we saw an unprecedented level of direct foreign investment in china, some $11 billion worth. it is a good phenomenon.
8. 认为中美贸易战只会伤害中国一方那是不正确的。我认为首当其冲的是美国公民,最大的受害者是美国的普通消费者。it is not correct to think that it would be a terrible thing only for china if that should happen. i think that it"s the american public-the general american consumer-who would suffer the most.
9. 我认为他根据人均粮食消费400公斤而对中国粮食总需求所做出的统计是正确的。i think his calculation on the total demand for grain in china. which was based on the per-capita grain consumption of 400 kilograms, is correct.
10. 但是,我又不得不指出,布朗先生那些关于2003年中国粮食生产总量以及增长率的数字是完全错误的。他的数字是根据21年前,中国粮食总产量2.67亿吨这一情况推算出来的。i have to say, however, mr. brown"s figure about china"s total production capacity by the year 2030, as well as it"s growth rate is by no means accurate. the figure that mr. brown used was derived from that of 21 years ago when china"s total grain production reached 267 million tons.
11. 我们的估算表明,到2020年是我国粮食消费量的95%的数量将依赖自己的谷物生产,这在国际上算是一个极高的比率。尽管中国人口众多,但它目前对粮食的进口只占了其消费总量的2%。粮食自给是我国近半个世纪来的一贯政策。基于粮食自给的原则,我们制定了计划生育、环境保护和粮田保护三项基本国策。此外,中国是个大国,从成本上来考虑,进口粮食只对沿海地区有利。而偏远地区和内地,因运输成本太高,从未依赖粮食进口。our estimation shows that by the year 2020 china will be relying on 95 percent of its own grain production to feed the nation, an extremely high rate in the world. despite china"s huge population, its net grain import currently accounts for only about two percent of its total consumption. self-sufficiency in grain has been a policy that the country has been following for nearly half a century, as such, three essential national programs-family planning, environmental protection and the preservation of crop-lands---were based on adhering to this principle. in addition, china is a large country and relying on imported grain can only be cost-effective for its coastal areas. the hinterland and inland regions have never depended on imported foods due to the high cost of transportation.
12. 美国前国务卿蒂安、艾奇逊在45年前说过,中国众多的人口对任何一届中国政府来说都是一种无法承受的压力。dean acheson, former us secretary of state, side about 45 years ago that china"s huge population was an unbearable pressure for all chinese governments.
13. 统计数字显示,世界上只有两个国家能够承担12亿人口所需粮食的压力,那就是中国和美国。然而,明显不同的事,中国仅以美国一半的可耕地生产了同样数量的粮食,并负担了近乎美国人口四倍的人民的吃饭问题。statistics show that only two counties in the world, i.e., china and the united states, are capable of supporting a population of 1.2 billion. the marked difference, however, is that china produces the same amount of grain on only half the size of us crop-land but supports a population nearly four times that of the united states.
14. 首先,我们要开阔视野,使我们能更有效率的发展社会主义市场经济,成为好的经理和政策制定者。其次,我们希望加强外贸体制的改革,使外贸逐渐走向竞争,并使之受到诸如关税、汇率和利率等法律和经济手段的制约。first of all, we want to broaden our own mental horizons so as to be more effective in developing a socialist market economy and to become better managers and policy-markers. second, we hope to strengthen reform in our foreign trade system in order to gradually open foreign trade to competition and to get it under both legal and economic control, such as tariff, exchange rates and interest rates.
15. 我们对外经济合作与贸易往来多头并进,产品、资本、技术和劳力紧密结合,互相促进。our foreign economic cooperation and trade have been developing in many directions at once, closely combining products, capital, technology and labor, one sector helping to promote the other.
16. 从1994年到2000年,中国进口累计总额将达到10,000亿美元。这个数字包括建筑和技术改造方面的210个重点工程所需进口的技术和设备。between the year 1994 and the year 2000 china"s accumulative total import value will reach us$ 1 trillion. this will include imported technology and equipment for 210 key projects in construction and technological renovation.


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