
专业英语词汇 2023-01-09 网络整理 可可


rat eaten 鼠啮
rat evidence 鼠患
rat guard 防鼠板
rat guard 防鼠板系船索上的)防鼠隔
rat guard 防鼠隔
rat guard 防鼠隔板
rat proof electric installation 防鼠型电气装置
rat proof 防鼠的
rat proof 系船索上的)防鼠隔
rat tail splice 尖尾插接
rat trap 捕鼠夹
rat 老鼠
rat 鼠
rat"s tail 尖尾
rat-proof 尖尾
rat-tail burner 鼠尾喷灯
rat-tail 尖尾
ratan 港口雷达短程助航仪器
ratan 港口雷达短程助航仪器港口雷达监视站资料通过电视送给船舶的)短程助航仪器
ratchet and pawl 棘轮和掣爪
ratchet blocking system 棘轮闭锁装置
ratchet brace 棘轮摇钻
ratchet brace 棘轮摇钻手摇旋钻机
ratchet clutch 棘爪离合器
ratchet coupling 爪形联轴器棘轮联结器
ratchet coupling 爪形联轴器棘轮连接器
ratchet drill 棘轮摇钻
ratchet drive 棘轮传动
ratchet drive 棘轮传动棘轮传动装置
ratchet gear 棘轮齿轮
ratchet gear 棘轮齿轮棘轮装置
ratchet gearing 棘轮传动装置
ratchet handle 棘轮手柄
ratchet jack 棘轮起重器
ratchet mechanism 棘轮机构
ratchet pawl 棘轮爪
ratchet purchase 棘齿起重设备
ratchet relay 棘轮式继电器
ratchet roller clutch 棘轮滚筒离合器
ratchet roller 棘轮滚筒
ratchet shaft 棘轮轴
ratchet socket wrench 棘轮套筒扳手
ratchet spanner 棘轮弹簧
ratchet tooth 棘轮齿
ratchet wheel 棘轮
ratchet wrench 棘轮扳手
ratchet 棘轮
ratchet 棘轮棘轮机构
ratchet 棘爪;棘轮;棘轮机构
rate agreement 协定费率
rate agreements 费率协定
rate and free gyro 速率及自由陀螺仪
rate and route computer system 速率与航线计算机系统
rate calculation 运价计算
rate control 速率控制
rate control 速率控制微分控制
rate detector 流量表传感器
rate difference 差价
rate error 速率误差
rate feedback 速率反馈
rate governor 调速器
rate gyroscope limit 速率陀螺仪极限
rate gyroscope system 速率陀螺仪系统
rate gyroscope 速率陀螺仪微分陀螺仪
rate indicator 流量表流速计
rate limitation 速率限制
rate limiter 速率限制器
rate making 定额
rate meter 测速计
rate of absorption 吸收率
rate of advance 进速
rate of air circulation 空气循环率
rate of air flow 气流率
rate of approach 逼近速度
rate of approach 接近速度
rate of approach 接近速度两船或两物的)逼近速度
rate of attenuation 衰减率
rate of cargo error 货差率
rate of cargo shortage 货物短卸率
rate of change in altitude 高度变化率
rate of change in azimuth 方位变化率
rate of change 变化率
rate of charge 充气率充电率
rate of charging 充电率
rate of chronometer 日差率
rate of closure 逼近速度
rate of closure 接近速度
rate of closure 接近速度两船或两物的)逼近速度
rate of combustion 燃烧率
rate of consumption 消耗
rate of consumption 消耗率
rate of cooling 冷却率
rate of current 流速
rate of departure 离开速度
rate of departure 离开速度两船或两物的)离开速度
rate of dilatation 膨胀率
rate of discharge 排出率
rate of discharge 排出率排量放出率
rate of discharging 卸货速度
rate of energy loss 能量损耗率
rate of evaporation 蒸发率
rate of exchange 兑换率
rate of exchange 换算率
rate of exchange 汇价
rate of exchange 外汇汇率
rate of exchange 外汇汇率兑换率换算率汇价
rate of expansion 膨胀率
rate of flooding 灌注速度
rate of flow indicator 流量计
rate of flow meter 流量表
rate of flow 流量
rate of flow 流量流动速度电流强度通量强度
rate of flow 流速
rate of following 跟踪速度
rate of following 跟踪速率
rate of fouling 污底速率
rate of freight 运费率
rate of fuel consumption 燃料消耗率
rate of heat flow 热流率
rate of heat flow 热流率热流量
rate of heat release 放热率
rate of information throughput 信息吞吐量
rate of interest 利率
rate of leakage 漏泄速率
rate of load growth 负载增长率
rate of loading 装货速度
rate of loadingdischarging 装/卸率
rate of lubrication oil consumption 润滑油消耗率
rate of opening 离开速度
rate of opening 离开速度两船或两物的)离开速度
rate of passage 航运费
rate of reaction 反应速率
rate of reading 读出速率
rate of regulating speed in instantaneous 瞬时调速率
rate of regulating speed in stability 稳定调速率
rate of revolution 旋转率
rate of revolution 转速
rate of rotation 旋转率
rate of sailing 航速
rate of scanning 扫描速率
rate of self-regulation 自调节速率
rate of speed 速率
rate of supercharging 增压比
rate of tally figures accuracy 理货数字准确率
rate of temperature drop 降温率
rate of temperature rise 升温率
rate of tidal stream 潮流速率
rate of transverse drift 横漂速率
rate of turn 匝数比
rate of turn-over 调转率
rate of turn-over 周转率
rate of turns 匝数比
rate of utilization 使用率
rate of vessel without cargo shortage 船舶到数率
rate of volumetric change 容积变化率
rate per annum 年率
rate per diem 日率
rate per mensem 月率
rate to be agreed 费率尚待商定
rate to be arranged 费率待定
rate to be arranged 费率尚待商定
rate 比例
rate 比率
rate 流速流量
rate 熔敷率
rate 蠕变率
rate-of-flow meter 流量计
rate-of-turn recorder 转速记录器
rateable 可估价的按比例的
rateau turbine 冲动式汽轮机
rated breaking capacity 额定断开容量
rated capacity 额定电容
rated capacity 额定容量
rated condition 额定工况额定条件
rated condition 额定条件
rated consumption 额定消耗量
rated continuous working voltage 额定持续工作电压
rated continuous working voltage 额定持续工作电压额定连续工作电压
rated continuous working voltage 额定连续工作电压
rated current 额定电流
rated duration 额定状态工作时间
rated full-load current 额定满载电流
rated horse-power 额定马力
rated horsepower 额定马力
rated input 额定输入量
rated interrupting capacity 额定断流容量
rated load torque 额定转矩
rated load 额定负荷
rated load 额定负载
rated load 额定载荷
rated making capacity 额定接通容量
rated maximum pressure 额定最大压力
rated moment 额定力矩
rated output 额定功率
rated output 额定输出
rated output 额定输出量
rated performance 额定性能
rated power capability 额定功率
rated power factor 额定功率因数
rated power output 额定功率
rated power 额定功率
rated pressure 额定压力
rated quantity 额定量
rated revolution 额定转数
rated rudder angle 额定舵角
rated short-time current 额定短时电流
rated slip 额定滑失
rated slip 额定转差率
rated speed of rotation 额定转速
rated speed 额定速度
rated stock torque 额定转舵扭矩
rated tax 定率税
rated thrust 额定推力
rated torque 额定转矩
rated value 额定值
rated voltage 额定电压
rated wind pressure lever 计算风压作用力臂
rated wind pressure 计算风压
rated 额定的
ratedtorque 额定转矩
ratemeter 测速表
ratemeter 定率计
rates of loading & discharging 装卸速率
rates 定价
rates 价目表rating测定
ratification concerning suggestion for solving that the oil content of ballast water in tanker exceeds national standard 关于对油轮压舱水含油量超过国家标准处理意见的批复
ratification process 批准过程
ratification 批准
ratification 认可
ratifier 批准者
ratify 批准
rating fraction 等级分数
rating of chronometer 日差率测定
rating of engine 发动机的额定功率
rating of engine 发动机功率
rating of exchange 外汇行情
rating of fuel 耗油额定值
rating of illumination 照度标准
rating of machine 机器规格电机规格
rating of set 装置功率
rating plate 定额牌
rating under working condition 工作条件下的产冷量
rating 测定
rating 定额
rating 额定功率
ratio analysis diagram 比率分析图
ratio arm 比例臂
ratio control system 比值控制系统
ratio control 比例调节
ratio control 比例控制
ratio gear 变速轮
ratio meter 比率计
ratio of clearance volume 余隙容积比
ratio of compression 压缩比
ratio of damping 阻尼系数
ratio of deck opening area 甲板开口度
ratio of expansion 膨胀比
ratio of floor rise 船底斜度比
ratio of gear 变速比
ratio of gear 齿轮传动比
ratio of mean wetted length to breadth 平均浸湿长度比
ratio of port time to sea time 停港航海时间比
ratio of principal dimensions 主要尺度比例
ratio of ranges 潮差比
ratio of reduction 减速比
ratio of revolution 转数比
ratio of rise 潮升比
ratio of speed 速比
ratio of tidal ranges 潮差比
ratio of tidal ranges 潮差系数
ratio oxygen cutting machine 比例氧炔切割机
ratio switch 刻度比例变换开关
ratio wheel 减速轮
ratio 比
ratio 比比率比例
ratio 比例
ratio 比例比
ratio 控制比
ratiometer 比率计
ration bread 配给面包
ration export 限额输出
ration (食品
rational function 有理函数
rational horizon 真地平
rational number 有理数
rational units 合理化单位
rational 合理的
rationalize 使合理
rationalize 使合理使合理化合理地处理
ratlin 桅梯横绳
ratline down 扎桅梯绳
ratline hitch 丁香结
ratline stuff 桅梯绳
ratline 桅梯横绳
ratling 桅梯横绳
ratproofing 防鼠措施
rattan bar 藤条
rattan fender 藤碰垫
rattan 藤
rattan 藤条
rattler 发声器
rattler 发声器倾盆大雨运货列车
rattler 猛烈雷暴
rattler 倾盆大雨
rattling 桅梯横绳
rave hook 刮缝钩
rave iron 刮缝刀
rave iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿
ravine wind 峡谷风
ravine 沟峡谷
ravine 沟峡谷沟壑
ravine 峡谷
raving 怒吼的
raw data 原始数据
raw iron plug bolt anchor 铁柄地锚
raw linseed oil 生漆油
raw mast 原桅木
raw material 原材料
raw material 原料
raw mica 原云母
raw rubber 生橡胶
raw sample 粗油样
raw ship 新服役船
raw video picture 未经处理的图像
raw video picture 未经处理的图象
raw water 生水
raw mast 原桅木
raw mast
raw 生的
raw 生的;原
rawin 无线电测风仪
rawinsonde 无线电探空测风仪
ray acoustics 射线声学
ray testing 射线检验
ray 射线
ray 射线光线
raydist “雷迪斯特“双曲线定位系统;相位比较器
raydist 相位比较仪
rayed arc 射线极光弧
rayed band 射线极光带
rayon 人造纤维
rayproof 防辐射的
raytheon mfg.co. 雷声电器制造公司
raze a vessel 取消船级
raze 刮去
raze 刮去消去
razee 拆除一层甲板使船身减低
razing 刻放型线铲平
razor 剃刀
razor-edge liner 楔形垫板
re 
re 海
re- 表示又
re- 又
re-act 重作
re-arrest or multiple arrest of ships 二次或多次扣船
re-boiler 更换…的锅炉
re-boiler=reboiler 更换…的锅炉
re-coil 重新盘绕(管子
re-cover 重新盖给…换新面子
re-delivery area 租还地
re-delivery date 租还期
re-engage 重新接入
re-engage=reengage vi.重新接入
re-engine 更换…的发动机
re-engine=reengine 更换…的发动机
re-entry turbine 回流式涡轮机
re-evaporation 再蒸发
re-insurance agreement 《再保险协定》
re-insurance 再保险
re-read 再读
re-read=reread 再读
re-refining oil unit 润滑油再生装置
re-refining 再精炼再澄清
re-rivet 重铆
re-routing 改航线
re-shipping charges 重装费用
re-start 使)再起动
re-striking voltage 再点火电压
re-surfaced 重新磨平的
reach & burden 容积与载重量
reach & burthen 容积与载重量
reach and burden 容积与载重量
reach in freezer 冷冻柜
reach in refrigerator 大型冷冻柜
reach me 请与我联系
reach of crane 起重机臂工作半径
reach rod 测深杆
reach 到达
reach 作用范围
react 起反应
reactance capacity 无功功率
reactance coil 电抗线圈
reactance coupling 电抗耦合
reactance drop 电抗电压降
reactance grounded 经电抗接地的
reactance modulator 电抗调制器
reactance network 电抗网络
reactance starting 电抗器起动
reactance triangle 电抗三角形
reactance tube 电抗管
reactance voltage 无功电压
reactance 电抗
reactance 电抗电抗电抗器
reactant 反应物
reaction  component 电抗部分
reaction accelerator 反应加速剂
reaction alternator 无功交流发电机
reaction blade 反动式叶片
reaction blading 反动式叶片组
reaction blading 反动式叶栅
reaction blading 反击式叶片配置
reaction chamber 分馏塔
reaction coefficient 反馈系数
reaction control system 反作用控制系统
reaction control 反馈控制
reaction coupled 电抗耦合的
reaction force 反作用力
reaction formula 化学反应式
reaction gas 反作用推进气体
reaction jet 推进射流
reaction motor  喷气发动机反作用式发动机
reaction motor 反作用式发动机
reaction pressure 反应压力
reaction principle 反作用原理
reaction propeller 反应推进器
reaction rudder 反应舵
reaction rudder 反应舵(特殊设计的舵面曲线
reaction stage 反动级
reaction steam turbine 反动式汽轮机
reaction thrust 反推力
reaction turbine 反动式透平
reaction turbine 反动式涡轮机
reaction 反力
reaction 反作用
reaction 反作用;反馈;反应;反动
reactioncomponent 电抗部分
reactivate 重新编入船队
reactivating antifouling paint 再活化防污漆
reactivating 再活化的
reactivation survey 闲置船舶重新启用检验
reactivation 重激活
reactive circuit 电抗电路
reactive circuit 电抗电路反馈电路
reactive component 无功分量
reactive component 无功分量无功部分
reactive current 无功电流
reactive diluent 活性稀释剂
reactive droop 无功下垂特性
reactive drop 无功电压降
reactive element 电抗元件
reactive emf 无功电动势
reactive factor meter 无功功率因数表
reactive factor 无功功率因数
reactive force 反作用力
reactive jet-steering gear 喷水推进兼操纵装置
reactive load 电抗负载
reactive load 无功负载
reactive load 无功功率
reactive power factor 无功功率因数
reactive power factor 无功功率因素
reactive power meter 无功功率计
reactive power relay 无功功率继电器
reactive power 无功功率
reactive thrust 反推力
reactive volt-ampere meter 无功伏安计
reactive volt-ampere 无功伏安
reactive voltage 无功电压
reactive 反馈的
reactive 反作用的反应的活性的无功的
reactive-kilovolt-ampere 无功千伏安
reactivity coefficient 反应系数
reactivity hazard 反应危险性
reactivity with sea water 与海水反应性
reactivity 反应
reactivity 反应度
reactivity 反应度反应
reactivity 反应性
reactor auxiliary system 反应堆辅助系统
reactor containment 反应堆安全壳
reactor control board 反应堆操纵台
reactor control console 反应堆操纵台
reactor control system 反应堆控制系统
reactor coolant system 反应堆冷却剂系统
reactor coolant 反应堆冷却剂
reactor cooling system 反应堆冷却系统
reactor cutback power 反应堆自降功率
reactor for daylight lamp 日光灯镇流器
reactor initial startup 反应堆物理起动
reactor installation 反应堆装置
reactor measuring instrument 反应堆监测仪表
reactor nuclear instrument system 反应堆核测量系统
reactor period 反应堆周期
reactor power level 反应堆功率级
reactor power meter 反应堆功率表
reactor power regulating system 反应堆功率调节系统
reactor power 反应堆功率
reactor pressure vessel 反应堆压力容器
reactor propulsion system 反应堆推进装置
reactor protection system 反应堆保系统
reactor room air compressor 反应堆舱空气压缩机
reactor room 反应堆舱
reactor room 原子锅炉舱
reactor safety system 反应堆安全系统
reactor scram 紧急停止
reactor shut-down 反应堆关闭
reactor synchronization 粗同步法
reactor system 反应堆装置
reactor thermal core 反应堆堆心
reactor thermal power 反应堆热功率
reactor 电抗线圈
reactor 反应堆
reactor-mixer 反应堆混合器
reactor-period meter 反应堆周期测量计
read amplifier 读出放大器
read and write 读和写
read button 读出按钮
read forward 正向读出
read frequency 读出频率频率读入
read in n. 写入
read in 写入
read only memory 只读存储器
read only 只读
read out circuit 读出电梯
read out error 读出误差
read out gate 读出门
read out information 读出信息
read out n. 读出
read out selector 读数选择器
read out 读出
read write check indicator 读-写校验指示器
read write equipment 读-写装置
read write memory 读写存储器
read write recorder 读-写记录器
read 读
read-only memory 只读存储器
read-out print 读出打印机
read-out rimer 绞刀
read-out 读出
readable 可读的
readdress 改写地址
readdressing routine 改写地址程序
readdressing 改写地址
reader code 阅读器代码
reader control relay 阅读器控制继电器
reader stop 读出器停止
reader typer 读数打印机
reader 读出器
reader 读数器
readiness 准备就绪
readiness 准备状态
reading and writing saloon 阅览及书写室
reading and writing saloon 阅览室
reading circuit 读出电路
reading device 读数装置
reading device 度盘
reading device 示读装置
reading error 读数误差
reading glass 放大镜
reading lamp 台灯
reading light 阅读灯
reading microscope 读数显微镜
reading of master ground-wave and slave sky-wave match 主台地波重合副台天波的改正量
reading of master ground-wave and slave sky-wave match 主台地波重合付台天波的读数
reading of master sky-wave and slave ground-wave match 主台天波重合付台地波的读数
reading speed 读数速度
reading value per division of dial disc 刻度盘每格读数值
reading value per division of vernier 游标尺每格读数值
reading 读数
reading 阅读
reading 阅读读数
readjust 再调整
readjust 重新调整
readjustment 再调整
readout 读出
ready about! 准备转向!
ready berth clause 《准备停泊条款》
ready berth clause 备妥泊位条款
ready berth 备妥泊位
ready condition 准备状态
ready for operation 准备运行
ready for sail 准备航行
ready for sea going 出航准备就绪
ready for sea 出航准备就绪
ready for sea 出航准备已妥
ready for sea 准备出海
ready for service 准备投入业务
ready in all respects 准备就绪
ready lifeboat 值勤救生艇
ready light 准备指示灯
ready made dolphin 预制系船桩
ready made 现成的
ready means of escape 方便的脱险通道
ready mix 掺水即可用的
ready mixed paint 调和漆
ready mixed paint 调合漆
ready shipment 即期装船
ready starting of generating set 发电机组的随时起动
ready state 准备状态
ready to load or discharge 准备就绪
ready to start 准备起动
ready use 准备使用
ready 备妥
ready 有准备的
ready 预备
ready 准备好的
ready-issue room 日用品舱
ready-issue room 日用品供应舱
reagent bottle 试剂瓶
reagent paper 试纸
reagent 反应剂
reagent 试剂反应剂
reagent 试剂反应物
real component 电阻部分
real component 实数部分
real draft 实际吃水
real estate 房地产
real fluid 实际流体
real gas 实际气体
real horizon 真地平
real horse-power 实际马力
real image 实像
real income 实际收入
real liquid 实际液体
real load 有效负载
real mass 实质量
real number 实数
real right of pledge of ship 船舶担保物权
real right of pledge 担保物权
real right of ship 船舶物权
real right 物权
real salvage 真正救助
real slip 实滑距
real tare 皮重
real time analysis system 实时分析系统
real time command 实时指令
real time computation 实时计算
real time control system 实时控制处理
real time data processing 实时数据处理
real time decoder 实时译码器
real time display 实时显示
real time dynamic projection display 实时动态放映显示器
real time operating system 实时操作系统
real time operation 实时操作
real time procedural language 实时过程语言
real time processing 实时处理
real time processor 实时处理机
real time queue 实时排队
real time readout 实时读出
real time 实时
real wear and tear 有形损耗
real 实数a.实际的
real 实数实际的
real 真的
real-time executive routine 实时执行程序
real-time input-output translator 实时输入输出译码器
real-time signal processing 实时信息处理
ream grab 抓泥机
ream 扩大铆钉孔
ream 用铰刀扩
reamed hole 铰孔
reamed hole 扩大的孔眼
reamer bolt 铰准螺栓
reamer bolt 绞配螺栓
reamer 铰刀
reamer 绞刀
reaming bit 铰孔钻
reaming jig 铰孔夹具
reaming machine 铰床
reaming machine 铰孔机
reaming machine 绞孔机
reaming 铰孔
reaming-iron 扩孔凿
reamplifying 再放大
rear admiral 海军少将
rear axle casing 后轴箱
rear connection 背面接线
rear cross beam 后横梁
rear deflector door 后挡板
rear edge 后缘
rear end 后端
rear face 背面
rear frame 后框架
rear head 后封头
rear leading mark 后导标
rear light 后导标灯后导灯
rear light 后导灯
rear light 后灯
rear right big light broken 右前大灯损坏
rear stern tube 后尾轴管
rear suction 后端吸力
rear view 后视
rear view 后视图
rear 后部
rear-end plate 后端盖板
rear-end transmission gear 后端传动装置
rear-wall header 后水管壁集管
rearrangement 重新排列
reasonable cost down 合理的降价
reasonable delay 合理延误
reasonable depreciation 合理贬值
reasonable despatch 合理遣航
reasonable despatch 合理速遣
reasonable despatch 合理速遣合理遣航
reasonable deviation 合理绕航
reasonable grounds 合理的根据 reasonable measure适当措施
reasonable grounds 合理的根据reasonable measure适当措施
reasonable precautions 合理的预防措施
reasonable price 合理的价格
reasonable speed 适宜速度
reasonable terms 合理的条件
reasonable value 合理值
reasonable wear and tear 合理磨耗
reasonable wear and tear 合理磨损
reasonable 合理的
reasonable 适当的
reasonableness check 合理性检查
reasonableness test 合理性检测
reasonableness 合理性
reassemble 重新装配
reassembly 重新装配
reassessment 再估价
reassessment 再鉴定
reassurance 再保险
reaumur thermometric scale 列氏温标(水的冰点为0°
rebabbitting 重新浇铸巴氏合金
rebate system 回扣制度
rebate 折扣
reboiler vt. 更换…的锅炉
reboiler 更换…的锅炉
reboiler 更换…锅炉
reboiler 更换锅炉
rebore 重镗
rebound hardness test 回跳硬度试验
rebound 弹回
reboundhardness test 回跳硬度试验
reboyo 巴西沿海的风暴
rebroadcasting 无线电转播
rebronze 重镀青铜于
rebuild 改建
rebuild 重建
rebuilt 重建
rebush 重新加轴衬于…
rebuttable presumption 允许反驳的推定
recalibrate 再校准
recalibration 重复校准
recalibration 重新校准
recall 二次呼叫调出
recall 召回
recapture 夺还
recarburization 重新渗碳
recast 重铸
recede 退出
receipt at ship side 船边收讫 receipt of notification收到通知
receipt at ship side 船边收讫receipt of notification收到通知
receipt of goods 收货收据
receipt voucher 收据
receipt 接受
receipt 收到的物
receipt 收据
receipt 收据接收
receipt 收据收到的物
receipt 收据收到的物接收
receivable 可收到的
receive only page printer 电传打字接收机
receive send keyboard set 收发键盘装置
receive 接受
receive 收到
receive-only 只收
receive-transmit 收—发
received and forwarded 收到和发出
received correct 收到无误
received current 输入电流
received data 接收数据
received for shipment bill of lading 收货待运提单
received for shipment bill of lading 收讫待运提单
received for shipment bill of lading 收讫待运提单收货待运提单
received hores-power 收到马力
received horse-power 收到马力
received pulse 接收脉冲
received signal 接受信号
received the letter of acceptance 到达主义
received your letter 贵函收悉
received your letter 贵函收悉收到阁下函
received your letter 收到阁下函
received your telegram 收到贵电
received 被接受的
received 接收的已收到已收妥
received 收到
received 收到;受理;承认
received 收到的
received 已收到
receiver and transmitter 收发机
receiver and transmitter 送收话器
receiver and transmitter 送受话器
receiver compass 分罗经
receiver compass 罗经复示器
receiver directivity index 声纳接收器方向指数
receiver gain control 接收机增益控制
receiver indicator 接收指示器
receiver input 接收机输入
receiver input 接收机输入电压
receiver monitor 接收监控器
receiver noise figure monitor 接收机噪声指数监测器
receiver noise 接收机噪音
receiver of main engine revolution 主机转数表
receiver regulator 接收调节器
receiver response 接收机响应特性
receiver sensitivity 接收机灵敏度
receiver sensitivity 接受机灵敏度
receiver specifications 接收机说明书
receiver tank 贮藏柜
receiver test 接收机测试
receiver test 接收机检测
receiver transmitter switch 收发转换开关
receiver transmitter 收发两用机
receiver 接收机
receiver 接收机收音机电话听筒
receiver 容器
receiver 容器容汽器接收机收报机受话器收音机
receiver 容器容汽器接收机收报机受话器收音机接收机收款人电话听筒
receiver-indicator 接收指示器
receiver-monitor 接收监控器
receiver-regulator 接收调节器
receiver-scanner 接收扫描器
receiver-transmitter 发收两用机
receiver-transmitter 发收两用机收发机送受话器
receiver-transmitter 接收—发射机
receiver-transmitter 收发机
receiversender 接收者发送者
receiving account 收入帐
receiving activity 接收行动
receiving amplifier 接收放大器
receiving and delivery 收货与交货
receiving and recording equipment 收录设备
receiving and sighting telescope 接收信号及对准望远镜
receiving antenna 接收天线
receiving apparatus 接收设备
receiving capability 接收能力
receiving channel 接收频道
receiving circuit 接收电路
receiving clerk 收货员
receiving clerk 受货员
receiving conditions 接收条件
receiving data 接收数据
receiving day 接见日
receiving device 接收装置
receiving end 接收端
receiving equipment 接收设备
receiving hulk 收货检查船
receiving inspection 进货检验
receiving inspection 验收
receiving line 深度记录线
receiving note 收货单
receiving nozzle 承接管嘴
receiving office 收件局
receiving only 只接收
receiving oscillator 接收振荡器
receiving quality 接收质量
receiving report 接收报告
receiving report 收货报告单
receiving response 接收响应
receiving selector 接收选择器
receiving selsyn 自动同步接收机
receiving sensitivity 接收灵敏度
receiving set 收音机
receiving station 接收台
receiving transducer 接收换能器
receiving tube 接收管
receiving 接收的
recent drizzle 观察时有细雨
recent drizzle 观察时有细雨近时毛毛雨
recent drizzle 近时毛毛雨
recent freezing rain 近时冰雨
recent hail 近期雹
recent rain and snow 近时雨加雪
recent rain 观察时有雨
recent showers 近时阵雨
recent snow 近时雪
recent thunderstorms 近时雷暴
receptacle containing dangerous liquid 盛装危险液体的容器
receptacle 插孔
receptacle 插塞
reception facilities for oil wastes 污油接收站
reception facilities 接收设施
reception file read-out  接收文件读出
reception file read-out 接收文件读出
reception good 接收良好
reception of alert 接受报警
reception of garbage 接收垃圾
reception of radio signal 接收无线电信号
reception of sewage 接收污水
reception poor 接收不良
reception room 会客室
reception room 接待室
reception test 验收试验
reception time 验收时间
reception 接见
reception 接收
reception 接受
receptivity 接收性能
receptivity 可接收度
receptor 接收器
recess bulkhead 槽形舱壁
recess hole 凹槽孔
recess 凹槽
recess 凹进部分;凹槽
recess 海岸凹进处
recessbulkhead 凹入舱壁
recessed bulkhead 槽形舱壁
recessed connector 凹头插座
recessed mooring bitt 舷凹槽带缆桩
recessing 开槽
recession 衰退后退
rechange 应急吊杆索具
recharge 再充电再装填
recharge 再充气再充电再装填
recharge 再装料
rechargeable cell 可充电电池
recharging oil device 补油装置
recharter 重租
recharter 转租
recheck 复查
recheck 复查再检验
recheck 再检验
rechecking list 复查单
recif 暗礁
recife 礁石
recipient 接受器
reciprocal agreement 互惠协定
reciprocal bearing 反向方位
reciprocal beating 反向方位
reciprocal duties 互惠关税
reciprocal lc 对开信用证
reciprocal piezoelectric effect 反压电效应
reciprocal point 互易点
reciprocal trade agreement act 《互惠贸易协定法》
reciprocal trade agreement 《互惠贸易协定》互惠贸易协定
reciprocal treatment 互惠原则
reciprocal treaty 互惠条约
reciprocal value 倒数
reciprocal value 倒数;互易值
reciprocal value 倒数值
reciprocal 倒数
reciprocal 倒数倒数的
reciprocal 倒数互易的往复的倒的
reciprocal 相互的
reciprocate 往复
reciprocating and low pressure turbine 往复式蒸汽机和低压汽轮机
reciprocating duplex pump 往复式双缸泵
reciprocating engine 往复式发动机
reciprocating piston cooling pipe 活塞冷却伸缩套管
reciprocating plant 往复式动力装置
reciprocating pump 往复泵
reciprocating rod 连杆
reciprocating transfer gripper 往复式卸载抓斗
reciprocating tube 伸缩套管
reciprocating 往复的
reciprocation action 往复动作
reciprocation blower 往复式压气机
reciprocation blower 往复式压气机往复式鼓风机
reciprocation compressor 往复式压缩机
reciprocation duplex pump 往复式双缸泵
reciprocation engine 往复式发动机
reciprocation force 往复力
reciprocation internal combustion engine 往复式内燃机
reciprocation mass 往复质量
reciprocation motion 往复运动
reciprocation parts 往复运动部件
reciprocation pipe 往复管
reciprocation piston cooling pipe 活塞冷却伸缩套管
reciprocation piston pump 往复泵
reciprocation plant 往复式动力装置
reciprocation pump in series 串联往复泵
reciprocation pump with pistons in boxer arrangement 对置活塞泵
reciprocation pump with unidirectional pistons 具有单向活塞的往复泵
reciprocation pump 往复泵
reciprocation refrigeration compressor 往复式制冷压缩机
reciprocation rod 连杆
reciprocation scavenge pump 往复式扫气泵
reciprocation single piston pump 往复式单缸泵
reciprocation steam engine 往复式蒸汽机
reciprocation tube 伸缩套管
reciprocation type steering gear 往复式操舵装置
reciprocation type supercharger 往复式增压器
reciprocation 往复的
reciprocation 往复运动
reciprocator 往复式发动机
reciprocity principle 可逆性原理
reciprocity theorem 互易定理
reciprocity 可逆性
recirculate 再循环
recirculated air 再循环空气
recirculating line 再循环管路
recirculating main 再循环总管
recirculating network 循环网络
recirculating pump 再循环泵
recirculating sewage treatment system 再循环式污水处理系统
recirculating water system 再循环水系统
recirculating 再循环的
recirculation flush evaporator 再循环闪发蒸发器
recirculation system 再循环系统
recirculation valve 再循环阀
recirculation 再循环
reckless 鲁莽
reckon 计数看做
reckon 计算
reckoner 计算者计数器
reckoning book 帐簿
reckoning 测船位
reckoning 计算
reclaim 回收
reclaimation area 填海区
reclaimed oil 回收油
reclaimed oil 再生油
reclaimed rubber 再生橡胶
reclaimed 回收的
reclaimer 回收程序
reclamation 要求赔偿损失
reclamation 再生
reclassification 再入级
reclassification 重新入级
reclassify 重新入级再分类
reclose 重合
recloser 自动重接器
reclosing fuse 重合熔断器
reclosing relay 重接继电器
reclosing relay 重新继电器
reclosing time 重合时间
reclosing 再次接通
reclosing 重合
reclosure 再次接入
recoat 重新涂
recoat 重新油漆
recognised custom of trade 公认航运惯例
recognition and enforcement for judgement and awards of foreign court 对外国法院判决裁定的承认与执行
recognition light 识别标志灯
recognition lights 识别灯
recognition lights 识别信号灯
recognition signal 识别信号
recognition 认出
recognition 识别
recognized custom of the trade 公认航运习惯
recognized subject of salvage 被承认的救助标的
recognizer 识别器
recoil valve 反冲阀
recoil 弹回
recoil 反冲力
recombination coefficient 复合系数
recombination 复合
recommenced 再开始
recommend 介绍
recommendation  route 推荐航线
recommendation route 推荐航线
recommendation 介绍
recommendation 推荐
recommendationroute 推荐航线
recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods 关于危险货物运输建议书
recommended anchorage for deepdraught ships 深吃水船锚地
recommended completion date 建议完工日期
recommended completion date 建议完工日期建议完工日期
recommended route 推荐航路
recommended route 推荐航路推荐航线
recommended track for deep draught vessels 深水船推荐航道
recommended track 推荐航路
recommended track 推荐航线
recommissioned 重新启用
recompression 再压缩
reconcile 使一致
reconciliation of lawyer 律师调解
reconciliation 和解
recondition 修复
recondition 修理
reconditioned 已检修了的
reconditioning of crank shaft 曲轴修正
reconditioning 修理翻修
reconfiguration 重新配置
reconfirm 再证实
reconnaissance boat 侦察艇
reconnaissance satellite 侦察卫星
reconnaissance ship 侦察船
reconnaissance 勘测选点;侦察
reconnaissance 搜索
reconnaissance 侦察
reconnect 再接合
reconnection 重接
reconnoitring ship 侦察艇
reconsigned 重新托送货物重新托运
reconsigned 重新托运
reconstruction of shipyard 船厂改造
reconstruction 改造
recool 再冷却
recooler 再冷却器
recooling plant 再冷装置
record and report 记录与报告
record book 记录簿
record chart 自动记录带
record form 记录格式
record of charging 充电记录
record of container seatingseal examining 集装箱验封施封记录
record of examination 检查记录
record of inspection 检查记录
record of repairs 修理记录
record of search 检查记录
record of survey 检验记录
record of the american bureau of shipping 入美国船级社的船
record on spot 现场记录
record paper 记录带
record paper 记录纸
record player 电唱机
record separator 记录分隔符
record 记录
record 记录记录
record 记录记录录了音的磁带
recorded announcement 录音通报
recorder analyser 记录分析仪
recorder and counter device 记录及计算装置
recorder motor 记录装置电动机
recorder paper 记录纸
recorder pen 记录笔
recorder reproducer 记录复制器
recorder scale 记录器标度
recorder selector 记录器选择器
recorder strip 记录带
recorder 记录器
recorder 记录器;收报机;录音机
recorder 记录器记录装置录音机印码收报机
recorder 记录器记录装置录音机印码收报机印码电报机
recorder-reproducer 记录复制器
recording ammeter 自记式安培表
recording anemometer 自记风速表
recording apparatus 自记仪
recording balance 自动记录秤
recording barometer 自记式气压表
recording board 记录台
recording chart 自动记录带
recording clockwork 记录用钟表机构
recording controller 记录调节器
recording current meter 自记流速表
recording densitometer 记录式显像密度计
recording densitometer 记录式显象密度计
recording density 记录密度
recording device 记录装置
recording drum 记录筒
recording echo sounder 自记式回声测深仪
recording equipment 记录装置
recording flowmeter 自记流量仪
recording flowmeter 自记式流量表
recording frequency meter 自记式频率计
recording galvanometer 自记电流计
recording gear 记录机构
recording hygrometer 自计式湿度计
recording hygrometer 自记湿度表
recording inclinometer 自记式倾斜仪
recording instrument 记录仪器
recording instrument 自记仪
recording instrumnet 记录仪器
recording liquid level gauge 自记式液位表
recording log 记录式机电计程仪
recording manometer 自记式压力表
recording manometer 自记压力仪
recording mechanism 记录机构
recording mechanism 记录机械装置
recording mechanism 记录器
recording meter 记录仪表
recording meter 自记仪
recording of subdivision load lines 分舱载重线记载
recording optical tracking instrument 光学跟踪记录仪
recording paper 记录纸
recording pen linkage 记录笔尖联动装置
recording pressure gauge 自记式压力表
recording reel 记录卷筒
recording signal 记录信号
recording tachometer 记录式转速计
recording tachometer 自记式转速表
recording thermometer 温度记录仪
recording thermometer 自记式温度计
recording unit 记录装置
recording voltmenter 自记式伏特计
recording voltmeter 自记电压表
recording voltmeter 自记式伏特计
recording wattmenter 自记式瓦特计
recording wattmeter 自记式瓦特计
recording wind vane 自记风向计
recording 记录的
recording 记录录音
recording 记录录音记录的
records of engagement and discharge 任解职记载
records on spot 理货现场记录
recourse actions 追索诉讼
recourse to 求助于
recourse 求助
recourse 追索
recover 补救
recover 恢复
recover 恢复;收回
recoverable deformation 弹性变形
recoverable strain 弹性应变
recoverable 可恢复的
recoverable 可修复的
recovered oil 再生油
recovering repair 恢复修理
recovery agent 追偿代理人
recovery arrangement 回收装置
recovery coefficient 恢复系数
recovery control unit 恢复控制部件
recovery factor 恢复系数
recovery factor 恢复因数
recovery fate 恢复速率
recovery gear 回收设备
recovery information set 恢复信息组
recovery of general average 共同海损追偿
recovery of survivor 寻回幸存者
recovery on rowing 划船回桨
recovery rate 恢复率
recovery rate 恢复速率
recovery temperature 恢复温度
recovery time 恢复时间
recovery voltage 恢复电压
recovery 恢复
recovery 恢复回收(废气
recovery 恢复回收还原收回
recreation room 文娱室
recreation room 休息室
recreation ship 游览船
recreation 游览船
recreation 娱乐
recrystallization zone 再结晶区
recrystallization 再结晶
rectangle 长方形
rectangle 矩形
rectangular axis 直交轴
rectangular beam 矩形截面梁
rectangular bus-bar 矩形汇流条
rectangular coordinates 直角坐标
rectangular cross flow 垂直交叉流动
rectangular flag 长方形旗
rectangular frame 长方形框架
rectangular plate 矩形板
rectangular projection 等渐长率圆柱投影
rectangular pulse 矩形脉冲
rectangular section 矩形剖面
rectangular waveform 矩形波
rectangular waveguide 矩形波导管
rectangular 长方形的
rectangular 矩形的;直角的
rectangular 直角的矩形的
rectification error 整流误差
rectification factor 整流因数
rectification of deficiencies 船舶缺陷纠正
rectification 整流检波精馏
rectification 整流检波精馏矫正
rectified altitude 视高度
rectified altitude 视高度视高度
rectified current 整流电流
rectified feed-back 整流反馈
rectified feedback 整流反馈
rectified signal 整流信号
rectified 改正的;整流的
rectified 整流的检波的调整的
rectifier bridge 整流器电桥
rectifier cell 整流元件
rectifier cubice 整流屏
rectifier doubler 倍压整流器
rectifier filter 整流器滤波器平滑滤波器
rectifier for daylight lamp 日光灯整流器
rectifier instrument 整流式仪表
rectifier photoelectric cell 整流光电管
rectifier tube 整流管
rectifier type 整流式
rectifier unit 整流机组
rectifier welding set 整流焊机
rectifier 整流的
rectifier 整流管
rectifier 整流器
rectifier 整流器整流管检波器检波管
rectifier 整流器整流管检波器检波管精馏器
rectify 整流检波调整
rectifying action 整流作用
rectifying circuit 整流电路
rectifying device 整流装置
rectifying device 整流装置检波装置
rectifying tank 精馏柜
rectifying tank 精馏箱
rectifying tube 整流管
rectifying valve 整流阀
rectifying 整流
rectifying 整流检波调整
rectilinear current 往复流
rectilinear motion 直线运动
rectilinear scale 直尺
rectilinear stream 往复潮流
rectilinear stream 往复潮流往复流
rectilinear wire 直导线
rectilinear wire 直线导线
rectilinear 直的;直线的
rectilinear 直的直线的
rectilinear 直线的
recuperation of current 电流的恢复
recuperation 恢复
recuperative gas turbine 间壁回热式燃气轮机
recuperative heat exchanger 回热式热交换器
recuperative heater 回热式加热器
recuperative 再生的回热的反馈的
recuperator 同流换热器
recurrence formula 递推公式
recurrence interval 重复周期
recurrence of failure 故障复发
recurrence rate 回流率
recurrence rate 重复率
recurrence rate 重复率重复频率
recurrence rate 重复频率
recurrence 复发
recurrence 复现
recurrence 再现
recurrence 重现
recurrent circuit 链形电路
recurrent failures 周期性发生的故障
recurrent 再现的
recurring polynya 反复出现的冰期
recursion 循环
recursive 循环的
recurvature of storm 风暴移动轨迹的转向点
recurvature of storms 风暴移动轨迹的转向点
recurvature point 转向点
recurvature 转向
recurved occlusion 后曲锢囚锋
recurved spit 钩状岬
recycle engine 闭路循环发动机
recycle valve 再循环阀
recycle 再循环
red alarm light 红警灯
red all-round light 红色环照灯
red and black chequers buoy 红黑方格浮瓣
red and black chequers buoy 红黑方格浮标
red and black horizontal stripes buoy 红黑横纹浮瓣
red and black horizontal stripes buoy 红黑横纹浮标
red and black vertical stripes buoy 红黑直纹浮瓣
red and black vertical stripes buoy 红黑直纹浮标
red and white beacon 红白立标
red and white beacon 红白立标红白信标
red and white beacon 红白信标
red and white chequers buoy 红白方格浮瓣
red and white chequers buoy 红白方格浮标
red and white horizontal stripes 红白水平纹
red and white vertical stripes 红白竖条纹
red and white 红和白
red arc 红弧
red arc 红弧(海图上指示的灯塔放射红光扇形区
red arc 红弧(海图上指示灯塔放射红光扇形区
red azimuth table 太阳方位角表
red band 红色标志区
red band 转速禁区
red bill of lading 红色提单
red bl 红色提单
red boottopping r.m.paint 红色水线调合漆
red brass 红铜
red brittleness 红脆性
red cedar 红杉木
red clause credit 红条款信用证
red clay 红粘土
red cross society 红十字会
red cross telegram 红十字会电报
red cross 红十字会
red decometer 红台卡计
red detecting & ranging  红线探测测距仪
red detecting & ranging 红线探测测距仪
red detecting &ranging红线测距仪
red emergency signal 红色应急信号
red emergency torch 红色应急用手电筒
red end 红极
red ensign 商船旗
red fiber 红纸柏
red filter 红色过滤片
red flare signal 红色火焰信号
red flare signal 红焰信号
red flash 红闪
red globe lamp 红光灯
red globular shape 红色球型
red hardness 红硬性
red heat 赤热
red indicating light 红色指示灯
red iron oxide 红氧化铁
red jointing 红纸柏垫
red lake pigment 深红色颜料
red lamp 红灯
red lead anticorrosive primer 红丹防锈底漆
red lead gun 红铅油泥喷枪
red lead injector putty gun 红铅油泥喷枪
red lead injector 红丹喷射器
red lead injector 红铅油泥喷枪
red lead oil 红丹清油
red lead oil 红丹油
red lead paint 红丹防锈漆
red lead paint 红铅漆
red lead powder 红丹粉
red lead powder 红铅粉
red lead primer 红丹底漆
red lead putty 红丹油灰
red lead putty 红铅油灰
red lead putty 红铅油泥
red lead 红丹
red lead 红铅
red lead 红铅粉
red light 红灯
red light 红灯红光红灯光
red light 红光
red litmus paper 红色石蕊试纸
red magnetism 红磁性
red marines 海军陆战队步兵
red marked pole 指北极
red oak 红栎木
red oxide paint 铁丹漆
red oxide paint 紫红漆
red oxide r.m. hold paint 紫红货舱调合漆
red oxide r.m.hold paint 紫红货舱调合漆
red oxide 三氧化二铁
red paint 红漆
red pole 红极
red pole 南极
red sea convergence zone 红海辐合区
red sea light company 红海灯标公司
red sea 红海
red sector 红光扇形区
red shortness 红脆性
red side light 红舷灯
red side light 左舷灯
red sidelight 红色识别灯
red signal light 红灯光
red signal light 红光信号
red signal light 红光信号红光红灯光
red star rocket 红星火箭信号
red star signal 红星信号
red stern light 红尾灯
red tape operation 程序修改
red tide 赤潮(由于大量浮游生物而使海水成红色
red water 赤潮(由于大量浮游生物而使海水成红色
red wood 红杉
red zinc chromate primer 红色锌铬打底漆
red 红
red 红a.红的
red 红红的
red 红色
red 红色的
red-lead paint 红铅漆
redai 热带载重线
redelivery certificate 还船证书
redelivery certificate 交接船证书
redelivery certificate 交接船证书还船证书
redelivery clause 还船条款
redelivery inspection 还船检验
redelivery notice 还船通知
redelivery of chartered vessel 还船
redelivery of salved property 获救财产移交
redelivery of the ship 还船
redelivery 还船
redemption date 偿还期
redemption 赎回
redesign 重新设计
redirecting bucket 导向戽
redistillation 再蒸馏
redox activated emulsion polymerixation 氧化还原活性乳化聚合
redox polymerization 氧化还原聚合
redox titration 氧化还原滴定
redox 氧化还原
redraw 重新拉拔
reduce cost 减少费用
reduce 减少
reduce 缩减
reduced carrier 减幅载波
reduced charge 减费
reduced error 折合误差
reduced fuel oil 重油燃料油
reduced fuel oil 重质燃油
reduced latitude 归心纬度
reduced length 换算长度
reduced length 折算长度
reduced longitude 换算经度
reduced modulus 换算模数
reduced nipple 异径螺纹接套
reduced pipe bend 异径管弯头
reduced power 降低功率
reduced pressure air 减压空气
reduced pressure experiment 降压试验
reduced pressure 降压换算压力
reduced scale 缩小叭例尺
reduced scale 缩小比例尺缩型
reduced scale 缩型
reduced section 缩颈
reduced speed signal 减速信号
reduced speed 减速
reduced steam 减压蒸汽
reduced tee pipe coupling 异径t形管接管
reduced viscosity 比浓粘度
reduced visibility 减弱能见度
reduced voltage starter 降压起动器
reduced voltage starting 降压起动
reduced voltage 下降电压
reduced 减少的
reduced 减缩的
reducer valve 减压阀
reducer 减压阀;减压器;渐缩管
reducer 减压器
reducer 减压器减压阀减速器异径管节
reducer 减压器减压阀减速器异径管节减少器
reducing agent 还原剂
reducing apparatus 减压装置
reducing branch 异径支管
reducing coupling 异径联结器
reducing coupling 异径连接器
reducing cross 异径十字接头
reducing elbow 异径弯头
reducing flame 还原焰
reducing gear box 减速齿轮箱
reducing gear 减速齿轮
reducing jointing 异径接合异径接头
reducing nipple 异径螺纹接套
reducing piece 异径管接头
reducing pipe 渐缩管
reducing pipe 异径管
reducing socket 异径套筒
reducing tee 异径
reducing tee 异径t形接头
reducing valve strainer 减压阀过滤器
reducing valve 减压阀
reducing 减少
reduction box 减速箱
reduction coefficient 换算系数
reduction formula 换算公式
reduction gear casing 减速齿轮箱
reduction gear casing 减速齿轮箱体
reduction gear housing 减速齿轮箱
reduction gear lubricating oil gravity tank 减速齿轮箱润滑油重力柜
reduction gear lubricating oil settling tank 减速齿轮箱润滑油澄清柜
reduction gear lubricating oil storage tank 减速齿轮箱润滑油贮存柜
reduction gear lubricating oil tank 减速齿轮箱润滑油循环柜
reduction gear of combined output of the engine 并车减速齿轮箱
reduction gear oil 减速齿轮油
reduction gear ratio 减速比
reduction gear room 减速器舱
reduction gear train 减速齿轮系
reduction gear 减速齿轮
reduction gear 减速齿轮减速装置
reduction of altitude to another place of observation 位置线移线订正
reduction of class 降级
reduction of freeboard 干舷减少
reduction of latitude 纬度订正
reduction of manoeuvrability 操纵性降低
reduction of observation 观测订正
reduction of operation 运算换算
reduction of pressure 压力降低
reduction of soundings 测深订正
reduction of speed 减速
reduction of temperature to mean sea level 平均海平面温度订正
reduction of the ex-meridian altitude 近中天高度订正
reduction of tides 潮汐订正
reduction of waves 波浪减弱
reduction pinion teeth 减速小齿轮
reduction rate 减速比
reduction ratio 减速比
reduction tables 订正表
reduction tables 订正表;订正表
reduction to mean sea level 海平面订正
reduction to sea level 海平面订正
reduction to the meridian 近中天高度订正
reduction type semiconductor 还原型半导体
reduction valve 减压阀
reduction 改正量
reduction 换算
reduction 减少
reduction-gear casing 减速齿轮箱壳
reduction-gear housing 减速器箱
reductor 减速器减压器伏特计附加电阻
redundancy 过剩
redundancy 剩余度
redundant circuit 备用电路
redundant design 备用设计
redundant system 备用系统
redundant 过剩的
redwood admiralty seconds 海军用雷氏秒
redwood admiralty seconds 海军用雷氏秒海军用雷氏秒
redwood no. 1 second 雷氏一号秒
redwood no. 1 seconds redwood seconds 雷氏一号秒数
redwood no. 1 viscosity 雷氏一号粘度
redwood no.1 second 雷氏一号秒
redwood number 雷氏数
redwood scale 雷氏粘度计
redwood seconds 雷氏秒
redwood viscosimeter 雷氏粘度计
redwood 雷氏
reed fog horn 舌簧雾笛
reed fog signal 低音雾号
reed for horn 舌簧雾笛
reed horn 雾角
reed relay 簧式继电器
reed switch 舌簧开关
reed valve 簧片阀
reed 簧片
reed 芦苇;雾笛;舌簧
reed 汽笛
reeding tool 刮平刀
reef a sail 缩帆
reef a slip wire 穿好滑脱绳
reef flat 浅石滩
reef hook 刮缝钩
reef island 珊瑚岛
reef knot 平结
reef line 缩帆索
reef tackle 缩帆绞辘
reef 暗礁礁
reef 暗碓暗礁礁
reef 礁;暗礁;缩帆
reef 礁暗礁缩帆
reefbecket 帆眼索
reefer box 冷藏集装箱
reefer cargo capacity 冷藏货容量
reefer cargo list 冷藏货物清单
reefer cargo rates 冷藏货运费率
reefer cargo 冷藏货
reefer chamber 冷藏舱
reefer chamber 冷藏舱冷藏柜
reefer chamber 冷藏柜
reefer container cargo 冷藏集装箱货
reefer container management system 冷藏集装箱管理系统
reefer container 冷藏集装箱
reefer container 冷藏集装箱船
reefer container 冷藏集装箱冷藏集装箱船
reefer plug 冷藏集装箱插头
reefer ship 冷藏船
reefer space 冷藏货舱位
reefer system 冷藏系统
reefer 冷藏船
reefer 冷藏船;冷藏车;冷藏员;冷藏集装箱;冰箱;双排扣上衣
reefercargo deadweight 冷冻货载重量
reeffing bowsprit 可伸缩式船首斜桁
reefing becket 帆眼绳
reefing iron 刮缝刀
reefing iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿
reefing 缩帆
reefs 群礁
reek 烟水蒸气臭气冒烟发臭气
reel stand 绳车架
reel 卷轴
reel 绳车
reeled riveting 交错铆接
reeled riveting 交错铆接之字铆接之形铆接
reeling drum 卷缆车
reeling hook 捻缝钩
reem 扩缝(捻缝时把缝扩大
reeming beetle 木板捻缝槌
reenforce =reinforce加强
reenforce 加强
reenforcement 加强
reenforcement 加强加强物@n.加强
reengage 重新接入
reengine vt. 更换…的发动机
reengine 更换…的发动机
reentrant jet 回流
reentrant winding 双线线圈
reentrant 凹腔的
reentrant 凹腔的再进入的
reentrant 再进入的;凹的
reeve 穿绳;穿过
reeve 穿绳穿过
reeving beetle 填絮槌
reeving bowsprit 可拆船首斜桁
reeving line bend 互穿两个半结
reexportation 再出口
reface 再车削
refacer 光面机
refer to acceptor 请询问承兑人
refer to drawer 查问开票人请查问开票人
refer to endorser 请询背书人
refer to 参阅
refer 交付
referee 鉴定员
referee 鉴定员仲裁人
reference area 参考面积
reference axis 基准轴
reference azimuth 基准方位
reference bearing 参考方位
reference book 参考书参考用的工具书
reference center 参考点
reference centre distance 标准中心距
reference chart folios 参考海图册
reference check button 基准检查按钮
reference circuit 参考电路
reference control point 参考控制点
reference data for anchoring 锚地参考资料
reference data 参考数据
reference debugging aids 调试辅助程序
reference design 参考设计
reference direction 参考方向
reference direction 基准方向
reference electrode 参考电报
reference ellipsoid 参考椭圆体
reference equivalent 参考当量
reference equivalent 参考当量传输当量
reference for assembling 装配基准
reference frame 读数系统
reference frame 读数系统空间坐标
reference frequency 参考频率
reference fuel 标准燃料
reference gauge 校对量规
reference gauge 校对量规校准用仪表
reference grid 坐标方格
reference input 参考输入量
reference instrument 标准测试仪器
reference instrument 校准用仪器
reference junction compensation 温差电偶冷端补偿
reference latitude 参考纬度
reference length 参考长度
reference level 参考水位
reference level 基准级
reference level 基准面
reference light source 参考光源
reference line 参考线
reference line 基线
reference line 基准线
reference mark 参考标志
reference mark 基准标志
reference number 参考数
reference object 方位物参考点
reference of axes 坐标系
reference oil 基准油
reference output 参考输出量
reference output 参考输出量基准输出量
reference performance 参考性能
reference photocell 参考光电管
reference plane 参考平面
reference plane 基准面
reference pod 测杆
reference point relative bearing 基准相对方位
reference point 参考点
reference port 主港
reference potential 参考电位
reference potential 参考电位基准电位
reference power supply 参考电源
reference pulse 参考脉冲
reference range marker 基准距离标记
reference range 参考距离
reference ship 参考船
reference ship 基准船
reference signal 参考信号
reference standard 参考标准
reference station 主港
reference surface 参考面
reference surface 参考面基面
reference system 参考系统
reference temperature 参考温度
reference test bar 测试杆
reference time 参考时间
reference to my letter 参阅我的信件
reference to my radio 参阅我的电报告
reference to my telegram 参阅我的电报
reference to our letter 参阅我们的函
reference to your cable 参照阁下电报关于您的电报
reference to your telex 参阅阁下电传
reference value adjuster 参考值调节器
reference value 参考值
reference value 参考值给定值
reference velocity 参考速度
reference voltage 参考电压
reference voltage 基准电压
reference year 基准年
reference your message 你电
reference your serial 你××号电文
reference your telegram 关于阁下电报
reference your telegram 关于阁下电报关于贵方电报
reference your telegram 关于贵方电报
reference 参考
reference 参考参考参考文献基准参考资料
reference 参考参考文献基准
reference 参考基准参考文献
reference 参考基准参考文献参考的基准的
reference 依据
referenced radio navigation 基准无线电导航
refering to our letter 参阅我们的函
refering to our telex 参照我们电报
refering to your last 参阅阁下上次来电
referred 援引的
referring to your cable 关于您的电报
referring to your teletype message 关于您的电传
referring to 关于
refill 补充
refill 再装满
refill 重新注入
refiltered oil 再过滤油
refine 精炼
refine 精制
refined naphthalene 精制萘
refined oil 精炼油
refined product carrier 精制成品油运输船
refined product 轻精炼产品
refined spirit 纯酒精
refined spirits 纯酒精
refined 精炼的
refiner 精炼机精制机重炼器净化器
refiner 精炼机净化器
refiner 精制机重炼器净化器
refinery gas 炼油气体
refinery 炼油厂
refinery 炼制厂
refinery 炼制厂炼油厂
refining plant 净化装置
refining 精炼
refining=electrorefining 电解提纯
refinish 给…再精加工给…再抛光
refinishing paint 维修漆
refit pier 修理码头
refit 修理
refit 重新装置
refitting 改装
reflect compass 反射罗经
reflect 反射
reflected ray 反射线
reflected wave 反射波
reflecting glass 反射镜
reflecting goniometer 反射测角器
reflecting instrument 镜面仪表
reflecting prism 反射棱镜
reflecting satellite communication antenna 卫星通信反射天线卫星通信用反射天线
reflecting telescope 反射型望远镜
reflecting wave 反射波
reflecting 反射的
reflecting 反射的 instrument镜面仪表
reflecting 反射的 prism反射棱镜
reflection coefficient 反射系数
reflection coeficient 反射系数
reflection factor 反射系数
reflection freezing carrier 冷藏船
reflection glass 反射镜
reflection of radar waves 雷达波反射
reflection plotter 反射标绘仪
reflection plotter 反射标绘仪反射描绘器反射作图器
reflection plotter 反射描绘器
reflection 反射
reflection 反射波
reflection 反射反射波
reflectivity 反射率
reflectometry 反射测定法
reflector buoy 反射浮瓣
reflector buoy 反射浮标
reflector buoy 装有反射器的浮标
reflector compass 反射罗经


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