
专业英语词汇 2023-01-26 网络整理 可可


  武术 martial arts

  太极拳 hexagram boxing

  刀 broadsword

  钩 hook

  飞功 chikung

  剑 rapier

  棍 cudgel

  散打 free combat

  匕首 dagger

  盾 shield

  双剑 double

  拳法 fist position

  叉 fork

  猿形 ape form

  如封似闭 apparent close

  器械对练 armed combat

  与眼平 at eye level

  与鼻平 at nose level

  上步盖掌 backhand stroke in bow step

  仰身跌 backward falling

  倒毛跟斗 backward somersault

  平衡 balance

  提膝平衡 balance with one knee raised

  平衡练习 balancing exercise

  摸胸反击法 against one who grabs your breast

  抓肩反击法 against one who grabs your breast shoulders from behind

  正面抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands face to face

  身后抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands from behind


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