
专业英语词汇 2023-01-26 网络整理 可可


班会 class meeting
班导师 home-room teacher
秘书教育 secretarial education
级友;同班同学 classmate
航空学校 aerial navigation school; aviation academy
航海教育;海事教育 nautical education
训练学院 training college
退休制度 retirement system
退学 withdrawal from school
逃学 truancy
院际体育竞赛{校内};院内体育竞赛{校内} intermural athletics; intramural athletics
高级中学{美} senior high school
高级学院{美} senior college
高等师范学校{法} higher normal school
高等教育 higher education
高等学士学位{英} honors degree
停学 suspension
假日 holiday
假日班;假日课程 holiday course
假期 vacation
假期学校 vacation school
健康教育 health education
副校长{大学,英、美} vice chancellor
副校长{大学} vice president
区;科;部;系 department
参观教学 educational excursion
商船学校 mercantile marine school
商业教育 business education; commercial education
商学院 college of commerce
问卷;问题征答 questionnaire
问卷法 questionnaire method
国防教育 education for national defense
国家奖学金 national scholarship
国际教育 international education
基础学校{德} foundation school
妇女学校 women"s school
寄宿学校 board school; boarding school
专科学校{台湾};初级学院{美} junior college
专业考试 professional examination
专业教育 professional education
专业预备教育 preprofessional education
专业学校 professional school
强迫入学局 attendance bureau; bureau of attendance
强迫就学 compulsory attendance; forced attendance at school
推广班 extension class
教育 education
教育文献 educational literature
教育年鉴;教育年刊 educational yearbook
教育百科全书 encyclopedia of education
教育行政 educational administration
教育行政人员 educational administrator
教育局{美} office of education
教育局长{美} superintendent
教育制度 educational system; system of education
教育委员会{英};教育委员会{美} board of education
教育法令 educational decree
教育法案;教育草案 educational bill
教育社会学 educational sociology
教育宣导 educational propaganda
教育指导;教育指南 educational guide
教育政策 educational policy
教育研究 educational research
教育研究局 bureau of educational research
教育研究所{德} pedagogical institute
教育研讨室 pedagogy seminary
教育科学 science of education
教育捐款;教育基金 educational endowment
教育效率 educational efficiency
教育病理学 educational pathology; pedagogical pathology
教育财政 educational finance
教育专家 educational expert
教育统计学 educational statistics
教育设备;教育设施 educational plant
教育部 ministry of education
教育部长 minister of education; minister of public instruction
教育部长{美} secretary of education
教育博物馆 educational museum
教育期刊 educational journal; educational periodical
教育税 school tax
教育评论 educational criticism
教育阶梯 educational ladder
教育会议 educational conference
教育经费支出;教育开支 educational expenditure
教育资料 educational data
教育图书馆 educational library; pedagogical library
教育学 paideutics; pedagogics; pedagogy
教育学系 department of education; educational department
教育学院 college of education; school of education
教育学院{德} pedagogical academy
教育机会 educational opportunity
教育杂志 educational magazine
教育辞典 educational dictionary
教育权[利] educational right
教室 classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room
教员工作负担 teacher"s load
教员聘约 teacher"s agreement
教员检定 certification of teachers
教师公会 teachers" guild
教师手册 teacher"s manual


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