[教育业常用词汇]教育业常用词汇 - 心理辅助

专业英语词汇 2023-01-21 网络整理 可可


一般智能 general intelligence
中介安置教育措施 middle way educational placement
中途学校{中介安置教育处所} transition school; middle way school
中辍{中途辍学} dropout
中辍生 dropouts
心理复健计画 mental rehabilitation plan
未婚怀孕 unmarried pregnancy
生活重建计画 life-reconstruction plan
生活辅导 daily-life guidance
再辍率 re-dropout rate
危机管理辅导机制 mechanism of risk management and guidance
合作式中途班{中介安置教育处所} collaboration transition class; collaboration transition school
多重障碍 multiple impairments
安置{辅导} placement
早期疗育 early intervention
自闭症 autism
身心障碍 the disabled
身心障碍教育专业团队 team of professionals specializing in education for the disabled
身体病弱 health impairments
防治准则 prevention guideline or preventional guideline
其他特殊才能 other special talents
其他显著障碍 other significant handicaps
性别平等 gender equity
性别刻板印象 gender stereotype
性别歧视 gender discrimination
性别特质 gender traits
性别倾向 gender tendency
性侵犯 sexual offenders
性侵害 sexual abuse
性暴力 sexual violence
性骚扰 sexual harassment
社会因素 society-related factor
肢体障碍 physical handicaps
青少年辅导计画 teenager"s guidance program
个人因素 personal-related factor
个别化教育计画 individualized education program {= iep}
家庭因素 family-related factor
校外学习成就 off-campus learning achievements
特殊幼稚园 special education kindergarten
特殊教育资源中心 special education resource center
特殊教育学生鉴定及就学辅导委员会 committee responsible for identification and placement of gifted and disabled students
特殊教育谘询委员会 special education consultative committee
高危险群学生 at-risk student group
基本课业辅导 school work guidance; basic school work guidance
教训辅三合一方案{教学、训导、辅导三合一整合实验方案} program of integrative system for instruction, discipline and guidance
通报 report
创造能力 creativity
复学 reentry
复学率 reentry rate
智能障碍 mental retardation
测验题库 item bank
发展迟缓 developmental retardation
视觉障碍 visual impairment
量尺分数 scale score
慈辉班{中介安置教育处所} tzi-huei class; tzi-huei school
资源式中途班{中介安置教育处所} middle way class
资源班 resource class
资赋优异 the gifted
隔代教养 grandparenting
语言障碍 language disorders
认辅制度 voluntary guidance program; adoption-guidance program
辅导团{辅导计画} guidance group
领导能力 leadership
辍学原因分析 dropout analysis
辍学率 dropout rate
学生辅导工作 student guidance work
学前特殊教育设施 preschool special education facilities
学校因素 school-related factor
学校辅导工作 school guidance work
学习障碍 learning disabilities
学术性向 scholastic aptitude
整合实验方案 integral experimental project
转衔服务 assistances in transitions
艺术才能 artistic talent
严重情绪障碍 severe emotional disturbance
携手计画 collaboration plan
听觉障碍 hearing impairments


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