
专业英语词汇 2022-01-07 网络整理 可可


ear oximeter 耳氧测定仪
ear pendant 耳坠
ear pick 挖耳勺
ear piece 耳机
ear plug of stethoscope 听诊器耳塞
ear polyp forceps 耳息肉钳
ear polyp snare 耳息肉勒除器
ear probe 耳用探针
ear protector 听力防护器
ear receiver 耳塞听筒
ear ring 耳环
ear snare 耳用勒除器
ear speculum 耳镜
ear syringe needle 洗耳器针头
ear syringe 洗耳器
ear trumpet 助听筒
ear warmer 耳套
ear-corn crusher 玉米穗破碎机
ear-nose-throat cauter 耳鼻喉科烧灼器
eardrop 耳坠子
earing 耳索
earl-glo 厄尔格里子绸
early crop mandarin 早桔
early crop {fujian} mandarin 早福桔
early pink 剪春罗
early setting cement 快凝水泥
early spring tea 头春茶
early strength cement 早强水泥
early warning radar 预警雷达
earphone adapter 耳机转接器
earphone coupler 耳机耦合器
earphone 耳机
earplug for diver 潜水员用耳塞
earth alkali metal 碱土金属
earth antenna 地下天线
earth auger 螺旋形钻土器
earth bar 接地棒
earth borer 钻土器
earth detector 接地检测器
earth drill 钻土器
earth flax 石质纤维
earth inductor 地磁感应器
earth leakage current meter 通地漏泄电流计
earth leakage indicator 漏地电流指示器
earth loop tester 接地环路测试器
earth magnetic field balance 地磁场平衡器
earth metal 土金属
earth mover 挖土机
earth moving equipment 推土设备
earth moving machine 运土机
earth moving machinery 运土机械
earth moving scraper 铲土运土机
earth oil 石油
earth pitch 地沥青
earth rammer 夯土机
earth resistance tester 接地电阻测试仪
earth resource observation satellite 地球资源观测卫星
earth resource terrestrial satellite 地球资源卫星
earth resource test satellite 地球资源试验卫星
earth satellite 地球卫星
earth silicon 二氧化硅
earth stranded wire 接地多股绞合线
earth tester 接地试验器
earth thermometer 地温计
earth wax 地蜡
earth-fault finder 接地故障探测器
earth-probing radar 地质探测雷达
earth-satellite rocket 地球卫星火箭
earth-scraper 铲土机
earth-sound inspecting meter 地音探测仪
earth-station polarizer 地球站极化器
earth-station receiving antenna 地球站接收天线
earth-tide gravity meter 地球潮汐重力仪
earth-worm 蚯蚓
earthed insulation instrument 接地绝缘仪
earthen casserole 砂锅
earthen container 陶制容器
earthen cup for beer 陶制啤酒杯
earthen glaze 粘土釉
earthen jar 坛
earthen pot 砂锅
earthen seat 瓦凳
earthen stove 泥制火炉
earthenware crucible 瓦器坩埚
earthenware glaze 陶器釉
earthenware pipe 陶器管
earthenware 陶器
earthnut harvesting gatherer 花生收获机
earthnut oil 花生油
earthnut sheller 花生剥壳机
earthometer 接地测量仪
earthquake telemeter 遥测地震仪
ease pill 逍遥丸
easel 绘画架
easing gear 减压装置
easing lever 开启杆
easing out line 引链索
east china grey duck down 华东灰鸭绒
east china grey duck feather 华东灰鸭毛
east china hare skin plate 华东草兔皮褥子
east china kid skin plate 华东小山羊皮褥子
east china mixed colour sheep wool 华东杂色绵羊毛
east china white clipped goat hair 华东白色剪山羊毛
east improved georgia cotton 乔治亚改良棉
east indian satinwood 东印度椴木
east radcliffe ventilator 伊斯特·拉德克利夫氏通气器
east {guangdong} green tea 粤东绿茶
eastacryl dye 伊斯塔克里尔染料
eastern brocade 东方花锦绸
eastern carpet 东方地毯
eastern crepe 东方呢
eastern eagle secondaries 甩古窝
eastern eagle tail 甩古尾
eastern eagle wing and tail 甩古翎
eastern eagle wing 甩古翅
eastern honey buzzard tail 蜂鹰尾
eastern honey buzzard wing and tail 蜂鹰翎
eastern honey buzzard wing 蜂鹰翅
eastern 东方牌手表
eastlene 伊斯特纶聚酯长丝和短纤维
eastman 伊斯门聚丙烯薄膜纤维
eastone 伊思通染料
eastsun 依森牌手表
easy carry combination table and chair 便携式组合桌椅
easy casual 便服
easy chair 安乐椅
easy doffing machine 简易落纱机
easy off d 脱叶亚磷
easy open can 易开罐
easy squeeze blind rivet gun 拉铆枪
easy suit 简便套装
easy-drying ink 快干油墨
easy-to-clean working clothes 易去污工作服
eau de cologne 科隆水
eau de quinine 优奎宁
eaves tile 檐口瓦
ebel 依宝牌手表
eberhard 依保哈牌手表
ebonite driver 胶柄螺丝刀
ebonite handle pliers with bend mouth 弯嘴胶柄钳
ebonite hose 硬橡皮软管
ebonite insulated handle pliers 硬橡皮绝缘柄夹钳
ebonite ring 胶木活塞环
ebonite rod 黑硬橡胶棒
ebonite sleeve 硬橡胶套管
ebonite stud 硬胶皮螺栓
ebonite tube 硬橡胶管
ebonite washer 硬橡皮垫圈
ebonite wax 乌木蜡
ebonite 胶木
ebony 乌木
ebredon 三面斜纹呢
ebullator 沸腾器
ebulliometer 沸点计
ebullioscope 沸点计
ecaille work 金银片缀饰
ecaille 鱼鳞绸
eccenter press 偏心压机
eccentered gun 偏心射孔器
eccentric arm 偏心臂
eccentric axis 偏心轴
eccentric band flange 偏心凸缘
eccentric band 偏心环
eccentric bar 偏心杆
eccentric bit 偏心钻
eccentric block 偏心块
eccentric bolt 偏心螺栓
eccentric boss 偏心轮壳
eccentric brass 偏心轮铜衬
eccentric breaker 偏心轧碎机
eccentric bushing 偏心轮轴衬
eccentric cam 偏心凸轮
eccentric clip 偏心夹环
eccentric converter 偏口转炉
eccentric cross rod 偏心轮横杆
eccentric disc 偏心盘
eccentric drum 偏心轮鼓
eccentric gab 偏心叉子
eccentric gear 偏心齿轮
eccentric go-ahead rod 偏心轮前行杆
eccentric go-astern rod 偏心轮后退杆
eccentric governor 偏心调速器
eccentric key 偏心轮销
eccentric leather-core hosiery monofil 偏心皮芯型针织单丝
eccentric link 偏心轮联杆
eccentric nut 偏心螺母
eccentric oiler 偏心注油器
eccentric pin 偏心销
eccentric piston ring 偏心活塞环
eccentric press 偏心压力机
eccentric pulley 偏心皮带轮
eccentric pump 偏心泵
eccentric punch 偏心冲压机
eccentric ring emergency governor 偏心环式危急保安器
eccentric ring 偏心环
eccentric rod gear 偏心轮杆齿轮
eccentric rod of plunger 柱塞偏心轮杆
eccentric rod pin 偏心轮杆销
eccentric rod 偏心轮杆
eccentric rotor sliding vane compressor 偏心转子滑叶压缩机
eccentric shaft bearing 偏心轮轴承
eccentric shaft press 偏心轴压机
eccentric shaft ring 偏心轮轴圈
eccentric shaft 偏心轴
eccentric shakeout machine 偏心落砂机
eccentric shaker 偏心振动筛
eccentric sheath-core bicomponent fibre 偏心皮芯型双组分纤维
eccentric sheave 偏心皮带轮
eccentric shoe 偏心滑块
eccentric sliding vane pump 偏心滑叶泵
eccentric stabilizer 偏心稳定器
eccentric strap 偏心环
eccentric underreaming bit 管下扩眼偏心钻头
eccentric valve 偏心阀
eccentric vibrating screen 偏心振动筛
eccentric vibrating shakeout 偏心振动落砂机
eccentric wheel 偏心轮
eccentric yarn 螺旋花线
eccentric 偏心轮
eccentric-scale indicator 偏心度盘指示仪
eccentric-type press 偏心式压力机
eccentrically-precompressed precast-concrete pile 偏心预压混凝土预制桩
eccentricity detector 偏心度检测器
eccentricity gauge 偏心度计
eccentricity recorder 偏心记录仪
ecg monitor 心电图监测器
echarpe 披巾
echelle spectrometer 阶梯光谱仪
echo altimeter 回声测高仪
echo amplifier 回波放大器
echo audio phone 回音电话机
echo box actuator 回波箱激励器
echo box 回波箱
echo canceller 回声抵消器
echo depth recorder 回声深度记录器
echo depth sounder 回声测深仪
echo depth sounding sonar 回声测深声纳
echo eliminator 回波消除器
echo killer 回波抑制器
echo locator 回声勘定器
echo machine 回声机
echo meter 回波测试仪
echo ranger 回声测距仪
echo ranging apparatus 回声测距仪
echo ranging sonar 回声测距声纳
echo sounder 回声测深器
echo strength indicator 回波强度指示器
echo suppressor 回波抑制器
echo trap 回波陷波器
echo whale finder 探鲸仪
echo-resonator 回波谐振器
echocardiograph 超声心动图仪
echoencephalograph 脑超声波描记器
echograph with fishfinder 鱼群探知器
echouterograph 子宫回波描记仪
eclat excel 光辉-超优牌汽车
eclipse roll film developing tank 月牙形卷片显影箱
eclipse rover 伊克里斯末道粗纺机
eclipta alba 旱莲草
econazole 益康唑
econo line 埃科诺莱恩牌汽车
econo-book 印装联动机
economet 埃康诺梅特耐热耐蚀铁镍铬铸造合金
econometer 炉气碳酸计
economic carburetor 节能化油器
economical nc lathe 经济型数控车床
economizer valve 节油器阀
economizer 节油<煤
economy combination pliers 实用钳
ecossaise 苏格兰丝织格子绸
ecosse 双色棱纹织物
ecothiopate iodide 依可碘酯
ecru damask 本色花锻
ecru machine embroidered doily 本色机绣盘布
ecru silk  半脱胶丝
ecru silk cloth 本色生丝织物
ecsaine 埃克萨伊纳含有聚酯的非织造织物
ecterograph 肠蠕动描记仪
ectoral 皮蝇磷
ectylurea 依克替脲
edak 爱德克牌手表
edam cheese 爱达姆干酪
eddy current brake 涡流制动器
eddy current clutch 涡流离合器
eddy current coupling 涡流联轴节
eddy current gauge 涡流计
eddy current gravimeter 涡流重力计
eddy current heater 涡流加热器
eddy current revolution counter 涡流转速计数器
eddy current shaft-displacement and shaft-vibration monitor 涡流式轴位移-轴振动监测仪
eddy current tachometer 感应式转速表
eddy defect detector 涡流探伤机
eddy mill 涡流式研磨机
eddy pump 涡流泵
edetic acid 依他酸
edge brick 墙角砖
edge cam 端面凸轮
edge cementing machine for insole 鞋内底边沿粘合机
edge coil 边缘线圈
edge cutter 切边器
edge cutting melting machine 熔边机
edge folder 叠边机
edge glass 棱镜
edge grinder 刃磨机
edge inking machine 边沿着墨机
edge knurling machine 滚花机
edge machine 缝边机
edge mill 碾碎机
edge of mosquito net 绣花帐沿
edge of ski 滑雪刀
edge pick stitching machine 边缝缝合机
edge plane 边刨
edge planer 刨边机
edge planing machine 刨边机
edge roll 辊式拉边器
edge roller 卷边机
edge runner mill 磨轮式碾机
edge runner wet mill 湿碾机
edge runner 轮辗机
edge saw 截边圆锯
edge seal film 封边薄膜
edge shaver 刨边机
edge squeezer 齐边压力机
edge stretcher 边拉伸器
edge trimmer 修边机
edge-chamfering machine 边缘倒棱机
edge-crimped yarn 刀口卷曲变形纱
edge-dressing machine 板边加工机床
edge-guide mode isolator 边导模隔离器
edge-lift agitator 边管提升搅拌器
edge-runner dry mill 干式轮碾机
edge-runner mixer 刃型连续混合机
edge-strip scanning equipment 带材边缘自动控制器
edge-trimming machine 剪边机
edger 刨边机
edgestone 磨石
edgetone amplifier 边振放大器
edgewise instrument 边缘读数式仪表
edgewise needle 刀刃形针
edging machine for lens 透镜车边机
edging machine 削边机
edging mill 轧边机
edible bird"s nest and pear juice 燕窝秋梨汁
edible bird"s nest and pear syrup 燕窝秋梨浆
edible bone oil 食用骨油
edible cooking oil 食用油
edible fungus 食用菌
edible gelatine 食用明胶
edible healthy iodine egg 食用保健碘蛋
edible ice 食用冰
edible oil 食用油
edible paste making machine 制食用酱机
edible shellfish 食用贝类
edible snail 食用蜗牛
edible sodium citrate 食用柠檬酸钠
edible soyabean protein 食用大豆蛋白
edible tulip bulb 光慈菇
edible tulip 山慈菇
edible vegetable oil 食用植物油
edible wild herb 野菜
edifenphos 克瘟散
edinburgh masker 爱丁堡氏面罩
edinphensoph 克瘟散
ediograph 写图器
editec 电子编辑器
editing console 编辑台
editing machine 编辑机
editing videocorder automatic retrieval device 编辑录相机自动检索装置
editor 编辑器
editting controller 编辑控制器
edm machine tool 电火花机床
edm shaping machine 电火花成型机床
edox 爱多司牌手表
edredon 粗纺斜纹呢
edrophonium chloride 依酚氯铵
edsel 埃德塞尔牌汽车
educational apparatus 示教仪器
educational outfit 教育用具
eduction pipe 排泄管
eduction valve 排泄阀
eductor pump 排泄泥水泵
eductor 喷射器
eel blood cell counter 伊尔血球计数器
eel brand antifriction metal 伊尔牌铅基耐磨合金
eel 黄鳝
eel-buck 捕鳝笼
eel-pout 江鳕
eel-spear 捕鳝叉
eepingle 埃潘格里棱纹绸
efco-northrup furnace 埃弗科-诺思拉斯无芯高频感应炉
effect filter 效应滤波器
effect glass 特技用玻璃片
effect lacquer 美饰漆
effect machine 特技机器
effect monitor 效果监控器
effect yarn 花色线
effective hair stimulator 生发灵
effem 爱母牌手表
effervescing steel 沸腾钢
efficient backscattered electron detector 高效反向散射电子探测器
efficient dry weight and moisture determination apparatus 高效干重及水分测定仪
efficient edge detector 高效边缘检测器
efficient nickel plating brightener 高效镀镍光亮剂
effluent activity meter 流出液放射性测量计
efflux flow cup pattern viscometer 溢流杯式毛细管粘度计
efflux viscometer 射流粘度计
efflux viscosimeter 流出式粘度计
effuser 扩散喷管
effusiometer 隙透计
effusion meter 流量计
efloxate 乙氧黄酮
efuamide 益肤酰胺
egesta tester 排泄物测定仪
egg albumin fibre 清蛋白纤维
egg and cream shortcake 奶油鸡蛋饼
egg and spinach glaze 卵青釉
egg beater 打蛋器
egg beating pan 打蛋盆
egg biscuit 蛋糕酥
egg breaker 打蛋器
egg candler 照蛋器
egg cleaner 蛋品清洗机
egg cooker 煮蛋器
egg cup 蛋杯
egg dry cleaning machine 蛋品干式清洁机
egg ended boiler 蛋形端锅炉
egg grader 蛋分级器
egg grading machine 蛋分级机
egg insulator 卵形绝缘子
egg noodle with minced chicken 鸡丝蛋面
egg noodle with minced pork 肉丝蛋面
egg opening machine 开蛋机
egg plant with tomato sauce 茄汁茄子
egg plant 茄子
egg powder 蛋粉
egg products 蛋制品
egg roll making machine 蛋卷机
egg roll with pork 猪肉蛋卷
egg roll 蛋卷
egg spoon 蛋匙
egg steamer 蒸蛋器
egg tester 检蛋器
egg toffee 鸡蛋太妃
egg turner 翻蛋器
egg washing machine 洗蛋机
egg 蛋
egg-biscuit-roll machine 蛋卷机
egg-boiler 煮蛋器
egg-breaking machine 打蛋机
egg-peanut cake 蛋花酥
egg-shaped cup saucer 蛋形杯碟
egg-shaped nut choclate 果仁朱古力蛋
egg-shell china 蛋壳瓷
egg-shell colour cloth 蛋壳色布
egg-shell glaze 蛋壳釉
egg-shell meal 蛋壳粉
egg-shell painting 彩绘蛋
egg-shell porcelain 蛋壳瓷
egg-shell pottery 蛋壳陶
egg-shelling glaze 蛋壳釉
egipto cotton 埃吉托棉
egyptian cloth 埃及平纹棉布
egyptian coatings 埃及棱纹平布
egyptian cotton 埃及棉
egyptian crepe 埃及绉
egyptian kidney bean 埃及云豆
egyptian lace 埃及花边
egyptian scarf 埃及色条斜纹披布
egyptian wool 埃及羊毛
eiaminodiphenylether 二氨基二苯醚
eicosane 二十烷
eicosanol 二十醇
eider yarn 细软毛线
eider 鸭绒
eiderdown blanket 针织绒毯
eiderdown cloth 长绒薄呢
eiderdown quilt 鸭绒被
eiderdown 凫绒
eidograph 缩放仪
eidophor 大图像投射器
eiethion 乙硫磷
eight cylinder engine 八缸发动机
eight scull 八人赛艇
eight segment magnetron 八腔磁控管
eight track strip chart recorder 八通道长图记录仪
eight-channel automatic recording viscometer 八线自动记录粘度计
eight-channel cathode-ray oscilloscope 八线阴极射线示波器
eight-channel data processor 八道数据处理器
eight-channel electroencephalograph 八通道脑电流描记仪
eight-channel logic analyzer 八通道逻辑分析仪
eight-channel magnetic tape recorder 八通道磁带记录仪
eight-channel recording paper 八道程记录纸
eight-colour combined printing machine 八色联合印花机
eight-colour printing machine 八色印花机
eight-fold wooden rule 八折木尺
eight-gore skirt 八幅裙
eight-ply tyre 八层轮胎
eight-treasure delicious duck 八宝鸭
eight-treasure rice pudding 八宝饭
eighteen stage radio-frequency mass spectrometer 十八级射频质谱计
eikonometer 光象测定器
einoplas 高密度聚乙烯合成纸
einstenium 锿
eis wool 艾斯双股细绒线
eisenhower jacket 男用短茄克
ejecting device 拨料机
ejecting gear 卸卷机
ejecting press 挤压机
ejection mechanism 自动抛出机构
ejection nozzle 喷嘴
ejection seat 弹射椅
ejector air pump 喷射抽气泵
ejector condenser 喷射式冷凝器
ejector drier 喷雾干燥器
ejector drill 喷吸钻头
ejector dryer 喷射干燥器
ejector fan 喷射式抽风机
ejector pin 推顶杆
ejector pipe 喷射管
ejector pump 喷射泵
ejector seat 弹射座椅
ejector vacuum pump 喷射真空泵
ejector water air pump 喷水式抽气泵
ejector 喷射器
ejoo fibre  伊朱纤维
eka-rhenuim 镎
ekalux 喹恶磷
ekatin 25 甲基乙拌磷
ekatin f 茂果
ekatin m 茂果
ekatin td 乙拌磷
ekatin 甲基乙拌磷
ekavit 甲基乙拌磷
ekna 爱克那牌手表
ektafos 百治磷
el camino 埃尔卡米诺牌汽车
elaborate embroidery 掺针绣
elacron 二氧威
elaeometer 油脂比重计
elaidic acid 异油酸
elaine 伊兰油酸
elana 埃拉纳聚酯纤维
elancolan 氟乐灵
elantrine 依兰曲林
elanyl dye 埃拉尼尔染料
elaphe climacophora schlegel 蛇蜕
elasicity pressure gauge 弹性压力计
elastane fibre 弹性纤维
elastase 弹性蛋白酶
elastic ankle strap 裤脚松紧带
elastic axis 弹性轴
elastic band 松紧带
elastic bandage 弹力绷带
elastic bearing 弹性轴承
elastic bitumen 弹性沥青
elastic bra 松紧胸罩
elastic brace 弹性背带
elastic braid for socks 袜带
elastic braid 松紧带
elastic braider 松紧带编织机
elastic braiding machine 松紧带编织机
elastic buffer 弹性缓冲器
elastic cable fitting paper 弹性电缆芯衬纸
elastic canvas 重浆衬布
elastic cloth 松紧布
elastic clutch 弹性离合器
elastic component 弹性元件
elastic connector 弹性连接器
elastic corduroy 弹力灯芯绒
elastic coupling 弹性联轴节
elastic cup washer 弹性杯形垫圈
elastic cylindrical pin 弹性圆柱销
elastic damping ring 弹性挡圈
elastic draft paper 弹性牛皮纸
elastic duck 厚浆黑衬里布
elastic dynamometer 弹性测力计
elastic fabric 弹性织物
elastic fibre 弹性纤维
elastic finish sheeting 弹性整理稀薄平布
elastic flannel 针织法兰绒
elastic foundation 弹力胸衣
elastic gum 弹性树胶
elastic hose 松紧袜筒
elastic joint 弹性接头
elastic knee-cap 弹性护膝
elastic leg briefs 宽紧缚腿无管裤
elastic membrance 弹性膜片
elastic modelling powder 弹性印模粉
elastic nylon socks 弹力尼龙袜
elastic nylon 弹力尼龙
elastic ribbon 松紧带
elastic ring 弹性圈
elastic rope 松紧绳
elastic rotor 弹性转子
elastic sided shoes 松紧带便鞋
elastic sleeve 弹性套
elastic socks 弹力短袜
elastic stockings 弹力长统袜
elastic stop nut 弹性锁紧螺母
elastic store 缓冲存储器
elastic support 弹性支架
elastic tape 松紧带
elastic thread covering machine 橡筋线包覆机
elastic thread for textile use 纺织用弹性线
elastic thread 松紧线
elastic top wool dress socks 宽紧统口礼服毛短袜
elastic tyre 弹性轮胎
elastic underwear 松紧内衣
elastic waist band 松紧腰带
elastic washer 弹性垫圈
elastic webbing 弹性织物
elastic woven material 弹性布料
elastic wrinkle resistant fabric 弹性抗皱织物
elastic yarn for textile use 纺织用弹性纱
elastic yarn 橡筋线
elastically supported gyroscope 弹性支撑陀螺仪
elasticated net 弹性网
elasticator 弹性剂
elasticity bearing 弹性轴承
elasticity gauge 弹性计
elasticity jelly 弹性软糖
elasticity of flexure apparatus 验挠力器
elasticity tester 回弹仪
elasticized fabric 弹性织物
elasticized swimwear 橡筋游泳衣
elasticized waist briefs of rib knit cotton yarn 棱纹针织棉纱宽紧束腰三角裤
elasticized waist gown 宽紧束腰长衫
elasticizer 加弹机
elastik 薄里亚麻衬布
elastique 细毛大衣呢
elastodiene fibre 二烯类弹性纤维
elastodiene 橡皮筋
elastofiber 弹性纤维
elastomer plastics 弹性体塑料
elastomer yarn 弹性体丝
elastomer 合成橡胶
elastomeric energy absorber 弹性消能器
elastomeric fibre 弹性纤维
elastomeric flex compression coupling 弹性压缩联轴器
elastomeric yarn 弹性纱
elastometer 弹性计
elastoplast 弹性塑料
elastotype 橡皮活字
elaterometer 气体密度计
elbenyl dye 埃尔贝尼尔染料
elbow bend 肘管
elbow conduct box 肘管接合匣
elbow jet mixer 弯头喷嘴混合器
elbow joint 弯管接头
elbow length gloves 长筒手套
elbow pipe 弯管
elbow separator 弯管分离器
elbow support 护肘
elbow supporter 护肘
elbow union 弯头套管
elbow 弯头
elbowmeter 弯管流量计
elcap 爱卡牌电子石英表
elchi butti embroidery 绣花嘴绫
elchi butti 嘴绫
elcide 水杨乙汞
elcolloy 埃尔科洛依铁镍钴合金
elcometer 膜厚测定仪
elconite 埃尔科涅特钨铜合金
elder 爱尔德热熔性缝纫线
eldisine 长春地辛
eldor 爱尔多牌手表
eldorado 埃尔多拉多牌汽车
eldred"s wire 艾尔德里德镍铁芯镀铜线
elecampane inula 土木香
elecampane oil 土木香油
elecampane 土木香
election 依力克辛牌手表
electone 电子琴
electoral wool 美利奴细羊毛
electra cloth 伊莱克特拉伞绸
electra 埃莱克特拉牌汽车
electric  iron 电熨斗
electric  press 电热压呢机
electric  pyrometer 电阻高温计
electric absorption dynamometer 电吸收式测功器
electric accommodation ladder winch 电动舷梯绞车
electric accounting machine 电动计算机
electric accumulator 蓄电池
electric acoustic phonograph 电唱机
electric adding machine 电动加法机
electric air circulator 电动气流旋转器
electric alarm clock 电闹钟
electric anchor capstan 电动起锚绞盘
electric and hydraulic dental chair 电动液压牙科椅
electric anemometer 电测风速仪
electric arc furnace 电弧炉
electric arc induction furnace 电弧感应炉
electric arc lighting 弧光灯
electric arc welder 电弧焊机
electric arraying-puncher 电动式排钉机
electric automatic iron 自动调温电熨斗
electric automatic toaster 电自动面包炉
electric automatic waffle baker 烘夹饼自动电炉
electric automobile 电动汽车
electric auxiliary machinery 电动辅机
electric axis 电轴
electric baking oven 电烤炉
electric baking pan 电热饼铛
electric balance 电天平
electric baresthesiometer 压觉电测计
electric bathythermograph 电测水深水温记录仪
electric battery electrifier 电池充电机
electric battery 蓄电池
electric bedwarmer 电暖床器
electric bell flat push button 电铃平按钮
electric bell push button 电铃按钮
electric bell 电铃
electric bench drill 台式电钻
electric blanket 电暖毛毯
electric block 电动葫芦
electric blower 电动吹风机
electric boat winch 电动起艇机
electric boiler feed regulator 电热锅炉给水调节器
electric boiler 电热锅炉
electric boiling sterilizer 电煮沸消毒器
electric bone operating instrument set 电动骨科手术器械包
electric bone surgery apparatus 电动骨科手术器械
electric book-bundling machine 电动捆书机
electric boring machine 电动钻探机
electric bowl 电饭锅
electric box furnace 箱式电炉
electric brain telephone 电脑电话机
electric brake 电动制动器
electric bread-cutter 电动切面包机
electric bridge temperature regulator 电桥式温度调节器
electric broiler 电焙炉
electric brooder 电气孵雏器
electric brush cutter 电刷切割机
electric brush rough grinder 电刷粗磨床
electric brush 电刷
electric bulb & lamp holder 电灯泡及灯座
electric bulb 灯泡
electric bus 电动公共汽车
electric butterfly valve 电动蝶阀
electric button sewing machine 电动钉钮机
electric buzzer 电蜂鸣器
electric cabinet 电控箱
electric cable connector 电缆接头
electric cable 电缆
electric calculating machine 电动计算器
electric calculator 电动计算器
electric caldron 电煮锅
electric calorimeter 电量热器
electric capacitor 电容器
electric capacity altimeter 电容测高计
electric capacity moisture meter 电容湿度计
electric capacity type liquidometer 电容式液位计
electric capstan 电力绞盘
electric car 电动车
electric cargo winch 电动起货机
electric cash register 电动现金出纳机
electric cast mullite brick 电熔莫来石砖
electric caterpillar crane 电动履带起重机
electric cautery 电灼器
electric cell 光电管
electric centrifugal blower 电动离心式吹风机
electric centrifugal pump 电动离心泵
electric centrifuge 电动离心机
electric chafing dish 电火锅
electric chain hoist with pendant rope control 带吊索操纵器的电动吊链
electric chain hoist 电动吊链
electric check valve 电动截止阀
electric chlorinator 氯化电炉
electric chopper 电动切碎器
electric chronograph 电动计时器
electric chuck 电动卡盘
electric circular saw for wood working 木工圆电锯
electric circular saw 电圆锯
electric clear bulb 普通透明灯泡
electric clippers 电剪刀
electric clock 电钟
electric cloth cutter 电裁衣刀
electric clothes dryer 电干衣机
electric code machine 电动密码机
electric coffee maker 电咖啡壶
electric coffee percolator 电咖啡滤壶
electric coffee pot 电咖啡壶
electric coil tongs 电动钢卷钳
electric coil winder 电动绕线机
electric collaring machine 电动曲线机
electric colorimeter 电动色度计
electric comb 电梳
electric comparator 电动比较仪
electric condenser oil 电容器油
electric condenser 电容器
electric conducting glass fibre 导电玻璃纤维
electric conduction type flame detector 电导式火焰探测器
electric conductivity meter 电导仪
electric conduit 电线导管
electric connector 插座
electric contact liquid level indicator 电接触液位指示器
electric contact point pressure gauge 电触点压力表
electric contact pressure gauge 电接触压力表
electric contact thermometer 电触点温度计
electric contact-making micrometer 电接触式测微计
electric control cable 电控电缆
electric control dryer 电控烘干机
electric controlled hoist 电控卷扬机
electric controller 电控制器
electric cooker 电烤箱
electric cooking stove 电橱灶
electric coolant pump 电动冷却液泵
electric cordless steam iron 电池式蒸汽电熨斗
electric coupler 电连接器
electric coverlet 电床罩
electric crab winch 电动起重绞车
electric crane 电动起重机
electric cranial drill 电动颅骨钻
electric cream maker 电动拌奶油器
electric crystal clock 电晶体钟
electric cup 电热杯
electric curling iron 电烫发钳
electric current meter 电流表
electric cutter 电动切割机
electric cyclone furnace 电热旋风炉
electric deep freezer 低温箱
electric deep fryer 电炸锅
electric defroster 电动溶冰机
electric dehydrator 电脱水器
electric delay fuse 延时信管
electric depth finder 电测深仪
electric detarring precipitator 电脱焦沉降器
electric detonator 起爆器
electric developing recorder 静电显影记录仪
electric dew-point hygrometer 电露点湿度计
electric dewaterer 电脱水器
electric dial switch 电动拨号开关
electric diaphragm pump 电动隔膜泵
electric differential pressure transmitter 电动差压传感器
electric disc sander 电动打磨砂盘
electric discharge atomic vapor laser 放电原子蒸气激光器
electric discharge convection laser 放电对流式激光器
electric discharge excited gaseous laser 放电激励气体激光器
electric discharge gas-dynamic laser 放电气动激光器
electric discharge lamp 放电灯
electric discharge laser 放电激光器
electric discharge printer 放电式印刷机
electric discharge-pumped nitrogen ion laser 放电泵浦氮离子激光器
electric diving pump 潜水电泵
electric door bell 电门铃
electric door closer 电动关门器
electric door lock 电门锁
electric door opener 电动开门器
electric double-beam bridge crane 电动双梁桥式起重机
electric drainager 电排流器
electric drill arbor 电钻床架
electric drill stand 电钻架
electric drill 电钻
electric drilling machine 电动钻机
electric driven toy panda 电动玩具熊猫
electric driven welder 电动焊机
electric drying chamber 电干燥箱
electric drying oven with forced convection 电热鼓风干燥箱
electric drying oven 电干燥炉
electric dust precipitator 电集尘器
electric dynamometer 电动测功器
electric eddy current dynamometer 电涡流测功机
electric egg mixer 电动打蛋机
electric elevator 电梯
electric engine oil 电机油
electric engine 电机
electric engraving machine 电刻机
electric equipment for machine tool 机床电器
electric exploration instrument 电气勘探仪
electric exposure counter 电动爆光计数器
electric express locomotive 高速电力机车
electric fan production line 电扇生产线
electric fan timer 电风扇定时器
electric fan 电风扇
electric flat carriage 电动平车
electric flat iron 电熨斗
electric flow meter 电动流量计
electric fluorescent ballast 萤光灯镇流器
electric fluorescent starter 起辉器
electric flux 电焊剂
electric food conveyor 电热送餐车
electric food warmer 电热锅
electric fork truck 叉式电动装卸车
electric freezer 电冰冻器
electric frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡
electric fryer with automatic temperature control 附自动温度控制器电油炸锅
electric fryer 电炸锅
electric frying pan 电煎锅
electric fuel gauge 电测燃料仪
electric fuel pump 电动燃料泵
electric function generator 电函数发生器
electric furnace brick 电炉衬砖
electric furnace heating wire 电炉丝
electric furnace steel 电炉钢
electric furnace tube 电炉炉管
electric furnace 电炉
electric fuse 保险丝
electric galvanometer 热电电流计
electric gantry crane 电动龙门式起重机
electric gas analyser 电气气体分析器
electric generator 发电机
electric gilding press 电动烫金机
electric grab 电动抓岩机
electric gramophone pick-up arm 电唱臂
electric gramophone pick-up head 电唱头
electric gramophone 电唱机
electric graphitized brush 石墨电刷
electric grinder 电磨机
electric grinding machine 电动砂轮机
electric gruel warmer 热粥器
electric guitar 电吉他
electric gun 电子枪
electric gyrocompass 电罗经
electric hair clipper 电动理发推子
electric hair curler 电烫发器
electric hair cutter 电推剪
electric hair dryer 电吹风机
electric haircutting scissors 电动理发剪
electric hammer drill 电锤钻头
electric hammer 电锤
electric hand drill for coal 煤电钻
electric hand drill 手电钻
electric hand drilling machine 手电钻
electric hand dryer 电干手器
electric hand shaper 手提电刨
electric harmonic analyser 电谐波分析器
electric hearing aid 电助听器
electric heat radiator 电热辐射器
electric heater 电加热器
electric heating air-blowing drier 电热鼓风干燥机
electric heating appliance 电暖器具
electric heating blanket 电热毛毯
electric heating clothes 电热服
electric heating device 电热器
electric heating floor 电热地板
electric heating foot-binding 电热裹腿
electric heating shoes 电热鞋
electric heating shower 电热淋浴器
electric hedge shears 电动修灌木篱墙剪
electric hoist 电动葫芦
electric horn relay 电喇叭继电器
electric horn 电喇叭
electric hot compacting press 电热热压机
electric hot plate 电热板
electric hot tray 电热盘
electric hot water boiler 电热锅炉
electric hot water bottle 电热水瓶
electric hot-tube for horizontal type sterilizer 卧式消毒器电热管
electric hygrometer 电湿度计
electric igniter 电点火器
electric ignition engine 电点火发动机
electric immersion heater 浸没式电热器
electric impact wrench 电动冲击扳手
electric impulse counter 电脉冲计数器
electric incubator for bacteria 电热细菌培养器
electric incubator 电气孵化机
electric indicating controller 电动指示调节器
electric indicator 电动指示器
electric inductance measuring-testing instrument 电感测试仪
electric induction coil 电感线圈
electric induction furnace 电感应炉
electric industrial truck 电瓶车
electric inertia starter 电力惯性起动器
electric insulating compressed asbestos fibre 电绝缘压缩石棉纤维
electric insulating oil 电气绝缘油
electric insulator 电绝缘子
electric interlocker 电动联锁器
electric interlocking machine 电动联锁机
electric interlocking power rack 电气联锁电源屏
electric interval lubrication installation 电动间歇润滑装置
electric iron with temperature control 调温电铬铁
electric jacket 电热套
electric jib crane 电动单臂起重机
electric juice extractor 电动榨汁器
electric juicer 电榨汁机
electric kettle 电热壶
electric knife 电切刀
electric lamp bulb 电灯泡
electric lamp holder 电灯座
electric lamp 电灯
electric level meter 电平表
electric lift 电梯
electric light for christmas tree 圣诞树用电灯
electric lighter 电照明器
electric liquid level alarm 电气液面报警器
electric liquidizer 电液化器
electric loader 电动装载机
electric local tire spreader 电动局部扩胎机
electric lock 电锁
electric locomotive crane 电动机车起重机
electric locomotive for mine 矿用电机车
electric locomotive with computer 电脑控制电力机车
electric locomotive 电气机车
electric log 电测深仪
electric logging equipment 电测井设备
electric logging meter 电测井仪
electric machine 电机
electric magnetic buzzer 电磁蜂鸣器
electric magnetic chuck 电磁卡盘
electric magnetic clutch 电磁离合器
electric magnetic engine 电磁力发动机
electric magnetic iron remover 电磁除铁器
electric mangle 电碾压机
electric manometer 电测压计
electric mantle 电热罩
electric marker 电标志器
electric marking pen 电笔
electric massage cushion 电动按摩座垫
electric massager 电动按摩器
electric mat 电蚊香片
electric meat grinder 电动绞肉机
electric meat mincer 电动绞肉机
electric mechanical counter 电动机械计数器
electric megaphone 电动喇叭筒
electric meter 电度表
electric micrometer 电测微计
electric milking machine 电动挤奶机
electric mini-motor 微电机
electric mixer 电动搅拌机
electric moisture meter 电气测湿计
electric molding machine 电动造型机
electric monorail crane 电动单轨起重机
electric mosquite driver 电驱蚊器
electric mosquito killer 电灭蚊器
electric mosquito repellent heater 电蚊香加热器
electric motive knitting carpet machine 电动织毯机
electric motor car 电动车
electric motor coach 电动客车
electric motor for compressor 压缩机用电动机
electric motor for rolling way 辊道电动机
electric motor generator 电动发电机
electric motor movie camera 电动式活动摄影机
electric motor oil 电动机油
electric motor short circuit test instrument 电机短路测试仪
electric motor 电机
electric motor-operated fixed crane 固定式电动起重机
electric mower 电动割草机
electric mucking machine 电动开挖机
electric mud-slush pump 电动泥浆泵
electric multi-purpose operation table 电动综合手术台
electric multifunction side-turn nursing bed 电动侧翻多功能护理床
electric nasopharyngoscope 电鼻咽镜
electric neurodiagnostic instrument 神经电检诊仪
electric oil pump 电动油泵
electric operated control box 电动控制箱
electric organ 电风琴
electric oscillator 电振荡器
electric oscillograph 电示波器
electric oven 电烤箱
electric overhead travelling crane 电动桥式起重机
electric pad 电热垫
electric pallet truck 电动托盘搬运车
electric paper-box speaker 电动纸盒扬声器
electric pedestal grinder 支座式电动砂轮机
electric pencil sharpener 电动削铅笔器
electric pendulum 电摆
electric perforator 电动打孔机
electric permeater 电测透气性试验仪
electric phonograph recorder 电录音机
electric phonograph 电唱机
electric piano 电钢琴
electric pick 电镐
electric pig-halving saw 劈猪电锯
electric pipe precipitator 管式电沉降器
electric pit-type heating furnace 井式电加热炉
electric plane 电刨
electric planer cutter 电刨刃
electric planer for wood working 木工电刨
electric plaster saw 电动石膏锯
electric plate precipitator 板式电沉降器
electric plug 电火花塞
electric pneumatic temperature regulator 电动气动调温器
electric point pressure type thermometer 电接点压力式温度计
electric polarimeter 电子伺服控制光电偏振计
electric pole centrifugal shaper 电杆离心成型机
electric pole depositing car 电杆灌注车
electric pole mould hanger 电杆模型吊架
electric pole predrawn platform 电杆预拉台
electric pole 电杆
electric polisher 电动抛光机
electric polishing machine 电动抛光机
electric popper 电爆米花器
electric porcelain insulator 电瓷绝缘子
electric porcelain teapot 电瓷茶壶
electric porcelain 电瓷
electric portable drill 便携式电钻
electric portable fan 便携式电扇
electric portable heater 便携式电热器
electric potentiometer 电子电位计
electric power cable 电力电缆
electric precipitator 电沉降器
electric precision cracker 电动精密粉碎机
electric pressure cooker 电高压锅
electric pressure cooking saucepan 电压力锅
electric pressure testing pump 电动式试压泵
electric probe 电探针
electric pulse ignitor 电脉冲点火器
electric pulse motor 电脉冲电动机
electric pulse processing lathe 电脉冲加工机床
electric pump 电动泵
electric pyrometer 电测高温计
electric quick saw 电快锯
electric radiant heater 辐射电热器
electric radiant stove 辐射电炉
electric radiation furnace 电热辐射炉
electric radiator 电热辐射器
electric rail drilling machine 电动钢轨钻机
electric railcar sleeper 电动有轨卧车
electric railcar train 电动有轨列车
electric rammer 电动捣固机
electric range 电炉
electric rangette 小电炉
electric razor 电动剃刀
electric reciprocating pump 电动往复泵
electric reflector radiator 电反射辐射器
electric refrigerator 电冰箱
electric reguator 电调节器
electric relay 继电器
electric remote test pressure gauge 电气遥测压力表
electric remote test tachometer 电气遥测转速表
electric reset relay 电复位继电器
electric resistance furnace 电阻炉
electric resistance holding furnace 电阻保温炉
electric resistance manometer 电阻压力表
electric resistance moisture meter 电阻水分计
electric resistance pressure gauge 电阻压力计
electric resistance self-balancing pyromter 电阻自动平衡高温计
electric resistance sensor 电阻传感器
electric resistance strain gauge 电阻应变仪
electric resistance thermometer 电阻温度计
electric resistance type temperature indicator 电阻式温度指示器
electric resistance weld mill 电阻焊管机
electric resistance welding three-piece can automatic making line 电阻焊三片罐自动生产线
electric respirtor 电子呼吸器
electric response audiometer 电反应听力计
electric revolution indicator 电动转速表
electric revolving shovel 旋转式电铲
electric rice cooker 电饭煲
electric riveter 电动铆机
electric roaster oven 电烤炉
electric roaster 电烤炉
electric rock drill 电动凿岩机
electric rock loader 电动装岩机
electric rock mucker 电动装岩机
electric rod-curtain precipitator 棒帘式电收尘器
electric room heater 电暖器
electric rotating motor 旋转电机
electric rust hammer 去锈电锤
electric safety warner 电子安全报警器
electric saucepan 电锅
electric saw 电锯
electric screen 电屏蔽板
electric screw driver 电动螺丝刀
electric sealing machine 电气熔缝机
electric seawater thermometer 电测海水温度计
electric self priming centrifugal pump 电自吸离心泵
electric separator 电力分离器
electric service pump 电动通用泵
electric servo  电伺服机构
electric sewer 电动缝纫机
electric sewing machine 电动缝纫机
electric shave mirror 电动剃须镜
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
electric shears 电剪刀
electric shoe polisher 电动擦鞋器
electric shovel 电铲
electric shutter camera 电动快门摄影机
electric sieve 电筛
electric single-beam bridge crane 电动单梁桥式起重机
electric slewing crane 电动旋臂起重机
electric slow cooker 电饭锅
electric sludge conveyer worm 电动螺旋式泥浆输送机
electric smoothing iron 电熨斗
electric socket wrench 电动套筒扳手
electric soldering iron 电烙铁
electric soldering pliers 电焊钳
electric soldering wire 电焊锡丝
electric sounding machine 电测水深计
electric spanish guitar 电西班牙吉他
electric spark cnc wire-cut machine 电火花数控线切割机床
electric spark machine tool 电火花加工机床
electric spark small hole machine tool 电火花小孔机床
electric stacker 电力堆垛机
electric staff instrument 电气路签机
electric starter 电力起动器
electric statistics machine 电统计机
electric steam iron 蒸汽电熨斗
electric steamboiler 电热锅炉
electric steamer 电蒸锅
electric steel 电工钢
electric steering engine 电动舵机
electric sterilizer 电消毒器
electric stethoscope 电听诊器
electric stimulator 电剌激器
electric stone ware 电热炻器
electric stop watch 电秒表
electric stove wire 电炉丝
electric stove 电炉
electric strain gauge 电测应变仪
electric stripe 电光条子织物
electric stroboscope 电气频闪观察仪
electric suction apparatus 电动吸引器
electric suction pump 电动吸引泵
electric switch board 电掣板
electric switch machine 电动转辙机
electric switch 电器开关
electric table interlocker 台式电联锁器
electric tablet machine 电动压片机
electric tachometer 电示转速计
electric tamper 电动夯土机
electric tamping machine 电动捣固机
electric tar catcher 电力熔焦油器
electric tea kettle 电茶壶
electric tea pot 电茶壶
electric telemeter 电力遥测器
electric telethermometer 电气遥测温度表
electric temperature regulator 电动调温器
electric tensometer  电压力计
electric test pattern generator 电子测试图发生器
electric tester 电测试器
electric testing car 电气试验车
electric testing instrument 电气测量仪器
electric thermal desiccator 电热干燥器
electric thermometer 电测温度计
electric thermos flask 电暖水瓶
electric thermostat 电热恒温器
electric thickness gauge 电测厚计
electric threading machine 电动攻丝机
electric ticket-datemarker 电动票据打日期机
electric timer 电计时器
electric titling machine 电动烫金机
electric titrimeter 电子滴定计
electric toaster 电烤面包炉
electric tool 电动工具
electric toothbrush 电动牙刷
electric torch 手电筒
electric torsiograph 电测扭力仪
electric torsional vibrometer 电测扭振仪
electric touch-recording apparatus 电触击记录器
electric toy train 电动玩具火车
electric toy 电动玩具
electric track jack 电动起道机
electric tractor 电动拖拉机
electric trailer 电动拖车
electric train 电动火车
electric transducer 换流器
electric transmission and transformation equipment 输变电设备
electric transmission current meter 电力传动流量计
electric transporting appliance 电气运输设备
electric transverse weaving machine 电动横织机
electric travelling crane 电动移动式起重机
electric travelling roller 电动移动滚筒
electric truck 电动卡车
electric tube caliper 管壁厚度电测仪
electric tube furnace 管式电炉
electric turntable 电唱盘
electric two-beam bridge crane 电动双梁桥式起重机
electric two-speed wiper 电动双速刮水器
electric typewriter 电动打字机
electric ultra low temperature incubator 电气超低温细菌培养器
electric vacuum cleaner 电吸尘器
electric vacuum drying oven 电热恒温真空干燥箱
electric vacuum-meter 电真空计
electric valve 电动阀
electric variable speed stirrer 电动变速搅拌机
electric velvet 浅色点子丝绒
electric ventilator 电通风机
electric vibrating feeder 电振动给料机
electric vibrator 电动振动器
electric vibromasseur 电振颤按摩器
electric waffle baker 烘夹饼电炉
electric wall type slewing crane 电动墙式旋臂吊车
electric warmer 电取暖器
electric warming oven 电暖炉
electric washer with automatic timer and wringer 配自动计时器及绞拧器的电动洗衣机
electric washer 电动洗衣机
electric washing machine 电动洗衣机
electric water cooler 电冷水器
electric water heater 电热水器
electric water heating tap 电暖水器
electric wattle 电烘饼炉
electric wave filter 滤波器
electric wedge valve 电动楔式阀
electric weigher 电秤
electric weld-pipe mill 电焊管机
electric welded anchor cable 电焊锚链
electric welded pipe 电焊管
electric welded steel pipe 电焊钢管
electric welder 电焊机
electric welder"s helmet 电焊面罩
electric welding equipment 电焊设备
electric welding hammer 电焊锤
electric welding machine 电焊机
electric welding pliers 电焊钳
electric welding rod for carbon construction steel 碳结构钢用电焊条
electric welding rod 电焊条
electric welding strip 电焊片
electric well heater 井下电热器
electric whistle 电笛
electric winch 电动绞车
electric winding machine 电动绕线机
electric windlass 电动起锚机
electric windshield wiper 电动风档刮水器
electric wiper motor 刮水器电动机
electric wire braiding machine 电线编织机
electric wire conduit 电线套管
electric wire hoist 电动葫芦
electric wire traction instrument 电动钢丝牵引器
electric wire with cotton cover 纱包电线
electric wire 电线
electric zinc furnace 炼锌电炉
electric-air valve 电动气阀
electric-field meter 电场强计
electric-field sensor 电场传感器
electric-filament lamp 白炽灯
electric-heated high pressure sterilizer 电热高压消毒器
electric-heated thermostatic water bath 电热恒温水浴锅
electrical aluminium wire 铝导线
electrical analog computer 电模拟计算机
electrical analog indicator 电模拟指示器
electrical anemometer 电动风速仪
electrical appliance 电气用品
electrical bibeam bridge crane 电动双梁桥式起重机
electrical block 电动葫芦
electrical bore comparator gauge 电测孔径比较仪
electrical brush 电刷
electrical ceramics 电瓷
electrical cloth cutting machine 电动裁布机
electrical coal drill 电动煤钻
electrical conductivity detector 导电性检测器
electrical conductivity fibre 导电性纤维
electrical conductor 电导线
electrical contact clock 电接触时钟
electrical contact detector 电路接触式检测器
electrical control system 电气控制系统
electrical current relay 电流继电器
electrical dew-point hygrometer 电测露点湿度计
electrical discharge machine 放电加工机床
electrical distiller 电热蒸馏水器
electrical distributor 电气分配器
electrical drill 电钻
electrical dynamometer 电动测功器
electrical english typewriter 电动英文打字机
electrical equipment potting material 电器灌封材料
electrical etching machine 电解蚀刻机
electrical filter 滤波器
electrical forging machine 电锻机
electrical furnace 电炉
electrical generator 发电机
electrical glass fibre 电绝缘玻璃纤维
electrical goniometer 电测角计
electrical governor 电调节器
electrical grinding machine 电磨机
electrical hair cutter 电推子
electrical hand shears 电动手剪
electrical hot plate 电热板
electrical impedance cardiac output computer 电阻抗心脏排出量计算机
electrical indicator 电动指示器
electrical inertia starter 电力惯性起动器
electrical insulating board 电绝缘板
electrical insulating fibre 电绝缘纤维
electrical insulating paper 电绝缘纸
electrical isolation fibre 电隔离纤维
electrical leakage tester 漏电试验器
electrical line cutter 电动管道割刀
electrical locomotive 电力机车
electrical long distance water level recorder 电传水位计
electrical machine teaching console 电动机培训仪表
electrical mass filter 电学滤质表
electrical measuring instrument 电测量仪表
electrical meat mincer 电动绞肉机
electrical micrometer tube 电动测微筒
electrical oil 电气绝缘用油
electrical optical converter 电-光变换器
electrical panel 配电盘
electrical percussive drill 电动冲钻
electrical plunger pump 电动柱塞泵
electrical porcelain 电瓷
electrical precipitator 电集尘器
electrical predictor 电动射击指挥仪
electrical pressure pump 电动压力泵
electrical print frame 电气印样架
electrical process machine 电加工机床
electrical profilometer 电接触式轮廓仪
electrical repair truck 电气修理工程车
electrical resistance hygrometer 电阻湿度计
electrical resistance load-gauge 电阻测力仪
electrical riveting machine 电铆机
electrical secondmeter 电秒表
electrical silicon carbide 电工碳化硅
electrical speed governor 电调速器
electrical stimulator 电剌激器
electrical stop watch 电秒表
electrical strip tension detector 带材张力电测仪
electrical tapping machine 电动开孔机
electrical to optical converter 电-光转换器
electrical toy 电动玩具
electrical train indicator 列车电气指示器
electrical wet and dry bulb hygrometer 电气干湿球湿度计
electrical yarn 电气用绝缘纱
electrically alterable read-only memory 电可改写的只读存储器
electrically conductive fibre 导电纤维
electrically conductive glass 导电玻璃
electrically conductive ink 导电油墨
electrically controlled attenuator 电调衰减器
electrically dependent light attenuator 电相关光衰减器
electrically driven crab 电动起重绞车
electrically driven feed pump 电动供给水泵
electrically driven rotary sidewall sampler 电动钻进式井壁取心器
electrically fused magnesite brick 电熔镁砖
electrically heated backlight 电热汽车后灯
electrically heated distilling apparatus 电蒸馏水器
electrically heated flat bed press 电热平板压烫机
electrically heated footmuff 电暖脚套
electrically heated glass 电热玻璃
electrically heated hair-curler 电热卷发器
electrically heated mirror 电热镜子
electrically heated rear window 电热汽车后窗
electrically heated welding torch 电热焊枪
electrically heated windscreen 电热挡风玻璃
electrically heated windshield 电热挡风玻璃
electrically operated curtain drawing device 电控拉窗帘机
electrically operated flying shears 电动飞剪
electrically operated valve 电动阀
electrically powered press 电动压力机
electrically programmable read-only memory 电可编程序只读存储器
electrically responsive blasting cap 电敏起爆雷管
electrically scanned microwave radiometer 电扫描微波辐射计
electrically scanning microwave radiometer 电子扫描微波辐射计
electrically submersible pump 电动潜水泵
electrically superconducting alloy 超导电合金
electrically suspended gyroscope 电悬式陀螺仪
electrically suspended vacuum gyroscope 静电悬浮真空陀螺仪
electrically tunable optical filter 电子可调谐光学滤波器
electrically welded tube 电焊管
electrically-erasable programmable read-only memory 电可擦可编程只读存储器
electrically-erasable read-only memory 电可擦只读存储器
electricator 电触式测微表
electrician"s bag 电工袋
electrician"s belt 电工带
electrician"s chisel 电工凿
electrician"s drill 电工钻
electrician"s hammer 电工锤
electrician"s knife 电工刀
electrician"s pliers 电工钳
electrician"s rubber gloves 电工橡皮手套
electrician"s screwdriver with plastic handle 塑柄电工螺丝刀
electrician"s screwdriver 电工螺丝刀
electrician"s solder 电工用焊料
electricity amplifier 电荷放大器
electricity charger 充电器
electricity conduit 电导线管
electricity measurer 测电器
electricity meter 电量计
electro apparatus for acupuncture treatment 电针灸治疗机
electro cardiscope monitor 心电监护仪
electro connecting pressure gauge 电接点压力表
electro copper foil 电镀铜箔
electro coupled oscillator 电子耦合振荡器
electro medical apparatus 电疗器
electro psychrometer 电气湿度计
electro puncture anaesthetic apparatus 电针麻机
electro-aerometer 电气体比重计
electro-audiometer 电测听计
electro-automatic doffer 电动落纱机
electro-automatic drawing-in frame 电动穿经架
electro-bombardment furnace 电子轰击炉
electro-contact type surface roughness tester 电接触式表面粗度试验仪
electro-crawler loader 电动履带装载机
electro-cutting machine 电动剪裁机
electro-dissociationary vacuum-gauge 电离真空计
electro-galvanised steel-clad fire door 电镀钢包防火门
electro-graphic paper 电谱纸
electro-heating standing-temperature cultivator 电热恒温培养箱
electro-hot regulator 电热调节器
electro-hydraulic actuator 电动液压促动器
electro-hydraulic control valve 电动液压控制阀
electro-hydraulic controller 电动液压控制器
electro-hydraulic converter 电液转换器
electro-hydraulic directional valve 电液动换向阀
electro-hydraulic forming machine 电动液压成形机
electro-hydraulic governor 电动液压调节器
electro-hydraulic lifter 电动液压起重机
electro-hydraulic press 电动液压机
electro-hydraulic proportional valve 电液比例阀
electro-hydraulic remoteoperated valve 电动液压遥控阀
electro-hydraulic servo motor 电动液压伺服电动机
electro-hydraulic servo valve 电动液压伺服阀
electro-hydraulic servo-control valve 电动液压伺服控制阀
electro-hydraulic valve 电动液压阀
electro-hydraulic winch 电动液压绞车
electro-hydraulic windlass 电动液压起锚机
electro-hyduaulic kneading compactor 电液搓揉压实机
electro-hypnotic stimulator 电催眠机
electro-ionization gas laser 电致电离气体激光器
electro-ionization laser 电致电离激光器
electro-machianical ciphering machine 机电式密码机
electro-musical therapeutic aparatus 音乐电疗机
electro-oculograph 眼电流描记器
electro-optic ceramics 电光陶瓷
electro-optic crystal light modulator 电光晶体调光器
electro-optic crystal 电光晶体
electro-optic deflector 电光偏转器
electro-optic directional coupler 电光定向耦合器
electro-optic material 电光材料
electro-optic modulator 电光调制器
electro-optic phase modulator 电光相位调制器
electro-optic polarization converter 电光偏振变换器
electro-optic proccesor 电光处理机
electro-optic switch 电光开关
electro-optic transducer 电光变换器
electro-optic transmitter 电光发送机
electro-optical beamsplitter 电光分光镜
electro-optical converter 电光变换器
electro-optical crystal 电光晶体
electro-optical detector 电光检测器
electro-optical diffraction modulator 电光衍射调制器
electro-optical digital deflector 电光数字式偏转器
electro-optical guided bomb 电子光学制导炸弹
electro-optical hot gas pyrometer 电光热气高温计
electro-optical light intensity modualtor 电光光密度调制器
electro-optical light-detecting apparatus 电光测光器
electro-optical modulator 电光调制器
electro-optical multiframe camera 光电多幅照相机
electro-optical sensor 电光传感器
electro-optical switch 电光开关
electro-optical tube 光电管
electro-optically tuned laser 电光可调激光器
electro-plated pottery 电镀陶瓷
electro-plated scissors 电镀剪
electro-precipitator 电除尘器
electro-pulse stimulator 电脉冲治疗机
electro-recording paper 电子记录纸
electro-regulator 电调节器
electro-sphygmomanometer 电血压计
electro-stencil master paper 电子油印蜡纸
electro-therapeutic apparatus 电疗仪
electro-therapeutic display of blunt needle 电银针显示治疗仪
electro-thermol abdominal irrigating apparatus 电热腹腔洗涤器
electro-thermosensitive recording paper 电热感记录纸
electro-tricycle 电动三轮车
electro-zinc coated sheet 电镀锌薄钢板
electroabsorption modulator 电吸收调制器
electroacoustic apparatus 电音响装置
electroacoustic frequency meter 电声频率计
electroacoustic modulator 电声调制器
electroacoustic relay 电声继电器
electroacoustic thermometer 电声温度计
electroacoustic transducer 声电变换器
electroanaesthesia apparatus 电麻醉设备
electroanalgesia apparatus 电止痛设备
electroanalyzer 电分析器
electroarteriograph 电动脉博描记器
electrocalorimeter 电量热计
electrocapacitance altimeter 电容性测高计
electrocardiogram machine 心电图机
electrocardiograph paper 心电图纸
electrocardiograph wave detector 心电波形检测器
electrocardiograph 心动电流描记器
electrocardiophonograph 电心音描记器
electrocardioscope 心电示波器
electrocasting machine 电铸机
electrocautery apparatus 电烙设备
electroceramics 电工陶瓷
electrochemical  cell 电化电池
electrochemical carbonometer 电化学定碳仪
electrochemical chlorine flux monitor 电化学氯量监测仪
electrochemical diffused-collector phototransistor 电化学扩散集电极光晶体管
electrochemical dissolved oxygen analyzer 电化学溶氧分析仪
electrochemical dissolved oxygen recorder 电化学溶氧记录仪
electrochemical furnace 电化炉
electrochemical nox meter 电化学氮氧化物测定仪
electrochemical perforator 电化学射孔器
electrochemical sensitive recording paper 电化学感应记录纸
electrochemical sensor 电化学传感器
electrochemical surface grinding machine 电化学平面磨床
electrochemical telephotographic paper 电化学传真纸
electrochemical trace analyzer 电化学痕分析仪
electrochromic display device 电致变色显示器
electrochromism spectrometer 电致变色光谱仪
electrochronograph 电动精密记时计
electrocochleograph 耳蜗电描记器
electrocolorimeter 电色度计
electroconductive gas analyzer 电导式气体分析仪
electroconductive plastics 导电塑料
electroconductive resin 导电树脂
electroconductive rubber 导电橡胶
electroconductive synthetic fibre 导电合成纤维
electroconvulsive therapy apparatus 电惊厥治疗设备
electrocystograph 膀胱电描记器
electrocystoscope 电光膀胱镜
electrodata machine 电动数据处理机
electrode  welder 焊条电弧焊机
electrode capacitor 电极电容器
electrode carrier 焊条夹
electrode controller 电极控制器
electrode feeding machine 焊条送进机
electrode for arc welding 电弧焊条
electrode for cast iron 铸铁焊条
electrode for electrodialysis 电渗析电极
electrode for medical service 医用电极
electrode glass 电极玻璃
electrode guard 电极防护罩
electrode holder 电极夹
electrode jaw 电极夹持器
electrode oven 电极炉
electrode paste 电极糊
electrode regulator 电极调节器
electrode rod 电焊条
electrode salt-bath electric furnace 电极盐浴电炉
electrode socket 焊条夹持器
electrode type liquid-level meter 电极式液位计
electrode type salt-bath resistance furnace 电极式盐浴电阻炉
electrode 电极
electrodeless tube 无电极电子管
electrodialysis set 电渗析器
electrodialyzer 电渗析器
electrodissolver 电解溶解器
electroduster 静电喷粉器
electrodynamic ammeter 电动式安培计
electrodynamic balance 电动天平
electrodynamic detector 电动检波器
electrodynamic galvanometer 电动式电流计
electrodynamic loudspeaker 电动式扬声器
electrodynamic meter 电功率计
electrodynamic microphone 电动式话筒
electrodynamic pick-up 电动式拾音器
electrodynamic power factor meter 电动式功率因素计
electrodynamic pressure gauge 电测压力计
electrodynamic program controller 电动式程序控制器
electrodynamic relay 电动式继电器
electrodynamic seismograph 电动式地震仪
electrodynamic shaker 电动振动器
electrodynamic steam engine 电力蒸汽机
electrodynamic timer 电动式定时器
electrodynamic transducer 电动换能器
electrodynamic type high speed impedance relay 电动式高速阻抗继电器
electrodynamic type meter 电动式仪表
electrodynamic type power factor meter 电动式功率因素计
electrodynamic type relay 电动式继电器
electrodynamic type reverse-current relay 电动式逆流继电器
electrodynamic type seismometer 电动式地震仪
electrodynamic type single phase power relay 电动式单相功率继电器
electrodynamic type three phase power relay 电动式三相功率继电器
electrodynamic type three phase wattmeter 电动式三相瓦特计
electrodynamic vibration generator 电动振动器
electrodynamic vibrator 电动振动器
electrodynamic voltmeter 电动式伏特计
electrodynamic wattmeter 电动式瓦特计
electrodynamometer type impedance meter 电测力计式阻抗表
electrodynamometer type tachometer 电动式转速表
electrodynamometer 电测力计
electroencephalograph 脑电图仪
electroencephalophone 脑电音描记器
electroencephaloscope 脑电检查仪
electrofax paper 直接法静电复印纸
electrofax 电子照相机
electrofilter 电过滤器
electrogastrograph 胃电图描记器
electroglottograph 舌动电流描记器
electrograph 电刻器
electrographite brush 人造石墨电刷
electrographite 人造石墨
electrogustometer 电味觉器
electroiron 电解铁
electrokinetograph 电动测速仪
electrokymograph 电记波器
electrola 电唱机
electrolier lamp 装璜灯
electrolier switch 装璜灯开关
electrolier 装饰灯
electrolock 电锁
electroluminescent diode 场致发光二极管
electroluminescent display filter 场致发光显示过滤器
electroluminescent display 场致发光显示器
electroluminescent laser 场致发光激光器
electrolysis apparatus 电解分析器
electrolysis condenser 电解电容器
electrolysis copper 电解铜
electrolysis relay 电解式继电器
electrolysis unit 电解装置
electrolyte cooler 电解液冷却器
electrolyte filter 电解液过滤器
electrolyte hydrometer 电解液比重计
electrolyte servo valve 电解液伺服阀
electrolyte 电解液
electrolytic aluminium capacitor production line 电解铝电容器生产线
electrolytic aluminium 电解铝
electrolytic antimony 电解锑
electrolytic arrester 电解避雷器
electrolytic bath 电解槽
electrolytic beryllium 电解铍
electrolytic cadmium 电解镉
electrolytic capacitor paper 电解电容器纸
electrolytic capacitor with aluminium envelope 铝壳电解电容器
electrolytic capacitor 电解电容器
electrolytic caustic soda 电解烧碱
electrolytic cell 电解电池
electrolytic charger 电解充电器
electrolytic cobalt 电解钴
electrolytic condenser 电解电容器
electrolytic copper foil 电解铜箔
electrolytic copper sheet 电解紫铜片
electrolytic copper wire rod 电解铜盘条
electrolytic copper wire 电解紫铜丝
electrolytic copper 电解铜
electrolytic detector 电解检波器
electrolytic furnace 电解炉
electrolytic generator 电解用发电机
electrolytic grinding machine 电解磨床
electrolytic hygrometer 电解湿度计
electrolytic instrument 电解式仪表
electrolytic interrupter 电解断续器
electrolytic iron powder 电解铁粉
electrolytic iron 电解铁
electrolytic lightening arrester 电解式避雷器
electrolytic machine tool 电解加工机床
electrolytic machining set 电解加工机
electrolytic magnesium 电解镁
electrolytic manganese dioxide 电解二氧化锰
electrolytic manganese metal 电解金属锰
electrolytic manganese 电解锰
electrolytic nickel 电解镍
electrolytic oxygen generator 电解氧气发生器
electrolytic paper 电解纸
electrolytic photocell 电解光电管
electrolytic recording paper 电解记录纸
electrolytic rectifier 电解整流器
electrolytic refining bath 电解精炼电槽
electrolytic tin 电解锡
electrolytic tinning machine 电镀锡机
electrolytic tinplate 电镀锡薄钢板
electrolytic tissue 电解用薄纸
electrolytic tool grinder 电解工具磨床
electrolytic trough used for glyoxalic acid 乙醛酸电解槽
electrolytic vessel 电解容器
electrolytic zinc 电解锌
electrolytical refined copper 电解铜
electrolyzer 电解器
electromagnet armature 电磁铁衔铁
electromagnet bearing 电磁轴承
electromagnet core 电磁铁铁芯
electromagnet type detector 电磁式探测器
electromagnet 电磁铁
electromagnetic accelerometer 电磁加速度计
electromagnetic acoustic instrument 电磁声学仪器
electromagnetic agitator 电磁搅拌器
electromagnetic air brake 电磁空气制动器
electromagnetic air valve 电磁风阀
electromagnetic ammeter 电磁式安培表
electromagnetic apparatus 电磁疗机
electromagnetic balance 电磁秤
electromagnetic bearing wear detector 电磁式轴承磨损探测器
electromagnetic blood flow meter 电磁血液流量计
electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器
electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器
electromagnetic casing-thickness logging tool 电磁套管测厚仪
electromagnetic cathode-ray tube 电磁式阴极射线管
electromagnetic clutch 电磁离合器
electromagnetic compression refrigerator 电磁压缩式冰箱
electromagnetic contactor 电磁接触器
electromagnetic controller 电磁控制器
electromagnetic counter 电磁计数器
electromagnetic coupled type double tuned amplifier 电磁耦合式双调谐放大器
electromagnetic coupling meter 电磁耦合测试器
electromagnetic coupling 电磁联轴器
electromagnetic crack detector 磁力探伤仪
electromagnetic crane 电磁铁起重机
electromagnetic current meter 电磁流速计
electromagnetic densitometer 电磁密度计
electromagnetic depth sounder 电磁测深仪
electromagnetic detector 电磁检测器
electromagnetic digitizer 电磁数字转换器
electromagnetic directional valve 电磁换向阀
electromagnetic disk single-track crane 电磁盘式单轨吊
electromagnetic distance measuring instrument 电磁波测距仪
electromagnetic electron microscope 电磁式电子显微镜
electromagnetic energy accumulation type welder 电磁储能式电焊机
electromagnetic fathometer 电磁测深仪
electromagnetic feeder 电磁进料器
electromagnetic filter 电磁过滤器
electromagnetic flaw detector 电磁探伤器
electromagnetic flow meter 电磁流量计
electromagnetic flow rate meter 电磁流速计
electromagnetic gantry crane 电磁龙门吊
electromagnetic ground detector 电磁式接地检测器
electromagnetic hydraulic valve 电磁液压阀
electromagnetic impulse counter 电磁脉冲计数器
electromagnetic insurance lock 电磁保险门锁
electromagnetic intermediate relay 电磁式中间继电器
electromagnetic isotope separation unit 电磁同位素分离器
electromagnetic lens 电磁透镜
electromagnetic lifter 电磁起重机
electromagnetic lock 电磁锁
electromagnetic log 电磁测程仪
electromagnetic loudspeaker 电磁扬声器
electromagnetic main-and-collateral-channels cure instrument 电磁经络治疗仪
electromagnetic micrometer 电磁测微计
electromagnetic microphone 电磁受话器
electromagnetic millivolt ammeter 电磁式毫伏安计
electromagnetic mine-sweeping gear 电磁扫雷器
electromagnetic molding machine 电磁式造型机
electromagnetic multitube water bottle 电磁多筒采水器
electromagnetic oscillation compressor 电磁振动式压缩机
electromagnetic oscillation refrigerator 电磁振动式冰箱
electromagnetic oscillograph 电磁示波器
electromagnetic oven 电磁炉
electromagnetic photodetector 电磁光检测器
electromagnetic pick-up 电磁式拾音器
electromagnetic power press 电磁压力机
electromagnetic pressure gauge 电磁压力表
electromagnetic printer 电磁打印机
electromagnetic probe 电磁探针
electromagnetic pump wave crest soldering machine 电磁泵波峰焊机
electromagnetic puncher 电磁冲床


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