检查泊地 examination anchorage伸展面积 expanded area
偏心距 eccentric arm
弹性套筒轴承 elastic sleeve bearing
伸缩弯管 expansion bend
椭圆叶片 elliptical blade
游艇 excursion boat
废气锅炉 exhaust boiler
外燃锅炉 external firing boiler
环首螺栓 eye bolt
有效幅度 effective breadth
最大宽度 extreme breadth
排气凸轮 exhaust cam
机壳,机罩,机舱棚 engine casing
机舱棚,机舱天罩 engine room casing
安乐椅 easy chair
膨胀系数 expansion coefficient
抽射冷凝器 ejector condenser
导[电]体 electric conductor
电解铜 electrolytic copper
衰减曲线 extinction curve
膨胀缸 expansion cylinder
艛甲板 erection deck
敞甲板 exposed deck
能量图 energy diagram
应急发电机 emergency dynamo
接地 earth (or ground)
接地棒 earth bar
接地夹[子] earth clamp
检漏灯(电) earth lamp
地磁场 earth magnetic field
升阀装置 easing gear
引链索 easing out line (or hook rope)
退潮 ebb
退潮 ebb tide
偏心角 eccentric angle
偏心距 eccentric arm (or radius, or throw)
偏心距,偏心度 eccentricity
偏心负荷 eccentric load
偏心环[套] eccentric strap
偏心轮 eccentric wheel
回声测深仪 echo sounder
回声测深 echo sounding
回声测深机 echo sounding machine
偏心,偏心轮 eccentric
偏心杆 eccentric rod
经济寿命 economical life
经济负荷(锅炉) economical load
节热器 economizer
旋涡 eddy
涡阻系数 eddy making drag coefficient
兴涡阻力 eddy making resistance
减涡板 eddy plate
旋涡水 eddy water
木口面 edge grain
边缘接合 edge joint
边补[板] edge patch
刨缘机,边缘刨床 edge planer
边缘[预]加工 edge preparation
边[缘]条,边[缘]板 edge strip
排泄管 eduction pipe
有效效率 effective efficiency
有效焊接长度 effective length of weld
再生器效率(燃气涡轮机) effectiveness of regenerator
有效螺距比,有效节距比 effective pitch ratio
有效射程,有效距离 effective range
有效滑流 effective slip
有效衡程 effective stroke
有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency
倾注冷却,溢出冷却(燃气涡轮机) effusion cooling
抽射器 ejector
弹性联轴器 elastic (or flexible) coupling
弹性杯形垫圈 elastic cup washer
弹性变形 elastic deformation
弹性系数,弹性模数 elastic modulus
弹性逆预变法 elastic reverse prestrain method
弹性套筒轴承 elastic sleeve bearing
弹性稳定性 elastic stability
弹性应变 elastic strain
弹性应变能 elastic strain energy
弹性应力 elastic stress
弹性振动 elastic vibration
弹性体(橡胶类) elastomer
肘管,弯管 elbow
电力推进 electrical propulsion
电弧焊接 electric arc welding
电热硬焊 electric brazing
导电性,导电系数 electric conductivity
电风扇 electric fan
电器属具 electric fittings
电炉 electric furnace
手电钻 electric hand drill
电工,电机师 electrician
电指示器 electric indicator
电[力]装置 electric installation
电灯 electric light (or lamp)
电烤炉 electric oven
电功率,电力 electric power
电阻焊接 electric resistance welding
电阻式应变计 electric resistance wire strain gauge
电炼钢 electric steel
电舵机 electric steering engine
电动操舵装置,电动舵机 electric steering gear
电灶,电炉(暖房用) electric stove
电试验 electric test
电恒温器,电调温器 electric thermostat
电焊[接] electric welding
[声纳]音鼓 electroacoustic transducer
电积铜 electro-deposit copper
电解质,电解液 electrolyte
电解铜 electrolytic copper
电蚀 electrolytic corrosion
电磁体,电磁铁 electromagnet
电磁离合器 electromagnetic clutch
电磁联结器 electromagnetic coupling
电磁喇叭 electromagnetic horn
电磁计程仪 electromagnetic log
电磁滑动联轴器 electromagnetic slip coupling
电磁开关 electromagnetic switch
电子数据处理(电算) electronic data processing (edp)
电子喷油控制 electronic enjection control
电子航海[法] electronic navigation
电子工场 electronic shop
电子描迹器 electronic tracer
电子探针微量分析器 electron probe micro analyser (epma)
电镀器具 electroplate wares
电镀 electroplating
电镀槽 electroplating bath
电子[显影]落样 electro print (or photo) marking (epm)
电热熔碴焊接 electro-slag welding (esw )
静电绘图机 electrostatic plotter
乘载布置(登救生艇筏用) embarkation arrangement
乘载梯[口通]道 embarkation gangway
乘载梯 embarkation ladder
乘艇灯 embarkation lamp
登船安全网 embarkation life net
接地 earth connection
接地板 earth plate
地线 earth wire
安乐椅 easy chair
硬橡胶 ebonite
偏心比 eccentricity ratio
偏心滑轮,偏心槽轮 eccentric sheave
偏心套筒 eccentric sleeve
回声,回波(电) echo
回波箱 echo box
节热[器]管 economizer tube
涡流运动 eddy motion
边缘 edge
边缘影响 edge effect
边[缘]焊[接] edge weld
沿层方向 edgewise
喷射器 eductor
有效幅度 effective breadth
有效落差 effective head
有效马力 effective horsepower (ehp )
有效焊喉厚度 effective throat thickness
有效宽度 effective width
流出角(燃气涡轮机) efflux angle
框架组合系统 egg box system
弹性挫曲 elastic buckling
弹性不稳定性 elastic instability
弹性,弹度 elasticity
弹性极限 elastic limit
弹性劲度矩阵(结构分析) elastic stiffness matrix
电动操舵系统 electrical steering system
电路图 electrical wiring plan
电缆 electric cable
导[电]体,导线 electric conductor
发电机 electric generator
电热器,电炉 electric heater
电点火 electric ignition
电点火引擎 electric ignition engine
[电器零件]引线头 electric lead
电动势 electric motive force
电动机,马达 electric motor
电动发电机 electric motor generator
电力推进 electric propulsion
电热器 electric radiator
电炉,电灶(厨房用) electric range
电力遥控同步马达 electric telemotor
变压器 electric transformer
电动绞机 electric winch
电[动]锚机 electric windlass
电工工作 electric work
电极,电焊条 electrode
电极座 electrode holder
电解 electrolysis
电磁遮蔽 electromagnetic shielding
化学分析用电子分光器 electrospectroscopy for chemical analysis (esca)
组件,元素 ,[蓄]电池极板 element
升降机,电梯 elevator (or lift)
椭圆形阀动图 ellipse (or elliptical) valve diagram
椭圆叶片 elliptical blade
伸长,伸长量 elongation
登船灯 embarkation light
压花机 embossing press
脆化特性 embrittlement characteristic
露出楔 emerged wedge
应急器具 emergency apparatus
紧急自动关闭装置 emergency automatic shut down device
应急小艇 emergency boat
应急煞车 emergency brake
紧急断缆工具 emergency breakaway tools
应急柴油发电机 emergency diesel dynamo
紧急配电线路 emergency distribution circuit
紧急电源 emergency electric power source
紧急消防泵 emergency fire pump
应急调速器 emergency governor
应急灯 emergency light
应急指位无线电示标 emergency position- indicating radio beacon (epirb)
紧急动力源 emergency power source
应急修理 emergency repair
紧急关闭试验 emergency shut down test
应急机,应急操舵装置 emergency steering gear
应急开关 emergency switch
应急安全水柜(潜艇) emergency tank
应急阀 emergency valve
应急通气口 emergency vent
紧急落下锤(潜艇) emergency weight
刚砂布 emery cloth
刚砂纸 emery paper
[瓷]漆包线 enameled wire
封闭甲板室 enclosed deckhouse
围闭救生艇 enclosed lifeboat
封闭式开关 enclosed switch
全封闭 enclosed totally
围蔽,封闭 enclosure
圈围舱壁 enclosure bulkhead
遭遇频率 encounter frequency
端舱壁 end bulkhead
横切巴沙木 end grain balsa
端搭板 end lap
艉向下水 end launching
端环 end link
续航力,持久 endurance
耳索 earing
检漏器(电) earth detector
涡流 eddy current
爱德华泵 edwards pump
有效螺距,有效节距 effective (or virtual) pitch
有效滑流比 effective slip ratio
有效值 effective value
有效迹流 effective wake
效率 efficiency
引擎效率 engine efficiency
弹性[应变]能 elastic resilience
弹性计 elastometer
电钟 electric clock
电磁煞 electromagnetic brake
电子扫描 electronic scanning
电子开关 electronic switch
乘载甲板 embarkation deck
移民船 emigrant ship
能量图 energy diagram
艉机舱船 engine aft
引擎警报盘 engine alarm panel
机壳,机罩,机舱围壁,机舱棚 engine casing
机柱 engine column
轮机记事簿 engineer"s log book
轮机仓库 engineer"s store
轮机员工作间 engineer"s workshop
引擎装具 engine fittings
引擎座,机座 engine foundation
机座纵梁 engine girder
机器踏格 engine grating
机舱记事簿,机舱日志 engine log book
引擎遥控系统 engine remote control system
机舱布置 engine room arrangement
机舱口 engine room hatchway (or opening)
机舱记事簿,机舱日志 engine room log book
机舱平台甲板 engine room platform
机舱地板支材 engine room sleeper
[机舱]钟 engine room telegraph
机舱监视台 engine watch console
机舱工作间 engine workshop
英格勒黏度计 engler viscosimeter
集体 ensemble
焓 enthalpy
入水角(船),入口角(机) entrace angle
入口,艏水线 entrance
艏部 entrance of vessel
熵 entropy
增进污水回收法 eor (= enhanced oil recovery)
周转减速齿轮 epicylic reduction gear
均衡管 equalizer pipe
等势线 equal potential line
平衡 equilibrium
属具,装备 equipment
属具数,装数 equipment number
等值螺桨 equivalant screw
相当长度 equivalent length
相当平均有效压力 equivalent mean effective pressure
相当应力 equivalent stress
安装接头 erection joint
组合工(船台) erection man
安装图 erection plan
安装程序 erection procedure
标信程序 ergodic process
冲蚀 erosion
机动阶梯 escalator
逃生舱口 escape hatch
逃生梯 escape ladder
逃生窗口 escape scuttle
逃生箱道 escape trunk
浸蚀,蚀刻 etching
浸蚀试验 etch test
蒸发当量 equivalent evaporation
蒸发量 evaporative capacity
经济船速 economical speed
刨缘机 edge planing machine
有效压力 effective pressure
有效波斜度 effective wave slope
抽射冷凝器 ejector condenser
艏艉甲板托材(木船) ekeing (or eking)
弹性余效 elastic after-effect
电机工程师 electrical engineer
电力设备,电器设备 electrical equipment
电工场 electrical shop
电机规范 electrical specification
电浴槽 electric bath
电铃 electric bell
电路 electric circuit
电[加]热 electric heating
电[动]计程仪 electric log
手提电灯 electric portable lamp
岸边供电 electric power supply from shore
布线图,电路配置图 electric wiring plan
电极端片 electrode tip
电子气焊,气体护遮电[弧]焊 electro-gas arc welding (egw)
电动液压操舵系统 electro-hydraulic steering system
电磁探伤器 electromagnetic cruck detector
电子束焊接 electron beam welding
电子耦合振荡器 electron coupled oscillator
静电遮蔽 electrostatic shielding
正视图,高度 ,海拔 elevation
椭圆法则(燃气涡轮机) ellipse law
椭圆艉 elliptical stern
埋入线圈 embedded coil
应急发电机 emergency dynamo
应急照明 emergency lighting
乳化燃料 emulsified fuel
封闭艛 enclosed superstructure
遇波周期 encounter period
艏艉浮力柜(救生艇) end tank
轴端推力 end thrust
持久极限 endurance limit
持久试验,耐航试验 endurance test
外燃机 external combustion engine
引擎效率 engine efficiency
轮机员,工程师 engineer
轮机部 engineering department
轮机办公室 engineer"s office
机力车床 engine lathe
引擎架组,引擎安装 engine mounting
机舱棚,机舱天罩 engine room casing
机舱踏格 engine room grating
机舱无人控制试验 engine room unmaned control test
增进污水回收法 enhanced oil recovery (eor)
艉旗杆 ensign staff
环境负荷 environmental load
人造橡胶绝缘电缆 ep rubber insulated cable
均衡装置 equalizer
均衡环 equalizing ring
等应力线 equal-stress line
平衡阀 equilibrium valve
相当厚度法(结构分析) equivalent thickness approach
艉船名板(木船) escutcheon
蒸发因子 evaporative factor
蒸发器,淡水机 evaporator
蒸发器管 evaporator tube
检查泊地 examination anchorage
舱口超出空间(吨位丈量) excess hatchway
激振频率 exciting frequency
专任验船师,专任检验员 exclusive surveyor
游艇 excursion boat
工作法 execution of work
排气凸轮 exhaust cam
排汽穴(滑阀) exhaust cavity
排气圆(往复蒸汽机) exhaust circle
排气导管 exhaust duct
排气消声器 exhaust gas silencer
排气涡轮机 exhaust gas turbine
排气岐管 exhaust manifold
排气管 exhaust pipe
排气接收器 exhaust receiver
排汽 exhaust steam
排[蒸]汽涡轮机 exhaust steam turbine
排气系统,废汽系统 ,排风系统 exhaust system
废汽涡轮机 exhaust turbine
排气阀,排汽阀 exhaust valve
排气阀顶开装置 exhaust valve lifting (or easing) gear
排气通风 exhaust ventilation
出口角(涡轮机) exit angle
扩张金属板 expanded metal
扩管器 expander (or tube expander)
伸缩弯管 expansion bend
膨胀缸 expansion cylinder
膨胀机(往复蒸汽机) expansion engine
膨胀轮环 expansion hoop (or ring)
伸缩接合,伸缩接头 expansion joint
展开图 expansion plan
膨胀轮环 expansion ring (or hoop)
膨胀衡程 expansion stroke
膨胀试验 expansion test
膨胀箱舱 expansion trunk
膨胀箱舱口 expansion trunk hatchway
试验 experiment
应急空气压缩机 emergency air compressor
应急水泵 emergency bilge pump
紧急钟 emergency engine telegraph
放射器 emitter
安置,定位 emplacement
瓷面(漆) enamel finish
围蔽空间 enclosed space
动力机,发动机,引擎,机[器] engine
试验机 experimental engine
引擎控制室 engine control room
停机试验 engine cut off test
机油 engine oil
机舱口 engine room opening
机座 engine seating
引擎规范[书] engine specification
加大链环 enlarged link
旗帜,艉旗 ,海军少尉(美国) ensign
电子探针微量分析器 epma (= electron probe micro analyser)
相当喷嘴面积 equivalent nozzle area
等值孔 equivalent orifice
相当半径 equivalent radius
相当扭力矩 equivalent twisting moment
安装工场 erecting shop
安装费 erection cost
化学分析用电子分光器 esca (= electrospec- troscopy for chemical analysis)
安全阀,排泄阀 escape valve
共晶焊接,低温焊接 eutectic welding
共析钢 eutectoid steel
蒸发 evaporation
蒸发能力 evaporative power
纵平浮,[艏艉]等吃水 even keel
过量空气因子 excess air factor
过剩树脂,积胶 excess resin (or resin richness)
豁免证书 exemption certificate
排气,排出 exhaust
排气通风器 exhaust ventilator
现成船,现存船 existing ship
伸展面积(螺桨) expanded area
膨胀系数 expansion coefficient
[温差式]膨胀排泄阱 expansion drain trap
膨胀比 expansion ratio
膨胀阀 expansion valve
试验水槽 experimental tank
爆发室 explosion chamber
爆发引擎 explosion (or explosive) engine
防爆 explosion proof
防爆型 explosion proof type
爆发比 explosive ratio
爆炸焊接 explosive welding
焊条裸端 exposed core
快速定期船 express liner
快速轮船 express steamer
外燃机 external combustion engine
外部减热器 external desuperheater
外压力 external pressure
外水柜(潜艇) external tank
消退曲线 extinction curve
灭火器 extinguisher
抽出 extraction
抽出泵 extraction pump
辅助给水阀 extra feed valve
抽气涡轮机 extration turbine
最大宽度,全宽 extreme breadth
全长 extreme length (or length over all)
挤制机 extruding machine
艾哈式远程水位计 eye hye remote water gauge
小孔,穿绳孔 eyelet hole
眼板 eye plate (or pad)
窥缝 eye slit
蒸发因子 evaporative factor
排风机,抽风机 exhaust fan
应急发电机 emergency generator
应急电源 emergency source of electric power
乳化 emulsification
障碍物 encumbrance
端缘围,缘围端板 end coaming
端板 end plate
能量,能 energy
轮机部,机舱部 engine department
主管工程师 engineer in charge
机架 engine frame
机舱舱口通路 engine hatch way
引擎压紧螺栓 engine hold-down bolt
主机额定最大连续出力 engine mcr
舯机舱船 engine midship
机舱地板 engine room floor
机舱天窗 engine room skylight
机座 engine seat
机侧控制 engine side control
轮机库员 engine store keeper
机舱当值 engine watch
熵值图 entropy chart
导槽入口 entry guide
应急指位无线电示标 epirb (= emergency po- sition-indicating radio beacon)
突发巨波 episodic waves
电子放样 epm (= electro-print marking)
电子显影落样胶片 epm film (or nega)
环氧树脂 epoxy resin
均衡极 equalizing pole
蒸发当量 equivalent evaporation
等强纵梁 equivalent girder
安装(船台),上构物(船体) erection
艛端 erection end
抗[冲]蚀性 erosion resistance
冲蚀防护 erosion shield
溃蚀腐蚀,冲蚀 errosion
海湾区航运船,河口区航运船 estuary carrier
蚀刻剂 etching solution
过量空气 excess air
超倍因子 excess multiplication factor
舱口超出吨位 excess of hatchway
换水孔 exchanging water hole
游航界限 excursion limit
排风机,抽风机 exhaust fan
排汽余面(滑阀) exhaust lap
排气喷嘴 exhaust nozzle
排气箱 exhaust tank
出口面积 exit area
膨胀舱口 expansion hatchway
膨胀袪水器 expansion trap
爆发线 explosion line
爆发试验 explosion test
爆炸成形法 explosive forming effects
快速锅炉 express boiler
伸缩计 extensimeter (or extensometer)
延伸标尺 extension scale
过量比例(船型) extra proportion
挤制材料 extruded material
窥孔 eye sight
电风扇 electric fan
爆发引擎 explosion (or ex- plosive) engine
机座 engine bed (or bearer, or seat)
机舱 engine room
均衡管,调压管 equalizing pipe
艛甲板 erection deck
激磁电流,励磁电流 excitation current (or exciting current)
激振试验 exciter test
免[除]丈[量]空间 excluded space
免丈空间 exempted space
伸缩囊节 expansion bellows
膨胀效率 expansion efficiency
环首螺栓 eye bolt
激磁机,励磁机 exciter
废气锅炉 exhaust boiler
排气线 exhaust line
排气损失 exhaust loss
排气口,排出口 exhaust port (or slot)
排气衡程 exhaust stroke
膨胀,扩张,展开 expansion
膨胀线 expansion line
膨胀柜 expansion tank
试验机 experimental engine
敞[露]甲板 exposed deck
外燃锅炉 external firing boiler
最深吃水 extreme draft
挤制法 extrustion process
眼孔,环首 eye
眼环结 eye splice
爆发,爆炸 explosion
爆发衡程 explosion stroke
挤制铝 extruded aluminum
电器装具 electric fittings
引擎装具 engine fittings
紧急调速器 emergency governor
膨胀围壁舱口 expansion trunk hatchway
电炉 electric furnace
舱口超出吨位 excess of hatchway
机舱踏格 engine room grating
等强纵梁 equivalent girder
升阀装置 easing gear
电热器,电炉 electric heater
纵平浮, [ 艏艉 ] 等吃水 even keel
膨胀舱口 expansion hatchway
尾环 end link
电动计程仪 electric log
挤制机 extruding machine
爆发线 explosion line
排气损失 exhaust loss
电指示器 electric indicator
排汽余面(滑阀) exhaust lap
机力车床 engine lathe
电点火 electric ignition
轮机记事簿 engineer"s log book
有效马力 effective horsepower (ehp)
排气阀顶开装置 exhaust valve lifting gear
引链索 easing-out line
排气线 exhaust line
手提电灯 electric portable lamp
加大链环 enlarged link
伸缩接合,伸缩接头 expansion joint
膨胀线 expansion line
排气歧管 exhaust manifold
检漏灯(电) earth lamp
艉向下水 end launching
等势线 equal potential line
快速定期船 express liner
偏心负荷 eccentric load
挤制材料 extruded material
机油 engine oil
排泄管 eduction pipe
刨缘机 edge planing machine
调压管 equalizing pipe
有效螺距 effective (or virtual) pitch
遇波周期 encounter period
排气口 exhaust port (or slot)
外压力 external pressure
均衡管 equalizer pipe
电路图 electrical wiring plan
排气管 exhaust pipe
蒸发能力 evaporative power
属具数,装数 equipment number
机舱口 engine room opening
应急修理 emergency repair
边补 edge patch
电烤炉 electric oven
有效压力 effective pressure
兴涡阻力 eddy-making resistance
电力推进 electrical propulsion
爱德华泵 edwards pump
偏心轴杆 eccentric rod
有效射程,有效距离 effective range
等值螺桨 equivalant screw
抽出泵 extraction pump
电工场 electrical shop
电子工场 electronic shop
机舱 engine room
延伸标尺 extension scale
机座 engine seating
有效滑流 effective slip
安装工场 erecting shop
膨胀轮环 expansion ring (or hoop)
偏心槽轮 eccentric sheave (or pulley)
艉旗杆 ensing staff
电炼钢 electric steel
经济船速 economical speed
椭圆艉 elliptical stern
移民船 emigrant ship
爆发冲程 explosion stroke
现成船 existing ship
排气消音器 exhaust gas silencer
机舱天窗 engine room skylight
电机规范 electrical specification
回声测深机 echo sounding machine
紧急开关 emergency switch
应急安全水柜(潜艇) emergency tank
排气箱 exhaust tank
排气冲程 exhaust stroke
电力操舵装置 electric steering gear
持久试验,耐航试验 endurance test
外水柜(潜艇) external tank
排汽 exhaust steam
节热管 economizer tube
膨胀柜 expansion tank
排气阀,排汽阀 exhaust valve
膨胀冲程 expansion stroke
轴端推力 end thrust
蒸发器用管 evaporator tube
船模试验槽 experimental tank
膨胀试验 expansion test
电动锚机 electric windlass
电焊接 electric welding
希腊国家标准技术委员会 eno (= greek standards committee technical chamber of greece, greece)
废汽涡轮机 exhaust turbine
平衡阀 equilibrium valve
美国电子工业协会 eia (or retma) (= electronic industries association, u.s.a.)
膨胀阀 expansion valve
应急阀 emergency valve
欧洲钢铁标准协会 euronorm (= normen der europaischen gemeinschaft fur kohle und stahl)
安全阀,排泄阀 escape valve
电弧焊接 electric arc welding
电阻焊接 electric resistance welding
电动绞机 electric winch
弹性杯形垫圈 elastic cup washer
偏心轮 eccentric wheel
露出楔 emerged wedge
美国爱迪生电机学会 eei (= edison electric institute, u.s.a.)
美国电动架空吊车协会 eoci (= electric overhead crane institute, u.s.a.)
埃及国家标准组织 eos (= egyptian organization for standardization, u.a.r.)
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