二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding; co2 arc welding细丝co2焊 co2 arc welding with thin wire
粗丝co2焊 co2 arc welding with thick wire
磁性焊剂co2焊 unionarc welding
药芯焊丝co2焊 arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding
气电立焊 electrogas (arc) welding
氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding
水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapour arc welding
原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen welding
冲器室中电弧焊 controlled atmosphere arc welding
旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding
短路过渡电弧焊 short circuiting arc welding
焊丝横摆频率 weaving speed of wire
焊丝停摆时间 electrode keep time of slider
等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (paw)
等离子弧 plasma arc
等离子流 plasma jet
转移弧 transferred arc
非转移弧 nontransferred arc
联合型等离子弧 combined plasma arc
主弧 main arc
维弧 pilot arc
维弧电流 pilot arc surrent
双弧现象 double arcing
双弧临界电流 critical current of double arcing
等离子弧焊枪 plasma (welding) torch
压缩喷嘴 constricting nozzle
单孔喷嘴 single port nozzle
多孔喷嘴 multiport nozzle
压缩喷嘴孔径 orifice diameter
孔道长度 orifice throat length
孔道比 orifice throat ratio
等离子气 plasma gas; orifice gas
电极内缩长度 electrode setback
小孔效应 keyhole effect
小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhole-mode welding
熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type plasma arc welding
大电流等离子弧焊 high-current plasma arc welding
中电流等离子弧焊 intermediate-current plasma arc welding
小电流等离子弧焊 low-current plasma arc welding
微束等离子弧焊 micro-plasma arc welding
交流等离子弧焊 ac plasma arc welding
脉冲等离子弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding
等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing
热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot wire plasma arc surfacing
粉末等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc powder surfacing
等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 plasma mig welding
转移弧电源 transferred arc power supply
非转移弧电源 nontransferred arc power supply
电弧焊设备 arc welding equipment
电弧焊机 arc welding machine
直流弧焊机 dc arc welding machine
交流弧焊机 ac arc welding machine
交直流两用弧焊机 ac/dc arc welding machine
单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding machine
多站弧焊机 multi-operator arc welding set
固定式弧焊机 stationary arc welding machine
移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine
台式弧焊机 bench arc welding machine
内燃机驱动式弧焊机 combustion engine driven arc welding set
电动机驱动式弧焊机 motor driven arc welding set
熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a consumable electrode
不熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode
脉冲弧焊机 pulsed arc welding machine
气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc welding machine
氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine
二氧化碳弧焊机 co2 arc welding machine
钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten inert-gas welding machine
熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 metal inert-gas welding machine
气电立焊机 electrogas (arc) welding machine
等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine
微束等离子弧焊机 micro-plasma welding equipment
原子氢焊机 atomic hydrogen welding apparatus
埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine
弧焊电源 arc welding power source
直流弧焊电源 dc arc welding power source
交流弧焊电源 ac arc welding power source
交直流两用弧焊电源 ac/dc arc welding power source
脉冲弧焊电源 pulsed arc welding power source
上升特性弧焊电源 rising characteristic arc welding power source
平特性弧焊电源 constant –voltage arc welding power source
下降特性弧焊电源 dropping characteristic arc welding power source
垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current arc welding power source
多特性弧焊电源 slope-controlled arc welding power source
逆变式焊接电源 inverter welding power source
晶体管弧焊电源 transistor arc welding power source
电源动特性 dynamic characteristic
电源外特性 external characteristic
弧焊变压器 arc welding transformer
弧焊整流器 arc welding rectifier
硅弧焊整流器 silicon arc welding rectifier
晶闸管弧焊整流器 scr arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon controlled rectifier
脉冲弧焊整流器 pulsed arc welding rectifier
弧焊发电机 arc welding generator
焊车 welding tractor
焊接机头 welding head
行走机构 traveller
送丝机构 wire feeder
等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system
变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system
焊丝盘 wire reel
焊钳 electrode holder
焊枪 welding gun
电极夹 electrode holder
导电嘴 tip; contact tube
喷嘴 nozzle
焊剂漏斗 flux-hopper
高频振荡器 oscillator; hf unit
脉冲引弧器 pulsed arc starter; surge injector
脉冲稳弧器 pulsed arc stabilizer
脉冲激弧器 pulsed arc exciter
输出电抗器 out put reactor
镇定变阻器 ballast rheostat
直流分量抑制器 direct current suppressor
焊接回路 welding circuit
额定焊接电流 rated welding current
焊接电流调节范围 range of welding current regulation
空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load voltage)
约定负载电压 conventional load voltage
负载持续率 duty cycle
额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle; standard service
手工弧焊机 manual arc welding machine
电焊渣 electroslag welding (esw)
手工电渣焊 manual electroslag welding
丝极电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode
板极电渣焊 electroslag welding with plate electrode
熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with consumable nozzle
管极电渣焊 electroslag welding with tube electrode
窄间隙电渣焊 narrow-gap electroslag welding
电渣堆焊 electroslag surfacing
电渣焊机 electrosalg welding machine
熔嘴 consumable nozzle; consumable wire
钢档板 steel shoe (192页)
钢冷却板 cu-cooling plate
铜滑板copper shoe
渣池slag bath
渣池深度depth of slag bath
渣池电压voltage of slag bath
电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability
焊丝间距distance between welding wires
电子束焊electron beam welding (ebw)
脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding
加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage
电子束电流beam current
电子束功率beam power
电子束功率密度beam power density
焦点focal spot
焦距focal length
工作距离work distance
电子束焊机electron beam welding machine
高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder
低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder
非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder
电子枪electron gun
二极电子枪diode gun
三极电子枪triode gun
偏压电极bias electrode
电磁透镜electromagnetic lens
电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils
激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding
连续激光焊continuous laser welding
脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding
激光焊机laser welding equipment
气体激光器gas laser
固体激光器solid laser
焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam
离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface
焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio
气焊gas welding
氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding
氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding
空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding
氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame
氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame
氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame
焊接火焰 welding flame
混合比 mixing ratio
混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaseous
一次燃烧 primary combustion
二次燃烧 secondary combustion
燃烧速度 combustion rate
燃烧强度 combustion intensity
火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency
焰芯 inner cone; flame cone
内焰 internal flame
外焰 flame envelope
中性焰 neutral flame
氧化焰 oxidizing flame
碳化焰 carburizing flame
还原区 reducing zone
火焰稳定性 flame stability
回火 flashback
逆火 backfire
回烧 flashback
气体发生速度 gasification speed
焊炬 torch; blow pipe
等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch
射吸式焊炬 injector torch
氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch
焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch
混合室 mixing chamber
喷射器 injector
焊嘴 welding nozzle; welding tip
液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator
气瓶 gas cylinder
乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder
阀罩 cylinder cap
气瓶阀 cylinder valve
汇流排 cylinder manifold
减压器 pressure regulator; gas regulator
单级减压器 single stage regulator
两级减压器 two stage regulator
回火防止器 flashback arrestor
干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor
水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor
净化器 purifier
乙炔发生器 acetylene generator
低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator
热剂焊 thermit welding (tw)
热剂补焊 thermit repair welding
钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding
热剂 thermit powder
热剂钢水 thermit steel
热剂反应 thermit reaction
热剂溶渣 thermit slag
热剂铸模 thermit mold; mold for thermit weld
热剂坩埚 thermit crucible
焊筋 collar
水下焊 underwater welding
水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding
水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding
温式水下焊wet method underwater welding
干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding
局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding
水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding
遥控水下焊 remote controlled underwater welding
电弧空腔 arc bubble
电阻焊 resistance welding (rw)
点焊 spot welding; resistance spot welding
凸焊 projection welding
缝焊 seam welding
滚点焊 roll-spot welding
连续点焊 stitch welding
多点焊 multiple spot welding
手压点焊 push welding; poke welding
脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding
双面点焊 direct spot welding
单面点焊 indirect spot welding
串联点焊 series spot welding
多点凸焊multiple projection welding
频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding
压平缝焊 mash seam welding
串联缝焊 series seam welding
对接缝焊 butt seam welding; foil-butt seam
电阻对焊 upset butt welding
闪光对焊 flash butt welding (fbw)
储能焊 stored energy welding
电容储能点焊 condenser discharge spot welding
高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding
冲击电阻焊 percussion welding
胶接点焊 spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding
闪光 flashing; flash
过梁 bridge; lintel
顶锻 upsetting; upset
夹紧力 clamping force
顶锻力 upsetting force; upset force
电极压力 electrode force; electrode pressure
电极滑移 electrode skid
焊接循环 welding cycle
预压时间 squeeze time
锻压时间 forge-delay time; forge time
焊接通电时间(电阻焊)welding time (resistance welding)
预热时间 preheat time
加热时间 heat time
冷却时间 cool time
间歇时间 quench time; chill time
回火时间 temper time
维持时间 hold time
休止时间 off time
闪光时间flash time; flashing time
顶锻时间 upset time; upsetting time
有电顶锻时间 upset current time
无电顶锻时间 upset current-off time
闪光速度 flashing speed
闪光电流 flashing current; flash current
顶锻电流 upset current
预热电流 preheat current
回火电流 temper current
调伸长度 initial overhange; extension
总留量 total allowance
闪光留量 flash allowance
顶锻留量 upset allowance
顶锻速度 upset speed
电极接触面 electrode contact surface
贴合面 faying surface
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