contact metamorphic zone 接触变质带contact metamorphism 接触变质酌
contact metasomatism 接触交代酌
contact mineral 接触矿物
contact print 接触印象
contact printer 接触印象机
contact zone 接触变质带
containerized transport 集装箱运输
contaminants 污染物
contamination 混合酌
contamination control 污染管制
contemporaneous erosion 同时侵蚀
contemporaneous heterotopic facies 同时异相
content of gas 瓦斯含量
continental air mass 大陆气团
continental block 大陆块
continental climate 大陆气候
continental collision 大陆碰撞
continental crust 大陆地壳
continental deposits 陆相沉积物
continental drift theory 大陆漂恋
continental earth"s crust 大陆地壳
continental facies 陆相
continental flexure 陆架边缘
continental glacier 大陆冰川
continental islands 陆边岛
continental lakes 大陆湖
continental map 大陆图
continental plate 大陆板块
continental rift system 大陆裂谷系
continental rise 大陆隆
continental river 大陆河
continental shelf 陆棚
continental slope 大陆坡
continental swamp soil 大陆沼泽土
continentality 大陆度
continuity 连续性
continuous area 连续区
continuous cropping 连作
continuous horizon 连续层
continuous line 实线
continuous rain 连续雨
continuous reaction series 连续反应系
continuous revision 连续修测
continuous spectrum 连续光谱
continuous strip photograph 连续条带摄影像片
continuous strip photography 连续航带摄影
continuous terrace 连续阶地
continuous tone image 连续色雕片
continuum 群体连续体
contorted bedding 褶皱层理
contorted strata 拐曲层
contour 等高线
contour check irrigation 等高格田灌溉
contour cropping 等高种植
contour diagram 等高图表
contour display 分层显示
contour farming 等高种植
contour interval 等高距
contour line 等高线
contour map 等高线图
contour pen 曲线笔
contour strip cropping 等高带状种植
contour tillage 等高耕作
contour value 等高线数值
contoured bathymetric chart 等深线海底地形图
contractibility 收缩性
contractile root 收缩根
contraction 收缩
contraction crack 收缩破裂
contraction fissure 收缩裂缝
contraction joint 收缩节理
contraction theory 冷缩说
contractional hypothesis 收缩假说
contrary wind 逆风
contrast 差异
contrast coefficient 反差系数
contrast enhancement 反差增强
contrast filter 强反差滤光器
contrast modulation 对比灯
contrast ratio 对比度
contrast ratio of optical modulator 光灯颇反差比
contrast stretching 反差扩展
contrast threshold 对比界限
contrasting color 对比色
control key 控制键
control rule 检核尺
control sample 对照样品
control telescope 检查望远镜
control unit 控制器
conurbation 集合城市区
convection 对流
convection current mark 对鳞
convectional mixing 对领合
convective cloud 对疗
convective cloudiness 对疗量
convective condensation level 对笼结高度
convective equilibrium 对两衡
convective instability 对粱稳定
convective inversion 对伶温
convective movement 对了动
convective precipitations 对猎降水
convective rain 对陵
convective rains 对猎降水
convention 风俗
conventional coordinates 通用坐标
conventional navigation chart 普通领航图
conventional projections 习用投影
conventional sign 惯用符号
conventional symbol 符号
converged terrace 辐合阶地
convergence 辐合
convergence"s law 收敛法则
convergency of the element 元素收敛
convergent aerial photography 交向航空摄影
converging plate boundary 会聚板块边界
conversion 转换
conversion coefficient 换算系数
conversion table 换算表
conversion value of chemical fertilizer 化肥换算量
converter 变换器
convex slope 凸坡
convolution 卷积
convolution code 卷积码
coordinate 坐标
coordinate grid 坐标网
coordinate transformation 坐标变换
coordinates system 坐标系
coordination 配位
coordination bond 配价键
coordination chemistry 配位化学
coordination compound 配位化合物
coordination isomerism 配位异构
coordination lattice 配位格子
coordination number 配位数
coordinatograph 坐标仪
copper 铜
copper ore deposit 铜矿床
copper plate engraving 铜版雕刻
copper pollution 铜污染
copperplate printing 铜版印刷
coprolite 粪化石
coprology 粪便学
copy 复制品
copy board 稿图架
copy holder 稿图架
copying 复制
copying layer 感光膜
copying screen 复制网线版
coquina 贝壳灰岩
coral 珊瑚
coral island 珊汉
coral limestone 珊函灰岩
coral mud 珊亨
coral reef 珊焊
coral shoal 珊旱礁
cord 细绳
cordierite 堇青石
cordillera 雁列山脉
core 岩心
core of fold 褶皱核心
core sample 岩心试样
corecatcher 岩心提取器
coriolis force 科里奥利力
cormophyta 茎叶植物
cormophytes 茎叶植物
corn belt 玉米带
cornea 角膜
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1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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