abt - aboutacct - account
a/c - account
agw - all going well
b/l - bill of lading
b/n - booking note
b/s - bill of sale
b4 - before
bb - breakbulk
be - both ends
bl - bale
blk - bulk
blt - built
brkrs - brokers
c&f - cost and freight
cbm - cubic meter
cc - cargo capacity
cfs - container freight station
cgo - cargo
chopt - charterer´s option
chrts - charterers
cif - cost, insurance & freight
cob - clean on board
cob - close of business
comb - combinable
comm - commence
comp - complete
coms - commissions
cop - custom of the port
cp - charterer party
cqd - customary quick dispatch
cyl - cylinder
d.o. - diesel oil
da - disbursement account
ddc - destination delivery charge
dely - delivery
dems - demmurage
deq - delivered ex quay
des - delivered ex ship
dims - dimensions
dlosp - dropping last outward sea pilot
dop - dropping outward pilot
dwt - deadweight
ec - east coast
eiu - even if used
er - engineroom
eta - estimated time of arrival etd - estimated time of departure
ets - estimated time of sailing
f.o. - fuel oil
fac - fast as can
fas - free alongside ship
feu - 40 ft. equivalent units
filo - free in liner out
fio - free in out
fios - free in out stowed
flt - full liner terms
fmc - federal maritime commission
fob - free on board
for - free on rail
fot - free on truck
fpt - fore peak tank
frt - freight
ft - freight ton
fw - fresh water
gmt - greenwich mean time
grd - geared
grls - gearless
grt - gross registered ton
h/l - heavy lift
ha - hatch
ho - hold
hoha - holds/hatches
incl - including
iso - international safety organization
lt - long tons; 2,240 lbs
l/c - laycan; letter of credit
l/d - loading/discharging
lat - latitude
ldg - loading
lifo - liner in free out
loa - length overall
loi - letter of indemnity
lo-lo - lift on lift off
m - meters
m/v - motor vessel
mip - marine insurance policy
mt - metric ton; 1,000kgs;2,204.6lbs
nor - notice of readiness
nos - not otherwise specified
nrt - net registered tons
nvocc - non vessel operating common carrier
ows - owners
p&c - private & confidential
p&i - protection & indemnity-club
pandi - protection & indemnity club
pls - please plts - pallets
pod - port of discharge
pol - port of loading
qte - quote
r - are
rdly - redelivery
rdr - radar
rge - range
rnd - round (voyage)
rnge - range
ro-ro - roll on roll off
rqrd - required
rt - revenue ton
satcom - satellite communication
shex - sundays, holidays excluded
shinc - sundays, holidays included
soc - shipper owned container
sshex - saturdays, sundays, holidays excluded
sshinc - saturdays, sundays, holidays included
st - short tons; 2,000lbs
stbd - starboard
sub - subject to
swl - safe working load
ta - time of arrival
tc - time charter
tct - time charter trip
teu - 20 ft equivalent unit
thc - terminal handling charges
u - you
uce - unforeseen circumstances expected
usd - united states dollars
usec - united states east coast
usgc - united states gulf coast
uswc - united states west coast
uu - unless used
vol - volume
wcsa - west coast south america
wibon - whether in berth or not
wipon - whether in port or not
w/m - weight or measure
wog - without guarantee
wp - weather permitting
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