
专业英语词汇 2022-01-09 网络整理 可可


 亚当·斯密的“有效需求” "effectual demand", in adam smith
 自回归综合移动平均模型 arima models
 不在地主 absentee
 绝对地租 absolute rent
 绝对的和可交换的价值 absolute and exchangeable value
 国际收支的开支吸收分析法 absorption approach to the balance of payments
 吸收能力 absorptive capacity
 节欲 abstinence
 抽象劳动与具体劳动 abstract and concrete labour
 加速原理 acceleration principle
 会计学与经济学 accounting and economics
 私人和社会会计 accounting, private and social
 资本的积累 accumulation of capital
 非循环性 acyclicity
 适应性预期 adaptice expectation
 总额相符问题 adding-up problem
 调整的成本 adjustment cost
 调整过程与稳定性 adjustment processes and stability
 有管理的价格 administered prices
 预付 advances
 逆选择 adverse selection
 广告 advertising
 顾问 advisers
 人口老化 ageing populations
 代理费 agency costs
 生产要素 agents of production
 总需求理论 aggregate demand theory
 总需求和总供给分析 aggregate demand and supply analysis
 总供给函数 aggregate supply function
 加总问题 aggregation problem
 经济关系的总和 aggregation of economic relations
 农业经济学 agricultural economics
 农业增长和人口变化 agricultural growth and population change
 农产品供给 agricultural supply
 农业与经济发展 agriculture and economic development
 农业与土地 agriculture and land
 异化 alienation
 阿莱悖论 allais paradox
 阿尔蒙滞后 almon lag
 利他主义 altruism
 美国经济协会 american economic association
 摊销 amortization
 类比 analogy
 无政府主义 anarchism
 反托拉斯政策 antitrust policy
 适用技术 appropriate technology
 套利 arbitrage
 套利定价理论 arbitrage pricing theory
 仲裁 arbitration
 军备竞赛 arms races
 阿罗定理 arrow"s theorem
 阿罗-德布勒一般均衡模型 arrow-debren model of general equilibrium
 资产定价 asset pricing
 资产与负债 assets and liabilities
 指派问题 assignment problems
 非对称信息 asymmetric information
 原子状竞争 atomistic competition
 拍卖者 auctioneer
 拍卖 auctions
 奥地利经济学派 austrian school of economics
 自给自足 autarky
 自发支出 autonomous expenditures
 自回归和移动平均时间序列过程 autoregressive and moving-average time-series processes
 平均成本定价 average cost pricing
 阿弗奇一约翰逊效应 averch-johnson effect
 公理化理论 axiomatic theories
 交割延期费 backwardation
 落后性 backwardness
 贸易差额理论史 balance of trade, history of the theory
 平衡预算乘数 balanced budget maltiptier
 平衡增长 balanced growth
 中央银行利率 bank rate
 银行学派,通货学派,自由银行学派 banking school, currency school, free banking school
 讨价还价(议价) bargaining
 物物交换 barter
 物物交换和交易 barter and exchange
 基本品和非基本品 basics and non-basics
 基点计价制 basing point system
 杂牌凯恩斯主义 bastard keynesianism
 贝叶斯推断 bayesian inference
 以邻为整 beggar-the-neighbor
 行为经济学 behavioral economics
 有偏和无偏的技术进步 biased and unbiased technological change
 出价 bidding
 双边垄断 bilateral monopoly
 复本位制 bimetallism
 生物经济学 bioeconomics
 经济学在生物学中的应用 biological applications of economics
 伯明翰学派 birmingham school
 生死过程 birth-and-death processes
 债券 bonds
 有限理性论 bounded rationality
 资产阶级 bourgeoisie
 贿赂 bribery
 泡沫状态 bubbles
 预算政策 budgetary policy
 缓冲存货 buffer stocks
 内在稳定器 built-in stabilizers
 金银本位主义的争论 bullionist controversy
 束状图 bunch maps
 公债负担 burden of the debt
 官僚制度 bureaucracy
 经济周期 business cycles
 不变替代弹性生产函数 ces production function
 变分法 calculus of variations
 官房经济学派 cameralism
 资本资产定价模型 capital asset pricing model
 资本预算的编制 capital budgeting
 资本外逃 capital flight
 资本的收益与损失 capital gains and losses
 资本品 capital goods
 资本的反常现象 capital perversity
 资本理论 capital theory
 资本的理论:争论 capital theory: debates
 资本理论:悖论 capital theory: paradoxes
 固定资本利用程度 capital utilization
 作为一种生产要素的资本 capital as a factor of production
 作为一种社会关系的资本 capital as a social relation
 资本、信贷和货币市场 capital, credit and money markets
 资本主义 capitalism
 资本主义的与非资本主义的生产 capitalistic and acapitalistic production
 卡特尔 cartel
 交易学 catallactics
 突变论 catastrophe theory
 赶超 catching-up
 因果推理 causal inference
 经济模型中的因果关系 causality in economic models
 删截数据模型 censored data models
 中央银行业务 central banking
 中心地区理论 central place theory
 中央计划 central planning
 波动重心 centre of gravitation
 确定性等价 certainty equivalent
 如果其他条件不变 ceteris paribus
 偏好的改变 changes in tastes
 宪章运动:宪章的条款 chantism: the point of the charter
 物品特性 characteristics
 宪章运动 chartism
 低息借款 cheap money
 芝加哥学派 chicago school
 技术选择与利润率 choice of technique and the rate of profit
 牟利学(理财) chrematistics
 基督教社会主义 christian socialism
 循环流动 circular flow
 流通资本 circulating capital
 阶级 class
 古典经济学 classical economics
 古典增长模型 classical growth models
 古典货币理论 classical theory of money
 历史计量学 cliometrics
 社团 clubs
 合作社 co-operatives
 科斯定理 coase theorem
 柯布-道格拉斯函数 cobb-douglas function
 蛛网定理 cobweb theorem
 共同决定和利润分享 codetermination and profit-sharing
 同族学科 cognate displines
 柯尔培尔主义 colbertism
 集体行动 collective action
 集体农业 collective agriculture
 劳资集体谈判 collective bargaining
 合谋 collusion
 殖民主义 colonialism
 殖民地 colonies
 联合 combination
 组合论 combinatorics
 命令经济 command economy
 商品拜物教 commodity fetishism
 商品货币 commodity money
 商品储备货币 commodity reserve currency
 公共土地 common land
 习惯法 common law
 公共财产权 common property rights
 通讯 communications
 共产主义 communism
 社会(公共)无差异曲线 community indifference curves
 比较利益 comparative advantage
 比较静态学 comparative statics
 补偿需求 compensated demand
 补偿 compensation
 补偿原理 compensation principle
 竞争 competition
 竞争政策 competition policy
 竞争与效率 competition and efficiency
 竞争与选择 competition and selection
 国际贸易竞争 competition in international trade
 奥地利学派的竞争理论 competition: austrian conceptions
 古典竞争理论 competition: classical conceptions
 马克思学派的竞争理论 competition: marxian conceptions
 竞争性市场过程 competitive market processes
 一般均衡的计算 computation of general equlibria
 集中比率 concentration ratios
 冲突与解决 conflict and settlement
 冲突与战争 conflict and war
 拥挤 congestion
 综合性大企业 conglomerates
 推测均衡 conjectural equilibria
 炫耀性消费 conspicuous consumption
 不变资本和可变资本 constant and variable capital
 制度经济学 constitutional economics
 耐用消费品 consumer durables
 消费者剩余 consumer surplus
 消费者支出 consumers, expenditure
 消费函数 consumption function
 消费集 consumption sets
 消费税 consumption taxation
 消费与生产 consumption and production
 可竞争市场 contestable markets
 或有商品 contingent commodities
 经济历史的连续性 continuity in economic history
 连续和离散时间模型 continuous and discrete time models
 连续-时间随机模型 continuous-time stochastic model
 连续时间随机过程 continuous-time stochastic processes
 矛盾 contradiction
 资本主义的矛盾 contradictions of capitalism
 经济活动的控制与协调 control and coordination of economic activity
 趋向性假说 convergence hypothesis
 凸规划 convex programming
 凸性 convexity
 合作均衡 cooperative equilibrium
 合作对策 cooperative games
 核心 cores
 谷物法 corn laws
 谷物模型 corn model
 公司经济 corporate economy
 公司 corporations
 社团主义 corporatism
 对应原理 correspondence principle
 对应 correspondences
 成本函数 cost functions
 成本最小化和效用最大化 cost minimization and utility maximization
 成本和供给曲线 cost and supply curves
 生产成本 cost of production
 成本-效益分析 cost-benefit analysis
 成本推动型通货膨胀 cost-push inflation
 反向贸易 counter trade
 反设事实 counterfactuals
 抗衡力量 countervailing power
 蠕动钉住汇率 crawling peg
 创造性破坏 creative destruction
 信贷 credit
 信贷周期 credit cycle
 信贷配给 credit rationing
 犯罪与处罚 crime and punishment
 危机 crises
 关键路径分析 critical path analysis
 挤出效应 crowding out
 累积的因果关系 cumulative causation
 累积过程 cumulative processes
 通货 currencies
 通货委员会 currency boards
 关税同盟 customs unions
 周期 cycles
 社会主义经济的周期 cycles in socialist economies
 技能退化 de-skilling
 高息借款 dear money
 销路理论 debouches, theorie des
 分权 decentralization
 决策理论 decision theory
 衰落产业 declining industries
 人口下降 declining population
 国防经济学 defence economics
 赤字财政 deficit financing
 赤字支出 deficit spending
 垄断程度 degree of monopoly
 效用程度 degree of utility
 需求管理 demand management
 需求价格 demand price
 需求理论 demand theory
 货币需求:经验研究 demand for money: empirical studies
 货币需求:理论研究 demand for money: theoretical studies
 需求拉动型通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation
 人口转变 demographic transition
 人口统计学 demography
 依附 dependency
 折耗 depletion
 折旧 depreciation
 萧条 depressions
 派生需求 derived demand
 决定论 determinism
 发展 development
 发展经济学 development economics
 发展计划 development planning
 辩证唯物主义 dialectical materialism
 辩证推理 dialectical reasoning
 微分对策 differential games
 获得的困难 difficulty of attainment
 生产的难易程度 difficulty or facility of production
 技术扩散 diffusion of technology
 经济量的维数 dimension of economic quantities
 直接税 direct taxes
 直接非生产性寻利活动 directly unproductive profit-seeking (dup) activities
 离散的选择模型 discrete choice models
 歧视性垄断 discriminating monopoly
 歧视 discrimination
 非均衡分析 disequilibrium analysis
 隐蔽性失业 disguised unemployment
 反中介行动 disintermediation
 扭曲 distortions
 分配 distribution
 占典分配理论 distribution theories: classical
 凯恩斯主义的分配理论 distribution theories: keynesian
 马克思主义的分配理论 distribution theories: marxian
 新古典分配理论 distribution theories: neoclassical
 分配伦理 distribution, ethics of
 分配规律 distribution, law of
 分配公平 distributive justice
 多样化经营 diversification of activities
 分段的总体和随机模型 divided populations and stochastic models
 股息政策 dividend policy
 迪维西亚指数 divisia index
 劳动分工 division of labour
 经济学说 doctrines
 土地调查清册 domesday book
 家务劳动 domestic labour
 复式簿记 double-entry bookkeeping
 二元经济 dual economies
 二元性 duality
 虚拟变量 dummy variables
 倾销 dumping
 双头垄断 duopoly
 动态规划和马尔可夫决策过程 dynamic programming and markov decision process
 经济增长和发展的动力学 dynamics, growth and development
 东西方经济关系 east-west economic relations
 伊斯特林假说 easterlin hypothesis
 经济计量学 econometrics
 经济人类学 economic anthropology
 社会主义经济的经济计算 economic calculation in socialist economies
 经济自由 economic freedom
 经济增长 economic growth
 经济和谐 economic harmony
 经济史 economic history
 经济一体化 economic integration
 历史的经济学解释 economic interpretation of history
 经济法则 economic laws
 经济人 economic man
 经济组织 economic organization
 经济组织与交易成本 economic organization and transaction costs
 经济科学与经济学 economic science and economics
 经济剩余与等边际原理 economic surplus and the equimarginal principle
 经济理论与理性假说 economic theory and the hypothesis of rationality
 国家的经济理论 economic theory of the state
 经济战 economic war
 经济和社会人类学 economic and social anthropology
 经济和社会史 economic and social history
 经济学图书馆与文献的使用 economics libraries and documentation
 规模经济与规模不经济 economies and diseconomies ofscale
 经济计量学 economitrics
 有效需求 effective demand
 实际保护 effective protection
 有效配置 efficient allocation
 有效率市场假说 efficient market hypothesis
 国际收支的弹性分析方法 elasticities approach to the balance of payments
 弹性 elasticity
 替代弹性 elasticity of substitution
 就业理论 employment, theories of
 空匣 empty boxes
 内生性与外生性 endogencity and exoyeneity
 内生货币与外生货币 endogenous and exogenous money
 能源经济学 energy economics
 强制执行 enforcement
 恩格尔曲线 engel curve
 恩格尔定律 engel"s law
 英国历史学派 english historical school
 权利 entitlements
 企业家 entrepreneur
 熵 entropy
 进入与市场结构 entry and market structure
 包络定理 envelope theorem
 环境经济学 environmental economics
 妒忌 envy
 国民历代大事记或民族精神编年史 ephemerides du citoyen ou chronique de i"esprit national
 经济学中的认识论问题 epistemological issues in economics
 均等利润率 equal rates of profit
 平等 equality
 交易方程 equation of exchange
 均衡:概念的发展 equilibrium: development of the concept
 均衡:一个预期性的概念 equilibrium: an expectational concept
 公平 equity
 遍历理论 ergodic theory
 变量误差 errors in variables
 估计 estimation
 欧拉定理 euler"s theorem
 欧洲美元市场 eurodollar market
 事前与事后 ex ante and ex post
 过度需求与供给 excess demand and supply
 交换 exchange
 外汇管制 exchange control
 汇率 exchange rate
 可能竭资源 exhaustible resources
 一般均衡的存在性 existence of general equilibrium
 退出和进言 exit and voice
 预期 expectations
 预期效用假说 expected utility hypothesis
 预期效用及数学期望 expected utility and methematical expectation
 消费支出税 expenditure tax
 经济学中的实验方法(i) experimental methods in economics(i)
 经济学中的实验方法(ii) experimental methods in economics(ii)
 剥削 exploitation
 展延家庭 extended family
 扩展型对策 extensive form games
 粗放与集约地租 extensive and intensive rent
 外债 external debt
 外在经济 external economies
 外在性 externalities
 费边经济学 fabian economics
 因子分析 factor analysis
 要素价格边界 factor price frontier
 公平分配 fair division
 公平性 fairness
 下降的利润率 falling rate of profit
 家庭 family
 计划生育 family planning
 饥荒 famine
 法西斯主义 fascism
 生育力 fecundity
 人口出生率 fertibity
 封建主义 feudalism
 法定不兑现纸币 fiat money
 虚拟资本 fictitious capital
 信用发行 fiduciary issue
 最终效用程度 final degree of utility
 最终效用 final utility
 金融 finance
 金融资本 finance capital
 融资和储蓄 finance and saving
 金融危机 financial crisis
 金融中介 financial intermediaries
 金融新闻业 financial journalism
 金融市场 financial markets
 微调 fine tuning
 厂商理论 firm, theory of the
 财政联邦主义 fiscal federalism
 财政态势 fiscal stance
 发展中国家的财政和货币政策 fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries
 渔业 fisheries
 固定资本 fixed capital
 固定汇率 fixed exchange rates
 不变生产要素 fixed factors
 不动点定理 fixed point theorems
 固定价格模型 fixprice models
 浮动汇率 flexible exchange rates
 强制储蓄 forced saving
 预测 forecasting
 对外援助 foreign aid
 国外投资 foreign investment
 对外贸易 foreign trade
 对外贸易乘数 foreign trade multiplier
 森林经济 forests
 欺骗 fraud
 自由银行制度 free banking
 自由处置 free disposal
 免费物品 free goods
 免费午餐 free lunch
 自由贸易和保护主义 free trade and protection
 充分就业 full employment
 充分就业预算盈余 full employment budget surplus
 完全及有限信息方法 full and limited information methods
 泛函分析 functional analysis
 功能财政 functional finance
 根本性失衡 fundamental disequilibrium
 可替代性 fungibility
 期贷市场、套头交易与投机 futures markets, hedging and speculation
 期货交易 futures trading
 模糊集合 fuzzy sets
 贸易收益 gains from trade
 对策论(博奕论) game theory
 不完全信息对策 games with incomplete information
 赌博合同 gaming contracts
 度规函数 gauge functions
 资本搭配 gearing
 性别 gender
 一般均衡 general equilibrium
 一般系统理论 general system theory
 德国历史学派 german historical school
 吉布拉定律 gibrat"s law
 吉芬悖论 giffen"s paradox
 赠品 gifts
 吉尼比率 gini ratio
 经济理论中的整体分析 global analysis in economic theory
 金本位 gold standard
 黄金时代 golden age
 黄金律 golden rule
 货物与商品 goods and commodities
 政府预算约束 government budget restraint
 图论 graph theory
 重力模型 gravity models
 格莱辛定律 gresham"s law
 总替代品 gross substitutes
 群(李群)论 group(lie group)theory
 增长的核算 growth accounting
 增长与周期 growth and cycles
 经济增长与国际贸易 growth and international trade
 哈恩问题 hahn problem
 汉密尔顿体系 hamiltonians
 哈里斯-托达罗模型 harris-todaro model
 哈罗德-多马增长模型 harrod-domar growth model
 霍金斯一西蒙条件 hawkins-simon condition
 卫生经济学 health economics
 赫克歇尔-俄林贸易理论 heckscher-ohlin trade theory
 套头交易 hedging
 享乐函数和享乐指数 hedonic functions and hedonic indexes
 享乐主义 hedonism
 黑格尔主义 hegelianism
 赫芬达尔指数 herfindahl index
 异方差性 heteroskedasticity
 隐蔽活动,道德风险与合同理论 hidden action, moral hazard and contract theory
 等级制度 hierarchy
 讨价还价 higgling
 健全货币与货币基础 high-powered money and the monetary base
 历史成本会计 historical cost accounting
 历史人口统计学 historical demography
 经济思想及学说史 history of thought and doctrine
 齐次函数和位似函数 homogeneous and homothetic functions
 国际游资 hot money
 家庭预算 household budgets
 家庭生产 household production
 家务劳动 housework
 住房市场 housing markets
 人力资本 human capital
 人类资源 human resources
 虚构的生产函数 humbug production function
 持猎和采集经济 hunting and gathering economies
 恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation
 假设检验 hypothesis testing
 is-lm分析 is-lm analysis
 理想指数 ideal indexes
 理想产出 ideal output
 理想类型 ideal type
 识别 identification
 意识形态 ideology
 贫困化增长 immiserizing grow
 尽早消费偏好 impatience
 不完全竞争 imperfect competition
 不完全模型 imperfectionist models
 帝国主义 imperialism
 默认契约 implicit contracts
 进口替代和出口导向型增长 import substitution and export-led growth
 派算 imputation
 剌激的协调性 incentive compatibility
 刺激性合同 incentive contracts
 收入 income
 收入-支出分析 income-expenditure analysis
 收入政策 incomes policies
 不完全合同 incomplete contracts
 不完全市场 incomplete markets
 规模报酬递增 increasing return to scale
 指数 index numbers
 指数化证券 indexed securities
 指导性计划 indicative planning
 指标 indicators
 无差异定律 indifference, law of
 间接税 indirect taxes
 间接效用函数 indirect utility function
 个人主义 individualism
 不可分性 indivisibilities
 归纳 induction
 产业组织 industrial organization
 劳资关系 industrial relations
 产业革命 industrial revolution
 工业化 industrialization
 不等式 inequalities
 不平等 inequality
 国家之间的不平等 inequality between nations
 人与人的不平等 inequality between persons
 性别的不平等 inequality between the sexes
 工资的不平等 inequality of pay
 新生工业 infant industry
 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality
 通货膨胀 inflation
 通货膨胀会计 inflation accounting
 通货膨胀与增长 inflation and growth
 通货膨胀预期 inflationary expections
 通货膨胀缺口 inflationary gap
 非正规经济 informal economy
 信息论 information theory
 继承 inheritance
 继承税 inheritance taxes
 创新 innovation
 投入-产出分析 input-output analysis
 制度经济学 institutional economics
 工具变量 instrumental variables
 保险 insurance
 整数规划 integer programming
 需求的可积性 integrability of demand
 智力 intelligence
 相依偏好 interdependent preferences
 利率 interest rate
 利息和利润 interest and profit
 多种利益 interests
 代际模型 intergenerational models
 内部经济 internal economies
 国内移民 internal migration
 内部收益率 internal rate of return
 国际资本流动 international capital flows
 国际金融 international finance
 国际收入比较 international income comparisons
 国际债务 international indebtedness
 国际清偿能力 international liquidity
 国际移民 international migration
 国际货币经济学 international monetary economics
 国际货币体制 international monetary institutions
 国际货币政策 international monetary policy
 国际贸易 international trade


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