单片式钢板弹簧 single leaf spring多片式钢板弹簧 muotileaved spring
纵向钢板弹簧 longitudinal leaf spring
螺旋弹簧 coil spring (helicalspring)
空气弹簧 air spring
囊式空气弹簧 bellow type air spring
膜式空气弹簧 diaphragm typeair spring
橡胶弹簧 rubber spring type
液体弹簧 hydraulic spring
油气弹簧 hydro-pneumatic spring type
单气室油气弹簧 single chamber hydragas spring
双气室油气弹簧 double chamber hydragas spring
液体弹簧 hydraulic spring
底盘弹簧 chassis spring
四分之一椭圆形弹簧 quarter elliptic spring
半椭圆形弹簧 half-elliptic spring(semi-elliptic spring)
四分之三椭圆形弹簧 three quarter elliptic spring
全椭圆形弹簧 full elliptic spring
悬臂弹簧 cantilever spring
簧上质量 sprung weight
簧下质量 unsprung weight
垫上弹簧载荷量 spring capacity at pad
地面弹簧载荷量 spring capacity at ground
弹簧静挠度 spring static deflection
弹簧跳动间隙 bump clearance of spring
弹簧中心距 distance between spring centers
减振器 shock absorber
筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber
油压缓冲器 hydraulic buffer
负荷调平式减振器 load -levelling shock absorber
液压减振器 dydraulic shock absorber
可调减振器 adjustable shock absorber
摇臂式减振器 lever type shock absorber
磨擦式减振器 frictional shock absorber
充气减振器 gas-filled shock absorber
动力减振器 dynamic shock absorber
减振器卸荷阀 shock absorber relief valve
减振器进油阀 shock absorber intake valve
减振器示功图 damper indicator diagram
减振器液 damper fluid
横向稳定器 stabilizer anti-roll bar
滑动座 sliding seat
滑板 sliding plate
弹簧架 spring bracket
弹簧主片 spring leaf
钢板弹簧吊耳 leaf spring shackle
钢板弹簧衬套 leaf spring bushing
钢板弹簧销 leaf spring pin
弹簧卷耳 spring eye
u型螺栓 u bolt
钢板弹簧中心螺栓 leaf spring center bolt
橡胶衬套 rubber bushing
缓冲块 buffer stopper
限位块 limiting stopper
平衡轴 trunnion shaft
平衡轴支座 trunnion base
臂轴 arm shaft
平横臂 equalizer
螺纹衬套 screw bushing
(车身)高度阀 levelling valve
车架 auxiliary tank
整体车架 unitized frame
上弯式梁架 upswept frame (kick up frame)
短型车架 stub frame
发动机支架 engine mounting
半径杆 radius rod
平衡杆 stabilizer bar
制动反应杆 brake reaction rod
分开式车身和车架 separated body and frame
车轮 wheel
车轮尺寸名称 wheelsize designation
车轮类型 wheel type
单式车轮 single wheel
双式车轮 dual wheel
整体轮毂式车轮 wheel with integral hub
组装轮辋式车轮 demountable rim wheel
对开式车轮 divided wheel
可调车轮 adustable wheel
辐板式车轮 disc wheel
可反装式车轮 reversible wheel
辐条式车轮 wire wheel
安装面 attachment face
安装面直径 attachment face diameter
双轮中心距 dual spacing
半双轮中心距 half dual spacing
轮缘 flange
固定轮缘 fixed flange
轮缘规格代号 flange size disignation
轮缘高度 flange height
轮缘半径 flange radius
轮级端部半径 flange edge radius
轮级宽度 flange width
内轴承座肩 inner bearing cup shoulder
内移距 inset
横向跳动 lateral run-out
外移距 outset
径向跳动 radius run-out
轮辋 rim
轮辋尺寸名称 rim size disignation
轮辋宽度 rim width
标定轮辋宽度 specified rim width
轮辋直径 rim diameter
标定轮辋直径 specified rim diameter
轮辋类型 rim types
整体式(深槽式) one-piece(drop -center dc)
半深槽式 semi-drop center (sdc)
二件式 two-piece
三件式 three-piece
四件式 four-piece
轮毂座 hub seat
五件式 five-piece
轮辋轮廓类型 rim contour classification
深槽轮辋 drop center rim(dc)
深槽宽轮辋 wide drop center rim(wdc)
半深槽轮辋 semi-drop center rim(sdc)
平底轮辋 flat base rim
平底宽轮辋 wide flat base rim (wfb)
全斜底轮辋 full tapered bead seat rim (tb)
可拆卸轮辋 demountable rim wheel
对开式轮辋 divided rim(dt)
轮辋基体 rim base
轮辋基体偏移距 rim base offset
轮辋偏移距 rim bevel distance
气门嘴孔 valve hole
气门嘴孔的位置 rim hole location
锁圈槽 gutter
锁圈槽沟 gutter groove
锁圈槽顶 gutter tip
隔圈 spaceband
隔圈宽度 spacerband width
标定轮辋直径 specified rim diameter
标定轮辋宽度 specified rim width
花键 spline
弹性锁圈 spring lock ring
辐条式车轮轮毂 shell (wire shell)
轮辋槽 well
槽角 well angle
槽深 well depth
槽底半径 well iner radius
槽的位置 well position
槽顶圆角半径 well radius top
槽宽度 well width
中心孔 center hole
中心线 center line
夹紧块 clamp
夹紧螺栓 clamping bolt
锥型座(螺帽定位用) cone seat (for retaining nut)
可拆卸档圈 detachable endless flange
可拆卸弹簧档圈 detachable spring flange
可拆卸锥形座圈 detachable endless taper bead seat ring
轮辐 disc
辐条 wire spoke
零移距 zeroset
弯距 bending moment
动态径向疲劳试验 dynamic radial fatigue test
横向疲劳试验 cornering fatigue test
轴安装 axel mounting
轴颈安装 journal mounting
孔径 bore
轮胎 tyre (tire)
轮胎系列 tyre series
轮胎规格 tyre size
轮胎标志 tyre marking
速度符号 speed symbol
胎面磨耗标志 tread wear indicator
骨架材料 framework material
层数 number of plies
层级 ply rating
外胎 cover
内胎 inner tube
胀大轮胎 grown tyre
充气轮胎 pneumatic tyre
新胎 new tyre
有内胎轮胎 tubed tyre
无内胎轮胎 tubeless tyre
水胎 curing bag
保留生产轮胎 reserved old series of tyre
普通断面轮胎 conventional section tyre
低断面轮胎 low section tyre
超低断面轮胎 super low section tyre
宽基轮胎 wide base tyre
斜交轮胎 diagonal tyre
子午线轮胎 radial ply tyre
活胎面轮胎 removable tread tyre
越野轮胎 cross-country tyre
沙漠轮胎 sand tyre
浇注轮胎 cast tyre
调压轮胎 adjustable inflation tyre
海棉轮胎 foam filled tyre
常压轮胎 atomospheric pressure tyre
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