
专业英语词汇 2023-01-20 网络整理 可可


curriculum at the london college of fashion


文学硕士 (ma)  时装研究 (fashion studies) 

研究生证书(postgraduate certifica te)  时装 (fashion) 

高等教育证书(certificate of higher education) 服装学(cosmetic science) 

文学学士(ba honours)  表演艺术中的服装、技术效果和化妆 (costume, technical effects and make-up for the performing arts) 时装设计工艺 (fashion design technology) 时装管理 (fashion management) 时装摄影 (fashion photography) 时装推销 (fashion promotion) 时装研究 (fashion studies) 产品设计和开发(product design and development)  

理学士荣誉学位(bsc honours) 化妆理学 (cosmetic science) 

基础学位(foundation degree) 美容医疗和健身(beauty therapy and health studies) 时装设计技术(fashion design technology) 时装市场和发展(fashion marketing and promotion) 时装款式和摄影(fashion styling and photography) 专业化妆(specialist make-up styling) 

edexel/btec国家证书(edexel/btec national diploma)  美容医疗 (beauty therapy) 时尚与服饰 (fashion & clothing) 美发与化妆 (hair and make-up styling) 

edexel/btec基础学科国家证书(edexel/btec national diploma in foundation studies) 时装业的商业,零售,批发学(business and retail and distributive studies: fashion) 

第一文凭(first diploma)  时尚作品 (fashion portfolio) 

预科课程(access) 时装预科课程(fashion access programme) 

高级专业证书(professional development award certificate)  时装制作 (fashion production) 

证书(certification) 工艺裁缝(handcraft tailoring) 

文凭(diploma) 时尚与服装(fashion and clothing) 美发与化妆(hair and make-up styling) 美容医疗(beauty therapy)


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