海运业务常用缩略语a/w 全水路 all water
aner 亚洲北美东行运费协定 asia northamerica eastboundrate
b/l 海运提单 bill of lading
b/r 买价 buying rate
baf 燃油附加费 bunker adjustmentfactor
c&f 成本加海运费 cost and freight
c.c 运费到付 collect
c.s.c 货柜服务费 container service charge
c.y. 货柜场 container yard
c/(cnee) 收货人 consignee
c/o 产地证 certificate of origin
caf 货币汇率附加费 currency adjustment factor
cfs 散货仓库 container freight station
cfs/cfs 散装交货(起点/终点)
chb 报关行 customs house broker
cif 成本,保险加海运费 cost,insurance,fright
cip 运费、保险费付至目的地 carriage and insurance paid to
comm 商品 commodity
cpt 运费付至目的地 carriage paid to
ctnr 柜子 container
cy/cy 整柜交货(起点/终点)
d/a 承兑交单 document against acceptance
d/o 到港通知 delivery order
d/p 付款交单 document against payment
daf 边境交货 delivered at frontier
ddc 目的港码头费 destination delivery charge
ddp 完税后交货 delivered duty paid
ddu 未完税交货 delivered duty unpaid
deq 目的港码头交货 delivered ex quay
des 目的港船上交货 delivered ex ship
doc# 文件号码 document number
eps 设备位置附加费 equipment position surcharges
ex 工厂交货 work/exfactory
f/f 货运代理 freight forwarder
faf 燃料附加费 fuel adjustmentfactor
fak 各种货品 freight all kind
fas 装运港船边交货 free alongside ship
fca 货交承运人 free carrier
fcl 整柜 full container load
feeder vessel/lighter 驳船航次
feu 40‘柜型 forty-foot equivalent unit 40’
fmc 联邦海事委员会 federal maritime commission
fob 船上交货 free on board
gri 全面涨价 general rateincrease
h/c 代理费 handling charge
hbl 子提单 house b/l
i/s 内销售 inside sales
ia 各别调价 independent action
l/c 信用证 letter of credit
land bridge 陆桥
lcl 拼柜 less than container load
m/t 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) measurement ton
mb/l 主提单 master bill of loading
mlb 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 minni land bridge
mother vessel 主线船
mtd 多式联运单据 multimodal transport document
n/f 通知人 notify
nvocc 无船承运人 non vessel operatingcommon carrier
o/f 海运费 ocean freight
obl 海运提单 ocean (or original )b/l
ocp 货主自行安排运到内陆点 overland continental point
op 操作 operation
orc 本地收货费用(广东省收取) origen recevie charges
p.p 预付 prepaid
pcs 港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge
pod 目地港 port of destination
pol 装运港 port of loading
pss 旺季附加费 peak season sucharges
s/(shpr) 发货人 shipper
s/c 售货合同 sales contract
s/o 装货指示书 shipping order
s/r 卖价 selling rate
s/s spread sheet spread sheet
sc 服务合同 service contract
ssl 船公司 steam ship line
t.o.c 码头操作费 terminal operations option
t.r.c 码头收柜费 terminal receiving charge
t/s 转船,转运 trans-ship
t/t 航程 transit time
teu 20‘柜型 twenty-foot equivalent unit 20’
thc 码头操作费(香港收取) terminal handling charges
ttl 总共 total
tvc/ tvr 定期定量合同 time volume contract/ rate
vocc 船公司 vessel operating common carrier
w/m 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 weight or measurement ton
w/t 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) weight ton
yas 码头附加费 yard surcharges
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