coefficeint of log 计程仪系数coefficient of absorption 吸收系数
coefficient of adhesion 粘附系数
coefficient of alienation 不相关系数
coefficient of amplification 放大系数
coefficient of attenuation 衰减系数
coefficient of autocorrelation 自相关系数
coefficient of compression 压缩系数
coefficient of conductivity 传导系数
coefficient of contraction 收缩系数
coefficient of correction 校正系数
coefficient of correction 修正系数
coefficient of correlation 相关系数
coefficient of corrosion 腐蚀系数
coefficient of coupling 耦合系数
coefficient of cubic expansion 体膨胀系数
coefficient of curvature 弯曲系数
coefficient of damping 阻尼系数
coefficient of detection 检波系数
coefficient of deviation 自差系数
coefficient of discharge 流量系数
coefficient of displacement 船型系数
coefficient of displacement 排水量系数
coefficient of drag 阻力系数
coefficient of dynamic viscosity 动力粘性系数
coefficient of efficiency 效率
coefficient of elasticity 弹性系数
coefficient of electrostatic induction 静电感应系数
coefficient of elongation 伸长系数
coefficient of energy loss 能量损失系数
coefficient of excess air 过量空气系数
coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数
coefficient of extension 延伸系数
coefficient of fasting 加快系数
coefficient of filteration 过滤系数
coefficient of fineness delta 船型)肥瘠系数
coefficient of fineness 肥瘠系数
coefficient of fineness 瘦长系数
coefficient of fineness 瘦长系数肥瘠系数
coefficient of flow 流量系数
coefficient of fluctuation 波动系数
coefficient of form 船型系数
coefficient of formation 编队系数
coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
coefficient of hardness 硬度系数
coefficient of heat conduction 传热系数
coefficient of heat convection 热对流系数
coefficient of heat transfer 传热系数
coefficient of heat transmission 传热系数
coefficient of high order deviation 高阶自差系数
coefficient of induced deviation 感应自差系数
coefficient of induction 感应系数
coefficient of kinematic viscosity 运动粘性系数
coefficient of leakage 漏泄系数
coefficient of leeway 风压差系数
coefficient of linear expansion 线膨胀系数
coefficient of load 舱容系数
coefficient of load 载荷系数
coefficient of loading 容积系数
coefficient of loading 载货容积系数
coefficient of loading 装载系数
coefficient of local resistance 局部阻力系数
coefficient of losses 损耗系数
coefficient of magnetic dispersion 磁漏系数
coefficient of magnetic leakage 磁漏系数
coefficient of mechanical efficiency 机械效率
coefficient of mutual induction 互感系数
coefficient of occupation 利用系数
coefficient of performance 使用系数
coefficient of performance 特性系数性能系数效率系数
coefficient of performance 性能系数
coefficient of permeability 参透系数导磁系数
coefficient of phase difference 相位差系数
coefficient of phase displacement 相位移系数
coefficient of potential 电位系数
coefficient of quality 质量系数
coefficient of ranger 量程系数
coefficient of rectification 整流系数
coefficient of reflection 反射系数
coefficient of reserve 储备系数
coefficient of resistance 阻力系数电阻系数
coefficient of restitution 恢复系数
coefficient of rigidity 刚性系数
coefficient of rolling friction 滚动摩擦系数
coefficient of safety 安全系数
coefficient of self induction 自感系数
coefficient of self-induction 自感系数
coefficient of sliding friction 滑动摩擦系数
coefficient of stabilization 稳定系数
coefficient of steadiness 稳定系数
coefficient of stowage capacity 舱容系数
coefficient of surface tension 表面张力系数
coefficient of temperature 温度系数
coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数
coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数
coefficient of thermal trasmission 传热系数
coefficient of tide 潮汐系数
coefficient of utilization 利用系数
coefficient of velocity 速度系数
coefficient of ventilation 通风系数
coefficient of viscosity 粘度系数
coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数
coefficient of water plane 水线面积系数
coefficient of wear 磨损系数
coefficient potentiometer 系数电位器
coefficient 系数
coefficient 系数因数
coefficient 系数因数折算率
coelostat 定天镜
coerce 强制
coercibility 压缩性
coercion 强迫
coercive force meter 矫顽磁力计
coercive force 矫顽
coercive force 抗磁力
coercive measure 强制手段;强制措施
coercive power 强制权
coercive procedure 强制程序
coercive 强制的
coercivity 矫顽性
cofactor 余因数
coffee survices 咖啡用具
coffee 咖啡
coffer 沉箱
coffer 潜水箱;保险箱;镶板
cofferdam 隔离舱
cofferdam 隔离舱潜箱
cofferdam 隔离舱围堰空隔舱
cofferdam 潜水箱;围堰;空隔舱
coffin plate 轴包板
coffin plate 轴壳包板
coffin stern 梯形船尾
coffin 棺材;不适于航海的破旧船;装运罐
coffin 矩形空间
coffin 矩形空间不适航的破旧船装运罐棺材报废船
coffin 装运罐报废船
cofocal conics 共焦二次曲线
cofunction 余函数
cog wheel 嵌齿轮
cog 嵌齿钝齿
cog 小快艇;小渔船;齿轮的齿
cog 小舢板
cogging 榫
cogging 榫;接头
coguarantor 共同担保人
cogwheel pump 齿轮泵
cogwheel 嵌齿轮
cohere 附着;相关;连贯
coherence technique 相干技术
coherence 凝聚粘结相关性
coherent carriers 相干载波
coherent detector 相干检波器
coherent echo modulation and detection 相干回波调制与检波
coherent light detecting and ranging 相干光检波与测距系统
coherent oscillator 相干振荡器
coherent reception 相干接收
coherent transmitter 相干发射机
coherent 相关的
coherer 金属屑检波器
cohesion of the bottom 船底吸力
cohesion 附着
cohesion 凝聚;内聚性;内聚力;结合
cohesive energy 内聚能
cohesive force 内聚力
cohesive material 聚合材料
cohesive property 粘结性
cohesive strength 聚合强度
cohesive 凝聚的
coil a rope against the sun 反盘绳法
coil a rope with the sun 顺盘绳法
coil and accumulator ignition 线圈和蓄电池点火
coil antenna 环形天线
coil assembly 线圈组
coil bobbin 绕线管
coil boiler 盘管锅炉
coil boiler 盘管式锅炉
coil brace 线圈支架线圈梯形楔
coil brake 盘簧制动器
coil cable 卷缆
coil condenser 盘管式冷凝器
coil cooling 盘管冷却
coil current 线圈电流
coil cushion 线圈弹性垫
coil deck 盘管盖板
coil down 盘卷
coil former 线圈架
coil galvanometer 线圈型电流计
coil ignition system 线圈点火系统
coil in 进线;输入
coil insulation 线圈绝缘
coil loaded cable 加感电缆
coil loaded circuit 加感电路
coil loading 加负载加感
coil of rope 一卷绳索
coil out 出线;输出端
coil pickup 感应传感器
coil pipe 盘管
coil pitch 线圈节距
coil resistance 线圈电阻
coil rope 卷(绳
coil spring shock absorber 弹簧圈减震器
coil spring switch 螺簧接线器
coil spring 圈弹簧
coil stand 线圈架
coil tap 线圈抽头
coil tube boiler 盘管式锅炉
coil tube bracket 盘管托架
coil tube forced-circulation exhaust boiler 盘管式强制循环废气锅炉
coil tube type economizer 盘管式经济器
coil tube type 盘管式
coil tube with ribs 带肋片蛇形管
coil tube 盘管
coil up 盘
coil varnish 线圈清漆
coil wall 盘管水冷壁
coil winding 线圈绕组
coil with sliding contact 滑触线圈
coil 捆、盘、卷;盘绳;线圈、绕组;蛇形管;卷
coil 盘管
coil 盘管线圈
coil 线圈
coil 线圈盘管
coiled coil 叠螺旋
coiled filament 螺旋形灯丝
coiled pipe cooler 盘管式冷却器
coiled radiator 盘管式散热器
coiled resistance 丝圈电阻
coiled spring 螺旋弹簧
coiled spring 盘簧;螺旋弹簧
coiled spring 圈弹簧
coiled tube 盘管
coiled 盘绕的
coiled 绕成线圈的
coiler 蛇形管
coiling pipe bender 盘管机
coiling hatch cover
coiling 螺旋;螺旋线;绕成螺旋
coiling 盘绕管子盘绕线圈
coin box telephone 硬币制公用电话
coin money 获暴利
coin telephone 投币式公用电话机
coin 硬币
coincide 重合
coincidence adjustment 重合平差
coincidence circuit 重合电路与电路
coincidence factor 同时系数
coincidence frequency 相干频率
coincidence range finder 重合测距仪
coincidence 合意
coincidence 相合
coincidence 重合
coining die 压印模
coining mill 压花机
coining 压印加工
coinsurance clause 共同保险条款
coinsurance 共同保险
coir broom 椰子皮扫帚
coir fiber 椰子皮纤维
coir fiber 棕丝
coir hand brush 椰子皮手刷
coir hawser 椰壳纤维索
coir mat 棕垫
coir mat 棕席;棕垫
coir rope 椰棕绳
coir rope 棕绳
coir runner 椰棕长地毯
coir 椰子皮纤维
coir 椰子皮纤维;椰棕绳
coitigation 共同诉讼
coke breeze 煤焦屑
coke breeze 煤渣
coke filter 焦炭过滤器
coke value 焦炭值
coke 焦
coke 焦炭
coking property 烧结性
coking 炼焦
col 鞍形;山峡
colar 运煤船
colatitude 余纬
colatitude 余纬余纬
cold air machine 空气制冷机
cold air mass 冷气团
cold air system 空气冷却系统
cold air 冷空气
cold airmachine 空气制冷机
cold anticyclone 冷性反气旋
cold bend test 冷弯试验
cold blast engine 冷风机
cold blow-off operation 冷吹运行
cold brine circulating system 冷盐水循环系统
cold brittleness 冷脆性
cold cap 寒带
cold capacity 冷态容量
cold cathode discharge 冷阴极放电
cold cathode gas triode 冷阴极充气三极管
cold cathode 冷阴极
cold chain 冷藏环节
cold chamber 冷冻间
cold chamber 冷冻室
cold chisel 冷凿
cold closed-die forging 冷精锻
cold coolant accident 冷水事故
cold current 寒流
cold deformation 冷变形
cold draw 冷拔
cold drawing 冷拔
cold drawn copper 冷拔铜
cold drawn pipe 冷拔管
cold drawn steel 冷拔钢
cold drawn tube 冷拔管
cold drawn wire 冷拔线
cold drawn 冷拔的
cold emission 冷放射
cold endurance 耐冷性
cold engine starting test 发动机冷启动试验
cold extrusion 冷挤压
cold filter 常温滤器
cold flanging machine 冷折边机
cold flow 冷流
cold forging die 冷锻模
cold forging 冷锻
cold forming 冷成形冷弯
cold frame bending machine 肋骨冷弯机
cold fresh water 冷淡水
cold front rain 冷锋雨
cold front storm 冷锋风暴
cold front thunderstorm
cold front thunderstorm冷锋雷雨
cold front 冷锋
cold galvanizing 冷镀锌
cold hammering 冷锻
cold injury 冷伤
cold insulation resistance 冷态绝缘电阻
cold junction compensation 冷端补偿
cold junction 冷端
cold lapping 冷搭接
cold leg 冷管段
cold machining 冷加工
cold magnetron 冷阴极磁控管
cold occlusion front 冷锢囚锋
cold operation 低温操作
cold plastic paint 冷涂塑料涂料
cold point 冷点
cold pressing 冷压
cold producing medium 制冷剂
cold pump 低温泵
cold quenching 冷淬火
cold reactor 冷态反应堆
cold region 冷气团区
cold reserve 冷态备用
cold resistance 冷态电阻
cold resistant 抗冷的
cold resistivity 耐冷性
cold riveting 冷铆
cold riveting 冷铆接
cold rolled steel 冷轧钢
cold rolled 冷轧的
cold room 冷藏室
cold room 冷冻间
cold seal-down 低温闭合
cold sector 冷区
cold set 冷作工具
cold setting 冷固
cold ship 冷态船
cold shocking water 冷激水
cold short 冷脆的
cold shortness 冷脆性
cold shut 冷接
cold shut 冷塞
cold shut-down 冷停堆
cold sotrage door 冷藏门
cold source 冷源
cold start feed water pump 冷起动给水泵
cold start 冷起动
cold starter 冷起动器
cold starting pump 冷态起动泵
cold starting test 冷却起动试验
cold starting 常温起动
cold starting 冷起动
cold storage accommodation 冷藏设备冷藏室
cold storage accommodation 冷藏室
cold storage boat 冷藏船
cold storage plant 冷藏装置
cold storage room 冷藏室
cold storage ship 冷藏船
cold storage 冷藏
cold storage 冷藏冷藏库
cold store 冷藏库
cold store 冷藏室
cold stowage 冷藏装货法
cold test oil 低温凝固油
cold test oil 低温试验油
cold test oil 耐冷油
cold treating 冷处理
cold treatment 冷处理
cold wall 墨西哥湾暖洋流和拉布拉多洋流的陡削交界
cold water accident 冷水事故
cold water pipe 冷水管
cold water pump 冷水泵
cold water 冷水
cold wave warning 寒潮警报
cold wave 寒潮
cold wave 寒流
cold welding 冷焊
cold winter survival suit 防寒救生套装
cold work 冷加工
cold working 冷作
cold 寒冷冷的
cold 冷
cold 冷的
cold-air refrigerating machine 冷空气制冷机
cold-drawn 冷拔的
cold-forming shapes 冷弯型材
cold-frame bender 肋骨冷弯机
cold-rolled steel 冷轧钢
cold-rolling mill 冷轧机
cold-starting engine 冷起动机
cold-starting pump 冷态启动用泵
cold-storage hold 冷藏舱
cold-storage plant 冷藏装置
colemanite 硬硼钙石
colessee 共同承租人
colitigant 共同诉讼人
colitis 结肠炎
colla 菲律宾一带西南风;静止气旋
collada 可拉大风
collapsable 可折叠的
collapse load 破坏性负载
collapse load 破坏性负载;丧失稳定性的负载;临界负载
collapse load 破坏载荷
collapse mode 破坏形式
collapse strength 破坏强度
collapse 倒塌;崩溃;折叠
collapse 毁坏
collapse 坍塌
collapsible anchor 可折式锚
collapsible bilge block 可卸舭龙骨墩
collapsible block 可拆墩块
collapsible boat anchor 可折式小艇锚
collapsible boat 折叠艇
collapsible bulwark 可收舷墙
collapsible container cell guide system 折叠式集装箱格导系统
collapsible container 可折式集装箱
collapsible container 折叠式集装箱
collapsible cradle 可拆下水架
collapsible davit 可倒式吊艇柱
collapsible keelblock 可拆龙骨墩
collapsible life boat 折叠式救生艇
collapsible mast 可倒式桅杆
collapsible mast 可倒式桅杆可放倒式桅杆
collapsible mast 可倒桅杆
collapsible pallet 可折叠托盘
collapsible stress 破坏应力
collapsible 可折叠的
collapsible 破坏的可折叠的
collapsibleboat 折叠式艇
collapsing load 破坏性负载
collapsing test 破坏试验
collar bearing 环形推力轴承
collar beam 系梁
collar bearing 环形推力轴承
collar heart 单眼木饼
collar ice 贴岸冰
collar journal 带环轴颈
collar knot 桅顶结
collar nut 接头螺母
collar nut 圆缘螺母
collar oiling 轴环注油
collar thrust bearing 环形推力轴承
collar 环
collar 衣领;环;轴环;眼环;垫圈;框架;凸缘
collate 对照
collated telegram 校对电报
collateral assignment 担保物的转让
collateral contact 双触点
collateral contract 附属合同
collateral damage 间接损失
collateral evidence 旁证
collateral security 附加担保物
collateral term 附属条款
collateral 附加的
collateral 附加的;间接的;附属的
collateral 附随担保物
collateral 间接的
collateral 平行的
collation pleasei collate 请核对我核对
collation 校对业务标志
collator 校对者校对机比较装置分类器
collect call 对方付费电话
collect call 对方付款电话
collect freight 到付运费运费到付
collect freight 运到收费
collect freight 运费到付
collect on delivery 货到收款
collect 汇集
collect 收报人付费
collect 收集
collect 收集;收款
collect 收集汇集
collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕
collected and delivered 运费收讫货物交毕
collected 收讫
collecting box 联箱
collecting brush 集电刷
collecting cover 集油盖
collecting electrode 集电极
collecting main 汇流排
collecting main 总集管
collecting pan 集油盘
collecting pipe 集管
collecting ring 集电环
collecting shoe 集电靴
collecting tank 集油柜
collecting tube 收集管
collecting well 集油井
collecting 收集的汇集的
collection 托收单
collection chamber 集气室
collection charge 托收手续费
collection of admiralty 海事法集
collection of general average security for contribution 收取共同海分摊担保
collection of harbour fees 港口费收
collection of payment 兑现
collection of payment 付现
collection of sewage 收集污水
collection of ship casualty statistics 收集船舶事故统计数据
collection order 托收委托书
collection procedure 收集程序
collection tank 集污舱
collection 收集征收
collection 托收
collective agreement 集体合同
collective broadcast receiving station 通播接收台
collective broadcast sending station 通播发射台
collective call letters 集合呼号
collective company signing agreement 《集体公司署名协议》
collective control 集中控制
collective economy 集体经济
collective forward error correction 集群型前向纠错
collective language 汇集型语言
collective ownership 集体所有制
collective 集合的
collective 集体的
collective 集体全体人员集体的集中的
collector base junction 集电结
collector bow 集电弓
collector current 集电极电流
collector cut-off current 集电极截止电流
collector electrode 集电极
collector of customs and excise 关税和货物税收集人
collector region 集电区
collector resitance 集电极电阻
collector ring 集电环
collector ring 集流环
collector screen 集电屏
collector shoe gear 汇流装置汇流环
collector shoe 集电靴
collector supply 集电极电源
collector terminal 集电极引线
collector to-base current gain 集电极-基极电流增益
collector to-base resistance 集电极-基极电阻
collector to-boase voltage 集电极-基极电压
collector to-emitter current gain 集电极-发射极电流增益
collector tuning oscillator 集电极调谐振荡器
collector voltage 集电极电压
collector 集管
collector 集泥箱
collector 收集者;收帐人集电极;集流环;整流子;换向器
collector 收注栅
college of marine studies 海运院校
collet 筒夹
collide 碰撞
collided ship 被撞船
collided vessel 被碰船
colliding ship 碰撞船
colliding vessel 碰撞船
collier 运煤船
collier 运煤船;运煤船船员;矿工
collier 运煤船运煤船船员
collier"s purchase 收锚复滑车组
colliery guaranter 煤矿保证条款
colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤
colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤精选的煤
colliery screened 精选的煤
colliery turn 运煤船顺序
colliery working day 矿井工作日
colliery 采煤场
collimate 使平行;瞄准
collimating line 视准线
collimation error 准直差
collimation level 准直水平
collimator magnet 准直仪磁铁
collimator 准直仪
collimator 准直仪;准直十字线;指标差测定器
collinear planes 共线面
collinear 共线的
collision alarm 碰撞报警器
collision alarm 碰撞信号
collision angle 碰撞角
collision angle 碰撞角(两船碰撞后
collision approach 船舶碰撞接近
collision avoidance aids 避碰设备
collision avoidance aids 避碰装置
collision avoidance grid 避碰网格
collision avoidance maneuver 防撞机动
collision avoidance radar system 避碰雷达系统
collision avoidance system proximity warning indicator 避碰系统预警指示器
collision avoidance system proximity warning indicator 避碰装置的逼近警告指示器
collision avoidance system 避碰系统
collision avoidance system 防碰撞系统
collision avoidance systemproximity warning indicator 避碰系统逼近警报指示器
collision avoidance 避碰
collision avoidance 避撞
collision bearing 碰撞方位
collision bearing 碰撞方位(方位不变
collision between sister-ships 姊妹船碰撞
collision blasting 碰撞爆破
collision blip 碰撞标志
collision bulkhead 船首)防撞舱壁防撞舱壁防撞隔堵
collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁
collision case 碰撞事故
collision caused by fault of one party 单方过失碰撞
collision caused by force majeure 不可抗力碰撞
collision caused by mixed faults 互有过失碰撞
collision caused by no fault 无过失碰撞
collision chock 防撞垫块
collision clause 碰撞条款
collision clause 碰撞条款船舶)碰撞条款碰撞条款
collision compartment 船首尖舱
collision compartment 防撞舱
collision course indication 碰撞航向显示
collision course 碰撞航向
collision damage 碰撞损伤
collision damage 碰撞损失
collision drill 堵漏演习
collision drill 堵漏演习;水密门试验
collision effect 碰撞效应
collision frequency 碰撞频率
collision insurance 碰撞保险
collision liability apportioned equally 碰撞责任平分原则
collision liability clause 碰撞责任条款
collision liability 碰撞责任
collision loss 碰撞损失
collision mat 堵漏网垫
collision mat 堵漏毡
collision mat 防撞垫
collision not attributable to the fault of either party 不能归责于任何一方原因的碰撞
collision party 堵漏小组
collision preventation 避碰
collision prevention advisory group 船舶避碰顾问组
collision prevention 避碰
collision probability 碰撞概率
collision protection structure 防撞结构
collision protection 碰撞防护
collision quarter 堵漏部署
collision radiation 碰撞辐射
collision rate 碰撞率
collision regulation 避碰规程
collision regulation 避碰规则
collision regulation 避碰规则避撞规则
collision regulation 避撞规则
collision risk 碰撞危险
collision safety coefficient 交会安全系数
collision safety coefficient 碰撞安全系数
collision situation 碰撞情况
collision stress 撞击应力
collision threat assessment system 碰撞威胁评估系统
collision time 碰撞时间
collision warning equipment 雷达碰撞警报装置
collision warning indicator 碰撞警报指示器
collision warning indicator 碰撞警告指示器
collision warning system 碰撞警报系统
collision warning 碰撞警告
collision with inscrutable fault 不明过失碰撞
collision with inscrutable liability 不明责任碰撞
collision with the cause left in doubt 无法查明原因的碰撞
collision without possibility to establish the degree of respective faults 过失比例无法判定的碰撞
collision 碰撞
collision-avoidance warning 避碰警报
collision-preventing device 避碰装置
collision-prevention panel 防撞控制台
collision-warning equipment 碰撞报警器
collision=running down 碰撞
collocation method 选点法
collocation point 配置点
collodion 胶棉
colloid rectifier 胶质整流器
colloid silica 胶态硅石
colloid 胶质
colloid 胶质
colloidal fuel 胶态燃料
colloidal fuel 胶质燃料(68%燃料油
colloidal graphite 胶态石墨
colloidal solution 胶态溶液
colloidal 胶质的
collosol 溶胶
collude 共谋;串骗
collumn valve 柱阀
collusion 同谋
colmony 含铬化硼的镍基硬质合金
colocynth 苦西瓜瓤
cologarithm 余对数
cologne reinsurance company 科隆再保险公司
colombite ore 铌矿
colombo root 可坡根
colonialism 殖民主义
colophony soldering paste 松香焊膏
colophony soldering paste 松香焊锡膏
colophony soldering wire 松香焊锡丝
colophony 松香
color absorber 滤光片
color band 标志带
color blindness 色盲
color code 色别信号
color code 色码
color core 彩色软线
color identification 颜色标志
color kinescope 彩色显象管
color light signal 色灯信号
color of sea water 海水色
color of sea water 水色
color of title 冒名;假托
color picture 彩色图象
color point 弹辨色点
color television 彩色电视
color tube 测深色管
color video plotter 彩色视频标绘仪
color 旗帜给…着色
color 颜色
color 颜色;国旗;船旗
colorant 着色剂
colored light 有色灯光
colored noise 有色干扰
colored paint 色漆
colored receiver 彩色电视接收机
colored shade 色镜
colored side filter 舷灯有色玻璃
colored sidelight lens 舷灯有色玻璃
colored 有色的
colored 着色的
colorimeter 比色计
colorimeter 色度计
colorimetric method 比色法
colorimetric pyrometer 比色高温计
colorimetric 比色的
colorimetry 比色法定量
coloring 抛光;着色;伪装
colority 色度
colorless lens 无色透镜
colossal tanker 超巨型油油轮
colour chart 比色图表
colour code of phase sequence 相序色别
colour code of polarity 极性色别
colour coding 颜色标志
colour comparison tube 比色管
colour control 色度控制
colour display 彩色显示
colour filter 滤色器
colour light signal 色灯信号
colour pyrometer 颜色高温计
colour receiver 彩色电视接收机
colour scale 色度标
colour screen 色幕
colour sensibility 感色灵敏度
colour television 彩色电视
colour temperature 色温度
colour 颜色
coloured beach comber 滚浪
coloured bulb 有色灯泡
coloured paper 色纸
coloured sector 带色区
coloured 着色的
colourimeter 色度计
colouring 着色
colourless liquid 无色液体
colourless 无色的
columba 天鸽星座
column diameter 立柱直径
column drill 立式钻床
column matrix 列矩阵
column of mercury 汞柱
column stabilized drilling unit 支柱稳定式钻井船
column stablized unit 柱稳式平台
column 纪念碑圆柱圆柱
column 位
column 圆柱
column 柱
column 柱支柱
colure 分至圈
colza oil 菜油
coma 慧发;慧形象差;昏迷
comanchaca 南美地区一种由低层云变成的浓雾
comb arrester 梳形避雷器
comb cleat 梳形系索耳
comb joint 榫接接合
comb nephoscope 梳状测云器
comb type relay 梳形继电器
comb 梳
comb 梳;鸡冠形;冠形
combat information center 作战情报中心
combatant craft 战斗艇
combatant vessel 军舰
comber 滚浪
comber 卷浪
combinable cranes 可联合使用的吊车
combination bulk carrier 混合散货船
combination bulk carrier 兼用散装货船
combination buoy 声响灯浮筒
combination buoy 音响发光兼用浮标
combination buoy 综合浮标
combination calipers 复式长卡钳
combination callipers 内外卡钳
combination cargo 杂货
combination cargo-passenger ship 客货两用船
combination carrier loss 兼用船灭失
combination carrier 混合运输船联合运输船
combination carrier 混装船
combination carrier 兼用船
combination circuit 组合线路
combination coaster 沿海客货船
combination container ship 混合集装箱船
combination control console 联合控制台
combination control of deck cranes 甲板起货机联合控制
combination control system 组合控制系统
combination control 联合控制
combination drive 往复联合机
combination electric propulsion apparatus 联合电力推进装置
combination engine 组合发动机
combination fishing vessel 多种作业渔船
combination flat-nose pliers 扁嘴钳
combination frame 混合式构架系统
combination framing 混合结构
combination frequency 组合频率
combination gauge 真空压力表组合量规
combination governor 综合调节器
combination harmonic 组合谐波
combination heater 组合式加热器
combination impulse and reaction turbine 混合冲动-反动式涡轮机
combination interference 混合干扰
combination lantem 灯
combination lantern 长二十米以下机动船的)两色灯
combination lantern 两色灯;三色灯
combination lantern 组合灯
combination light 两色舷灯
combination light 组合灯
combination loading 联通装载
combination long round-nosed pliers 长嘴钳
combination microphone 复合传声器
combination of the class notations 组合船级标志
combination packaging 组合包装
combination piston 组合活塞
combination river and bay ports 湾、河联合港
combination ship 客货船
combination system300 并用制度
combination tanker 混装油船
combination turbine 联合透平机
combination vessel 混合运输船
combination vessel 兼用船
combination 联合;组合;团体;化合;合成;聚合;混合
combination 组合
combinational circuit 组合电路
combinational switching network 联合开关网络
combinational 组合的
combinationlight 长二十米以下机动船的)两色灯
combinator 协调器
combinatory 组合的
combine engine drive gear 并车传动装置
combine nuclear and gas turbine 核动力和燃气轮机联合动力装置
combine nuclear and gas turbine 核动力和燃汽轮机联合动力装置
combine rope 组合缆
combine steam and gas turbine 汽轮机和燃气轮机联合动力装置
combine 使联合使结合组合
combined acceptance trials 联合验收试验
combined alarm and manoeuvre recorder 报警和操纵联合记录器
combined alarm system 组合报警系统
combined altitudes 组合高度
combined and diesel electric plant 柴油机和柴油机电力推进装置
combined aural and visual alarm 声光报警器
combined aural and visual alarm 声光组合报警器
combined bill of lading 并提单
combined blade 复合叶片
combined bridge console 操舵台
combined carrier 兼用船
combined chainwire anchor line 锚链-钢丝绳组合锚索
combined chainwire rope mooring line 锚链-钢丝组合系泊索
combined communication board 联合通信委员会
combined control system for engine and conrollable pitch propeller 可调螺距螺旋桨-主机联合控制系统
combined control system 联合控制系统
combined creep 综合蠕变
combined curve 综合曲线
combined cycle 联合循环
combined diesel and gas turbine 柴油机和燃气轮机联合
combined diesel and gas turbine installation 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel and gas turbine machinery 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel engines and gas turbine 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel engines and gas turbines 柴油机和燃气轮机联合
combined diesel or gas turbine 柴油机或燃气轮机联合
combined diesel or gas turbine installation 柴油机或燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel or gas turbines 柴油机或燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel-electric and gas trubine installation 柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel-electric and gas turbine 柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合
combined diesel-electric and gas turbine machinery 柴油机电力和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel-electric and gas turbine 柴油-发电机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined diesel-electric and gas turbine 柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合
combined distress alerting network 联合遇险报警系统
combined distress alerting network 组合遇险报警网络
combined distribution frame 组合配线架
combined down cast up-take ventilator 给气、排气两用通风筒
combined downcast uptake ventilator 吸排气两用通风机
combined downcast-uptake ventilator 吸排气两用通风机
combined echo ranging echo sounding 组合回声测距与测深
combined echo-ranging echo-sounding 回声测距与测深
combined efficiency 总效率
combined engine drive gear 发动机并车传动装置
combined engine drive 发动机并车运行
combined engine transmission gear 发动机并车传动装置
combined error 总误差
combined errors 混合差错
combined flow turbine 混流式涡轮机
combined framing ship 混合骨架船
combined framing ship 混合滑架船
combined fuel pump and nozzle 组合式油泵和油嘴
combined gas and steam turbine 燃气机和汽轮机联合设备
combined gas and steam 燃气蒸气联合
combined gas and steam 燃汽—蒸汽联合动力装置
combined gas turbine and gas turbine electric 燃气轮机和燃气轮机电力推进联合
combined gas turbine and gas turbine installation 燃气轮机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined gas turbine and gas turbine machinery 燃汽轮机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined gas turbine and gas turbine 燃气轮机和燃气轮机联合
combined gas turbine and steam turbine 燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合
combined gas turbine or gas turbine installation 燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合装置
combined gas turbine or gas turbine 燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合动力装置
combined gas-steam turbine cycle 燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机联合循环
combined gas-steam turbine plant 燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机联合装置
combined governorservo unit 调速器-伺服器联合装置
combined hybrid computer 组合式混合计算机
combined impulse and reaction turbine 混合冲动-反动式涡轮机
combined impulse turbine 复式冲动涡轮机
combined labyrinth and crabon gland 迷宫和碳精组合式密封
combined landsea 水陆联运
combined lantern 合色灯
combined lantern 两色灯
combined lantern 两色灯;灯
combined light and sound signal 声光混合信号
combined light 长二十米以下机动船的)两色灯
combined lighting 综合照明
combined load 合成载荷
combined loading 联合负载
combined machinery and bearing monitoring system 机器和轴承联合监控系统
combined machinery 联合机械工
combined marine surcharges 混合海运补偿费
combined merchant fleet 合计商船吨数
combined motions 复合运动
combined nuclear and gas burbine 核动力和燃气轮机联合
combined nuclear and gas turbine installation 核动力和燃气轮机联合装置
combined nuclear and gas turbine 核动力和燃气轮机联合
combined nuclear and gas turbine 核动力和燃气轮机联合动力设备
combined operations 联合作业
combined over-current and reverse power protection 过电流和逆功率联合保装置
combined pen brush 排笔
combined pitot static probe 总静压探测管
combined poop and bridge ship 井式甲板船
combined power plant 联合动力装置
combined powerplant 联合动力装置
combined propulsion plant 联合推进装置
combined railway-water communication 水陆联运
combined record-playback head 复合磁头
combined red and green lantern 合座舷灯
combined resistance 合成电阻
combined shielding 连续屏蔽
combined shipment 混合装载
combined shiprailway services 船舶铁路联运业务
combined socket and switch 带开关插座
combined speed across 总横移量
combined steam and gas turbine 蒸汽轮机和燃气轮机联合
combined steam and gas turbine electric 蒸汽轮和燃气轮机电力推进联合
combined steam and gas turbine installation 蒸汽轮机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined steam and gas turbine machinery 汽轮机和燃气轮机联合装置
combined steam engine and exhaust turbine installation 蒸汽机-废汽轮机联合装置
combined steam turbine or gas burbine 蒸汽轮机或燃气轮机联合
combined steam turbine or gas turbine 蒸汽轮机或燃气轮机联合
combined steamed gas turbine 蒸汽轮机和燃气轮机联合
combined stop and reverse light 停车倒车组合灯
combined strength 组合强度
combined stress 组合应力
combined stroke 活塞总冲程
combined stroke 总行程
combined switch 组合开关
combined system 混合骨架式
combined system 纵横混合构式
combined time delay 指令时延
combined total gross tonnage 合计总吨位
combined traffic 联运
combined transmission equipment 指令传输设备
combined transport bill of lading 19711971 年联合运输提单
combined transport bill of lading 联合运输提单
combined transport bill of lading 联运货物提单
combined transport bill of lading 联运提单
combined transport bill of lading 联运提单联合运输提单
combined transport bl 联运提单
combined transport document 联运单据
combined transport documents 联合运输单据
combined transport documents 联合运输证件
combined transport documents 联运单据
combined transport operator 多式联运经营人联合经营人
combined transport operator 联合经营人
combined transport 联合运输
combined transport 联合运输联运
combined transport 联运
combined turbine 混合式涡轮机
combined turbine 联合透平机
combined type air filter 组合式空气滤清器
combined type muffler 复合式消声器
combined type valve 组合阀
combined universal machine 组合万能机床
combined voltage current transformer 仪表用变压变流器
combined whistle system 联合号笛系统
combined 结合
combined 组合的
combined 组合的;联合的
combinedcarrier 兼用船
combiner 组合器
combines pool 联营企业
combing-coaming 舱口围板
combis 矿油两用船
combustable fume detection system 可燃气探测系统
combuster 燃烧器
combustibility test 燃烧性能试验
combustibility 可燃性
combustibility 燃烧性
combustible component 可燃成分
combustible constituent 可燃成分
combustible fume detection system 可燃气探测系统
combustible gas alarm 自燃气警报器
combustible gas indicator 可燃气体指示仪
combustible gas indicator 自燃气指示器
combustible gas 可燃气
combustible gas 可燃气loss未燃烧损失
combustible liquid 易燃液体
combustible loss 未燃烧损失
combustible material 可燃物质
combustible material 易燃材料
combustible matter 可燃物质
combustible mixture 可燃混合气
combustible solid 易燃固体
combustible veneer 可燃镶板
combustible 可燃的
combustible 可燃物
combustible 易燃的
combustion air 燃烧空气
combustion attemperator 燃烧调温器
combustion calculation 燃烧计算
combustion chamber block 燃烧室镶块
combustion chamber deposit 燃烧室积炭
combustion chamber space 燃烧室容积
combustion chamber 燃烧室
combustion chamber 燃烧室炉膛
combustion characteristics 燃烧过程特性
combustion conditions 燃烧条件
combustion control panel 燃烧控制板
combustion control photoelectric relay 燃烧控制光电继电器
combustion control system 燃烧控制系统
combustion control 燃烧控制
combustion controller 燃烧控制器
combustion efficiency 燃烧效率燃烧室效率
combustion engine 内燃机
combustion engine 内燃机燃烧机
combustion engine 燃烧机
combustion equipment 燃烧设备
combustion gas turbine 燃气轮机
combustion header 燃烧室集管
combustion heat 燃烧热
combustion intensity 燃烧强度
combustion knock 燃烧爆震
combustion line 燃烧曲线
combustion liner 燃烧室衬套
combustion loss 燃烧损失
combustion noise 燃烧噪声
combustion performance 燃烧性能
combustion period 燃烧期
combustion pot 燃烧室
combustion pressure 燃烧压力
combustion process 燃烧过程
combustion product detector 燃烧产物探测器
combustion product 燃烧产物
combustion rate 燃烧速率
combustion ratio 燃烧系数
combustion recorder 燃烧记录器
combustion recorder 燃烧记录仪
combustion shock 燃烧震动
combustion space 燃烧室容积
combustion speed 燃烧速率
combustion stability 燃烧稳定性
combustion stroke 燃烧行程
combustion system 燃烧系统
combustion temperature 燃烧温度
combustion value 燃烧值
combustion zone 燃烧区
combustion 点火
combustion 燃烧
combustion 燃烧点火氧化
combustor outer casing 燃烧室外壳
combustor 燃烧器
come about 掉抢;改变方向;发生
come alongside 靠过来
come away 离开
come aweigh! 将离开水底
come down 下来;降下;倒下;败落
come home anchor 将锚拖进
come home 走锚;开始转动;回家
come into collision 相撞
come into step 进入同步
come off 离开;举行;进行;实现;结果是
come round 朝风转向;船头转向更接近风向;绕道而来
come to anchor! 抛锚
come to anchor 抛锚
come to terms 达成协议
come to 朝风转向;船已被锚拉住;达到
come up behind! 后面放掉!
come up 走进
come 来
come 来、到
comet 彗星
comfort air-conditioning 舒适空调
comfort insulation 舱室设备绝缘
comfort letter 意向书
comfort 舒适
coming from 由……开来
coming into step 进入同步
comision permanente par el sur del pacifico 南太平洋常设委员会
comite francais de l"equipment naval 法国船用设备委员会
comite international maritime french-international maritime committee 国际海事委员会
comite internationale de normalisation 国际标准化委员会
comite" des association d" armateurs des communaute"s europeennes 欧洲共同体船东联合会
comma free code 无逗点码
comma 逗点
comma 逗号
command & data acquisition station 指令数据汇集台
command active sonobuoy system 指令主动声纳浮筒系统
command and control information system 指令与控制信息系统
command and control system 指挥与控制系统
command and control system 指令与控制系统
command and data acquisition 指令和数据汇集
command and data acquisition 指令数据集合
command and data handling 指令与数据处理
command and data-handling console 指令与数据处理控制台
command and detection plant 传令和检测装置
command and telemetry data handling 指令与遥测数据处理
command capacity 指令容量
command code 指令码
command computer 命令计算装置
command console 指令控制台
command control center 指令控制中心
command control panel 指令控制板
command control 指令控制
command decode 指令译码
command generator 指令发生器
command logic 指令逻辑
command monitor 指令监控台
command monitoring decoder 指令监视译码器
command monitoring receiver 指令监测接收器
command of the sea 制海权
command receiver 指令接收器
command remote control 指令遥控
command resolution 指令分解
command retrieval system 指令检索系统
command ship 指挥舰
command signal plant 传令信号装置
command signal 指令信号
command 指挥
command 指令
command 指令命令控制力指挥
command 指令命令控制指挥命令控制指挥
commanded active sonobuoy system 指令主动声纳浮标系统
commanded response 指令响应
commander coast guard district 海岸警卫队司令部
commander equipment 指令设备
commander receiver of remote control 遥控指令接收器
commander 指挥官;舰长;海军中校;大木槌
commander 指挥官木槌
commanding house 指挥所
commanding impulse 指令脉冲
commanding officer 值斑驾驶员;指挥员
commanding officer 值班驾驶员
commanding officer"s cabin 指挥官舱
commanding point 调度站
commence search pattern 开始搜寻方式
commence 开始
commencement and termination of cargo insurance 货物保险期限
commencement of fuel delivery 供油始点
commencement of injection 喷油始点
commencement of insurance 保险责任的开始
commencement of laytime 起算装卸时间
commencement of raft towing 木排起拖
commencement of risk 保险责任开始
commencement of towage 起拖
commencement of towing 始拖
commencement of war 开战
commencement 开始
commencing 开始
commensurability 可公度性
comments 鉴定
commerce maritime 海上贸易
commerce-destroyer 商业封锁的武装船只
commercial acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票
commercial account 商务帐
commercial agent 代理商行
commercial agent 商务代办
commercial agreement 商务契约
commercial and industrial circles 工商界
commercial applications satellitecommunication technology satellite 商业应用卫星通信技术卫星
commercial area 商业区
commercial attache 商务专员
commercial bill of lading 商业提单商业提货单
commercial bill 商业汇票
commercial blockade 商务封锁
commercial brass 商用黄铜
commercial carriage by public authorities 公共当局从事的商业运输
commercial code 商务条例
commercial company 贸易公司
commercial contract 贸易合同
commercial correspondance 商务函件
commercial counsellor 商务参赞
commercial counsellor"s office 商务处
commercial craft 商船
commercial dock 民用船坞民用码头
commercial dock 民用码头
commercial dock 民有船坞民用码头民用船坞商用船坞
commercial dock 民有船坞民用码头商用船坞
commercial dock 商用船坞
commercial draft 商业汇票
commercial embargo 商业禁运
commercial firm 商行
commercial frequency 商用频率
commercial gas oil 商品粗柴油
commercial grade substance 商业级货物
commercial harbor 商港
commercial harbour 商港
commercial harbour 商港商业港口
commercial hovercraft 民用气垫船
commercial intercourse 商务往来
commercial intercourse 商业联系
commercial intercourse 通商
commercial invoice 商业发票
commercial law 商法
commercial law 商业法规
commercial letter of credit 商业信用证
commercial loading 商船装载法
commercial marine 商船
commercial maritime industry 商业海事工业
commercial navigation 商业航行
commercial paper 商业票据
commercial port 商埠
commercial port 商港
commercial practice 商业惯常做法
commercial radio international committee 国际商业无线电委员会
commercial rate 贸易汇率
commercial relations and exports division 商业关系和出口局
commercial relations 贸易关系
commercial representative 商务代表
commercial rules 商务规章
commercial satellite 商用卫星
commercial ship 商船
commercial shipping 通商航行
commercial speed 船舶)营运航速
commercial speed 满载正常航速
commercial speed 营运航速
commercial standing 商业信用
commercial submarine 商用潜艇
commercial total loss 商业意义上的全损
commercial trades institute 商业贸易研究所
commercial traffic bulletin 货运交易公报
commercial vessel 商船
commercial weight 商用重量
commercial yard 商船造船厂
commercial 商业的
commercial 商业的;通商的
commercial 商业的商品的贸易的
commerical brass 商用黄铜
commerical department 商务处
commerical gas oil 商品粗柴油
commerical harbor 商港
commerical port 商港
commerical receiver 商用接收机
commerical ship 商船
commerical test 商业试验
commerical 商业的
commicial counsellor 商务参赞
comminutor commission n. 委员会代办
comminutor of the european communities 欧洲共同体委员会
comminutor 粉碎机
commissaries 委托人;代表
commission a ship 配备船舶人员
commission agent 代理人
commission agent 委任代理人
commission agent 佣金代理行
commission charge 手续费
commission contract 商业契约
commission fee 代理费
commission fee 代理费;佣金
commission for hydrometeorology 水文气象学委员会
commission for marine meteorology 航海气象委员会
commission for marine research and development 海洋研究和开发委员会
commission for special applcations of meteorology and climalology 气象学和气候学专门应用委员会
commission internationale de reglementation en vue de l"approbation de l"equipment electrique 国际电气设备质量鉴定规程委员会
commission maghrebine des transport et communications 马格里布运输通信委员会
commission of a ship 船舶人员的配备
commission of the european communities 欧洲共同体委员会
commission of the european community 欧洲共同体委员会
commission of the european economic community 欧洲经济共同体委员会
commission on general average disbursements 共同海损手续费
commission on marine science and engineering research 海运科学和工程研究委员会
commission on marine technology 海运技术委员会
commission on merchant marine and fisheries 商船和渔船委员会
commission past us 过手佣金
commission pennant 长三角旗
commission sale 代售
commission 代理费
commission 委任
commission 行纪人
commissioned 启用
commissioning application forms 启用申请表格
commissioning application 启用申请
commissioning date 启用日期
commissioning test 交船试验
commissioning test 交货试验
commissioning test 启用试验
commissioning tests 交货试验
commissioning trial 交船试航
commissioning trial 交工试验
commissure 对接
commissure 接缝
commit 犯;干;把……交托给
commit 犯交托
commitment 委托
commitment 行为
commitment 行为;犯罪;委托;约束
committee for international radio maritime 国际海上无线电通信委员会
committee for oceanic exploration 海洋开发委员会
committee for standardization of democratic people"s republic of korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国标准化委员会
committee maritime international 国际海事委员会
committee maritime 国际海事委员会
committee of american steamship lines 美国轮船公司委员会
committee of communication member countries 通信成员国委员会
committee of communication mumber countries 通信成员国委员会
committee of european economic cooperation 欧洲经济合作委员会
committee of european national shipowners" associations 欧洲国家船东协会委员会
committee of european shipowners 欧洲船东委员会
committee of safety of nuclear powered ship 核动力船舶安全委员会
committee of ship auction 拍卖船舶委员会
committee on carriage of dangerous goods 危险货物运输委员会
committee on climatic changes and ocean 气候变化与海洋委员会
committee on international ocean affairs 国际海洋事务委员会
committee on international ocean attairs 国际海洋事务委员会
committee on invisible exports 无形出口委员会
committee on marine technology 海事技术委员会
committee on rules of origin 原产地规则委员会
committee on scientific information 科学信息委员会
committee on technical cooperation 技术合作委员会
committee on the peaceful uses of the seabed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction 海底和平利用委员会
committee on the transport of dangerous goods 危险品运输委员会
committee 委员会
committeecommission 委员会
commodatum 寄托
commodity class 货物等级
commodity entry 商品列名
commodity freight 分货种运费
commodity futures trading commission 日用期货贸易委员会
commodity inspection & testing bureau 商品检验局
commodity inspection and testing bureau 商品检验局
commodity inspection bureau 商品检验局
commodity inspection corporation 商品检验公司
commodity inspection &testing bureau商品检验局
commodity inspection 商品检验
commodity rate contract system 货物运价合同制
commodity rate freight tariff 商品费率运价本
commodity rate 货物运费率
commodity rate 货物运价率
commodity rates 货物运转率
commodity rates 货种费率
commodity shunting 往复运输
commodity shunting 往复运输;倒流运输
commodity supply 货源
commodity tax 货物税
commodity transporting vessel 商船
commodity 货物
commodity 日用品品名商品
commodity 商品
common adventure 海上共同事业
common anchor 普通锚
common anchor 有杆锚
common average 普通海损
common axis 公共轴线
common base amplifier 共基极放大器
common base gain 共基极增益
common base 共基极
common base 共同基座;共基极
common bass 共基极共用基座
common battery switchboard 共电式交换机
common battery system 共电制
common battery telephone set 共电式电话机
common battery telephone 共电式电话
common battery toll switchboard 共电制长途电话交换机
common battery type telephone 共电式电话
common battery 共电制)中央电池组
common battery 共用电池
common battery 中央电池组
common bend 单编结
common benefit 共同利益
common block 带钩或眼环的木滑车
common block 木滑车
common block 普通滑车
common bower 普通有杆首锚
common bus 总线
common business oriental language 面向商业的通用语言
common business oriented language cobol语言
common business oriented language 通用商业语言
common carrier 海上运输人
common carrier by sea 海上公共承运人
common carrier pipeline 联运管道
common carrier 公共承运人
common channel interference 同波道干扰
common collector amplifier 共集电极放大器
common collector 共集电极
common collector 共集电极共集极
common control system 集中控制方式
common customs tariff 共同关税率共同海关税
common data base 共同数据库
common davit 旋转式吊艇柱
common debts 共同债务
common denominator 公分母
common difference 公差
common digitizer 通用数字转换器
common display logic 通用显示逻辑
common division 公共舱壁
common divisor 公约
common drive 联动装置
common drive 联动装置共用传动设备
common emitter amplifier 共发射极放大器
common emitter 共发射极
common emittor 共发射极
common establishment 朔望高潮间隙
common establishment 朔望高潮间隙朔望高潮间隙
common external tariff 共同对外海关税率
common external tariff 统一对外关税率
common external tariff 统一对外关税率共同对外海关税率
common factor 公因子
common fraction 真分数
common frequency broadcasting 同频率广播
common iron 捻缝凿
common iron 普通捻缝凿
common law court 普通法法院
common law lien 留置权
common law 习惯法
common lawyer 普通法律师
common link 普通链环
common log 扇板测程仪
common log 扇板计程仪
common logarithm 常用对数
common logrithm 常用对数
common marine adventure 共同航海事业
common maritime adventure 同一航程
common metal 普通金属
common micrometer callipers 普通千分卡规
common midpoint reflection point of cable 拖缆共同中折点
common multiple 公倍
common nomenclature of industrial products 欧洲对外贸易统计联盟工业产品通用名词术语
common normal 公法线
common of piscary 渔场共用权
common peril 共同危险
common plant 公共设备
common practice 习惯作法
common printed circuit board 普通印刷电路板
common program 通用程序
common property 共同财产
common pump 公用泵
common register system 集中记发方式
common safety 共同安全
common salt 食盐
common salvage operation 同一救助作业
common seizing 普通绑扎
common shack 普通卸扣
common software 通用软件
common text messages 同文电报
common trimming 一般平舱
common venting system 共同排气系统
common whipping 绳头缠扎
common year 平年
common 公共
common 公共的
common 公共的普通的
common 共同的
common-base 共基极
common-collector 共集电极
common-emitter 共发射极
common-mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比
commonality 通用性
commonwealth secretariat 联邦秘书处
commonwealth telecommunications board 英联邦电信委员会
commotion 骚动;混乱
communicable disease 传染病
communicate 通知
communicating bridge 联络天桥
communicating bridge 通道天桥
communicating device 通信设备
communicating light on topmast 桅顶通信灯
communicating pipe 连通管
communicating pipe 通话管
communicating tube 通话管
communicating valve 连通阀
communicating 通信的互通的
communication accessories 通信设备附件
communication and alarm 通信和警报
communication and electronics 通信与电子学
communication and synchoronization between processes 进程间的通信与同步
communication and synchronization between process 过程间的通信和同步
communication apparatus 通讯设备
communication automatic processing equipment 通信自动处理设备
communication band 通信波段
communication band 通信频带
communication cable 通信电缆
communication capsule 通信舱
communication center 通信中心
communication circuit 通信电路
communication circuit 通信线路
communication control center 通信控制中心
communication control facility 通信控制设备
communication control package 通信控制程序包
communication control processor 通信控制处理机
communication control system 通信控制系统
communication control unit 通信控制单元
communication control unit 通信控制器
communication control 通信控制
communication controller 通信控制器
communication countermeasures 通信干扰
communication data processor 通信数据处理机
communication equipment 通信设备
communication external 外部通信
communication facilities 通信设备
communication facility 通信设备
communication gear 联络设备
communication hardware 通信硬件
communication identification navigation 通信识别导航
communication intelligence 通信情报
communication interior 内部通信
communication jammer 通信干扰器
communication jamming 通讯干扰
communication line adapters for teletype 电传通信线路适配器
communication line adapters 通信线衔接器
communication line terminal 通信线路终端
communication line 通信线路
communication link 通信线路
communication log 通信记录
communication mast 通信桅
communication multiplexer 通信多路转接器
communication net 通信网
communication network 航空固定电信网通信网
communication network 通信网
communication network 通信网络
communication path 通信路径
communication port 连接口
communication port 通信道口
communication processing system 通信处理系统
communication range 通信范围
communication receiver 通信接收机
communication room 通信室
communication satellite corporation 通信卫星公司
communication satellite coverage 通信卫星覆盖范围
communication satellite earth station 通信卫星地面站
communication satellite orbit 通信卫星轨道
communication satellite relay service 卫星通信中转业务公司
communication satellite transponder 通信卫星转发器
communication satellite 通信卫星
communication scanner 通信扫描器
communication search light 通信探照灯
communication searchlight 通信探照灯
communication service 通信业务
communication software 通信软件
communication sonar 通信声纳
communication sound 声响通信
communication system 通信系统
communication technical satellite 通信技术卫星
communication terminal 通信终端
communication theory 通信理论
communication vessel 通信船舶
communication zone 通信区
communication 通信
communication 通信;交通
communication 通信传达
communication 通信传达交通
communication 通讯
communication 信息
communications access device 通讯存取设备
communications and data 通信与数据
communications and tracking system 通信与跟踪系统
communications automatic processing equipment 通信自动处理设备
communications control console 通信控制台
communications control equipment 通讯控制设备
communications mast 通信桅
communications net 通信网
communications operating instructions 通信操作说明书
communications receiver 通信接收机
communications zone 通讯区域
communicator 通信员
communicator 通信装置
community antenna relay service 共用天线中继业务同用天线中继业务
community antenna television system 共用天线电视系统
community automatic exchange 公共自动交换机
community receiving system 公共接收方法
community 公用
communtation factor 整流系数
communtation loss 换向损失
communtation winding 换向绕组
communtation 换向
communtatorless machine 无换向器电机
communtatorless 无换向器的
commutate 换向
commutated antenna direction finder 测向仪转换天线
commutating coil 换向线圈
commutating condenser 整流电容器
commutating device 换向设备
commutating electromotive force 整流电动势
commutating factor 整流系数
commutating field 换向磁场
commutating group 换相组
commutating pole winding 换向极绕组
commutating pole 换向极
commutating pole 换向极、间极
commutating pulse 换向脉冲
commutating reactor 换向电抗器
commutating winding 换向绕组
commutating zone 换向区
commutating 换向的
commutation 换向
commutation 交换;变换;整流
commutative 可交换的
commutator ammeter 转换开关式安培表
commutator assemble 转换器部件
commutator bar 换向片
commutator brush 换向器电刷
commutator circuit 换向电路环形记数器
commutator detector 同步检波器
commutator for emergency manoeuvres 紧急操纵转换开关
commutator frequency changer 换向器变频机
commutator frequency changer 换向器变频机整流子频率变换器
commutator induction motor 换向式感应式电动机
commutator insulating ring 换向器绝缘环
commutator insulation 换向器绝缘
commutator lug 换向器接耳
commutator machine 换向器电机
commutator machine 整流式电机
commutator machine 整流子电机
commutator micanite 换向器用云母板
commutator motor 换向器电动机
commutator motor 整流式电动机
commutator motor 整流式电机
commutator neck 换向器联接片
commutator pitch 换向器节距
commutator pitch 整流片距
commutator rectifier 换向器式整流器
commutator ring 换向器环
commutator ripple 换向波纹
commutator ripple 整流波纹
commutator riser 换向器联接片
commutator room 变换机室
commutator segment 换向片
commutator segments 整流片
commutator side 换向器侧
commutator sleeve 换向器套筒
commutator slotting file 整流子刮槽锉刀
commutator spider 换向器辐
commutator switch 换向开关
commutator 换向器
commutator 整流子
commutatorless machine 无整流子电机
commutatorless 无换向器的
commuter airline association of america 美国航空公司
commuter boat 交通艇
comol 铁钴钼永磁合金
comom logarithm 常用对数
comosite group-flash 组群闪灯
comosite group-occulting 组群明暗灯
compact battery 小型电池
compact folding hatchcover 组合折叠式舱口盖
compact form 紧凑结构
compact ice 密集冰
compact ice 由各种类型冰形成的)密集冰由各种类型浮冰形成的)密集冰
compact pack ice 密集堆冰
compact stowage 堆装紧密;堆装整齐
compact voice communication 简洁语音通信
compact winch 紧凑式绞车
compact 合约
compact 紧凑的
compact 致密的
compacted ice edge 密集冰的下风边缘
compacting material 压实致密材料
compacting pressure 紧密压力
compactness 紧凑度
compactness 紧密性
compactness 密度
compactron 小型电子管
compactron 小型电子管一种固体器件一种光敏电阻
compagnie francaise des petroles 法国石油公司
compagnie franco american assurances 法美保险公司
compagnie generale transatlantique 大西洋轮船总公司
compagnie univer selle du canal maritime de suez 苏伊士运河航运总公司
compagnie 公司
compandor 压扩
companion hatch 舱室升降口
companion hatchway 舱室升降口
companion ladder 舱室扶梯
companion ladder 升降口梯
companion star 伴星
companion way cover 升降口盖
companion way 升降口
companion 伙伴
companion 升降口围罩;升降口盖;同伴
companion 升降口围罩甲板天窗
companionway 升降口
companionways cover 舱棚出入口盖
company bankruptcy 公司破产
company bond 公司债券
company dissolution 公司解散
company establishment 公司设立
company flag 公司旗
company law of the peoples republic of china 中华人民共和国公司法
company law. 公司法
company limited by shares 股份有限公司
company limited 有限公司
company of london insurance 伦敦保险人公司
company standard 企业标准
company training allowance 公司训练补助费
company with limited liability 有限公司
company with limited liability 有限责任公司
company 公司
company 公司;商号;伙伴;船员;全体船员
company 公司全体船员
company 公司全体船员商号
company"s risk 损失由公司承担损失由公司负责
comparative cost 比价
comparative figure 比较值
comparative lifetime 相对寿命
comparative list 报价比较单比较单
comparative list 比较单
comparative measurement 比较测定
comparative measurement 比较测量
comparative negligence rule 比例过失原则
comparative 比较的
comparative 相当的
comparator hysteresis 比较器迟滞
comparator sensitivity 比较器灵敏度
comparator with cover 有塞比色管
comparator 比较器
comparator 比较仪
compare the time 对时
compare 比较
compare 比较对照
compare 比较对照参考
comparer 比较仪
comparing element 比较元件比较环节
comparing rule 比例尺
comparing watch 比对表
comparing 比较的
comparison amplifier 比较放大器
comparison bridge 比较电桥
comparison circuit 比较电路
comparison element 比较元件比较环节
comparison frequency of decca 台卡比较频率
comparison frequency 比较频率
comparison lamp 比较灯
comparison lever 比较杠杆
comparison method 比较法
comparison of chronometer 天文钟比对
comparison of field by vibration 磁场强度比较
comparison oscilloscope 比较示波器
comparison telemetering system 比较遥测系统
comparison test 比较法
comparison watch 比对表
comparison watch 天文钟)比对表
comparison 比较
compart 间隔
compartment arrangement 舱室布置
compartment check-off list 舱室查核清单
compartment check-off list 舱室设备明细表
compartment designation 舱室名称
compartment habitability 舱室适居性
compartment kiln 间格窑
compartment loaded in combination 共同装载舱
compartment partly fulled with grain in bulk 散装谷物部分装载舱
compartment standard 舱室分段标准
compartment standard 分舱标准
compartment test 舱室试验
compartment 舱
compartment 舱室
compartment 舱室间隔隔板
compartment 船舱间
compartment 隔间舱
compartment 间隔
compartment-water-leakage system 隔舱漏水信号系统
compartmentalized cabin 间隔密封舱
compartmentation 水密分舱区划
compartmentation 水密分舱区划隔间化
compartmented cushion 分隔式气垫
景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。 借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景...
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旅游景点 tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist attraction 自然景观 natural splendor attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 natio...
旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览pleasure trip商务旅行business trip出境游 outbo...
railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?...
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【常见的公共标志符号】机场常见的公共标志与说明(d e f)详细阅读
(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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